Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,045 Suspects and Doubts at the Scene

In the dim room, everyone looked at the area pointed by Samejima Ryuhei, and immediately they all had blank expressions on their faces.

"It's completely charred, you can't see anything." Looking at the charred ground with a flashlight, Takagi scratched his head and said.

"Actually, there is a difference." Samejima Ryuhei explained: "We generally judge based on the degree of carbonization."

"You are indeed an expert." Miwako Sato praised after hearing this: "I have also read your report. You are really a respectable person."

"You flatter me."

Samejima Ryuhei's attitude remained modest, but he immediately focused on work first: "The fire becomes stronger in the early stages of combustion, most likely because of the presence of kerosene as a combustion accelerant."

As he spoke, he pointed to the large white plastic pot beside him: "I'm afraid the prisoner first sprinkled lamp oil and then used a lit cigarette to light it."

"How can you be sure it's lamp oil?" Takagi asked humbly.

"It depends on the smell." Samejima Ryuhei said: "If you continue to accumulate experience, you can immediately judge whether it smells like lamp oil, gasoline or diluent based on the smell."

"It's so amazing, just like Karasawa's "super sense of smell"!" Takagi exclaimed and laughed, "It seems we don't have a role to play."

"Saito, what do you think?" Karasawa on the side asked without comment, looking at Hiroshi Saito who was playing with a plastic oil can.

"Without scientific testing, all conclusions are premature." Hiroshi Saito said lightly: "After all, the items around here are made of plastic."

"If it's plastic, it's a petroleum product. I'll pay attention to it during the investigation." Samejima Ryuhei didn't get angry after being questioned. He still looked modest.

Seeing that he was still searching the room for clues, everyone took action.

"The fire is really scary." Takagi walked around the room, feeling confused: "It feels like all the clues have been burned."

"Prometheus stole fire from the gods and gave it to mankind. After so many years of technological advancement, even though we control the flame most of the time, sometimes the flame will change beyond human wisdom."

As he spoke, Samejima Ryuhei looked at Karasawa and the other criminals and said sincerely: "I have been working at the fire scene for so many years, and there are still things I don't understand.

This time I hope to cooperate with you all to find out the truth. "

"You are still so humble." The bow commander patted Samejima Ryuhei and said with a smile: "An expert like you has to show some momentum occasionally!"

"I'm just an ordinary firefighter. I can't afford to be an expert." Samejima Ryuhei said modestly: "On the other hand, Yumagako, are there any suspects who suspect the arson?"

"Regarding this, because there have been successive fires recently, we also suspect that someone is setting fires continuously."

Hearing this, Chief Gong of the Police Department said: "My men made some discoveries during the previous investigation. A murder occurred today. I plan to invite him directly to the station later."

"It's not too late, let's go back immediately after collecting the physical evidence." Takagi didn't expect that there would be clues as soon as the case happened, and he said with a bright look.

"Okay, my people have just found him, and I'm asking them to take him back now." Gong Chang, the police department, nodded and took out the phone.

"We've almost collected it here." Hiroshi Saito put the collected debris evidence bag into the box, stood up and said, "The next step is the test."

"Let me know the results."

Karasawa looked at Saito Hiroshi and said, "I'll go meet the suspect first."

After the division of labor was completed, the group of people separated from the scene.

Gongchang's men from the police department acted quickly. By the time they returned to the Metropolitan Police Department, they had already captured the suspect and put him in the interrogation room.

The suspect is called Yamamura Kage. He is twenty-six years old and has no job. He is a homeless man.

According to the investigation, a few hours before the fire broke out last night, the suspect went to a nearby gas station to buy lamp oil.

Of course, the person was brought back, but the other party had no intention of confessing at all.


The bow leader said something, and asked the interrogating men to come out, and he and Tang Ze sat across from Yamamura Kage.

"I have to say, you are really diligent."

After sitting down, Police Chief Gongchang looked at the silent Yamamura Kage and said, "If you hadn't done this kind of thing, I would have given you a perfect attendance award."

As he spoke, he spread out the photos that his men had just collected one by one in front of the other party: "These are the photos from the recent fire scene, this! This! And that!"

