Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,056 Case Settlement

[The Kidnapper’s Strange Road]

Completion: Excellent~Perfect

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the random element designated card]

Evaluation: You cleverly solved a murder case in your own way, and later arrested all the culprits. You redressed the injustice of the wronged and made the evildoers pay the price they deserve.

Talk and laugh, make plans, turn the tables and solve the crime. The prisoner doesn't even know who is the leader that led him to such an ending. Your methods are becoming more and more sophisticated!

Somehow, you have been favored by fate!

When the system panel was refreshed, Tang Ze couldn't help but look happy after checking the reward information.

Although he only got an "excellent ~ perfect" level prop, this time it couldn't hold up to what he needed!

[Random Element Designated Card] is a new prop that he just used when he obtained the main line. It is precisely because of this prop that he can obtain the "Night Crow", the sniper rifle that he desperately needs.

Although this prop is not as good as the perfection-level props, its effect is unmatched by other props of the same level.

Its appearance means that Tang Ze has more choices for rewards, instead of just relying on luck to see if he can get any useful props.

In this way, he can also choose the props he needs in a more targeted manner after receiving rewards above the "perfect level".

Although you still have to rely on luck first, at least you can filter out the more necessary range.

As for the fact that this prevention case did not achieve a degree of completion above "perfect level", it was actually not beyond Tangze's expectations.

Although this time he prevented the tragedy of Kyouta Honma's murder, Tatsumi Shigeba has killed people before.

Judging from the "perfect plot" of the system, it is completely normal to withhold rewards.

In short, Tangze is used to it and is very satisfied with the reward this time.

With this happiness, Tang Ze quickly fell into sleep.

One of the most enjoyable things in life is to sleep until you wake up naturally.

When it was three o'clock in the morning the next day, Karasawa and Ayako got up slowly, had breakfast, and then started their day's travel.

The Hawaiian Islands are an archipelago with beautiful scenery.

The reason why the name "island" is given is because the landforms here were formed by volcanic eruptions, and there are even active volcanoes.

The climate here is mild and there are basically no seasons, making it a good place for vacation. As the largest island, Hawaii is naturally not famous for its magical "Hawaii Technical School" but its beautiful scenery.

As a field trip party, Karasawa can be sure that there is no so-called "Hawaiian training school" here (laughs), there are just sour and sweet pineapples, sweet sugar cane and bananas.

These three fruits are considered local specialties. After all, the climate is very suitable and they are very sweet when grown.

The sugar cane water squeezed out made Tang Ze feel a little too sweet. It is indeed a place called "Sugar Island".

If you want to say that the most famous thing here, or the attraction that people can think of when it is mentioned, it is naturally the sea.

The clear water and abundant fish provide excellent diving options. The first choice after the two of them finished eating was diving.

The peaceful feeling of being immersed in the sea, isolated from the world, and quietly watching the fish swimming in the sea, gave Tangze a sense of relaxation as he let go of all his burdens.

Of course, this is because the diving is in clear shallow water. If you put it in a place like the deep sea, it will be claustrophobic.

In addition to agricultural products, Hawaii's important economic industry is also tourism.

Because of this, there are so many types of activities that can be played at the beach.

Motor boats, banana boats, surfing, and even if you want to overlook the sea, there are speedboats that pull a parachute and put you in the air like a kite.

After being tired from playing, drinking pineapple juice and lying on the beach chair for a nap, Tangze looked at the time and found that it was already noon.

"Are you hungry? Let's go eat?"

After standing up and stretching his muscles, his explosive and smooth figure instantly attracted the envious eyes of the tourists around him.

Unfortunately, when he took Ayako's hand, countless women who were about to make a move had to regretfully give up their newly raised thoughts of striking up a conversation and look at Karasawa reluctantly.

Karasawa simply chose to ignore this, holding Ayako's hand and walking towards a nearby restaurant.

When it comes to food, Hawaii is a melting pot of cultures.

"Kalua Pork" is one of the classic barbecue dishes, and it was also the first delicacy that the two chose to taste this time.

