Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1043 Tangze and his wife’s travel plan

[Testimony of Lawyer Princess Yingli]

[Congratulations to the host for getting 500 destiny points]

Evaluation: In the handling of this case, the host did not take any actions that were outstanding. The only thing worthy of praise was the slight change in the fate line at the end.

In the car, looking at the evaluation on the panel, Tangze raised his eyebrows.

Obviously, since this case has already happened, even if Tang Zhe solves the case, he will only get the most basic "salary".

The reason why he was able to get more rewards than other cases was simply because at the end of the case, he reminded Xiaolan and successfully arranged a dinner date for the Maori couple.

And this small change actually resulted in 200 destiny points.

Seeing this, Tang Ze had the idea of ​​​​bringing the two of them together to reconcile.

After all, this is just a slight change to the usual ending of the two people's meeting, allowing them to have a meal together, and they can already gain destiny points.

If we can really make two people get back together, wouldn't it be equivalent to getting a reward for preventing the case?

No matter how bad it is, it has to be a [perfect level] reward, right?

But after thinking about the actual difficulty of the operation, Tang Ze couldn't help but shook his head and gave up this unrealistic idea.

After all, his name is Mouri Kogoro. He eats, drinks, and plays in a careless manner. I'm afraid Fei Yingli will be so angry that he runs away from home again within two days.

And now that a keen Fei Yingli returns home, Conan will be in trouble, so it's better not to act rashly.

However, this time I have figured out a way to gain destiny points, and I think I will have to pay more attention to it in the future.

Speaking of which, he is indeed short of destiny points now. It would be nice to have a place where he can earn destiny points for a long time. It can be regarded as a steady stream.

Don't look at it. After he got 500 destiny points this time, his deposit has reached 2200 destiny points, and he can already collect 10 draws in a row.

But Tangze didn't dare to have the slightest intention of "stud" being a gambling dog.

Although he had always thought about saving up enough destiny points to do a lottery, but that was before he got the "Night Crow" sniper rifle.

At that time, rubber bullets, which were most commonly used by Karasawa's "detectives", could already be produced by themselves. Other functional ammunition were not used in many places, and they were rarely used at one time.

With the speed at which Karasawa earns destiny points, there is no problem in replenishing the consumption.

But with the "Night Crow", it becomes troublesome.

The special sniper bullets that go with the firearm cost 100 destiny points each, which is the same price as the rubber bullet used by the detective.

It looks cheap, but when you use it, you don’t feel that way.

Sniper rifles also reduce bullet consumption due to their characteristics, which is also compared to other types.

But if there are only ten rounds...

Sorry, Karasawa, who has the ideological imprint of "fear of lack of firepower", really can't stand it.

If this is a tangled sniper situation, 10 bullets will not be enough.

When I beat Cohen before, I used three shots. The base number of 10 rounds was too small.

So after thinking about it, Tang Ze gritted his teeth and bought 10 sniper bullets as spare stretchers, ensuring that the ammunition could support a fierce battle.

Seeing with pain that he only had 1,200 destiny points left in his deposit, Tang Ze turned off the panel and went home directly.

Because of the case that had just occurred, the next day was an extremely normal day, and everything seemed so calm.

After Karasawa and Ayako returned home from dinner, they started to get busy.

They planned to have hot pot at home today, so they started preparing the ingredients as soon as they got home.

"The beef is cut, you can take it over."

Karasawa put the beef on the plate and reached for a piece of tofu. After a while, he cut it into cubes and Ayako took it away together.

"By the way, I remember there are grilled fish rolls and fish cakes at home. Can they be put into the hot pot?" Ayako put down the plate in her hand and walked to the refrigerator and asked.

"When did you buy it? Why don't I have any impression?" Tang Ze said in surprise.

"I put the specialties brought by my subordinates from my hometown in the refrigerator." Ayako said: "I almost forgot about it before, if you hadn't suggested that we have hot pot today."

"Then take it out, I also like to eat it."

Karasawa nodded suddenly and asked Ayako to take out the ingredients.

After some fussing, the meat and various vegetables were ready. Tang Ze opened the lid of the pot to reveal the boiling red oil hot pot inside.

