Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1018 The Collision of Red and Black (12)

Miwa Central Hospital.

At this moment, the injured due to poison gas, fire and mass food poisoning and their companions all gathered in front of the hospital gate.

Three nearby accidents were not much different in distance and occurred at the same time, causing countless injured people to crowd in front of the hospital.

The FBI investigators disguised as security personnel to check the belongings of people entering and exiting were completely helpless when faced with the sea of ​​people and dozens of patients in need of treatment.

As for forceful dissuasion, there is no need to think about it. If it is done, it will even cause public outrage and cause even greater commotion.

"Three accidents happened at the same time?"

After the investigator's report in front of the street gate, James frowned: "Poison gas, fire, and mass food poisoning... was that organization responsible?"

The other party's methods, which did not consider ordinary people at all, put James under tremendous pressure.

"Poison gas incidents and fires can happen at the same time as long as they are prepared in advance. However, the incubation period of food poisoning depends on each person's constitution. How can it be so accurate when it varies from person to person..." Judy frowned. .

"I think they just created the illusion of food poisoning. In fact, they used poison that has the same symptoms as food poisoning."

James said solemnly: "They made these accidents appear to be injuries, but not fatal, in order to use these patients to flood into the hospital at the same time to disrupt the situation.

In addition, in these three accidents, some of the injured people felt nauseated and vomiting, while others suffered from eye pain or throat pain. These were injuries that could not be distinguished by the naked eye.

Even if you want to check out the members of those organizations who have mixed in, you can't do it in a short time. "

"Doesn't that mean that members of the black organization can easily sneak into the hospital now!?"

"I'm afraid this is their plan. After all, their current goal is to find the ward where Reina Mizuna is located." James analyzed.

"Yes, it seems that the other party is planning to use the human wave tactic to catch us off guard and cut off the possibility of us investigating the suspects one by one in a short period of time." Judy nodded in agreement.

"No, I don't think the other party has this intention."

On the side, Akai Shu, after hearing the conversation between Judy and the two, delicately rejected their speculation: "What if we just send a large number of subordinates in and search for the whereabouts of Reina Mizuna under our noses.

I think we who have always been highly vigilant will definitely find something suspicious about them. After all, when there are more people, someone will expose their flaws.

In this way, more members of the organization will fall into our hands, and they cannot fail to realize this.

There's no way a guy like that on the front foot wouldn't have calculated this. "

"That means the commotion caused by the other party now is..." Judy hesitated.

"I'm afraid the other party has ulterior motives." Akai Shuichi said calmly while looking at the black mist in the distance.


At this moment, Conan's cell phone heard the ringtone of Canon. After Conan took out his flip phone and found that it was the number Karazawa had prepared in advance, he directly chose to connect.

"Hey, Mr. Kizaru, where are you now?"

When Conan saw Tangze taking the initiative to contact him, he quickly said: "Now the people in the organization have begun to take action!"

"Well~ don't worry~ The plan has been arranged, but the hospital has no room for me~ So I tried to find a job for myself~"

Tangze's tone was still relaxed: "Forget about me for now, what you should focus on now is the flowerpot in Mr. James' hand.

Based on my understanding of gin, would you like to pay more attention to that pot of flowers, in case there is any "gift" in it that suddenly surprises everyone?



Hearing Tangze's reminder, Conan's face became solemn, and he immediately looked at James and said, "Mr. Black, please check the flower pot carefully to see if there is anything wrong!"


After hearing Conan's words, James looked at the flower pot in his hand and stared, and in the silence, the sound of a clock gradually came out.

"It's a sound! And it's getting louder and louder!"

Conan, who has an absolute sense of music, instantly identified the sound, looked at the flower pot and said urgently: "Mr. Kizaru is right, there is a bomb in the flower pot!"

"Calm down and slowly lower the flower pot to the ground!"

Akai Shuichi's tone also became serious, "You guys, stay away!"

Although James was sweating profusely, he had been an FBI veteran for decades after all. He had seen a lot of storms in his life. Even though he was holding a bomb in his hand, he still calmly placed the flowerpot on the ground.

Akai Shuichi looked at the flowerpot and pondered for a moment, then stretched out his hand and pulled out the red styloflower together with all the soil at the roots.

