Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1024 The Collision of Red and Black (18)

In the abandoned warehouse, a group of wounded people were treating their injuries in silence.

The warehouse, which was originally filled with a terrifying and dark atmosphere, now looked embarrassed against the backdrop of a number of wounded, injured and defeated generals.

After this conversation, the atmosphere in the warehouse became more solemn and gloomy. The dark warehouse that had set them off before now seemed more like a sign of their embarrassment.

Low pressure arises unconsciously in silence, and the silence of no one continues to seep this depression into everyone's heart.

"As for revenge, I will let people investigate it before talking about it."

Gin put out the cigarette in his hand and a fierce look flashed through his eyes: "Anyone who goes against the organization must pay the price!"

"If you really want to take action, count me in!" Chianti's dejection disappeared after hearing this, and his expression was full of excitement.

"Don't be too happy too early. If the follow-up investigation is really what Kiel said, then revenge will be out of the question." Belmod looked at Chianti's excited expression and reminded him aloud.

"Of course I know this. I'm not stupid enough to ask you to remind me!" Chianti, who was not dealing with Belmod, said in displeasure.

She had always been dissatisfied with her because of Belmod's condescending attitude based on "that lord's" favor.

So even though she understood what the other party said made sense, she still couldn't help but quarreled with him.

"Okay, Kil has been rescued, and our mission has been successfully completed. We will all recover from our injuries and lurk for the time being."

Gin interrupted the confrontation between the two women, and quietly began to raise the momentum of everyone: "Although we won miserably this time, the FBI is not much better. I'm afraid their people have already become It’s a prodigal dog.”

As soon as this inadvertent reminder came out, the faces of Vodka, Cohen and others looked much better, and they obviously realized that although their side was in a worse situation, they had completed the task and were the winners.

After realizing this, the previously depressed mentality instantly turned into a winner's sense of superiority, and morale instantly improved.

After all, Gin is also the "third in command" of an organization. Although he acts cold-bloodedly and cruelly, he still has some tricks to control his subordinates.

It is true that most of the subordinates can be suppressed by killing methods alone, but now everyone is a core member with a code name, so they still have to be given the necessary respect.

They will still need to do things in the future, so naturally we can't let them lose morale.

"Although we won, both sides suffered losses." Vodka looked at Gin and said, "Brother, you can't swallow this breath like this."

"That's right, we need to get the place back!" Chianti immediately echoed after hearing this: "That bastard hit us one after another and defeated us. I'm going to kill him!"

"Recuperate first."

Ginjiu said coldly: "Of course I won't just let go of this embarrassing situation.

Later, after we report to "that adult" about our successful rescue of Kil, we will also tell him about being ambushed by the FBI and that group of organizations codenamed "Beasts".

As for how to respond and retaliate in the future, it is entirely up to "that adult" to decide.

Temporary pleasure is good, but if it interferes with your business, don't blame me for being ruthless. "

As soon as these words came out, even Chianti, who always had a "grumpy old sister" character, nodded obediently and said: "I understand, I will all follow the arrangements of "that adult"."

"Then let's do this for now."

Gin Jiu said calmly: "We are each lurking, waiting for contact."

"Then I'll go back first~"

Belmode was the first to get on the motorcycle and bid farewell to everyone. At the end, he glanced at Mizuno Reina with a meaningful look: "I look forward to hearing interesting information from you~"

"Kiel, your injury also needs professional medical treatment. I will take you to the nearest base for treatment." Chianti looked at Cohen with concern.

After all, the other party was injured because he was trying to save her, so he should be concerned.

Cohen nodded, and Chianti ran directly to the depths of the warehouse to drive.

The noise of the engine gradually disappeared in the dilapidated warehouse, and soon only Gin and his loyal brother Vodka were left, as well as Suiwu Lianna, who was very self-aware and did not leave.

