Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,047 Professional Arsonist

After three rounds of drinking.

The food and barbecue on the table were also cleared away.

Naturally, people also climbed onto the table.

Fortunately for the Yumaga Police Department, Takagi was lying down on the side, and even Sato Miwako couldn't accompany her when she wanted to go to the courtyard of Samejima Residence to see flowers.

"Really, then I'll go by myself!" Seeing that Takagi didn't wake up at all, Miwako Sato walked out a little staggeringly.

"Hey, Sato Criminal, are you okay?"

Seeing that the other party felt a little unsteady when walking, Tang Ze quickly stepped forward and asked.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm just going to see the flowers."

Sato Miwako waved her hand, stood at the door and looked at the blooming flowers in the courtyard and praised: "Mr. Samejima is so amazing. Not only does he cook well, but he also grows flowers so well."

"They're like family to me."

Samejima on the side heard this and walked towards the yard with a smile and said: "Although it is very hard to take care of, I still feel a sense of accomplishment when I see the flowers bloom.

It also makes my life more colorful. "

"That's great." Miwako Sato sighed.

"If you don't mind, I'll give you a pot." Samejima Ryuhei handed one of the small potted plants with red flowers to Miwako Sato: "Take this."

"Eh? But..." Sato Miwako hesitated.

"I hope you can accept it." Samejima Ryuhei smiled sincerely and continued to hand out the small flowerpot.

Sato Miwako seemed to be more awake at this time. She looked at the other party and hesitated to speak, but finally took the small flowerpot into her hand.

Tangze in the room turned to look at Takagi, and couldn't help but put his forehead in his hands and was speechless.

Someone is flirting with your girlfriend, brother, you are still sleeping so soundly here...

Seeing that Sato Miwako seemed to realize that something was wrong in the atmosphere, and frequently looked at Karasawa asking for help, Karasawa looked at Police Yumaga who was smoking beside him and said: "It's getting late, let's go back."

"Yeah, that's fine." Gong Chang Police Department also didn't doubt that he was there. He put out his cigarette and stood up and said: "We will continue to investigate the case tomorrow, so we can't be too relaxed."

Karasawa woke up Takagi, and together with the middle-aged firefighter who was a little unhappy before, he lifted him up and walked out the door.

After a meal, the previous unhappiness between the two of them had completely disappeared. The other party even apologized to Tangze during the middle of the drink, saying that he shouldn't have gotten into the above situation and so on.

All in all, he is also a generous guy who is upright and dares to love and hate.

After everyone came out, Sato Miwako took the small flowerpot and ran to Takagi and Takagi as if she had been saved.

Because everyone was drinking tonight, everyone either walked home or took a taxi.

Because Takagi drank too much, Karasawa felt that Sato Miwako couldn't handle a drunkard by herself, so he just sent Takagi home with her.

"I'm really sorry to trouble you, Tangze Criminal."

After throwing Takagi on the bed, Miwako Sato breathed a sigh of relief. The alcohol she had not drunk much before had long since dissipated.

"Are you still planning to go back?" Tang Ze asked: "If you don't go back, I will leave first."

"Of course I'm going back!" Sato Miwako blushed as if she was caught in the tail: "I won't live in his place!"

"Then let's go, I'll give you a ride." Tang Ze didn't know whether the other party was thin-skinned or really shy, so he smiled and said, "Although you are a female criminal, it's still not safe to go back alone at night after drinking. "

"Thank you very much." Miwako Sato hugged the flower and thanked her, "It's just too troublesome for you."

"This is not troublesome." Karasawa pointed at the flower on Sato Miwako's hand and said with a smile, "When it comes to trouble, the one on your hand is troublesome."


Miwako Sato smiled bitterly when she heard this: "Indeed, I didn't expect him to... I really hope I'm overthinking it."

"If you think so yourself, you may be overthinking it, but I think so too." Tang Ze spread his hands and said, "I think he may have a crush on you. What are you going to do?"

"This..." Miwako Sato's face changed, and she immediately handed the flowerpot to Karasawa: "Here you go."

"Hey, you can't give it to me if you don't want it." Tang Ze said speechlessly: "This is not appropriate."