It’s really amazing, all of them capture you in the camera lens of the onlookers! "

At the fire scene, in addition to the rescue firefighters, the news media or reporters are the other first group of people to arrive at the fire scene.

Of course their job was not to go in and save people, but to record the disaster report.

In this job, many people will be photographed. Some things are considered as background. Some people have a good relationship with the fire department or the police, and they are used to recording crime scenes.

Because many serial arsonists like to return to the scene to watch their "works" after committing crimes, reporters have learned this over time.

They were also happy to lend a hand and help photograph the crowds near the fire scene to see if they could help.

If you can really help unexpectedly and get thanks from the police, then regardless of whether the report can be satisfactory to the boss, the work will not be in vain.

After all, for a newspaper that has a press club in the police building, it is more valuable to establish a good relationship with the police and gain favors to establish a virtuous cycle.

The photos placed in front of the suspect were obviously obtained by his subordinates by contacting reporters.

And this is probably the main reason why Gongchang Police Department suspects him as a suspect.

"I wonder what kind of prizes you can get for the perfect attendance award?"

Looking at the photos in front of him, Yamamura Kage did not panic at all. Instead, he still looked arrogant.

"Boy, don't give me a bad look." Chief Gong of the Police Department, who already had a brutal face, looked even more fierce at this moment: "Your bad gangster tricks are of no use to me, so tell me the truth!"

"The photos you took were just me watching the fun at the fire scene."

Yamamura Kage clicked on the photo and said: "This is not even considered evidence. Just arrest me because of this. You are really unreasonable in criminal justice."

"The Gongchang Police Department is from the Fire Department, and I am mainly responsible for the cases of the Criminal Department."

Karasawa on the side stopped the Gongchang police officer who was about to get angry, looked at the man in front of him and smiled: "You should know what it means when someone from the Criminal Division appears in the fire incident, right?"

Karasawa's words made Yamamura Kage's expression change, and his previous frivolous disdain began to subside.

"It seems that you are aware of the seriousness of the situation." Tang Ze said calmly: "This is a bad incident of murder and arson. If you are innocent, please cooperate with our work."

"Even if I say it, you won't believe it." Yamamura Kage said irritably: "On the contrary, you will doubt me even more."

"Let's talk first." Tang Ze said calmly: "It's us who make the judgment after you finish talking." Gu Jian

"Yes, if you lie, Tang Ze Criminal will definitely see through it, but if you tell the truth, it will clear your suspicion, so don't try to play tricks."

Sensing something strange in the other party's words, Gongchang Police Department brought up Tangze's name with kindness and power.


Yamamura Kage was startled when he heard Yumaga's words from the police department, and then subconsciously looked at Tang Ze on the side: "You are the criminal who often appears in the newspapers..."

"it's me."

After being recognized by the other party, Tangze knew from the other party's expression that Gongchang Police Department had made a good move. It was obvious that the other party was shocked by his identity.

Although I don't usually use my name to put pressure, but it can be effective once in a while.

"If it were you, I think I wouldn't be suspected if I said this."

Hearing Karasawa admit his identity, Yamamura Kage relaxed and leaned directly on the seat: "I admit, I do get excited when I see the flames.

I also know that my mentality is not good, but I did not actually set a fire, let alone kill someone.

The reason why I show up at the crime scene every time is precisely because I don't dare to do it, so I can only look at other people's works of setting fire. "

"You have a completely happy-go-lucky mentality!" Police Chief Gong's expression turned serious when he heard this: "Do you think we will believe what you say!"

"But everything I said is true." Yamamura Kage said impatiently: "So you regarded me as a prisoner from the beginning, and you won't believe anything I say."

"I believe."

Tangze spoke directly: "Although I want to let you go immediately, in view of your dangerous thoughts, in order to prevent you from becoming an arsonist, you still need to have the proper education.

So wait a minute and go to the education room of the fire department to study hard. "

"You heard it, kid." The bow leader pulled Yamamura Kage up: "Let's go, I will have someone correct your dangerous thoughts."

