Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1068 Money Ability

This case is actually very simple, and there was no murder in the original plot.

If you can prevent the other party from setting fire, you will not be able to get an excellent reward or above, but you will not be able to escape with at least 500 destiny points.

But unfortunately, since he has a real job and is the absolute protagonist of the exchange meeting, it is impossible for him to strike early.

Therefore, this time he could only watch as the reward for this case passed him by.

But thinking about a case that would happen later, Karasawa immediately changed his schedule and planned to wait for the three-day exchange meeting to end and return to Tokyo that night!

By the way, in the original plot, because the house Okiya rented was burned down and there was no place to live, Conan naturally invited Okiya to live in his house.

After Karasawa intervened, Akai Shuichi moved into the Kudo family's mansion earlier than before.

Of course, it is a very reasonable and common way to check in.

Basically, the Kudo couple entrusted an intermediary, and then Okiya Ao "happened" to rent it. It can be said that there is no outstanding feature at all.

As for Haiyuan, although he had noticed that someone had moved into Kudo Shin's family, he did not ask too many questions due to the advance explanation from Karasawa and his wife.

After sorting out the current situation, Karasawa always paid attention to the situation in Tokyo to avoid missing the next case.

This was a kidnapping case. The victim folded a lot of paper airplanes and asked for help. Because this matter was not a big news, Tangze was a lot more relaxed in the selection of people to inquire about.

So on the second night of the exchange meeting, Karasawa called Ayako to chat and asked her if anything happened in Tokyo, but did not get any useful information.

However, on the afternoon of the third day, when he called Haibara and asked about it, the other party told him that last night, someone in Tokyo spread more than a hundred paper airplanes, and the issue was discussed in the streets early in the morning.

Hearing this, Karasawa was relieved. This should have happened on the night he asked Ayako, which means that the case has just begun, and the reward is basically guaranteed.

After asking Haibara to send him the strange airplane photos, he immediately called Takagi and others, telling them that someone was asking for help, and revealed that the place of imprisonment was at the Mihua Tower Building.

After that, using the sightseeing elevator of the Rice Krispies Hotel, Takagi and others easily rescued President Daita.

As for Tangze, he only got a pitiful 200 destiny points.

After all, even if Karasawa hadn't solved this case in advance, it would have been solved by Akai Shuichi and Conan that evening, so he could only get minimum living security.

Looking at the 1,400 destiny points on the panel, Tang Ze felt like crying.

If he could catch up with the previous case and successfully prevent it, the system reward would be slightly more than 100 fate points, and he would be able to pull together ten draws in a row.

Refund! Labor and management have to carry buckets and run away overnight!

Tang Ze directly changed his ticket for the next morning to tonight's ticket.

Fortunately, the previous peak travel period had passed, and since there were not many people, he was able to successfully change his booking easily.

Karasawa even gritted his teeth. If he couldn't change the contract today, he would just have the motorcycle transferred from the garage, and he would ride the motorcycle back to Tokyo.

"What's wrong? You came back in a hurry tonight?"

Looking at Karasawa who was standing in front of the entrance door changing his shoes, Ayako quickly stepped forward and took the luggage bag from his hand: "Have you eaten yet? I'll make it for you."

"Don't bother, just eat some ramen." Karasawa smiled and said: "The exchange meeting is over. I feel a little empty, lonely and cold staying there, so I can't wait to find a warm embrace."

"Go, you're so talkative when you come back." Ayako rolled her eyes at Karasawa angrily: "What flavor of ramen do you want?"

"Tomato." Tang Ze thought for a moment and said, "Add eggs."

"I know, you go take a shower first." Ayako pulled her suitcase and walked into the house, followed by Karasawa who walked towards the bathroom and started washing up.

It says it's ramen, but it's actually just instant noodles.

Although you can't eat this stuff often, it's quite enjoyable to eat it once in a while.

Moreover, what Karasawa ate was the highest-standard ramen specially produced by the Suzuki family's food factory, so there was no need to worry about safety issues.

It's not that Karasawa is squeamish, but the "beriberi sauerkraut" that happened in his hometown in his previous life really disgusted him, so that now that he has the ability, he naturally has to make sure that what he eats is not something disgusting.

