Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,049 Fertilizer + Enema = Incendiary Bomb

Before returning to the office, Karasawa first went to Kosouken's big office and placed the flowers Samejima gave to Miwako Sato here.

This large office is where Hiroshi Saito and others usually stay when they handle paperwork or have nothing to do. There is also a conference table for them to discuss the case after analyzing the evidence.

Generally, if there are outsiders around, they will definitely come here, which is why Tangze puts flowers here.

After all, if Samejima continues to follow up on this case, he will definitely come to Kesouyan to inquire about the situation.

And this is the place where the other party is most likely to come. Since Karasawa promised Sato Miwako to help him refuse, it is naturally the most appropriate place to put it here.

After telling people in the office not to touch him casually, Tang Ze walked towards the office.

Waiting is the most painful time, especially when there is no progress in the case.

Whenever there is calmness in big events, Tang Ze can still hold on to this point.

He passed the time by reading psychology books in the morning. Just when he thought the day was going to end, he didn't expect to receive a call at four o'clock in the afternoon saying that the results were out.

This result made Tang Ze stunned. He even wondered if the young people under his command had developed a rebellious mentality and expressed their dissatisfaction in a deceptive way.

"What's going on? With so many combinations, we shouldn't be able to test them all even by tomorrow, right?"

After arriving at the big office, Karasawa looked at Hiroshi Saito and asked, "Why is it so fast?"

"Indeed, if you want to combine more than ten kinds of enemas with more than thirty kinds of fertilizers, the quantity is too much."

Hiroshi Saito nodded and smiled: "The boys under my command also thought so at first, and they looked dejected when assigning tasks, just like on the battlefield.

But while they were doing the experiment, I suddenly thought of something.

That is, many fertilizers on the market today are synthetic and contain no impurities.

So I asked them to eliminate the fertilizer that did not contain impurities from the first trial.

This eliminated most of the fertilizers at once, and only three types of fertilizers were rich in impurities.

Our previous time was spent experimenting with the remaining three combinations of fertilizers and enema. "

"Then what's the result?" Karasawa glanced at Saito Hiroshi, but looking at his current reaction, he actually already had the answer in his heart.

"Unfortunately, when the fertilizer you bought is combined with the glycerin in the enema, the burned magazine will be completely different from the one at the crime scene."

Hiroshi Saito shook his head and said: "Fertilizer is an easier way to get it, but the prisoner may have used other methods...

Well, he is a professional after all, so there may be other ways to remove nitroglycerin.

Give me some more time, and I will continue to search for information to see if there is anything that is as easy to obtain as fertilizer and can achieve the same effect. "

"Professionals...fertilizer..." Karasawa on the side listened thoughtfully to Saito Hiroshi's words.

Although he had known this conclusion for a long time, they had not made any breakthrough on this inference.

But he vaguely felt that this would be a breakthrough, but he didn't have any lead now.

"By the way, I heard that you brought this potted flower over? And you specifically told me not to touch it?"

While Karasawa was deep in thought, Hiroshi Saito nodded at the flowers on the table and said with a smile, "What do you mean? If it was a gift from your girlfriend, you shouldn't put it here, right?"

Tangze, who was deep in thought, subconsciously focused his gaze on the flowers. Looking at the delicate and blooming fiery red flowers, a bold idea quietly emerged in his mind.

"I need a favor from you."

Karasawa's tone was a little heavy. He looked at Hiroshi Saito with a serious look and slowly spoke out his request.

When Hiroshi Saito originally agreed, he had a relaxed look on his face, but after Karasawa finished stating his request, Hiroshi Saito's pupils shrank and his face became more solemn.


That night.

It was already 8 o'clock in the evening, long past the time to get off work, the sky was already dark, and the cars on the road were heading home one after another.

But in the empty science search and research, Karasawa and Hiroshi Saito did not leave.

Not only that, he also called Takagi and Miwako Sato over.

"Sorry to keep you waiting for so long."

