Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,074 The Glory in the Fist

Jun Araki started practicing boxing in the boxing gym when he was almost in the fourth grade of elementary school.

At that time, his family was very poor and could not actually afford to attend classes.

At the beginning, he would hide in the corner of the boxing club, secretly learn the boxers' moves, and then imitate them.

Later, when the president saw that he came every day, he agreed to let him clean the practice ground while I taught him boxing.

Every day after that, he would clean himself at dawn.

It can be said that this boxing gym is his home.

Later, he became famous in one move, and Araki became the "Golden Boy." Just when everything was getting better, their president became seriously ill and spent a lot of money.

The boxing gym is also in trouble due to lack of funds.

At this time, under the leadership of his senior Miyasaka, he met Yanagita.

The other party enthusiastically introduced many people to him, but each time the financing did not go smoothly.

That time, Yanagita said that he had found an industrialist who was willing to finance the boxing gym. The other person was very optimistic about Araki's future, so he was willing to invest in him.

But who would have known that it was a trap, and the investor was none other than Kabuto Tornado of Sakura Shinkai.

On the night of the incident, Araki was called to his home by Miyasaka and made everything clear.

At this time, Araki realized that he had been plotted. If the media knew that he had borrowed 10 million from Yingxinhui to finance his own boxing gym, he would never be able to stand in a boxing gym in his life.

That day, Miyasaka said that they did not want to make the matter a big deal, and in exchange, he only needed to close his eyes and fall to the ground and say dozens of words in the World Series.

After the deal is completed, the contract will be returned to him, and they will not take back the 10 million raised funds, and they will continue to be used by the boxing gym.

But these are just nice words, and everyone knows that they plan to use this financing to control Jun Araki, the popular "golden boy."

If they agree to this request, they will definitely make more such requests in the future, using his control of match-fixing to control the situation and cut the wool.

After learning all this, Araki excitedly rejected Miyasaka's request and said that he only entered the ring to win, and everything he did was to win.

If the other party is dissatisfied, the funds can be harvested.

"But how could they let go of a prey that had fallen into a trap?"

After listening to Coach Ishibo's words, Karasawa sighed: "Moreover, Miyasaka is also forced to a dead end, and Araki is his only life-saving straw..."

"Yes, that guy Miyasaka went crazy when Araki was about to leave. He wanted to intimidate Araki. He also said that boxing is just a sideshow of fighting each other."

Coach Shi Boring said with a painful look on his face: "This sentence is an insult to Araki. He has always been angry about this since he was a child.

After becoming famous, he actually no longer cared about these things, but when faced with the threat that night, Miyasaka's words became the last straw that made him lose his mind.

Faced with Miyasaka's obstruction, he turned around and punched him, but he didn't expect that this punch would cause trouble.

Araki's punch directly knocked down Miyasaka. When he fell backward, his head hit the edge of the wall and he died. "

"You know it so clearly. It seems that you already knew about Araki's murder."

Tangze said: "Did you help him clean up the crime scene? Or did Yanagita help?"

"That was Yanagita's doing."

Coach Shi Bor said: "I only found out that this happened when Yanagida came to the door the next day.

Yanagita originally made an appointment with Miyasaka that day to discuss Araki's fight against match-fixing, but who knew that Araki beat Miyasaka to death.

And because he was too panicked when escaping, he didn't lock the door and was discovered by Yanagita.

That day he proudly said that it reassured us that he had helped deal with the blood stains at the scene and typed a suicide note on the computer to pretend that Miyasaka committed suicide by jumping off the building.

As for the conditions, I believe you all know them. "

"He just realized today that he can no longer stand in the ring." Tangze sighed: "So he chose to commit suicide to end everything."

"After all, boxing is his life."

Coach Shi Boring said with a painful expression: "He shouldn't have been like this, he should have shined in the ring and become a truly loved sniper!

It was those bastards who ruined him! ! "

"Leave the rest to us."

Tang Ze patted him on the shoulder: "As an elder, he still needs you to enlighten him and let him atone for his sins and start a new life again."

