Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1032 The Collision of Red and Black (26)

In the darkness, Karasawa and Akai Shuichi first sent text messages to inform each other of the situation, and then set up their snipers and waited quietly.

As time passed, the 7 o'clock agreed upon by both parties gradually arrived, and a beam of light shone from a distance.

Karasawa turned his gun and saw Akai Shuichi on the Chevrolet. He smiled and said, "Now that the actors are in place, it's time to remind the guests in the distance to watch this big show."

Unlike the conversation in the original work, Shuichi Akai did not get out of the car after opening the door, but sat in the driver's seat.

Seeing the other party lighting up a cigarette in the car, Shui Wulian's pupils shrank, but her tone remained calm as she talked to the other party.

When making the plan before, based on Tangze's suggestion, they had already agreed on a code word to facilitate the transmission of on-site intelligence.

Shuichi Akai didn't get out of the car, which was a signal to tell her that there were other dangers nearby, so that she could immediately shoot a "headshot" without hesitation.

At the same time, the action of lighting up the cigarette was a signal for her to switch to "Plan B".

After opening the car door, Shuichi Akai conveyed two important messages in the short moment he appeared.

After receiving the signal, Shui Wulian did not have any trouble on the surface, but in her heart she already understood the situation at this moment.

I'm afraid Gin also arranged a back-up plan without telling her, so that if she couldn't kill Akai Shuichi or defected, she could successfully deal with the two of them.

But the chill that seeped into her heart was quickly suppressed by her.

As she approached Akai Shuichi, she turned her right hand behind her back and responded leisurely: "What information are you providing? I can provide it..."


A gunshot came from the distance. Akai Shuichi's spirit was unconsciously distracted at this moment, and the next moment he planned to turn around and step on the accelerator.

But it was already too late. Taking advantage of the opponent's momentary absence, Shuiwu Reina stepped forward without any hesitation to find the most suitable angle, took out the gun with his backhand and decisively pulled the trigger!


The two gunshots almost overlapped and resounded throughout Laiye Mountain. The next moment, Shui Wu Lian was struck by lightning, and little bits of blood spattered from her shoulders onto her delicate and pale face.

"Gin, are you going to kill me?"

After being shot in the shoulder, Mizuno Reina, who had already prepared herself mentally, endured the pain, rolled over calmly and immediately hid under Shuichi Akai's Chevrolet.

After dodging the subsequent bullets, Reina Mizuno asked urgently: "I have already killed Akai Shuichi and proved my innocence, why are you doing this to me!"

"Calm down, it's the enemy who's sniping you!"

Gin's voice was as solemn and solemn as a demon crawling out of hell: "The target of the first shot is Cohen, and the second shot is you."



As if to verify Gin's words, sniper rifles fired one after another, but the bullets did not seem to hit Mizuno Reina.

After hearing the gunshot, Mizuno Reina seemed to believe Gin's words, and said hesitantly: "Cohen..."

"Three of his limbs are broken and there is no way he can be saved."

Like a ruthless judge, Gin announced the final outcome to Cohen, and then turned to Reina Mizuno to issue an order: "You should deal with the aftermath and retreat immediately.

Also, be careful of snipers. If you can't escape, just shoot. Don't let me waste bullets. "

After issuing the order, the communication was immediately cut off without waiting for Shui Wulian to recover.

After that, Mizuno Reina let out a long breath, and her tense body gradually relaxed. She knew that she had truly passed the test this time.

After a while, she cheered up and began to simply treat the injury to stop the bleeding.

After that, she only needed to retreat as Gin said, and then she could truly lurk within the organization.

But her side of the story has come to an end, and the whole drama has just reached its climax.


The sudden loud sound of gunfire from the intercom almost clenched the hearts of everyone present.

Judy was the first to react. Regardless of whether she would be exposed, she immediately took out the intercom and called Akai Shuichi, hoping to get a response.

Also in panic were James and other FBI investigators who were monitoring the situation.



Judy's anxious calls filled with worry rang out over the intercom, but fell into silence.

A moment later, several distant gunshots came from the intercom, but there was no response as expected.

This situation made Judy almost crazy, and an ominous premonition filled her body.

