Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,036 Great Harvest

After Shuichi Akai's fingerprints were compared, Judy and the FBI investigators were hit hard.

He looked completely defeated. Let alone eating, he was so confused that he didn't know what to do.

Faced with this extremely low momentum, James could only respond silently, allowing them time to digest, in an attempt to give them enough time to get over the pain of losing their companions.

On the other hand, Karasawa informed Judy of the fingerprint comparison results. After seeing Bermod riding a motorcycle to check the FBI's reaction, he completely relaxed.

Because at this point, their plan has officially come to an end.

After his tense spirit completely relaxed, Tang Ze's whole person began to become "impetuous".

This symptom manifests as being unmotivated to go to work, having thoughts that start to wander, and generally speaking, being unable to calm down at all.

After realizing his own mentality, Tang Ze knew that he had counterattacked after forcing himself to calm down under high pressure.

As for the way to solve this troublesome situation, it is actually very simple, that is, just fish for it.

So before it was time to get off work, Tang Ze had already driven downstairs to his company.

Of course, because he himself had not come to the company to check for a long time, he did not wait downstairs for Ayako to get off work, but went up to inspect the company's situation.

The first is the atmosphere of the company. Compared with those traditional social animal clubs, the atmosphere of Tang Ling Group is undoubtedly much better.

Moreover, after there is no obligation to work overtime, the employees' enthusiasm has become much higher and their work efficiency has also improved a lot.

After all, it turns out that no matter whether you leave or not, you have to go home after eight or nine o'clock. Naturally, you won't be in such a rush to finish your work.

Now that everyone goes home on time, they naturally don’t want to delay their return home because they are lazy during work hours.

After looking at the company environment, Karasawa first went to the secretary's room next to Ayako. After learning that Ayako was holding a meeting, he asked her to get a copy of the recent company development.

As for the results, they are certainly gratifying.

Because of the advance layout, the development of Tang Ling Group in all fields has been extremely smooth.

Although smart phones still need technology research and development, they are already a big step ahead of those manufacturers on the market who are still holding on to old-fashioned mobile phones.

In addition, there is the development of the Internet. With the popularity of the Internet, the chat software that Tang Ze laid out in advance and software like "Zhalang" have begun to gain momentum.

Although it still needs to continue to burn money, with the development speed of this "hyper-time flow", it will not be long before it can be self-profitable.

In addition, there are some other fields that are mostly developing well, and Tang Ze is very satisfied with this.


Not long after Karasawa had almost finished browsing the company's latest situation, Ayako came back from the meeting: "I didn't expect you to get off work today, so early."

"It's okay, so I got off work early." Karasawa pulled Ayako and asked her to sit on his lap, smiling and teasing: "After all, meeting your girlfriend is not as important as going to work."

"You will have a poor mouth." Ayako slapped Karasawa's right leg angrily, but the raised corners of her mouth revealed her mood at the moment.

"Okay, let's just get off work today." Tang Ze said with a smile: "We'll talk about anything tomorrow. It's still early. I'll go shopping with you and then eat."

"If you go shopping, I can buy you a few more clothes." Ayako nodded and said, "After all, it's time to change the season soon."

"I bought it for you. I already have enough suits for daily wear." Tang Ze said helplessly, "I haven't worn the ones I bought before for daily wear."

"You can never have too many beautiful clothes." Ayako happily took Karasawa to Ginza and started spending money.

In addition to buying clothes for Karasawa, Ayako also chose earrings for Erina, while Karasawa brought a bottle of good white wine to Yukihira, which is a good choice whether it is drank directly or used in cooking.

After arriving at the restaurant, Karasawa and the two ordered dishes according to the order of the menu again.

After all, everything on the menu is delicious enough. If you choose deliberately, you will get entangled.

So it’s easier to just follow the menu every time you come.

Fried persimmons with char, Kohei-ryu beef stew, saury and rice chowder plus pepper cakes and a mackerel burger.

Most of today's main meals tend to be neon local style, but under Yukihira's production, they incorporate many techniques used in cuisine from other countries.

This kind of fusion of Baina Haichuan is what makes people want to stop. If it is just the light taste of Japanese style, it will make people have no appetite.

For dessert, the custard is put into molds and fried on a frying pan to make thick waffles.

The thick, spongy waffles have a cake-like sweetness, and you can feel the moist and soft texture in your mouth.

Coupled with the red bean paste filling made from red beans produced in Tokachi, Hokkaido, Karasawa's hometown, it can be said that the taste has been raised to another level.