While everyone was waiting in the big office, Samejima Ryuhei walked over quickly, "I originally planned to come over after get off work, but who knew I bumped into Yamamura Kage on the way.

At that time, I saw that he looked a little strange, so I followed him, and then I found that he had brought lamp oil and seemed to be looking for the target of arson. "

"This guy is really ungrateful!" Sato Miwako frowned and asked, "What will happen next?"

"I and Gong Zhang Criminal's subordinates worked together to subdue him when he set the fire. Because the fire had just been ignited, and we were well prepared, it was put out quickly."

When Samejima Ryuhei said this, he looked at everyone and said, "Then I wonder what experiment you want me to see?

If it was the source of the fire, catching Yamamura Kage in action this time should allow him to do things that he didn't do before. "

There seemed to be nothing wrong with these words, but the three Takagis on the side looked strange and looked at Tangze frequently.

After all, what the other party meant was to say that Tang Ze's previous interrogations and interviews were completely unreliable, and this time he caught the other party in action, which naturally seemed more convincing.

From a normal person's point of view, most people would think that this guy actually set the fire after being caught, so it must have been this guy who set the fire last time.

It's just that there was no way to catch him last time, but if he is caught this time, the other party will definitely not be able to deny it.

This is the inertia that most people have, but saying it at this moment is undoubtedly a bit of a slap in Tang Ze's face.

"It can be said that Yamamura Kage's arson this time was unexpected, but it is also reasonable."

Faced with Samejima Ryuhei's words, Karasawa didn't show any reaction at all. Instead, he smiled and said, "But we can't be so one-sided and think that the other party was responsible for the fire last time.

Our searches are all based on evidence, and we will not accuse one person of other crimes just because of his evil deeds.

It just so happens that what we discovered this time is also related to the last case. Mr. Samejima, how about we finish the experiment first? "

"Okay." Samejima Ryuhei could only nod his head after hearing this.

"It's not too late, let's get started." Tang Ze smiled and walked towards the laboratory, followed closely by everyone.

After arriving at the laboratory, Karasawa asked everyone to stand at the door, while he and Hiroshi Saito got busy on the test bench.

"Actually, the reason I called everyone here this time is to demonstrate a simple chemical experiment, which is also the real cause of the fire."

Tang Ze said that his white-gloved right hand picked up a round container with a white granular substance inside: "This is fertilizer."

"This is a common enema on the market."

Hiroshi Saito picked up an egg-shaped pink plastic bottle and opened the knob of the long tube: "Now we pour these two things into ordinary gelatin capsules."

The so-called gelatin capsule is a transparent medicinal capsule, generally composed of two capsule shells: a cap and a body.

And this is not only used for medicine, but also can be used in some chemical experiments. For example, it is now used to hold liquid enemas and solid fertilizers.

After the two people put the items into the capsule, they taped it together.

"If this is the case, nothing will happen." Tang Ze showed the two capsules he placed in the vessel to everyone.

"Next, we mix the two together."

Saito Hiroshi took out a long needle as he spoke, pierced two gelatin capsules that were close together, and placed them on the wooden chopping board in front of him.

The capsule containing the solid fertilizer naturally had no reaction after being punctured, but the capsule containing the enema was punctured because of the closed capsule, and the liquid in it began to flow.

Soon, the enema flowed out, and some began to enter the capsule containing fertilizer through the hole pierced by Hiroshi Saito.

When the enema and fertilizer are mixed together, the inside of the transparent capsule immediately begins to turn black, dyeing the entire transparent capsule black in just an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a stream of white smoke emerged from the capsule and slowly rose.

Everyone stared at the scene in front of them, refusing to move their eyes.

People like Sato Miwako and Takagi, who did not understand the chemical reaction, looked at the changes on the tray with uncontrollable surprise on their faces.

As the smoke filled the air, a little fire began to flicker in the capsule that was dyed black, and it became bigger and bigger with the rapid flickering.


At the next moment, a huge fire burst out from the small capsule, and the flames even reached higher than Tang Ze.

