Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1030 The collision of red and black (24)

On the pier where the sea breeze blew, in the darkness of the gin, there was only a slight glimmer of light covering him, but it did not bring him any warmth, but made him look even more eerie and terrifying.

Feeling the unconcealed killing intent, Shui Wulian had no doubt that if he showed any flaws, he would shoot him without hesitation with the pistol pointed at his head.

"Opportunity? What opportunity?"

Although she was walking on thin ice in her heart, Shui Wulian still had a strong enough heart after going through all kinds of hardships.

At this moment, even though Gin was pointing a gun at him, and his head might be smashed like a watermelon on the beach at any time, Rena Minami still didn't panic at all.

She showed a curious smile: "It seems to be a good opportunity to make you so eager."

"Speaking of which, I would also like to thank you for the information you provided."

Gin said calmly: "You said before that FBI people will protect medical staff in hospitals who don't know anything about it.

During the period after rescuing you, I sent people to the hospital to check the situation and found that the FBI guys were indeed guarding the medical staff.

Our people followed them for a while and found that they were all hiding in secret and had no personal contact with the subjects of the investigation.

Even if he was discovered, he would still say hello normally, but it was indeed a trap. "

Of course, Gin didn't finish what he said. He not only sent people to verify the trap set by the FBI, but also initiated connections, pretended to be her die-hard fan, and went to the dean to verify the information about Reina Mizuno's hospitalization.

After the other party's investigation, it was discovered that there was indeed such a confidentiality contract, and the signature was James, an old acquaintance of theirs.

Mizuki Reina didn't know that every word she said had been verified by Gin.

And as long as there is a little bit of lies, today instead of forcing her to carry out the plan to prove her innocence, she will shoot her directly after making the phone call.

Then in her disbelief expression, he made her understand like a cat catching a mouse.

Of course, all this seems to be a brush with death, but in fact the two are like two completely parallel straight lines, and they will never interact.

Because these may have been calculated by Tangze and the others, they naturally made corresponding countermeasures.

They have properly arranged all the information that may be verified by the other party.

Moreover, in order to fall into a blind spot of thinking, the three of them thought separately at first, and finally summarized the flaws they noticed.

"Ah, that's good."

After hearing Gin's words, Mizuno Reina knew that the other party might have hidden half of the information, but she pretended to be fine and half smiled and said: "So what information did you get today?"

"While our companions were out with an FBI agent, they found that for some unknown reason, the other party was inexplicably involved in a shooting case.

So the FBI's attention is now there, how can we miss this great opportunity. "Gin explained briefly.

"Homicide?" Shui Wulian said blankly.

"The president of a club had several holes punched in his body by someone." Gin said calmly: "It's just a small shooting case. Now take out the phone."

"You can make calls, but I have a concern."

Mizuno Reina took out her phone and expressed her worries: "Theoretically speaking, this plan is indeed feasible, and if it goes well, I will indeed be able to kill him.

But the other party is Akai Shuichi after all. Will that "silver bullet" really believe me? "

"Silver bullet... hum..." Gin snorted disdainfully: "He will go. This is his chance to get close to us."

"But what if the other side sets up an ambush and brings reinforcements?"

Shui Wulian spread his hands and said, "You won't suspect that I did it again, right?

In this case, I will never be able to clear my suspicions.

I even think that the other party has a high probability of doing this.

If what I said is true, then everyone will be happy. If it is a trap, then I can't explain it clearly if the other party brings reinforcements in advance. "

"Huh, I've thought of this a long time ago."

Gin was not impatient with Mizuno Reina's question, but sneered with an undisguised murderous intent in Yinjiu's eyes: "If the situation you mentioned really happens, it will be exactly what I want.

If that monkey jumping up and down shows up this time, leave it to us to deal with it.

As for your goal is to kill Shuichi Akai, kill him, and use his blood to prove your innocence, do you understand? "

"In that case, I have no doubts." Shuiwu Reina nodded.

