Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1028 The Collision of Red and Black (22)

It's a pity that no matter how wronged Irina is, she can't change her current situation.

"After all, the only one who has anything to do with tuxedos now is this sister." Genta looked at Irina's aggrieved look and sighed with pity.

"That's not necessarily the case." Ayumi said this and pointed to Toby Keynes: "The person who has something to do with the tuxedo may also be the model brother!"

"Wait a minute."

Being so doubted by Ayumi, Toby Keynes smiled helplessly and said: "Although it is true that the clothes that models wear are beautiful and decent, tuxedos are just one of the types. When I wear them, I rarely wear them except for work.

On the contrary, the president uses it more frequently than me when attending dinner parties. "

"Okay, everyone, please take a rest in the nearby room."

Tangze interrupted the meaningless debate between the other party and the little ones and said: "We still need a period of investigation here. If you have anything to do later, you can explain it in advance. You can't leave for the time being."

"Well, can I leave temporarily for two hours?"

Hearing Tang Ze's words, Little Hei Fat asked cautiously: "Look, there's nothing wrong here. My class will be here soon, and the students are still waiting for me."

"Me too, can I go to the hotel to handle something?"

It seemed that someone had made a request, and Irina quickly followed up and asked: "The president has passed away, and now the company has many previously scheduled things that must be cancelled.

And I think we might be able to get information about the reserve artist who made an appointment with the president today. "

"We can't do this in class." Tang Ze shook his head: "We can't have someone stay with you for two hours."

"If that's the case, I hope I can explain this situation to the class teacher in person!" Xiao Heifang pleaded: "The cram school where I work is really nearby!"

"Takagi, Chiba, you two go with them." Tangze nodded, agreeing to the other party's request, and asked Chiba and the others to accompany them to deal with chores.

"I really can't understand them,"

When the four of them left the room, Toby Keynes sneered at the side: "Now that a person has died in front of you, he still cares about classes and parties. He is too crazy."

After hearing Toby Keynes's words, Karasawa and Conan unconsciously locked their eyes on Toby Keynes.

After the two looked at each other, Tang Ze winked at Conan, who nodded calmly and walked towards the criminal standing guard.

“what’s the hell! (What’s going on!)”

As soon as he passed by Judy, Conan heard Judy irritably pressing buttons on her phone, and couldn't help asking: "What's the matter, Teacher Judy?"

"I sent the information about "Tuxedo" to Shuichi before and asked him to help me figure out a puzzle. But for some reason, my cell phone signal has not been very good since this morning."

Judy kept tapping the buttons on her phone, showing her irritable heart at this time.

"Then you can use my phone first, Teacher Judy." Conan smiled and took out his phone and handed it to the other party.

"But in that case, your friend's email and phone number are all in it, right?" Judy hesitated.

"It's okay, the email was already forwarded before."

Conan disassembled the back cover of the phone and took out the phone card, and said with a smile: "As for the phone number, I just need to take out the SIM card."

Conan put the sim card in his hand and handed the phone to Judy: "You need to put your sim card in, and it will become Teacher Judy's phone.

After all, our mobile phones are of the same model. "

"But won't you be able to use your phone soon?" Judy said sheepishly as she took the phone.

"It's okay, I have another mobile phone as a backup." Conan smiled.

"Thank you very much. I'll borrow it for a while." Judy was no longer polite after hearing this, and took Conan's cell phone with a smile.

After that, Conan also found the criminals nearby and asked them to bring four chairs, and then explained the cooperation matters to several of the little ones.

After Chiba and Takagi came back with the two of them, Tang Ze looked at the four people gathered together and said, "Then please cooperate with the four suspects and sit in front of their own chairs."

"W-What are you doing..." Suddenly four chairs were placed side by side in the room for people to sit on. This inexplicable request made Xiao Hei Fat a little scared.

"Yes, it feels very uneasy." Irina said nervously.