During the conversation just now, Reina Mizuno seemed to have given up Chianti and others' plan to retaliate against the hospital's assisting staff in a few words, but she knew that she was still suspected by Gin and Bellmode.

But the good news is that the previous plan seems to have worked. Even at this moment, Gin is still suspicious of her, but it is undoubtedly much more subtle.

Based on her understanding of Gin, under normal circumstances, if the other party really suspects someone of betrayal, no matter who the other party is, even Vodka, the younger brother who has been following him, will turn against him and question him without hesitation.

Maintaining a harmonious situation on the surface like this is just a manifestation of hiding suspicion in the heart, which is not very common.

Obviously, Kamel's sneak attack on Gin created a killing situation, while Kiel's loyal rescue method was old-fashioned, but it still worked effectively.

Classics are classics for a reason.

There is great terror in life and death, but it is also the easiest thing to make a suspicious person give up a trace of trust in his heart.

How rare this trust is, the greater the effect it may have in the future.

And in fact, don't think that Gin will dispel his suspicions just because Rena Minato simply performed a "beauty saves the hero" scene.

No matter how many times this suspicious man stated it, it was still not enough to describe his dark heart without a trace of trust.

In fact, the plan laid out by Tang Ze started laying the groundwork a long time ago.

How long is this time? Let's put it this way. After establishing the "Zoo", Karasawa began to lay the groundwork for this plan.

In fact, the "unscrupulous" style of this organization's actions was determined by Tang Ze after considering all possibilities.

And the benefits of this style...not much else to mention, Kiel's plan to "save gin" is one of them.

When Karasawa first designed gin as a member of "Zoo", he had already laid the groundwork for Rena Minami's plan this time.

Since he started acting as a member of the "Zoo", his behavior has been a murderous and decisive attitude of "I don't want to find out what your organization is planning to do or what secrets it has, so I plan to kill you people."

That kind of unscrupulous and ruthless acting style really made Gin feel that the other party was indeed different from the FBI organizations who wanted to explore their secrets.

Although they may and do want to explore the organization's secrets, if there is an opportunity to kill them directly, they will not miss it.

This somewhat "furry bear" style of conduct played a decisive role in Kiel's plan to "save Model Worker Gin".

This kind of foreshadowing extends over a long time period and is also very obscure.

But because of this, Gin will not be suspicious of it when it works, but it will be used as credible information and added to the "underlying logic" to influence his judgment.

After all, you think about it, if there is an organization that kills and kills you decisively every time it attacks.

Then do you judge whether this mysterious organization's attitude towards itself is an unrelenting hostility?

Since their goal is to fight against you and find opportunities to kill you, will they give up this ultimate goal for other goals?

Of course not.

However, Keir saved him when he was about to die. This was naturally at odds with the "Kizaru" who was sniping at them upstairs.

This is the most essential conflict of purpose or interest. Even if they cooperate with the FBI, they will not give in. It may even be the only requirement.

In other words, this is what the FBI wanted and what they needed in that situation.

After all, their attitude at the time was defensive, and they could not make a big move.

But if there are allies at this time who want to use this opportunity to get rid of important members of the black organization, will you agree?

This is natural. After all, they enjoy protection and do not need to be responsible for possible disturbances. They only need to make a sneak attack in an emergency, so there is no reason not to agree.

If there was something wrong with Kiel, she didn't have to act at that time. Even if Kamel's sneak attack couldn't kill him, it would still make him a lamb to be slaughtered by a sniper gun.

It can be said that Keir's action to save him completely destroyed the ultimate goal of "Kizaru" and others, and also destroyed the basis of cooperation between the two parties.

As long as we understand this, it will be much easier to understand why Gin believed that she had not betrayed Kir because of a simple life-saving grace.

Gin is a sharp guy with strong reasoning ability, so he can naturally draw these conclusions.

It was precisely because of these "details" that Gin temporarily believed that there was nothing wrong with Keir.

Yes, it's temporary.