This is actually a kind of barbecue, but Tang Ze suspects that the cooking method is based on the cooking method of "Beggar's Chicken" in his hometown.

This barbecue is made by wrapping the seasoned pork in washed banana leaves, then placing it in a pit and slowly roasting it.

How about it? Do you feel like a beggar chicken? It’s just that one uses lotus leaves and chicken, and the other uses banana leaves and pork.

But I have to say that this dish still tastes very good, and the meat is very filling, which is very enjoyable to eat.

Of course, there are some special foods that Karasawa and Ayako have no desire to order. It’s not that they’re not delicious, but they’re too close to their daily eating habits. They’re almost made based on Neon’s delicacies.

For example, Karasawa didn't want to eat the dish of sushi rice and luncheon meat wrapped in seaweed just by looking at it.

Without it, the base is not very tasty, and the maximum flavor is just sitting there and eating it just to fill your stomach.

They are here to enjoy delicious food, so naturally they will not choose food whose taste is obvious at a glance.

At the very least, it has to be food that you have never tasted before, so you can still taste it even if it doesn’t taste good.

However, they are not interested in tasting this Hawaiian version of sushi, but there is still something similar but with a completely different taste that they want to taste.

The name of this dish is "Poki". The main ingredient of this dish is tuna, and it is also eaten raw.

But it is different from Neon's usual way of eating tuna. In addition to mustard and soy sauce, it also adds seasonings such as cooking wine and sesame oil.

In addition, it needs to be marinated for half an hour, then stirred together with the diced avocado, and then sprinkled with seaweed and it is ready to eat.

To be honest, even though I had seen its introduction on the menu, when this dish was served, Karasawa still felt that it felt like a dark dish.

How can I put it... Anyway, Karasawa is not used to it, but Ayako can accept this variant of sashimi, maybe it tastes like Hawaiian style sashimi.

These two are the new dishes that Karasawa and the others chose to try in Hawaii.

As for other dishes, they still chose foods with common flavors such as pineapple fried rice and grilled chicken nuggets to fill their stomachs to avoid discomfort and gastrointestinal discomfort.

Gu Pian

After all, they still have many days left, and there is no need to try new and novel foods every day like a cow chewing peonies.

Choosing two or three kinds at a time will allow you to taste the flavors more carefully.

In general, both of them were very satisfied with their first lunch. The "Kalua Pork" dish tasted pretty good. As for the Hawaiian-style "Sashimi Fish Nugget", it was a mixed bag of personal preferences.

Overall, both of them were quite satisfied with the meal. Although the Hawaiian-style grilled chicken steak did not exceed the upper limit, it still had its own unique taste.

After lunch, the two of them ate their dessert of pineapple shaved ice and lay leisurely on the beach chairs.

It is actually very pleasant to just lie quietly and do nothing, empty your mind and waste time looking at the sea view in the distance.

"I haven't been this relaxed for a long time."

Looking at the sea, Ayako couldn't help but sigh.

"Yes, the peaceful daily life always slips away inadvertently, and what is left are the various challenges in life."

As the cool sea breeze blew by, Tang Ze placed the shaved ice on the table and squinted his eyes comfortably.

After arriving in Hawaii, Karasawa felt the most relaxed. It was simply because he used his holiday card today.

In other words, there will be no murders within seven days starting from today.

It’s so refreshing to not have to worry about a case that may happen at any time. It’s so refreshing to just quietly empty your mind and not have to think about anything!

It feels so good to take off the shackles and worries of life and just be a pure lazy person!

Especially this kind of enjoyment is not about giving up on oneself, lying down and accepting whatever comes, but completely letting go of oneself.

"Now that we're here, let's have fun." Ayako pointed at the beach volleyball player in the distance who was calling for members and said with a smile, "It's almost time to rest, let's go play volleyball~"

"But I think there is a suspicion of bullying." Karasawa smiled but still got up and walked with Ayako towards the crowd gathering people.

Since there were not many secretaries, the two waited for a while to gather enough people before starting the competition.

Everyone is here for vacation, they are not professionals, and they are all mixed men and women as teammates. Naturally, it is a situation where novices are pecking each other.