The huge flame like a fire snake burned blazingly, and it maintained its ferocious flame without any sign of weakening.

It is hard to imagine that the chemical reaction between the fertilizer, which is slightly larger than soybeans and is just contaminated with some enema, directly produces such a large amount of firepower.

Everyone watched the flames continue to burn, and finally slowly became smaller, and then they came to their senses.

The wooden chopping board originally had a layer of paint and thin boards, but the ferocious firepower even burned through the layer of boards on the wooden table and did not stop until the solid wood underneath.

This kind of firepower is the reaction produced by combining a soybean-sized fertilizer granule with an enema.

If this gelatin capsule is filled up and combined with a little enema as it is now, it can be used as a secret yet powerful fire-starting device!

Not only that, such a small fire-starting device can easily be "destroyed" by huge flames. After all, these two gelatin capsules don't have much burning material at all.

It's just an experiment now, and the capsule can be burned out even with a relatively small dosage, let alone increasing the dosage.

"Mr. Samejima, look at the burn marks on the wooden board. Are they similar to the burn marks at the fire scene?"

But when faced with Karasawa's words, Samejima Ryuhei just stepped forward and looked at him, but said nothing.

Upon seeing this, Karasawa did not continue to ask, but pointed to the tray and looked at Takagi and the other two who were looking for answers, and explained: "Enemas and fertilizers are both harmless medicines.

However, the enema contains 50% glycerin, and the fertilizer also contains some acidic substances.

When that acid reacts with glycerin, nitroglycerin can be produced. "

"Are they two things that can be bought so easily?" Miwako Sato was surprised when she heard this.

"Although it is simple, if you can imagine that the combination of the two can produce a chemical reaction, making a fire starting device is not simple at all." Tangze explained with a smile.

"However, the prisoner may not have used this method." Samejima Ryuhei, who was silent at the side, stared at the table and suddenly said.

"In this regard, we used an exhaustive method to combine a large number of enemas and fertilizers on the market, and compared them with the combustion residues at the crime scene."

Saito Hiroshi nodded and said: "But unfortunately our data is inconsistent with the chemical substances remaining at the fire scene."

"It's a pity. If we can find suitable fertilizer, we can lock the prisoner through channels." Sato Miwako said regretfully after hearing this.

"No, we've found it." Tangze said, "We found exactly the same material."

Under the astonished gazes of everyone, Tang Ze placed a pot of red flowers on the table from under the table.

"This is..." Sato Miwako looked surprised when she saw the potted flower.

"Eh? Sato-san, do you know about this potted flower?" Takagi on the side saw the surprise on Miwako Sato's face and asked curiously.

Hearing Takagi's words, Sato Miwako had a complicated look on her face, and said with some hesitation: "This potted flower... was given to me by Samejima during dinner that day."

"Eh? Eh!?"

Because Takagi was already drunk at the time, he didn't know about it. After hearing Miwako Sato's words, he looked at the flowers and then at Samejima Ryuhei beside him, with a complex expression on his face.

I treat you as a friend, but you, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, are actually looking at my girlfriend! ?

Takagi's face was ugly. He originally had a good impression of Samejima Ryuhei. As a fire fighter, he was not afraid of life and death to save people. He was also humble when working together. It could be said that he was a very charming person.

But you actually pried me off when I was drunk! ?

"Don't think too much, Mr. Samejima just doesn't know about our relationship, and I have already made my choice."

Seeing Takagi's expression that seemed to change his face, Sato Miwako couldn't help but smile, and told Takagi what she had done with the potted flower: "Otherwise, why do you think the potted flower is at Karasawa Criminal Court?"

"So this is ah…"

Speaking of this, while Takagi was relieved, he was also very moved by Sato Miwako's silent rejection of other people's pursuit.

But the next moment, he seemed to react. He looked at the pot of flowers suddenly, and then looked at Samejima Ryuhei who was silent at the side, with a look of disbelief on his face: "Wait...then let's say..."

"I didn't expect..." Sato Miwako sighed: "It would end like this."

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