After taking a shower, Tang Ze lay down on the sofa contentedly with a bowl of noodles and a candied egg.

After returning home, Tangze felt completely at ease.

As he said to Ayako before, on the one hand, being alone is boring, and on the other hand, it is also because of his work that he lost a huge amount of money.

So feeling distressed, he immediately started the "make up for the situation before it's too late" mode.

As for whether it is useful, the answer is inevitable. The two previous cases alone are not enough for Tang Ze to call him a "big fish".

Of the three capsules, only this one won the bid. Although the previous short novels occupied most of the memory, the "big fish" was often left at the end.

And Tangze came back just for this "big fish". If he didn't catch this reward, his heart would really bleed.

Because of the long journey, Karasawa and Ayako rested very early.

Early the next morning, Tang Ze woke up half an hour earlier than usual.

The reason why I woke up half an hour early was to sort out the special souvenirs I brought to my colleagues. After all, I went to Kyoto just after returning from Hawaii, and I didn’t even have time to send the prepared souvenirs.

Hiroshi Saito and the others have worked hard for so long, so it would be unjustifiable not to give them some benefits.

After breakfast and carrying souvenirs, Tangze went to Kesouyan. Tangze almost got lost in the "The leader is so good" and other compliments and flattery.

After finally making it to the end of get off work, Karasawa was not in a hurry to bring souvenirs to Mouri Kogoro's house.

He planned to wait until he had inquired about the situation and then visited with greater confidence. After all, the two previous short-length cases had just ended. From his experience, it would not be possible to trigger the case until tomorrow at least.

Of course, he didn't just wait and see. After all, he recalled all the details of this case clearly, so he naturally had more starting points to predict the approximate time when the case would occur.

Soon he contacted the consortium, saying that he wanted Okino Yoko to endorse the next generation of new mobile phones, and asked someone from the secretarial department to contact Okino Yoko's agent to inquire about the other party's recent work schedule.

Yes, although Okino Yoko did not appear in this case, it is also related to him.

Those involved in the case used her appearance as bait to invite Mouri Kogoro to participate in the TV show.

It can only be said that the other party completely saw through Mouri Kogoro and easily took advantage of this lecherous uncle.

Of course, Karasawa was not simply playing tricks on the other party, and what he said was not false. He really asked Okino Yoko to be his spokesperson.

After all, this is a star that Tangze can trust, both in terms of popularity and character.

Compared with those celebrities who are prone to destroying houses or killing people, Karasawa is still willing to let Okino Yoko, who plays an important supporting role, endorse his own products.

At least there will be no image problems. After all, the other party is an important supporting role specially drawn by the old thief Qingshan. Although he may be involved in the case, killing is impossible.

With this layer of "golden body" protection, you don't have to worry about the other party's accidents causing damage to their products.

It's really no joke when a celebrity collapses. Otherwise, look at the worst press conference. The star's house collapsed the day before and he evaded taxes. The press conference couldn't change it and had to bite the bullet.

Moreover, looking for Okino Yoko can also determine the time when the case he cares about occurred and help him narrow the scope as much as possible, which can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

This is the benefit of Qian's ability. With just a few words, he can get people to report their itinerary to information that no one else can find out even after working so hard.

If you were an ordinary person, who would reveal to you the schedule of your artist?

As Karasawa's arrangements continued, the other party's agent soon called in person and said that Okino Yoko's work schedule was full this week. If possible, could the negotiation be postponed.

"In this case, you can send me a copy of Ms. Yoko's itinerary. I'll see if I have time. We can meet and have a preliminary discussion. I may not have time next week."

Of course, Karasawa couldn't let the other party delay it until next week. The day lilies might be cold by then, and his main purpose was to get the schedule, which was the most important thing.

"This is really troublesome for you..." The agent said humbly after hearing this: "I didn't expect you to be in charge of such a large company and be so hands-on.

But I remember that this kind of thing has always been done by other people in your company...Why this time..."

"I have a friend here who also wants Miss Yoko's autograph. We recently made an appointment to meet, so we just decided to do the two things together."