It is different from the stuffing on the streets in later generations that is said to be red bean filling, but is more or less mixed with other cheap bean fillings.

The filling is made from carefully selected red beans and has just the right amount of sweetness to perfectly bring out the aroma of the red beans.

For Karasawa, who is used to eating desserts after a meal, this is the perfect dessert.

After dinner, Karasawa and the two didn't stay long. After all, Erina and Erina didn't open the door some time ago, so there were still quite a lot of customers.

Since there was no leisure time to reminisce about old times, Tang Ze and the other two didn't stay too long after the meal and drove directly home.

After watching TV for a while and washing up, Karasawa couldn't help but drag Ayako to exercise.

There is no way, after all, I ate so much delicious food tonight, and the calories I took in were a bit too high.

Therefore, for the sake of Ayako's health and figure, Karasawa could only work hard and do some weight-loss exercises at night with his girlfriend~


Early the next morning, Tang Ze got up refreshed and started making breakfast.

For him who is so energetic, the amount of exercise yesterday was nothing.

As for Ayako, even though Karasawa secretly strengthened her physical fitness, she was still a little behind compared to Karasawa.

After trying to make a fish rice ball and chazuke rice that Yukihira wrote for him, Karasawa called Ayako to get up and start eating breakfast.

A light Ochazuke rice in the morning can be said to completely open up the sleeping stomach, making the inexplicable feeling of fullness disappear after people wake up.

"I'll leave first, you eat slowly."

After packing up, Karasawa looked at Ayako and smiled: "If you feel too tired, don't go this morning."

Hearing this, Ayako rolled her eyes in a charming way, but did not refute. Instead, she acquiesced and changed the subject without any trace: "Then what do you want to eat for lunch?"

"Anything is fine, I like whatever you do."

Karasawa's answer once again made Ayako roll her eyes: "You're glib, please leave."

"Just leave, just leave."

As he drove towards the Metropolitan Police Department and looked at the familiar surroundings, Tangze felt as if he was in another world.

Obviously everything that happened before was only a few days, but it made him have such thoughts unconsciously.

After arriving at the office, Tangze first dealt with the chores that had accumulated in the past few days, and then made himself a cup of black tea.

After everything was ready, Tang Ze opened the system panel with some anticipation.

Belmode had already come to investigate the situation yesterday, and Tang Zhe thought it was almost time to settle the system rewards.

It's just that yesterday was a time to relax. He just wanted to relax and didn't want to worry about gains and losses while waiting for the settlement to appear, so he simply stayed today.

The moment the consciousness-mobilizing screen appeared in the retina, a massive amount of information kept popping up, filling the screen in an instant.

[Due to the continuity of the main plot, phased fate line detection is currently underway...]

[Comparing with the original fate trajectory, under detection...]

[Fate trajectory detection and comparison completed. 】

[The collision of red and black]

[Fate line changes: positive changes]

Evaluation: In the increasingly violent plot, you used your excellent overall view to deduce the enemy's actions and eliminated potential crises with the help of unconstrained methods.

You used your "wisdom" and "power" to destroy the enemy's killing plan, successfully completed the plan, and reduced the enemy's strength.

[Congratulations to the host for making positive changes while maintaining the inertia of the plot at the key node "The Collision of Red and Black". The rewards are being settled...]

[It has been detected that there are transitional cases in the main line. Since the main line rewards have overflowed, should the overflow rewards and the rewards of the excessive cases be converted into [random element designated cards] for use? 】

[Random element designation card: Three "characteristics" in the experience case can be randomly selected to designate the reward props in the direction of the draw. 】

Note: If you choose to give up, the props will not be returned~

There is also this kind of prop! ?

Sure enough, every lottery draw actually has a hidden pointing mechanism, right? !

I won’t tell you everything, but at least the items related to the game will be increased.

Sure enough, every time there was a big incident, Tang Ze, who thought he had figured out the rules of the system, would more or less get some hidden information that he didn't know about.

Of course, this is not information that Tangze would have never expected. He actually vaguely figured out this pattern from many rewards, but it has never been confirmed.

But this time, he received a large amount of rewards after intervening in the main plot, and even part of the overflow coincided with the reward for the previously solved shooting case and transformed into a prop card that could specify the direction, which completely confirmed this information.

Without any hesitation, Tang Ze directly chose to transform, and then decisively chose to use it.

[Three traits drawn from random element designated cards are as follows: "Clothes", "Firearms", and "Language\

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