Then he gently put his hand into the remaining floating soil in the flower pot and dug out, and finally took out a simple clock bomb wrapped in a sealed bag.

Next to the square clock are red and blue lines, as well as metal plates of different sizes. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell it is a bomb at a glance.

"Judy, didn't you check inside the flower pot before?" James asked aloud.

"I'm sorry... I was negligent. I was only thinking about what the flower meant..." Cold sweat fell from Judy's forehead, and she couldn't stop feeling afraid in her heart.

"If a bomb of this size were to explode in a flower pot, it would kill at least several investigators at a time."

Akai Shuichi did not panic, but calmly analyzed the current situation: "If there are casualties and the possibility of bombs, the Neon Police will never sit idly by.

If even Neon Criminal came here, then they would have no chance of saving Shui Wu Liannai.

It won't do them any good, is that what you think? "

Akai Shuichi's analysis finally excused Judy's carelessness.

"Anyway, the top priority now is to dismantle this bomb quickly." James said in a serious tone.

"From a structural point of view, the structure of this bomb is very complicated, and it should take a lot of time to dismantle it."

Shuichi Akai looked at the structure of the bomb and analyzed it: "To be on the safe side, it is safer to take it to a place where no one is around and then detonate it.

If the time on this clock is correct, there are still 32 minutes and 30 seconds left before the explosion. "

"Then Akai-kun, I will trouble you to deal with this bomb." James said.


Just when Akai Shuichi was about to agree, Judy on the side took the initiative to accept this dangerous job: "No, Shuichi should stay here, I can go.

I knew there was a garbage disposal plant 7 kilometers away from here, so I drove there. "

"Then you can drive my car." James handed the car keys to Judy and said.

"Thank you Conan, if the bomb was detonated, the consequences would be really disastrous." After receiving the key, Judy lowered her head and thanked Conan.

"No need to thank me, this is all Mr. Kizaru's reminder."

Conan smiled and said: "I didn't get in touch when I contacted him before, so I sent him a text message and edited it about what happened here.

He probably reminded us out of caution after seeing the situation. After all, he is also an old rival of Gin and knows their style of doing things very well. "

"Anyway, it helped a lot, but I don't know where the other person is now." Judy looked at Conan and asked.

"I don't know about that either. He said he wanted to make some preparations and then disappeared." Conan said with a smile.

"Okay, keep in touch with him at any time."

Judy didn't worry about not getting the other party's situation. She took the bomb in Shuichi Akai's hand and said, "I'm going to leave now. Although there is still enough time, it is safer to arrive at the destination as early as possible."

"Plenty of time? That's not necessarily the case~"

At this moment, Andrey Kamel, who was standing by, walked over from a distance and said a little bit strangely: "You know, the road now is seriously jammed due to three accidents.

It would be difficult to get there within 30 minutes.

But if you are familiar with the roads in this area and I go there, the situation may be different. "

"Wait a minute, let me tell you why you took your post without permission!"

Faced with Andrey Kamel's troubling and strange attitude, Judy asked with a straight face.

"Because I just heard from the patients involved in three accidents that there is a serious traffic jam outside, so I came here to report it."

Andrey Kamel smiled slightly, which seemed more provocative when paired with his ferocious face: "After all, my post is next to the parking lot, so I thought it would be safer to come over and tell you directly."

"Well, now that the bomb has not been solved, there is no time for leisurely discussions."

Seeing that the two were tit for tat, James directly interrupted the two of them and ordered: "You two, get rid of this bomb quickly."


The two immediately put aside their prejudices and ran directly towards James' car.

"I always feel that something is wrong..." Shuichi Akai said as he looked at the two people walking away.

"Are you talking about Andre?" James said after hearing this: "Indeed, his expression is unflattering, but that's just because he looks a little more ferocious and makes people feel bad."

"No, I'm talking about the bomb in the flowerpot."

Akai Shuichi sneered and said: "I don't think they would be so kind and deliberately let us see the time when the bomb explodes.

Moreover, the bomb will gradually increase the sound of the clock hands as time goes by.

This gave me the feeling that it was deliberately drawing our attention to the fact that there was a bomb hidden in the flower pot. "

"And it's strange that there are still more than thirty minutes before the explosion." Conan agreed: "There is too much time, as if it is deliberately delaying time."

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