The gun in Gin's hand was slightly raised, signaling Mizuno Reina to make a quick call to implement the plan.

As for phone numbers, after all, Akai Shuichi had lurked into the organization before, and everyone with a codename had the contact information of the other party.

I don’t know why, but the other party didn’t change their number, which made it easier to implement this plan.

"Dingling bell~~"

The ringtone kept ringing in the empty parking lot, but the owner of the phone did not make any move.

"Akai-kun! Akai-kun!"

James reminded him repeatedly outside the car window: "Your cell phone has been ringing since just now."

"Excuse me."

Akai Shuichi opened his eyes and took out the phone from his body: "Hello."

"it's me."

Reina Mizuna's voice without any fluctuations sounded from the phone, making Shuichi Akai slightly startled.

"It's me, Shui Wulian..."

Don't feel the cold muzzle of the gun coming from your neck, Shui Wu Lina's tone still hasn't changed at all: "I wonder if there is anyone around you now, is it convenient to talk?"

"who is it?"

James in the parking lot just asked, but Shuichi Akai stopped him with his index finger, "Ah... I'm alone now."

"You must be surprised to receive my call, right?" Shui Wu Lian said: "I have just been rescued by the organization, but I will contact you at this time."

"Well..." Akai Shuichi paused in denial: "If you have anything, please tell me quickly."

"Actually, it's like this. After being rescued by the organization, I was in a very difficult situation."

Rena Minami explained according to what Gin said: "Now that I am constantly being suspected, I have reached the point where I can no longer stay in the organization, so I want to make a deal with you.

How about you help me break away from this organization, and I will provide you with the information the FBI wants?

Can we meet alone? "

"As long as you are the only one there, there will be no problem." Akai Shuichi said calmly.

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"Then I will text you the time and place of the meeting later."

After hearing Akai Shuichi's reply, Mizuno Reina hung up the phone, then turned around to look at Gin holding a gun behind her and asked with a smile: "Is this okay?"

Gin put away the gun, and Sui Wu Reina walked past him without even looking.

"It's Black Friday."

Looking at Mizuno Reina's retreating back, Gin showed a cruel and malicious smile: "Although I don't believe this, it is undoubtedly the most suitable day for his death."

The text message was quickly transmitted from Reina Mizuno to Shuichi Akai's mobile phone. Sitting in the driver's seat, Shuichi Akai opened the text message.

"Let's meet in front of the seventh left turn coming to Hayama at seven o'clock tonight."

Akai Shuichi looked at the text message on the phone screen and smiled: "At this time, not many cars will come to the mountain road on the Hayama side.

As a meeting place, it is indeed a suitable place. "

"But Akai, are you sure there is no danger?"

After understanding that it was Reina Mizuno who requested the meeting, James also broke out in cold sweat because of the weird atmosphere of the previous conversation between the two.

Although the previous conversation sounded like there was no problem, but knowing that Reina Mizuno was a CIA investigator, this was precisely the biggest problem.

If the other party asks for help, it should be to the CIA, not to them who have just reached cooperation.

At the same time, they have clearly reached an agreement, but the way the other party expresses their meeting now is more like the words of two strangers requesting to meet.

It was precisely because I felt something unusual about this that I made such a worried inquiry.

"We really can't rule out the possibility of it being a trap."

Akai Shuichi smiled and said: "And judging from the unfamiliarity expressed by the other party during the conversation, I'm afraid it's most likely a trap set by that guy Gin."

"Since you know it's a trap, do you still want to go?"

James frowned and said: "Those guys from the black organization must have laid a trap full of murderous intentions..."

"If you don't want Reina Mizuna to be killed by Gin and the others, you have to go."

Akai Shuichi looked at James's anxious face and wanted to stop him. He smiled and bowed his hand and said, "Of course, I'm not stupid enough to go to the banquet alone.

