Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,070 Boxing Gym

Early the next morning.

After Tang Ze finished breakfast, he immediately rushed to Kesouyan.

This case meeting was held in the conference room of Kesouyan, not only because Tangze was in charge of the case, but also because the autopsy report was here.

Since we have to make a trip anyway, we might as well have the meeting here.

"Everyone is here, let's get started."

Karasawa sat down and glanced around at the acquaintances around him, then looked at Aso Sano aside and said, "Please tell me about the autopsy report first. Thank you for staying up late yesterday and getting up early to accompany us to the meeting today."

"It's okay. Anyway, I'll have a day off later, and I'll get off work later."

Aso smiled and then said seriously: "After the autopsy, we found that the deceased was beaten to death as you guessed before."

"Beat to death?!" Qianye heard this and asked quickly: "What is the murder weapon?"

"Because the body was thrown from the fifth floor, there is no way to determine the specific murder weapon." Aso replied.

"Then it seems that the suicide note left in the computer was forged by the murderer." Takagi on the side heard this and said.

"At present, we can basically think so."

As he spoke, Tang Ze operated the computer in front of him and called up a web page: "This is the last web page the deceased visited before he died. You can take a look."

Tang Ze turned the notebook in front of him to face everyone, and everyone was stunned when they saw this web page.

"Boxing? Is this a boxing match?"

Miwako Sato looked at the report on the web page, and the picture that took up most of the screen was a photo.

A young man above made the appearance of punching, while his opponent looked like he had been hit and was falling.

"Yes, what is reported in this news is the news about the victory of a boxer named Jun Araki."

Tang Ze, who got this information from the technical staff early in the morning, was already familiar with the content on the web page, so he passed the content on to everyone so that they could receive the news faster.

"This can only mean that Mr. Miyasaka is a boxing fan." Chiba frowned and said, "Could it be that you want to investigate this aspect of Karasawa Criminal Investigation?"

"Right now, we don't have many directions to investigate."

Karasawa smiled and said: "In this case, Chiba, you and I, Takagi and Sato Criminal, you two will investigate according to the debt collection line.

After all, the deceased was often collected for debts, and it cannot be ruled out that the person who came to collect debts accidentally beat Mr. Miyasaka to death. "

Miwako Sato nodded to express understanding, and after Karasawa assigned the search work, he took Chiba to visit the boxer named Jun Araki.

After all, the other party was a moderately famous person, so it was naturally much easier to investigate than ordinary people, and he quickly found the boxing gym that the other party belonged to.

To be honest, Tangze is not very involved in boxing, and this is his first time in a boxing gym.

Entering it, you will find that there are several arenas inside the boxing gym, and there are many people practicing and actual training on them. There are also coaches and others watching and discussing.

After Tang Ze and the others arrived at the boxing gym, they did not take the lead in identifying themselves, but instead wandered around.

Soon the two found their target, but at this moment Araki Jun was practicing hitting the boxing target with his sparring partner.

"Do you want to reveal your identity and stop them?" Chiba asked in a low voice, looking at Araki Jun who seemed to be restless for a while.

"No, let's find someone to chat with first."

It was a casual chat, but Tangze had already locked onto a short middle-aged man who was recording something outside the ring.

It seems that the other party is a reporter similar to a sports column. Naturally, he is here to record Araki Jun's situation so that he can publish the news in his own magazine.

"His punches are very fast and he looks in good condition."

When he came to the other party, Karasawa naturally started talking to him while watching Araki Jun's practice.

"Yes, but it's a pity that the "Golden Boy" only contacted me for boxing, and there has been no actual combat in the past ten days."

The middle-aged man seemed to be used to chatting with colleagues at work. He kept moving his hands and chatted with Tang Ze with a smile: "After all, the international competition of the World Series will be held in ten days, and we must avoid injuries and other situations."

"Well, what is the "golden boy" you are talking about?" Chiba also understood the identity of the other party at this time, and asked curiously, wanting to get more information about the target.

"Aren't you two reporters?"

At this time, the middle-aged man stopped writing, raised his head in surprise and said.