"Isn't this too spicy..." Ayako, who was weak and bitter, looked at the scary red material in front of her eyes and couldn't help but hesitate.

"Don't worry, it just looks spicy. I asked the chef in China Street to make it slightly spicy. I tried it there and it's not spicy."

Karasawa smiled and comforted him, and then put beef, grilled fish rolls, fish cakes and other things into the pot.

"Then I'll try it later." Ayako smelled the alluring aroma in the pot and finally overcame the fear in her heart and nodded.

The beef was cooked quickly. Karasawa took it out, dipped it in the seasoning and put it in his mouth.

The slight spicy taste was quickly covered up by the pure aroma, and Tang Ze showed a satisfied expression: "It's not spicy, eat it quickly."

"Then I'll give it a try." Looking at the scary red hot pot, Ayako carefully took a bite of the beef, and then put the rest into her mouth with bright eyes.

"It's really not spicy." Ayako couldn't help but praise as she tasted the delicious taste on her tongue: "But it can taste the aroma of chili pepper. A little spiciness is just right for me."

"That's good, then our spiciness will be set at this level from now on." Tang Ze said as he sandwiched a fish cake, intending to taste the difference between this imitation version and the one at home.

"I agree." Ayako said with some regret after hearing this: "It's a pity. I heard that many of the delicacies in your hometown are very spicy. It makes me feel regretful to think that I won't be able to enjoy it."

"Those can also reduce the spiciness."

Tang Ze said nonchalantly: "It's good to be able to eat spicy food, but if you pursue spicy food for a while, sometimes you won't be able to taste the original taste of the ingredients.

So I think as long as the spiciness suits me, that’s enough. "

"You are really good at eating." Ayako joked with a smile: "You should become a gourmet."

"Eating is just a hobby, but when you become a professional, you lose the original pleasure of pure enjoyment." Tangze waved his hand: "Take off the potato slices and tofu."

"Okay." Ayako continued chatting with Karasawa while putting various ingredients around her into the pot.

Soon, several empty plates were piled up around them, and Tang Ze's stomachs were gradually filled.

"I ate too much again today."

Lying on the sofa, Ayako patted her flat belly and said regretfully.

"Your belly hasn't changed at all, okay?" Tangze put his hand on it and felt some curves, and said speechlessly.

"I don't care, I just ate too much, and this is my stomach." Ayako hummed like a little girl: "I can feel it, so what you say doesn't count."

"Then let's do some exercise after we take a break?" Tang Ze suggested.


Ayako blushed and said in embarrassment: "What are you thinking about after eating?"

"I'm talking about going out for a walk." Tang Ze said with a smile on his lips and narrow eyes: "Where are you thinking?"

"I'm not thinking about where to go!" Ayako rolled her eyes at Tang Ze and lightly kicked Tang Ze who was sitting next to her: "You stinking scoundrel."

"Obviously it was my own fault..."

Before he could finish his words, Ayako's white little foot kicked towards his mouth, but how could such a sneak attack be effective against Karasawa.

Tang Ze just stretched out his hand and took the petite softness in his hand first.

"let go."

Even though both parties were an old couple, Ayako was still a little shy when her feet were held.

"Hmph, I can't run away from you."

Tang Ze scratched the soles of her feet, and the resistance in his hands immediately softened and turned into laughter like silver bells.

"Relax... let go..."

Lying on the sofa, Ayako smiled weakly and tried to take back her foot, but this time Karasawa did not hold on, allowing Ayako to take her foot back smoothly.

As soon as she retracted her feet, Ayako immediately sat up and rushed towards Karasawa: "You gangster!"

Karasawa let Ayako's little pink fist fall without fighting back, just smiled and waited for her to finish.

Although Ayako has a quiet temperament, she is also a little woman, and she can act coquettishly and play like a child around Karasawa.

And this is a side that only Tangze can see, the most real side.

Ayako saw that Karasawa just parried with a smile and did not continue to fight. She put her head on Karasawa's shoulder, and the two began to watch TV.

After the two watched Okino Yoko's evening singing program, they got up and planned to go for a walk.

After driving to Mihua Park, Tang Ze parked the car and the two held hands and walked into the park.