"If we want a criminal investigation, shouldn't we do it one by one?" Kamel asked doubtfully.

"Forget it, let's just do what Mr. Criminal said."

After hearing what the three said, Toby Keynes took the lead and walked towards the seat: "Anyway, as long as you don't play games like "Strong Wind", it will be fine."

"By the way, please don't sit down yet." Tang Ze explained after seeing the other party walking over.

"Hey, do we really want to say this?" Ayumi looked at her friends hesitantly: "That spell."

"I won't tell you!" Yuantai smiled and waved his hands: "You will be laughed at!"

"But, that is the task entrusted to us by Tang Ze Criminal!" Mitsuhiko said with a tangled look on his face: "Karas Ze Criminal trusts us so much..."

"If you don't do it, then I'll do it." Haiyuan looked at the three tangled little ones and said with some evil intentions: "But in that case, all the credit will be mine."

"No!" After hearing Haiyuan's somewhat irritating words, the little ones were fooled without realizing it: "We are a young detective team, no one person is allowed to take credit!"

"Then let's join together later?" Haiyuan said with a smile: "If I can help Tangze Criminal, maybe we will have a big meal later~"


When Genta heard about the delicious food, his mouth watered instantly, while Mitsuhiko and Ayumi also thought of the luxurious food that Karasawa Criminal treated them to before, and they instantly became full of energy.

Seeing this, Haibara made an "OK" gesture towards Tang Ze. Tang Ze smiled back, then turned to look at the four suspects standing in front of the seats and said: "Next, please listen to these children. instruction."

"Eh? Why?" Irina looked at the few little ones walking out and asked in confusion.

"Well, please do as you please." Tang Ze did not answer her reason, but asked her to cooperate.

"When I really do it, I still feel ashamed." Ayumi hesitated.

"But we can't back down here!" Genta, who was full of energy because of the big meal, encouraged: "It's okay, just do what Conan said."

The little ones squirmed for a moment, and then shouted to everyone: "Then first, let's "Hitampli"!"

As soon as he shouted this sentence, the little ones couldn't help laughing.

"No, it's too shameful!"

"Yeah, and does it really work!?"

"But the feast is definitely in hand!"

The little ones were laughing and joking with each other, and Chiba, Takagi and others who knew the plan originally thought it was a bit nonsense, but when they looked at the four suspects in front of the seats, they were unconsciously dumbfounded.

Because among the four people, the other three have already sat down, and only the model Toby Keynes is still standing there with his hands in his pockets.

Toby Keynes, who was belatedly aware of it, noticed everyone's actions at this time, and kept turning his head to look at the people around him: "Why are you three sitting down..."


Kamel glanced at the dumbfounded children: "But didn't those children tell us to sit down?

The police officer told us to follow their instructions before..."

It was not until this moment that Toby Keynes realized that he had been tricked, and cold sweat instantly covered his forehead.

"sit down please."

Judy had already understood Karasawa's intention at this moment. Looking at Toby Keynes who showed fear but didn't know where he had exposed his flaw, he said:

"The words "Hidampli" those children said, to foreigners who are used to hearing English, is to ask them to sit down, let alone stand in front of a chair, especially when they are standing in front of a chair."

"On the outside, they look like foreigners, but on the inside they are really neon people."

Karasawa looked at Toby Keynes and said, "Actually, you don't understand English at all, right?

For people who are new to English, it is natural that they do not understand the meaning of children’s poor Japanese English. "

"You should understand what this means, right? Mr. Prisoner?" Judy's words made Toby Keynes open his mouth, but he couldn't utter a rebuttal for a long time.

"Tang Ze Criminal, this is..."

Chiba, who had beady eyes because he couldn't see what was unfolding in front of him, was completely confused about the situation at the moment. He looked at Karasawa eagerly, hoping that he could explain it.

"It's very simple. This is the summary of this case."

Karasawa explained: “First of all, the person who was shot was the president of the foreign artist agency.