The case came to an end at this point, and the case of suicide by jumping off a building also came to an end in a very smooth way.

Different from usual, this case is not like Ke Xue's case. There is no reasoning to solve the subtle conspiracy, but only the truth that can be deduced logically after investigating all the ins and outs.

Simple, ordinary, everything is based on the evidence of investigation, and this may be the process of handling most criminal cases.

Of course, there are still dramas, such as Tang Ze seeing the content on the laptop screen through reflections.

But even if there is no such luck, it will not affect the outcome of the case. After all, the criminal industry is a group of people whose nature is "suspicious" and who are persistent in exploring the truth.

Of course, in order to express their inner dissatisfaction with the initiator of this case, after Yanagita and others confirmed their confessions and identified the Sakura Shinkai where Kabuto Hayateuo belonged to as the culprit behind the scenes, the Metropolitan Police Department began a crackdown on the Sakura Shinkai.

During the arrest process, Tangze rushed in as a vanguard, directly found the other party and made a just arrest.

Well, ignore the fact that the other person's nose is bruised and his face is swollen.

But the limits of the "Team Section", especially when arresting Yakuza gangs, are really too loose.

Therefore, the president who was beaten by Karasawa could only break his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

All in all, this is an unpleasant and not very difficult case.

However, after seeing the reward, Tangze couldn't help but feel a little relieved.

【Glory in Boxing】

[Completeness: Perfect]

[Congratulations to the host for acquiring the skill boxing (5 years)]

Evaluation: Maybe it was strength, luck, or both, but your intervention greatly accelerated the detection of the case, thus affecting the actions of others, thus saving a young life.

Somehow, you have won the favor of fate!

Seeing the news of this reward, Tangze was stunned for a moment and then carefully checked the system's evaluation before coming back to his senses.

Without it, he originally thought that this was an ordinary case, and it was not difficult.

Unexpectedly, this reward actually gave him a big surprise!

How long has it been since the last time I got a perfect level branch reward? I didn’t expect to get such a generous reward in today’s case.

Not only that, the rewarded skills still fit the theme of the case very well. The rewards can be said to be very generous, and they are also directional.

Five years of boxing skills were directly added to the unarmed fighting skills, pushing it to A level [19/20 years] in an instant.

He was only one year away from reaching the full level of unarmed combat.

Of course, reaching the full level of these skills is actually just the beginning. If you want to break through to S-level Tangze, you still need to understand it on your own.

However, compared to other fields, unarmed combat covers too many branches.

Even if Karasawa's level will not change in the future, if he acquires other boxing skills, they will become his knowledge and skills, and there will be no situation where he can no longer receive skills at full level.

Tang Ze is actually also very curious. If he has never made a breakthrough and has acquired more related skills, how will his panel be displayed?

Of course, this may only be verified after he draws relevant rewards.

Overall, this was an unexpected surprise, and it immediately filled up his melee disadvantage.

In the past, he relied on his nerve reflexes and physical fitness to forcibly increase his combat power, but when encountering a strong person, he would inevitably fall into passivity.

With this supplement of skills, Tang Ze can amplify his own advantages, and his upper limit of strength will be further raised.

Unfortunately, the process of acquiring this skill made Tangze feel less beautiful.

Of course, Tangze can be considered a person who has gone through many storms. Although he still sighs after seeing many cases, he will not be trapped in them and unable to get out.

After beating up the boss of the Sakura Heart Club, Karasawa felt refreshed. After Naoki Kamei and the others were busy arresting him, he accepted the invitation to join their team building.

Originally, the people in the "Group Department" had not had much contact with Tang Ze, and they still had a sense of distance and contempt. They felt that he was a brainy person who only caused trouble for them in the past.

Even though Ueki Naoki kept emphasizing that Karasawa was very good at fighting, they still didn't take it seriously at first because they often competed with the vitality club, feeling that Ueio Naoki was exaggerating about his boss.