There is no word "trust" in Gin's dictionary. Even the grace of saving his life cannot make him completely trust a person.

But the superficial attitude is enough. Gin's attitude can also affect the attitude of many people below towards Kiel.

As for Belmode, Shui Wulian's heart sank when she thought of the woman who still gave her a "mysterious" feeling even now.

That woman's suspicions were earlier than Gin's. When Park assassinated House of Representatives candidate Domon Yasuki, the other party had already suspected her once.

But this time I don't know if it was because she saved Gin, so this suspicion did not show up.

But the meaningful words and eyes at the end showed that the other party did not dispel the suspicion in his heart, but instead became more obscure.

And this made Shui Wu Lianna feel like a thorn in his back. Whenever he showed any flaw, his throat would be instantly wiped out by these two daggers.

But fortunately, the current situation is much better than initially imagined. Apparently, the influence of saving Gin has begun to work in a subtle way.

If the man hadn't come up with this plan to relieve her stress, Gin might not have been so kind to her, and Belmod might not have the same attitude as now.

As for Vodka and others, I am afraid they will also take their anger out on her for this defeat.

Although this "kindness" was just a matter of not openly doubting her, it was enough to make Mizuno Reina's situation much better.

Mizuki Reina's various thoughts seemed numerous, but in reality they were just a moment of confusion.

And when Gin finished smoking the cigarette in his hand, he looked at Keir who was still standing there, a smile appeared on his cold face, and he turned and walked deeper into the warehouse: "Let's go."

Vodka and Kil followed silently, and the deep darkness finally swallowed them both up.


Miwa Central Hospital.

After hearing Tangze's plan, Judy and the others were relieved: "If that's the case, that would be great."

"Well, we will immediately deploy manpower here to create the illusion of setting a trap and waiting for the rabbit."

James on the side was slightly relieved when he heard this, "I will send someone to be on guard duty in the hospital for a period of time.

Overall, it was a big help, and if they discovered our "ambush", they could also help Shui Wu Reina gain some trust from the side. "

"Then it's up to you." Conan said with a smile.

"We should thank you for reading." This was the second time Judy said this to Conan, but compared to the previous time, Judy's attitude this time was more sincere and slightly admiring.

After communicating with the FBI, Tangze took Conan and left Mihua Central Hospital.

After throwing Conan into the Mori Detective Agency, Karasawa began to take a detour around Tokyo.

After confirming that there was no stalker based on anti-tracking experience, Karasawa drove outside the Tokyo circle.

There is a property in his name there, and he built an underground garage there to store the cars used by his unidentified people.

Of course, on the surface, it is just an underground garage built by a rich man to collect sports cars. Several teams were hired to construct the building separately, so the concealment is absolutely sufficient.

After changing into his usual car, Karasawa drove towards Suzuki's house.

After returning to Suzuki's house, the housekeeper opened the door, but the owner was not alone. Karasawa asked the maid to serve afternoon tea, and then began to read the newspaper.

After glancing at yesterday's and today's newspapers and discovering that the news above were all entertainment gossip, Tang Ze felt relieved and did not feel any surprise at the same time.

Isn't this obvious? As long as Conan is on business, the murder case will be reduced instantly. It's very strange.

While Karasawa was leisurely drinking afternoon tea and eating snacks, a text message alert suddenly came from his cell phone that was placed on the table.

After clicking to check the text message, Tang Ze raised his eyebrows: 'It's really leisurely. Except when I go home at night, I stay in the office during the day.

I guess that kid was also glad that there was no meeting, otherwise he would have a crazy expression among a group of criminal gangsters. ’

After imagining the restless expression of the other party, Karasawa sent a message back to Kaitou Kidd, asking him to go back to school first. After Karasawa deleted the text message sent by the other party recording his day's schedule at the Metropolitan Police Department yesterday.

That's right, yesterday when he was fighting a battle of wits with the black organization, he asked Kuroba Kaito to work as a substitute for him for two days when he was not free~

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