Karasawa and Ayako didn't take things too seriously, unless they had a particularly good opportunity, they would play a smash or something like that. Even then, they easily won their side the victory.

Later, some foreigners who were playing volleyball asked the two of them to drink, but the two of them declined because they still wanted to surf.

In the afternoon, the two took a cruise to another island and visited the newly built botanical garden nearby.

As for the botanical garden, to be honest, if you are not a plant lover, 90% of people will just take a tour and take pictures of the more novel plants.

After visiting the botanical garden, the two went directly to the racecourse and began to enjoy the scenery leisurely.

Even those who don’t know how to ride a horse don’t have to worry. The gentle horses seem to be assimilated by the leisurely atmosphere of Hawaii. They will only take you for a leisurely walk instead of taking you galloping.

In the evening, the two did not return to their previous hotel, but checked into a sea-view room near the sea.

Don't forget, the two of them didn't bring anything to salute. They checked into the hotel directly after getting off the plane. Their clothes were all local-style clothes purchased at shopping stores in scenic spots.

Because they are all short-sleeved and short-sleeved, they can be stuffed directly into Karasawa's backpack.

Of course, after checking into this hotel, you have to pack your suitcases.

After all, apart from eating and drinking when traveling, there is nothing left to buy~

Their luggage will only become more and more, because in addition to clothes, there will also be various specialties that Karasawa and his wife want to bring to their family and friends.

However, with the money ability, many things can be easily solved. For example, you can entrust someone to check in the annoying luggage that you need to carry everywhere.

So even when the two of them were traveling, they took a casual trip.

And the five-star hotel they stayed in definitely had a reason for them to stay as their second stop.

This hotel, located between the Halayakara Mountains and the Pacific Ocean, has deliberately designed the entire hotel in a "U" shape.

The reason for doing this is to better integrate into the surrounding environment. The infinity swimming pool is connected with the sea and blue sky. The clear water seems to be connected with the blue and the red of the sky.

Opposite the hotel on Maui is the looming mountains, and you can even watch the sunset from the swimming pool. Everything is breathtakingly beautiful.

"It's so beautiful. No words can seem to describe the scenery in front of me." Lying with Karasawa on the sofa next to the swimming pool, Ayako couldn't help but admire.

"If you like it, you can come again in the future." Tang Ze said with a smile.

"If there is a next time, I think it would be better to go to other places first." Ayako smiled and said: "After all, you should want to travel around the world, right?"

"Has it been seen?" Tang Ze said in surprise: "I don't think I told you about this, right?"

"But you like traveling very much. You are always happy every time you travel."

Ayako smiled and said: "It's not the ordinary kind of happiness because of the scenery, but the happiness of enjoying the process of the journey, which is very similar to Uncle Jijiro.

So I knew you might want to see more of the world. "

"I didn't expect to be "betrayed" by Mr. Jijiro."

Karasawa chuckled when he heard this, stretched out his hand and grabbed Ayako's catkin in his hand and said warmly: "Then I don't know if I have the honor to invite Miss Ayako to accompany me around the world in a lifetime."

Faced with Karasawa's sudden warmth, Ayako was caught off guard, but after a brief moment of absence, her eyes seemed to be filled with tenderness.

At this moment she did not answer, but made a statement with practical actions.

Although it was just a gentle kiss, it was undoubtedly a bold move for Ayako, who was reserved and not very good at expressing her feelings.

You must know that the two have lived together for so long, but Tang Ze has always taken the initiative. Although they are an old couple, they still like to blush.

And when Tang Ze faced the beauty's embrace, how could he let her go so easily.

With his right hand around his waist, Tang Ze took the initiative to launch an offensive.

The sun sets and the stars and the moon come quietly.

The sea, which was gentle during the day, seemed to be moving.

When the tide rises, the waves sweep across the coast wantonly, seeming to express their passion wantonly. The ups and downs of the waves seem to have some charm in them.

Until a certain moment, strong winds swept in, and the waves seized the peak moment and launched their final sprint towards the coast.

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