Let others prepare quickly. The time for the scheduled meeting is very tight, so we must seize the time.

Of course, everything must be done covertly and as far away as possible. If those guys find you, it will be troublesome. "

"But this way, if an emergency occurs, we won't be able to rush over to rescue them immediately!" James frowned and said, "It's too dangerous for you."

"There is an old saying among flower growers: "If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get the tiger's cubs." As for getting through this difficulty, we can drive a nail of our own into the throat of the black organization!"

Akai Shuichi said with undeniable firmness: "That's it."

"But..." James hesitated: "What if she..."

"We have to believe in her." Akai Shuichi said meaningfully: "Believe in her, and you may be able to see a different world from now on."

"If you insist..."

When James saw that Shuichi Akai had been persuaded, he immediately took out his phone: "I will arrange for people to prepare immediately.

Also, Akai-kun, please bring a bug with you, so that we can monitor the situation there at any time and provide support when necessary. "

"Well, no problem." Akai Shuichi smiled and said: "By the way, Judy and the others haven't come back yet?"

"I just got a call, saying that the case has been solved and they are on their way back." James said, "I will contact them directly to get to their destination."

Five minutes later, everyone in the FBI was assembled and immediately set off towards their destination.

As for Akai Shuichi, after putting on the bug prepared by James, he took the first step and headed to Raishan Mountain.

There was nothing that could be done about it. Even if James was a little reluctant, in order to avoid being discovered by the tracking personnel that the black organization might arrange, he could only let Shuichi Akai set off first.


Come to Yeshan.

This is a not too high mountain on the outskirts of Tokyo.

Although there is still a name for the mountain, the entire mountain has been built as a road around the mountain, and there is no way to climb the mountain.

The reason why it was planned and developed into a road around the mountain is because the mountain has no value in developing into a scenic spot.

There is no vegetation on the entire mountain, only steep rocks. Even if a road around the mountain is built, it has no advantages except being steep.

The dim lights beside the guardrail can barely illuminate the road ahead. If you don't stay alert and be careful, there is a high chance of an accident.

So at night, basically no one comes to this place with dangerous roads.

In the darkness, Shui Wulian, dressed in a smart leather jacket, leaned quietly against the car.

Today she was wearing a dark hat and a two-knuckle collar around her neck.

But this is not a device worn for good looks, but "eyes" used by Gin and others to monitor her movements.

Mizuna Reina knew that at this moment, Gin and others were monitoring all her actions through the camera on the collar.

She raised her hand to look at her watch and found that the time had arrived at the appointed time.

At this moment, in front of the seventh bend of the mountain ring road, the dark road was suddenly illuminated by a beam of light.

The dazzling light shone on Shui Wu Reina's face, causing her to unconsciously raise her hands to cover it.

The Chevrolet slowly stopped near her. After the door opened, Shuichi Akai sat in the driver's seat and turned to face her. However, he had no intention of getting out of the car. Instead, he took out a cigarette and lit it.

Seeing this, Mizuna Reina stepped forward and asked with a smile: "What's wrong? Why are you coming from the opposite place?"

"It's nothing, I just made a circle in front of me." Akai Shuichi exhaled the smoke: "After all, I have to see if there is anything strange around me."

"Really, how was your inspection?" Mizuno Reina calmly approached Akai Shuichi, smiled softly and asked, "Have you confirmed the evidence that I came alone?"

Akai Shuichi turned his eyes to the left and right, and then said: "Looking at it now, this is indeed the case."

"Now, tell me how you plan to let me help you get out of the organization."

Akai Shuichi said calmly: "Tell me what your plan is and what information you can provide me."

In the dark night, it seemed like it was just a meeting between two people, but the image of this scene had already been transmitted to the screen in front of Gin through the camera around Suiwu Reina's neck.

The stage has been set up in this darkness, and all the characters have entered.

In this indispensable confrontation between intelligence and strength, the transformation between prey and hunter may only take an instant!

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