"I'm going...can I not go..." Yamamura Kage cursed and was taken away by Gongchang Police Department's men, leaving only Gongchang Police Department standing in the interrogation room.

"Is it really okay to just let him go?"

Police Chief Gongzhang looked at Yamamura Kage going away and asked.

"He certainly didn't lie."

Tangze said: "At least he is telling the truth now. He is just a guy who doesn't have the courage to do it and just enjoys himself by looking at the results of other people's crimes."

"I can see that he was just angry because he felt that nothing he said would be of any use and would even arouse suspicion, so he refused to cooperate in the first place."

Police Gongchang smiled and said: "But your name is really useful. When the other party heard that it was you, he immediately told the truth."

"The prerequisite for it to work is that he is not a prisoner. Otherwise, it will be counterproductive, right?"

Tangze asked back: "Police Gongchang, how did you realize that he might not be a prisoner?"

"Intuition, right?" The bow leader shook his head and said, "I just brought up your name to test his reaction.

As for the future, I just trust your judgment. "

"Based on the micro-expressions, there is indeed no trace of the other party lying." Tangze explained at this point: "But in order to prevent this guy from committing crimes later, it is best to stay with him for a while."

"Ah, I know." Police Chief Gong nodded: "You don't need to tell me that I know this. This guy's mentality is very dangerous, and he may take that step at any time."

Yamamura Kage takes pleasure in seeing flames burning down a house. This mentality is very dangerous and can be said to be a potential arsonist.

It was this mentality that made him cautious, fearing that the police would suspect him even more.

But Tang Ze's reputation calmed the other party and made him willing to cooperate.

He wasn't particularly familiar with the Gongchang Police Department, but other than that, the two of them cooperated well during the interrogation.

What's more important is that the other party is also keen enough. He makes bold assumptions based on experience and then carefully verifies them. His methods are very clever.

"But this way, the case is back to the original point." Police Chief Gong said with a headache.

"I'll go back to Kesouyan later to see if there's anything I've discovered there." Tang Ze and Gong Chang said, "If there's any news, I'll call you, so I'll take the first step."

"Then I won't send it to you."

Gongchang Police Department waved his hand and said goodbye to Karasawa, then turned and walked towards the Fire Department Office.

After Karasawa left the interrogation room, he walked towards the elevator. Unexpectedly, Samejima Ryuhei walked out of the elevator.

"Tangze Criminal, we meet again!"

After seeing Karasawa, Samejima Ryuhei's eyes lit up and he immediately walked out of the elevator and bowed to Karasawa: "Thank you so much."

"Ah?" Seeing the other party bowing and thanking him as soon as he came up, Karasawa was completely confused: "Mr. Samejima, I don't seem to have done anything worthy of your gratitude."

"I have heard about your arrest of Yamamura Kage." Samejima Ryuhei explained with a smile.

"No, just a suspect, and..."

Before Karasawa could finish his words, Samejima Ryuhei interrupted him and said, "Actually, I have been paying attention to Yamamura for a long time."

"What?" Tang Ze asked in surprise.

"He was found at various fire scenes during my rescue operations. Please be sure to open a case for investigation and I will do my best to assist."

Samejima Ryuhei looked serious, and then bowed slightly before Karasawa could explain: "Then I have something to do here, so I'll leave first."

Looking at the opponent's walking speed, which was like a foot race, Tang Ze shook his head helplessly: "He is such an impatient guy, he doesn't even listen to what others have to say."

As for the other party's suspicion of Yamamura Kage, Tang Ze didn't find it strange. After all, the other party was not a criminal who specialized in investigating cases, and he often saw Yamamura Kage at fire scenes, so it was normal for him to suspect the other party.

After all, even the Gongchang Police Department suspected the other party at the beginning. Who knew that guy was indeed a potentially dangerous person.

But judging from the direction the other party was heading, he should have gone to the Gongchang Police Department, and he should know the result later.

After getting on the elevator that opened again, Tang Ze came to the first floor and walked towards the direction of Kesouyan.

Now that the case has returned to its original starting point, let's rely on scientific evidence to speak for itself.

I hope there will be new clues and discoveries from Hiroshi Saito.

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