After all, which front-line criminal doesn't have two tricks up his sleeve? After all, their profession determines that they have to be accompanied by danger, and they have more chances of fighting with people than ordinary people in their lifetime.

But who would have known that after seeing him for real, he would discover that what Naoki Uyei said was true, even worse.

When they saw that Karasawa immediately broke into the door and took down three people immediately after the arrest started, everyone felt that what Uye Naoki said was true.

Then they felt unwilling to admit defeat and planned to compare with Tang Ze.

But this mood only lasted for the ten minutes before the battle, because there were too many people in the Sakura Heart Society, and the strength between the two sides was relatively even at first.

In this stalemate, Tangze's performance was very eye-catching.

After knocking down three people, Tang Ze attracted many energetic young men. They swarmed in and couldn't help but want to give the principal's note some color.

Dandan and Tangze were really good at fighting, especially when hand-to-hand combat was strengthened again. The first guy to rush up was knocked down by Tangze with a punch almost as soon as he got close.

Then it was time for Tang Ze to become familiar with various techniques, such as boxing, Sanda, Bajiquan...

Tangze tried almost all the skills he had acquired before.

The young people in these dynamic societies are just relying on their temporary enthusiasm. In fact, there are not many who are really organized, and they are all in triangle cat kung fu.

When dealing with young men like them, Tang Ze would not let them "beat the old master to death with random punches". Instead, he would treat them as targets in actual combat.

By the time the large troops behind him had dealt with their opponents and rushed forward, Tang Ze had already dealt with several cadres and punched their boss several times in the face.

As the saying goes, the friendship gained from fighting together can be worth knowing others for many years. It was Tang Ze's performance that made them recognize Tang Ze.

So when Tang Ze attended their celebration banquet, he was welcomed by everyone, and there were continuous toasts.

It is said that Tang Ze's physical fitness is strong enough, and the alcohol content of Neon's liquor is very low, so Tang Ze can resist, otherwise he would really lie down.

But even so, Karasawa paid a heavy price. After returning home, Ayako scolded him for a while.

And when he wanted to "exercise", he was severely rejected by the other party because "he smelled of alcohol all over his body."

However, Ayako still cared about him, and got up early the next morning to make sobering soup and breakfast for him.

As for him, although he was in a bit of a bad mood, he didn't feel like he had a splitting headache and a hangover that made him want to die the next day.

The following days returned to a peaceful routine again, until noon on Saturday.

"Long time no see, Miss Yoko."

In the restaurant private room, when Yoko Okino and her manager came in, Karasawa stood up and greeted each other with a smile.

"It's been a long time indeed~ I remember the last gathering was when our "Earth Lady Team" got together."

Okino Yoko smiled and said: "Thank you so much for the previous time, Karasawa, otherwise we might have cared about you for the rest of our lives."

"Yes, yes, I also told Tangze Criminal that for endorsements, just make a phone call."

The agent on the side smiled and echoed: "You still need to consider other people's endorsements, but Mr. Tang Ze, we will not refuse your business invitation."

"Show the contract to the agent."

Karasawa smiled and asked Ayako's secretary to hand over the contract to him. At the same time, he took out a signing pad from the briefcase he carried with him:

"This is also a meeting between friends, and it is also to help my friend get an autograph from Ms. Yoko."

"No problem~" Okino Yoko took the signature pad and signature pen and signed her name on them skillfully.

"By the way, Miss Okino Yoko has been very busy recently, and her work schedule is full."

Pretending to be chatting, Tangze began to prepare the ground for the subsequent questioning.

"Yeah, I have a lot of activities to participate in recently, but that's because I want to finish the work at hand in one go and then take a good rest." "

Okino Yoko smiled and said: "After all, in our industry, we work all year round, but people always need a break, so we have to find ways to take a break from the busy schedule~"

"Is that so? It seems that the Maori detective has always wanted to cooperate with you, and it will be extended indefinitely."

As if teasing Mouri Kogoro, Karasawa chuckled and introduced the introduction: "If you tell him, I'm afraid he will be very depressed~"

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