The president's original schedule was to meet with the newly signed reserve artists.

Because Takagi Criminal arrived very quickly and only one elevator could be used, the four suspects were locked in.

As for the only clue to the case, it is the bloody note on the table. We have every reason to suspect that it was taken away by the murderer.

And this was obviously just a normal message from the president to his secretary Irina. Why did the prisoner take this irrelevant thing?

The answer is that the prisoner could not understand English. He was afraid that the note would contain relevant information that would be detrimental to him, so he tore off the note and left.

To reconstruct the course of the case, it was probably that after the criminal shot President Sunai, he found the note on the table when he was looking for or examining the body.

Thinking that it was the prisoner who left the "death message" before his death, he tore off the piece of paper and took it away.

If you were someone who was proficient in English, you would have already understood the meaning and understood that it was just a message for the secretary.

In other words, the only person who would make this unnecessary move is Toby Keynes, a person who doesn't understand English at all. "

As Tang Ze finished speaking, everyone's eyes were focused on Toby Keynes.

For English teachers, FBI investigators, and secretaries who need English for daily texting and note-taking, English is their mother tongue.

In the test just now, the three of them also sat down according to the instructions of the little ones. Only Toby Keynes looked confused.

"Where's the evidence!"

Seeing the looks from everyone, Toby Keynes was extremely panicked in his heart, but on the surface he still insisted on retorting: "I can't understand English, but that doesn't mean I'm a prisoner, right?

What if the prisoner just wanted to make people think he didn't know English, so he deliberately tore up the piece of paper to mislead your search? ? "

"You still have that piece of paper with you."

Looking at Toby Keynes who was trying his best to quibble, Karasawa said the question in a declarative tone.

He looked at the panicked Toby Keynes and said calmly: "If you knew the content, you would most likely throw it away.

But if it's in the form of a "code" that you can't understand, then naturally you want to figure it out and study it, right? "

"Sorry, please let us check!"

After Takagi finished speaking, he came directly to Toby Keynes, began to check the other party's pocket, and soon took out a note paper.

The above content is the phrase "Bring my tux".

Toby Keynes's pupils trembled and he finally lowered his head: "I originally planned to take it back and ask my girlfriend's brother what the content was. After all, they are all "American bitches", but I didn't expect..."

"Girlfriend?" Tangze looked at Toby Keynes and said, "Is your murderous intention also related to your girlfriend?"

"Yes, she was exploited by the unscrupulous president, and she eventually died of physical damage due to overwork at the end of last year."

Toby Keynes said with a look of resentment in his eyes: "But that man has no shame at all, he is a devil!"

"Are you being abused by the president?" Chiba asked after hearing this: "Why don't you seek help?"

"Oh, because my girlfriend was tricked by him."

Toby Keynes sneered, and spoke of his girlfriend with heartache in his eyes: "My girlfriend is actually not proficient in neon language, she can only speak some ordinary spoken language, and she doesn't know the text at all.

But that bastard prepared a contract in neon language and induced her to sign it.

Moreover, when she dies due to illness and is unable to continue working, her brother is still jointly and severally liable and must continue to complete the contract for her in accordance with the contract.

I thought I could at least save his brother, so I planned to scare him with a gun and get the contract back.

So I created a chance encounter on the street and got him interested in signing me.

When I met him alone later, we implemented the plan, but he said the contract was not in my office and he had to ask his secretary to bring it over. "

Speaking of this, Toby Keynes seemed to recall the previous scene, and his whole body was trembling uncontrollably: "I thought he had some thoughts and pulled the trigger in excitement."

"Then, the information the president asked me to get..." Irina said in hindsight.

"Yes, I'm afraid it's the contract my girlfriend signed."

When Toby Keynes said this, he looked at Irina and showed a sad smile: "If I knew that the secretary was a simple and beautiful person like you, maybe I wouldn't kill the president..."

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