With uneasiness, Judy stepped on the accelerator regardless, and rushed towards Laiye Mountain like a desperado.

"Get ready to fight!" James shouted when he saw this, and followed Judy's car.

At various entrances to Laiye Mountain, several cars drove forward without concealing their whereabouts.


"Sure enough, does the FBI have manpower ambushed outside?"

Listening to the report on the intercom, Gin said in a cold tone: "Belmod, bring someone to pick us up."

"Understood, you should also evacuate as planned."

Belmod gave a brief reply and ended the call immediately, leaving Gin with a sinister look on his face.

Karasawa's sudden attack broke Gin's plan, and Cohen's current situation also dissipated the joy of Mizuno Reina's success in killing Akai Shuichi.

"Save him! Save him Gin!!"

At this moment, Chianti, who saw Cohen's condition through the sniper scope, her eyes wide open, she shouted frantically: "I'm going to save him!!"

"Shut up, the FBI is here."

Gin interrupted Chianti's shouting expressionlessly, and like a heartless robot, he gave Chianti a cruel order without any emotion: "Kill Cohen, don't let him be captured."


After hearing Gin’s words, Chianti screamed hysterically: “Are you kidding!?

Gin, I asked you to save him, but I didn’t ask you to kill him! ! "

"He's hopeless."

Gin's tone was still cold, but the violence contained in it made people feel the anger contained in it: "You are only risking your own life by saving him.

That sniper is waiting for you to come to your door. Cohen being captured alive is not what the organization wants. You understand, right?

If you can't move your hands, give me the gun and get out. If you can't make a decision, let Vodka help you. "

After the words fell, Vodka pointed the gun in his hand at Chianti and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Cohen can't fall into the hands of the enemy. You'd better listen to big brother..."

This scene made Chianti's expression keep changing, and he finally walked directly to the guardrail, angrily smashed the sniper rifle in his hand at Gin below: "You are all bastards! You killed him!!"

Gin grabbed the sniper rifle in the air, cocked it and pointed it in Cohen's direction without saying a word.

Pointing the gun at his partner, Gin's hand still didn't tremble at all.

Aiming and locking, when the cross in the sniper eyepiece coincided with Cohen's head, Gin pulled the trigger without hesitation.


The impact fires the primer of the bullet, which instantly generates high-temperature and high-pressure gas. Naturally, the small barrel cannot accommodate such huge pressure.

But the hard barrel restrains this pressure, forcing it to push the trajectory towards the muzzle.

The sharp bullet broke through the air, rotated at high speed, and penetrated directly into Cohen's head.

The outermost skin broke in an instant, followed by the hard skull and soft brain, and finally penetrated from the back of the skull and submerged into the ground.

"Asshole! You really killed him!!"

Chianti rushed over from the sniper point above and grabbed Gin by the collar like a madman, his knuckles even turning white from the force: "Don't you have any feelings at all!"

"I was just giving him a break to spare him the torture."

Gin's sinister eyes stared at Chianti coldly and said calmly: "Besides, you who smashed the gun down are also an accomplice. Stop pretending to be merciful here."

"You bastard..." Chianti looked at Gin angrily, but the arm holding the other person's collar seemed to have lost strength and could not hang down.

Because she knew what Gin said was right, and because she threw the gun to Gin in the end, it meant that she acquiesced to this result.

Even her rage in the face of Gin was just a subconscious anger and escape from herself when facing the sacrifice of her partner.

And Gin's words were like a sharp scalpel cutting her open, cruelly and ruthlessly making her realize her own ugliness.

"If you've had enough trouble, get in the car quickly." Gin threw the sniper rifle in his hand to Chianti and walked directly towards the driver: "The pursuers are coming soon."

"Damn it! Damn it!" Chianti took the gun and smashed it twice with the barrel in an incompetent rage, then angrily got into the car.


Just when the black Porsche 356A started, a loud noise accompanied by fire in the distance attracted everyone's attention.

"It seems that Kiel's side has taken care of the situation." A sly smile appeared on Gin Jiu's face: "That guy Akai is dead now, right?"

"Burning that beast into coke is not enough to relieve the hatred in my heart!" Chianti looked at the explosion in the distance and yelled angrily: "It's all because of him that Cohen died!"