Seeing that the agent, in his humble state, still attacked Tang Ze's sudden "visit" from the side, Tang Ze's brain turned slightly amused, and he found a reasonable excuse to dispel the other party's suspicion.

"So that's it."

As expected, after listening to Tang Ze's words, the other party could clearly hear the other party heaving a sigh of relief, and then the other party apologized: "I'm so sorry, a big shot like you suddenly came to me in person, which made me a little scared for a moment..."

"Miss Yoko is also my friend, so you don't need to be so outspoken." Tang Ze didn't know that the manager was worried, but he didn't care too much, and was even more satisfied.

Although the other party's attitude is extremely humble, it is actually a kind of defense.

If he showed some bad intentions, he would probably be politely rejected by the other party.

As the saying goes, no matter what happens, go to the Three Treasures Palace. Especially when a big boss like Tangze comes in person, it is easy to be misunderstood as having ulterior motives.

For the other party to be so humble is actually a kind of temptation that does not offend anyone.

Tang Ze did have an ulterior motive, but this purpose was completely different from what the other party thought.

However, with such a capable manager, Tang Ze became more and more satisfied.

After all, we are in the entertainment industry, and there are too many things to deal with. Only with such a capable manager can we have a longer career.

Of course, as Karasawa regards Okino Yoko as his spokesperson, he can also be regarded as a supporter invisibly.

With the methods of this shrewd agent, it goes without saying that he may be taking advantage of the situation in a subtle way.

Of course, Tang Ze didn't care.

The other party quickly sent Okino Yoko's schedule. Karasawa looked at it and found that there was no program with Mouri Kogoro this week.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, glad that he didn't act rashly.

After all, the excuse of bringing souvenirs to your door can only be used once in a short period of time. If you do it more often, it will be considered as an ulterior motive.

Therefore, the timing of this visit is very important. It is best to be able to successfully intervene in subsequent cases, so that the case can be successfully stopped.

Even though this case in his memory happened just after the previous short novel, but based on the unscientific timeline of Ke Xue World, who knows how long it would take for the case to appear.

For example, right now, if Karasawa hadn't made a preliminary judgment on the time of the case based on Okino Yoko's itinerary, he would have wasted an opportunity to visit her.

‘Let’s set the time for Saturday at noon. ’

After looking at Okino Yoko's schedule, Karasawa finally set the time to meet after Okino Yoko finished recording a variety show at noon on Saturday.

He soon called his agent to inform him, and the other party quickly agreed, and the two parties made an appointment to meet at a nearby private restaurant at noon.

After everything was settled, Tang Ze asked the people in the secretarial department to prepare the relevant agreements. He planned to get the signatures and then leave. Business discussions and the like could be left directly to the tool people below.

As for when to visit Mouri Kogoro, we have to make a judgment based on the information obtained after the meeting on Saturday.

After inquiring about the information, Tangze's inner anxiety also dissipated in an instant. He hurried back because he was afraid of missing this "big fish".

But now that we have grasped the approximate time and confirmed that there are no factors that triggered the case, there is no need to worry too much.

Next, we just need to let the bullets fly for a while, and wait until Saturday to find out information from Yoko Okino face to face.

With a happy mood, Tang Ze began his daily routine of going to work (touching) and (fishing) day after day.

Most jobs without murder cases are not that stressful, especially scientific search and research jobs.

The evidence will be appraised, the handwriting will be appraised, and the psychological experts will provide some profiling help, etc.

Of course, these are the jobs of lower-level subordinates, and Tangze basically signs documents or makes general adjustments.

Most of the time, he just supervises the work. After all, he is now the "big boss" of Kesouyan. He is the only one who cares about others, and others cannot instruct him to work.

Three days passed by in a flash. Just when Tang Ze thought he could easily get through this week because there were cases behind him, a murder happened.

Under the dark night, the police sirens kept flashing, and the patrols stood outside the cordon and tried their best to evacuate the crowd watching the excitement.

When Karasawa arrived, Chiba was already at the scene.

And Tang Ze was not surprised why he rushed to the scene so quickly.

Because he was the witness to this suspected suicide by jumping off a building!

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