"It's the best choice for you."

Miwako Sato closed the door of Takagi's house and explained: "I have also heard about what you have done today. With his serious character, there is a high chance that he will go to the Science Research Institute to confirm your investigation results.

As long as you place this potted flower in a conspicuous place, he will definitely ask you. "

"You want me to be a villain." Tang Ze was a little helpless, but he didn't refuse: "Then you plan to let me reply to him?"

"Just say that I already have someone to send flowers to, so I can no longer accept flowers from other people, so as not to misunderstand my boyfriend." Sato Miwako smiled a little shyly, but more calmly: "Just tell me this Him."


Tang Ze felt that the other party's approach was indeed a good one. It not only showed that he had a choice, but also pretended that he did not know the other party's favor, and politely rejected the other party.

This way, the next time we meet, it won't be too awkward.

"Thank you very much." Sato Miwako also breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this: "I really didn't expect that I would be expressed favorably by someone I haven't met a few times."

"They just expressed it in a very subtle way, maybe we got it wrong." Tang Ze joked with a smile: "We'll see if you are embarrassed then."

"That's better than being stalked and beaten." Sato Miwako waved her hand, indicating that the topic ended here.

The taxi quickly took Miwako Sato home, and it took Karasawa fifteen minutes to turn around and successfully return home.

As soon as he entered the door, he could see Ayako lying on the sofa watching TV and waiting for him to come home.

"You're back? I'll get you a glass of water." Ayako handed the water glass to Karasawa and said at the same time: "I didn't expect that the fire we saw yesterday actually led to a murder case."

"This is something I didn't expect, and there are no suspects at the moment."

Tang Ze drank the water in one gulp: "What I fear most is investigating the case. I don't know how long it will take to find the suspect.

I originally planned to take a vacation today, but unexpectedly I encountered this case, and I couldn't just sit back and watch. may take two days before I can go out. "

"It's okay. There's no rush to go out for fun. It doesn't matter if you take a vacation after solving this case."

Ayako didn't care at all and said: "Even if you go out, you have to prepare. I will explain the company's affairs in the next two days, and then pack my luggage and so on."


"You don't need to bring too many clothes." Karasawa hugged Ayako and smiled: "Just buy them there. Just bring your cosmetics and skin care products."

"But then you have to go shopping with me." Ayako smiled and said, "Don't say you are tired then~"

"Then I ask for some interest today~"

Karasawa gave a bad smile and picked up Ayako, then walked towards the bathroom in a symbolic protest.

A good spring night is as gentle as water drowning people's hearts.

Early the next morning, an energetic Karasawa went to the Science Research Institute, while Hiroshi Saito and his men began to urgently analyze the samples collected yesterday.

I originally thought there would be pressure from the fire department, but with Karasawa as a shield and yesterday's dinner, it was quietly eliminated.

But even so, it still took them a whole morning to complete all the tests.

Among them, most of the analysis results are the same, but only one of the curve charts is completely different from the other analysis status charts.

This substance, which was completely different from the previous lamp oil, was tested to be sodium carbonate!

After confirming this, Hiroshi Saito immediately simulated the layout of the crime scene.

A piece of white paper filled with squares was marked red one by one.

"What I'm marking now is the area covered by the lamp oil, and the plastic bucket containing the lamp oil is placed on the shelf on the far left."

Hiroshi Saito placed a blue button here to represent the location of the lamp oil.

Immediately, he placed a red button in the opposite direction of the fire point: "But the fire point identified by the fire department was found a few meters away from the shelf."

"That's a really weird point."

Tang Ze touched his chin and said, "It's impossible for the prisoner to put the plastic bucket back after spreading the lamp oil. This behavior is not consistent with common sense."

"Yes, so after that, I listed the area between the fire point and the barrel. The red area is the distribution map covered by lamp oil substances."

Saito Hiroshi pointed to the red squares: "These red squares are covered by oil lamps, but the fire department identified them as the original fire point, which is the area where the cigarettes are located, but they are not covered by lamp oil.

