Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,085 The Torada Family and the Ryūbi Family

"You said my son was originally going to find a criminal?"

At the Tatsuo family villa, after listening to Hattori Heiji's words, Ryuu Weishi was surprised and said after listening to everything Hattori Heiji said: "And you still want to be with Yoshiro of the Torada family?"

"Yes, so we want to ask you if you have heard that your son has told you anything related to it?" Mouri Kogoro asked.

"But my son Koji didn't say anything to me..."

Longwei thought for a while and said sadly: "It's just that after my son learned about Yilang's death, he looked like he was afraid of something..."

"afraid of what?!"

This sentence immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"That's right."

At this moment, Moriyo Ryuubi, who was holding his hands behind his back, came over and said, "After that kid Koji learned about this, he even talked to himself while eating.

He said that maybe it would be his turn next, and he would be killed or something, and die under some kind of curse. "

"Curse, curse!?" After hearing the words of the mother-in-law in front of him, Mouri Kogoro had an expression of disbelief.

"Don't you understand? It's the good deeds of the Torada family that has been cursing us for generations!" Moriyo Ryuubi couldn't help roaring when he saw that Kogoro Mouri still didn't understand what was going on.

"I would like to ask my mother-in-law, why is the relationship between your Ryuubi family and Torata family so tense?"

Koshizui Nanatsuki has wanted to ask this question for a long time, but he has never found the opportunity. After seeing Ryuubi Moriyo say this, he quickly took the opportunity to ask this question.

"This happened a long time ago..."

Tatsuo Mori wanted to continue speaking in a gloomy manner, but when he raised his head, his expression suddenly turned blank: "Yes, but why..."

Everyone who had originally intended to listen carefully to this story of hatred with a long history of origins, was interrupted by the other party's interruption, and the previous serious atmosphere disappeared in an instant.

"Mother-in-law..." Koshizui Nanatsuki recovered from his bewildered eyes and helplessly raised his forehead: "Are you kidding us?"

"No, but now I only remember that since I was a child, I was instilled by my elders with the idea of ​​hating the Torada family."

Ryuubi Moriyo tilted his head and felt a little embarrassed: "But the reason and so on have long been forgotten."

"I think most of the people in the Torada family feel the same way as us."

At this moment, Ryuubi Kei and Ryuubi Lingka came over and said, "For example, I have a pretty good relationship with Ayaka, Yoshiro of the Torada family, and Shigeji."

"However, if the two deceased people really said they wanted to seek criminal prosecution before they were alive, then would their affairs have anything to do with the death of Mr. Kai Jinto six years ago."

Karasawa spoke up to express his opinion. At the same time, he also wanted to see whether the two young people from the Tatsuo family had the same respect for each other as Torada Yui.

"It was just an accident."

After Tangze finished his point of view, Longwei Linghua on the side said nonchalantly: "It was simply because he was too tired from practicing riding and shooting too much that he fell off the cliff.

After all, during that year's sacrifice, Mr. Kai made a mistake and missed the target, perhaps because of his impatience. "

"Hey, Ling Hua, stop talking!" Hearing what his wife said, Long Wei Jing's face turned ugly and he immediately spoke to signal his wife to stop talking nonsense.

"But this is not my opinion alone. Everyone in the village feels the same way."

Ryūwei Linghua said a little aggrievedly: "It is said that Mr. Kai jumped off the cliff because he made a mistake in shooting the target at the sacrifice, which caused too much damage."

"It turns out that there are times when mistakes are made." Mouri Kogoro said in surprise when he heard this.

"Well, after all, everyone makes mistakes."

Dragon Weiwei Shi Wenyan first explained something, and then said: "But Mr. Kai has never made a mistake in the sacrifice, at least before the last arrow in the sacrifice that year."

"However, I don't believe that man would commit suicide."

Ryuubi Moridai on the side vowed: "Even if he made a mistake in the sacrifice and lost face with the last arrow, he would not die so fragilely.

After all, for that man, he would not be so irresponsible, nor would he abandon the villagers so easily.

He wouldn't do anything that stupid! "

It was already dark when they arrived at Longwei's house. They originally planned to leave Longwei's house and go to Hutian's house to meet Xiaolan and Heye, but who knew it started to rain lightly in the sky.

After learning that Karasawa and Mouri Kogoro were also here to investigate the case, Ryūbi warmly entertained the two of them and stayed for dinner.

But unexpectedly, the rain became heavier and heavier after that, and there was a mountain road between Ryuubi's house and Torada's house, so it was too dangerous to rush back at night.