"No, we came here because we have something to discuss with the person in charge of this boxing gym."

Karasawa smiled when he heard this and said, "Um, does the "golden boy" refer to Jun Araki?"

"Hey! Over there, be quiet!"

At this moment, a young man beside the ring shouted impatiently at the three of them.

The middle-aged man also quickly made a "shh" gesture to signal the two of them to be quiet.

However, he did not ignore the two of them. Instead, he took them two steps and picked up the magazine on the stool next to him: "No, this is it."

After thanking him, Karasawa reached out to take the magazine and saw a photo on the cover that seemed to capture Jun Araki during a battle.

The title at the bottom of the magazine is marked with the characters "Golden Boy".

"To be honest, this is a news report written by me."

The middle-aged man excitedly turned the magazine to the middle and showed off his proud report: "Actually, this kid's rise to fame is quite dramatic.

A year ago, he was still an unknown boxer who didn't know if he could make a living.

But because the player who was scheduled to appear a year ago was caught evading tax for endorsements and was unable to play, Araki came on as an emergency substitute.

No one is optimistic about this game, thinking it is destined to be a game where the old man abuses the rookie.

And this is indeed the case. In the first five rounds, Araki was beaten badly. Look at his strong mouth, which turned purple after being punched. "

Naturally, Karasawa saw the photo that occupied one page of the magazine. Araki looked extremely miserable.

"Then it was reversed?" Tang Ze raised his eyebrows, already guessing that this would be like the beginning of the plot in later generations.

"That's right!"

The middle-aged man's expression was still excited: "No one expected that Araki, who was at the bottom in the first five rounds due to lack of experience in the ring, would quickly adjust his condition.

At 1 minute and 18 seconds of the 6th round, Junxiu Goda, who was ranked second in the neon zone of the "World Series", was OK'd with a beautiful right hook!

At that time, because many colleagues were not optimistic about him, they basically left the market early.

Only if I stayed until the end and captured this wonderful moment, this issue of the magazine was sold out. "

"No wonder you like the "Golden Boy" so much." Tang Ze smiled and said, "Obviously the two of you have a mutually beneficial relationship."

"No, I was just lucky enough to photograph his first fight. Even without me, he would have become famous in the future."

Although the middle-aged man said he was very modest, it was obvious that Tang Ze's words were of great benefit to him, and this was clearly reflected on his face.

"It seems that the other party's performance is also very good after that?" Chiba immediately picked up the other party's topic with praise.

"Yes, Araki has gotten more opportunities since then. After all, everyone wants to see whether he is lucky or relying on his strength."

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "And the result is that Araki, who got the opportunity, won the subsequent games with overwhelming force, and finally gained a firm foothold in the "World Series".

And the title I first gave him, "Golden Boy," began to be widely recognized, and eventually became his code name. "

"Okay, that's it! Araki, come here."

Just when Chiba was about to ask something, the middle-aged man standing next to the man who had just scolded them suddenly stopped, and Araki called over and started to tell him something.

"Is this the owner of the boxing gym?" Tang Ze asked with a smile.

"No, that is coach Shi Bor. The owner of this boxing gym, Kitagawa, is currently hospitalized for a long time due to poor health. The boxing gym is basically managed by coach Shi Bor," the man explained.

"So that's it."

As soon as Karasawa finished speaking, the man who had asked them to keep their voices down announced to the people around them that the public practice was over.

The middle-aged man who had provided them with a lot of information before, as well as several reporters with cameras around them, all said goodbye to Araki.

After that, Tang Ze and the other two approached coach Shi Bori and revealed their identities and intentions.

"It turns out I came here about Miyasaka."

Hearing their intentions, Coach Shi Boring quickly invited the two to the reception room behind the boxing gym.

"Have you heard about his death?"

Because the news report only said that Miyasaka Yuichi fell to his death from a building and was suspected of committing suicide, Karasawa was very cautious in his wording and said directly that he died, so as not to alert others.

"Ah, I know, there is a report on the TV news." Coach Shi Bor nodded and said, "But why did the two police officers come to my side?"