"Brother, those FBI lackeys are coming after us!"

At this moment, Vodka, who was sitting in the passenger seat, changed his expression and quickly issued a warning.

"These lackeys came here really fast." Gin looked at the rearview mirror and snorted, then stepped on the accelerator and accelerated to put some distance between himself and the vehicle behind him.

But the explosion ahead had already been seen by the FBI, especially the conspicuous pickup truck-shaped vehicle in the blazing fire, which made the FBI members' eyes wide open.

Apparently, the silence from the intercom and the sudden loss of contact with the eavesdropping device made them aware of the bad ending they were unwilling to accept.

At this moment, seeing the familiar black Porsche 356A in front of them, everyone understood that this was a conspiracy planned by the black organization and a trap against Shuichi Akai!

A group of FBI cars soon arrived next to the burning wreckage of the Chevrolet. At this moment, only the raging fire and the black shadow of Shuichi Akai's body emerged from the flames inside the car.

As for Shui Wu Lina, whom he had planned to meet here, he has long since disappeared.

A few minutes ago, after Reina Mizuno installed a bomb in the car, she began to act in coordination with Karasawa.

The first was the blinding trick of throwing his coat outside the car, and then there were various evasive gestures by Reina Mizuna.

Anyway, it's as real as it gets. Except for the fact that the bullet will just pass by, everything else is exactly the same as the real thing.

There's nothing we can do about it. After all, there's a camera on Reina Mizuna's neck, and everything will be seen by Gin and others, so she has to do a full set of scenes.

In the end, this well-directed scene begins with Reina Mizuno getting into a car and escaping in a hail of bullets, and ends with the explosion of the Chevrolet behind her.

But the FBI people didn't know that these were fakes. When they saw the Chevrolet, they really thought that Shuichi Akai was killed by someone from the organization.

In a mixture of grief and anger, the detectives who did not stop behind them frantically chased Gin and others up the mountain.

In the distance, the sound of police sirens gradually reached everyone's ears from far to near.

Obviously, the previous explosion attracted the attention of the nearby Neon Criminal, who had already rushed to the explosion site with sirens.

"Judy, we have to leave!"

James grabbed Judy's arm with both hands and looked at the other person who looked collapsed and wanted to rush into the fire and shouted: "Neon's crime has arrived, we can't reveal our identity!"

"But Shuichi!! Shuichi him!!" Tears fell from the corners of her eyes unconsciously, Judy's eyes were still fixed on the burning Chevrolet and refused to leave.

"At this point, we can no longer stay here."

James Cheng said in a deep voice: "Leave it to the Neon Police here first, and then we will claim it.

Now that the enemy is still on the run, are you going to cry in vain and do nothing? ! "

Although James's words of encouragement are superficial, they are indeed the most useful words for Judy at this moment.

Sure enough, thinking that the culprit who killed Akai Shuichi was still on the run, Judy's pitiful face immediately showed a look of hatred.

Now there was no need for James to persuade her. After being reminded by James, Judy's brain instantly woke up from the grief of losing Akai Shuichi.

The blazing fire in her eyes was like the reflection of her pupils, and it was like the fire of hatred igniting.

Without any hesitation, Judy returned directly to her car and chased forward like a desperado.

Upon seeing this, James glanced at the burning Chevrolet with some sadness, and finally drove after him with the sirens increasingly louder.

Soon the police car felt that the urgent report alerted the Metropolitan Police Department, and countless criminals rushed to the scene of the crime dragging their exhausted bodies.

Judy was very fast. Without any regard for her own comfort, she almost stepped on the accelerator to the extreme. She soon caught up with the large group and saw the situation ahead.

Thanks to the entanglement of Kamel, who had good driving skills, Gin's Porsche was already tightly bitten and could not escape.

People on both sides have been killed, and hatred has filled everyone's brains, almost to the point of incessant death.

Vodka and Chianti were shooting at the FBI agents in Kamel's car, and the two sides started a fierce chase on the dark mountain road.

PS: Sorry! I was so busy yesterday with the nucleic acid test. It was scheduled for April. Fortunately, the group management reminded me =-= I’m really sorry.

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