Although the weather is gradually getting hotter, it is not summer yet after all. The cool evening breeze blows on the body without any chill, but makes people feel comfortable.

On the dim park path, the two held hands and walked forward.

"It seems like we haven't gone for a walk in a long time." Feeling the cool evening breeze, Ayako suddenly sighed.

Karasawa looked at Ayako. Although the light was dim, he could still clearly see the happiness on her face.

Looking at the smile on the other person's face, Tang Ze's mood became much better.

"Watch what I do." Ayako noticed Karasawa's gaze and smiled unconsciously.

"My hair is all messed up."

As Tangze spoke, he stepped closer and pulled the slightly messy hair on the other person's face towards his ears.


Before I could say my customary thank you, the lipstick I specially applied was gone in the next moment, leaving only two young snakes entangled with each other.

Ayako was stunned for a moment, then quickly pushed Karasawa away and rolled her eyes at him shyly: "It's still in the park, what if someone sees it?"

"You'll see it when you see it. You wouldn't think that everyone is really here for a walk." Tang Ze spread his hands and said indifferently.

"How is that possible?" Ayako said angrily, "That's nonsense!"

"I'm not talking nonsense. If you don't believe me, look over there." Tangze pointed to the small woods in the distance. With his good night vision, he had already seen a couple hugging each other hiding in it.

After all, Ayako had also been strengthened once, and after Karasawa's reminder, she could still vaguely see the two sweet and hairy "Siamese monsters".

"That won't work either." Although Ayako was hit by the reality, she still said stubbornly: "It won't work if I say no."

"Okay, okay, I got it." Karasawa took Ayako's hand and continued walking inside: "Let's go, walk around the park, and we'll go home."


Ayako couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that Karasawa wasn't trying to push her too hard. She put her hands around Karasawa's arms and followed him forward.

Although the park is dark, you can still see old people and couples walking around from time to time, making the huge park very popular.

Walking deep into the park, Tang Ze even saw someone addicted to fishing here. Tang Ze was speechless for a while.

Sure enough, fishing guys are everywhere, I just hope he can catch something normal...

After all, there is a saying that a fisherman can catch not only fish, but also all kinds of weird things.

Considering the body of the god of death that he carried, Tangze wouldn't have any surprise even if the fisherman caught the corpse later.

Of course, he still didn't want something so embarrassing. After all, the atmosphere between him and Ayako was so good today, so an unexpected case would be a bit too embarrassing.

After walking around the small lake, Tang Ze saw that the fishing guy was still in the air force and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

‘It seems that after the case was solved yesterday, it still didn’t happen so quickly. ’ While Tangze breathed a sigh of relief, he was also wary of his own mentality of worrying about gains and losses.

I was really a little nervous, and I looked suspiciously at everything, as if there was a case happening.

But there is nothing you can do about it. In this environment, it is inevitable that you will have such thoughts unconsciously.

But this is not good.

I had set goals for myself because of this incident before, and I didn't want to let this possible thing affect my mentality.

But in recent times, cases have happened quite frequently, and there is a main plot behind it, so I have become mentally nervous unconsciously.

But if you keep this attitude all the time, you will have a nervous breakdown sooner or later.

Thinking of this, Karasawa looked at Ayako and said, "Are you free recently? Is the company still busy?"

"Basically everything is on the right track. The development strategies you have formulated have good prospects and sufficient funds. Once on the right track, you just need to control the general direction."

Ayako smiled when she heard this and said, "What's wrong? Is there anything you need to do?"

"I just want to find a suitable time to hang out together."

Karasawa took Ayako's hand and walked toward the exit: "I've been a little busy recently. I haven't had a good time to go out for a long time. I recently wanted to find a suitable time to go out together."

"Okay, then do you have somewhere you want to go?"

Ayako was very happy to hear Karasawa's words. Although she understood that Karasawa was busy at work, what woman didn't want her partner to spend more time with her.

"You just have to choose. You can also go abroad." Tang Ze smiled and said, "I can do either."

"Then I'll think about it carefully." Ayako nodded, and the smile on her face became brighter.

The two of them walked towards the exit while discussing where to travel.

The night wind blew the fallen leaves on the ground, and it seemed that the mood of the two of them was flying happily at this moment.

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