"It's like this. The last web page Mr. Miyasaka visited before his death was a report about the Hanagi competition, so we were wondering if he knew your boxing gym."

While Karasawa was explaining, Araki Junya walked over from the training ground. After hearing Karasawa's words, he couldn't help but said: "My relationship with him is actually not bad."

"Can you tell me in detail?" Tang Ze smiled.

"Mr. Miyasaka is a fellow countryman of mine, and he was also my senior in high school. Before I became famous, he often took care of me and invited me to dinner and so on." Jun Araki replied.

"Then does he come often to watch you practice?" Chiba continued to ask.

"It doesn't seem like that. Before I defeated Junxiu Wutian, he had no interest in boxing or anything like that." Jun Araki took a sip of water and thought for a while before replying.

"In other words, did he become interested in boxing after you became famous?" Karasawa concluded.

"This is normal, right? Everyone would be surprised if an ordinary junior suddenly defeated the second-ranked player in the neon zone of the World Series." Jun Araki said with a smile.

"Mr. Miyasaka has always been very enthusiastic about sponsoring us recently, and also sent condolences and other gifts, which has helped us a lot." Coach Shi Bor said with a smile.

"Is that so?"

Tangze nodded to show understanding, then smiled, looked at the three people in the room and said directly: "I wonder what the three of them did between seven and eight o'clock last night?"

"Are you suspecting that the people in our boxing gym are criminals?" Coach Shi Boring asked after hearing Tang Ze's words.

"No, no, everyone knows that we are here to investigate the cause of Mr. Miyasaka's death. We still have to go through the routine interview process." Karasawa narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a smile.

"As for me, I went out for a long-distance run alone." Jun Araki replied directly after hearing this.

"I'm watching TV alone at home." The young coach replied immediately.

"My words are to settle accounts in this room." Coach Shi Boring pointed to the table beside him and said: "After all, the president is not here right now. I have to sort out the information and wait for the president to come back to understand the situation."

"Coach Shi Bor, your right hand seems to be injured?" After the other party answered the question, Chiba couldn't help but ask a question that he had already discovered before.

"It's just a slight burn." Coach Shi Boring said calmly, holding up his right hand wrapped in gauze.

"Coach Shi Boring must have been a boxer before." Tang Ze nodded when he heard this and did not continue to ask about the injury, but asked in a different tone.

"Well, my grades were pretty good when I was young." Shi Bor nodded.

"Is that so? In that case, I have a question to ask you." Tang Ze had a smile on his face, but his words seemed sharp: "I wonder if a person can beat someone to death with his bare hands?"

"Of course, people who practice boxing will be taught this by their instructors when they first learn, not to hit people's vital parts casually."

When coach Shi Bor heard Tang Ze's pointed words, there was nothing strange on his face. Instead, he answered Tang Ze's question seriously.

"Then if you hit someone with enough force to kill them with one blow, will the prisoner react?" Tangze continued to ask like a humble and studious junior.

"This question is very simple. After all, the force is mutual. Although the boxer's fist will be harder due to training, there is still the possibility of injury." Coach Shi Boring replied with a calm expression.

"So, could you please take off the bandage and let me see your fist?" Qianye spoke at this moment.

And even though there were all kinds of foreshadowings from Karasawa ahead, Chiba's straightforward question at this moment still attracted angry looks from the other two people.

"Hey, what are you going to do!" Jun Araki saw the anger on the coach's face when he was suspected, and his fists clenched unconsciously, as if he would take action if he disagreed.

The young coach on the side was more calm and quickly grabbed Araki Jun's arm to signal him not to be so excited.

"Don't get excited, it's not mandatory." Tang Ze smiled and said, "You can also choose to refuse."

It was said that it was not mandatory, but the three people present knew that if they did not cooperate with the investigation, they might not be here for simple questioning next time.


I'm numb, this May Day is worse than anything else. I have two Saturdays, Sundays and four days. I have one day off and I'll be on epidemic duty for half a day, and then tomorrow everyone will have their nucleic acid test... What's the point of this holiday...

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