Instead, there were a lot of traces of lamp oil covering the area where the shelf where the barrels were placed. "

"In other words, the fire department made a mistake in judging cigarettes as the cause of the fire, and the real cause of the fire was other factors."

Tang Ze squinted his eyes, and the sharpness in his eyes flashed away: "Judging from the current situation, the plastic bucket storing the lamp oil should be placed on the shelf.

But then the fire ignited the plastic bucket, causing the lamp oil to leak out and spread around. This is more logical. "

"However, if an arsonist wants to set a fire, it is normal to sprinkle lamp oil in the house." Takagi, who was listening to the discussion between the two, put forward a different view.

“That’s what sodium carbonate is all about.”

Hiroshi Saito explained: “If it was really the cigarette that lit the lamp oil, sodium carbonate should not be present at the crime scene.

When I was analyzing lamp oil on floor materials, I accidentally discovered substances such as sodium carbonate.

Centered on the ground near the fire point, extremely trace amounts of sodium carbonate are distributed.

However, the fire department's identification did not find the existence of this substance. "

"What does this mean?" Takagi asked somewhat puzzled.

"Substances such as sodium carbonate are used to determine whether a bomb was installed before the explosion or whether it was a simple accident."

Karasawa explained: "For example, when dangerous goods such as nitroglycerin and glycerin bombs explode, the ultra-high temperature generated by the explosion will cause the nano atoms to be separated.

When individual nanoatoms combine with carbon dioxide, they are converted into sodium carbonate. "

"How much knowledge do you have?" Hiroshi Saito said speechlessly: "You have taken away all my explaining work. Who is the technician?"

"I only know a little bit about it on paper. Of course I can't compare to you in actual combat." Tangze said very modestly. He only knew this because of his two skills: Chemistry and Bomb Disposal.

Because chemistry is mostly related to dangerous goods, and his bomb disposal skills require extensive knowledge in related fields, his chemistry choices are all fields related to dangerous goods.

It is precisely because of this that he can understand such professional knowledge.

After listening to Karasawa's explanation, Takagi on the side was a little dumbfounded: "But...doesn't this mean that there were dangerous objects in this Tokyo old man's home, and then a fire broke out."

"To be precise, it was nitro compounds that caught fire." Hiroshi Saito corrected.

"That kind of thing is okay anyway." Takagi said speechlessly: "I would rather say that hearing this name, I feel it is too outrageous."

"But the facts are before us." Tang Ze shook his head and said: "This is scientific evidence, and science cannot lie."

"I didn't find it when I first analyzed it."

Hiromi Saito said: “It was later that I felt something was not right about the fire points and the distribution of lamp oil, so I collected it again.

It's no wonder that professionals like the Fire Department and Samejima missed it. This is not something that can be detected by experience and intuition.

After all, even our latest color phase gas spectrometer cannot guarantee 100% detection unless a sample with a certain amount of sodium carbonate is collected. "

"You've done a great job this time." Karasawa patted Hiro Saito and said, "Well done."

"You'd better think about what to do next."

Saito Hiroshi made great achievements, but he was not happy at all: "The nature of this thing is completely different when it appears. This is not something that a small gangster can do.

In other words, your search direction will have to be completely overhauled, and you will even have to face more professional criminals. "

"These are our jobs, you can rest first."

Karasawa nodded to indicate that he understood, then looked at Takagi and said: "Let's go, now the first step is to investigate the purchase method of nitroglycerin used in the crime scene."

Of course, he did not forget to inform the Gongchang Police Department of this discovery before doing so.

After hearing the news, the other party's tone on the phone gradually became serious. After all, a professional arsonist is much more lethal than a gangster.

At present, we only rely on knowledge to carry out arson. If more dangerous bomb-like items are created, it will be a huge hidden danger.

At the same time, Tang Ze also received news of Gong Chang's criminal investigation.

Sure enough, as he had judged before, Yamamura Kage did not lie. Although he would be excited when he saw the arson, he was not responsible for the arson.

The lamp oil was not what he bought, it was already in the deceased's family.

At the time of the incident, he was playing games in the arcade, as evidenced by the clerk and in-store surveillance.

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