With no other choice, everyone moved directly into Long Wei's house under Long Wei's persuasion.

There was no other way, Hattori Heiji had no choice but to call Kazuha and inform them of the bad news.

Of course, for them, this was a trivial matter that was not considered important at all. After informing the other party, Hattori Heiji hung up the phone without waiting for Kazuha to say anything more.

"How's it going? Did you find anything?"

After hanging up the phone, Hattori Heiji looked at Karasawa and others who were thinking deeply and asked.

"What I care about the most is the words that Na Na said to himself before Mr. Koji was killed, "It's my turn next."

Koshizui Nanatsuki touched his chin and muttered: "If he really said this, it means that he is sober and serious about the danger he is in."

"Yes, and this also proves that these two cases are serial murder cases." Conan expressed his opinion from the side.

Although Koshimizu Nanatsuki didn't know Conan's inside secrets, because everyone was on the island at that time, Conan also showed a maturity far beyond his years.

Coupled with the various auras of Karasawa's disciple and Hattori Heiji's assistant, Koshimizu Nanatsuki didn't find it strange that Conan participated in their conversation.

After all, the world is so big, why is there no reasoning prodigy allowed?

Speaking of which, even Hattori Heiji and Kudo Shinichi are both high school students. Who is a normal high school student to deal with corpses and murder cases every day?

Of course, this is also related to the "personality" that Karasawa gradually created for Conan. He himself is a cheat-level genius. Under his halo, Conan, the "disciple" genius, is not that surprising at all.

"I'm not worried about the investigation of the case, but what worries me more now is whether there will be more victims."

Tang Ze heard the routines of several people and expressed his worries. In fact, he was 60% to 70% sure that murders would continue to occur in the future.

He didn't remember the details of this case very clearly, but when it came to Dahe Gansuke, his only impression was that "Wind Fire Forest Mountain" appeared in the case and that he might be "Rum".

But knowing this much is enough. With this little "case information", you can analyze a lot of things.

For example, Tang Ze is worried that people will continue to die, but he is not worried.

Because this time they have four detectives here!

With absolutely sufficient manpower, we can handle various situations calmly even if we don't know the future.

This is also the reason why Tangze raised this possibility. He wanted to make everyone aware of what might happen now, so that they could be prepared or prepared, so that they could nip it in the bud.

"That's really something we have to think about."

Hattori Heiji looked serious when he heard this: "Since the prisoner placed the body of a centipede next to the deceased, it means that the other party had a premeditated plan."

"But the key is who is the target of the other party." Conan on the side said: "Now the enemy is hidden and we are clear, we don't know the prisoner's target at all."

"No, we can still lock down the general range of the prisoner."

Tangze suddenly spoke while everyone was frowning in deep thought: "You have forgotten that except for the accident six years ago, the two current cases are all surrounding the Ryuubi family and the Torada family.

And today when we asked about the reason for the hostility between the Ryuubi family and the Torada family, Ryuubi Kei's words also made me a little concerned.

He said that it was a long time ago, and actually they had a good relationship when they were younger.

In other words, one of the two brothers Ryuubi and Torada, who were now on good terms with each other, was killed. "

"Do you suspect that they had a common secret before?" Koshizui Nanatsuki's eyes lit up when he heard this: "And it was precisely because of this secret that the murderer targeted them?"

"Yes, since the relationship is good, it means that the possibility of acting together becomes greater, and the possibility of causing death together is also greater."

Tang Ze nodded and expressed his thoughts: "If you ask me to make a ranking.

The four young people, Shigeji Torada, Kage Ryuubi, Yui Torada, and Reika Ryuuda, are the most likely candidates to be targeted by the prisoners.

Secondly, there are the older generations of the Torada family and the Ryūbi family. "

"Indeed, assuming that the prisoner wants to protect some secret, there is indeed no need to silence him even if the elders of the Torada and Tatsuo families don't know about it."

Hattori Heiji nodded when he heard this and said: "Then our focus of investigation and protection will be on these four people?"

"No, there are three people." Karasawa said: "But compared to the other three, the suspicion of Torada Yui can basically be ruled out because she was once a criminal."


Karasawa's words shocked everyone present. Hattori Heiji subconsciously asked: "You said that sister is a criminal?"

"That's right." Karasawa nodded and said, "Actually, I have asked people from the Nagano Prefecture headquarters to help retrieve the information of these people.

It shows that Yui Torada was married to the Torada family when Mr. Kai Hikento got into trouble. "

"Do you suspect that she married into the Torada family in order to investigate the case of Kai Jinto's accidental death?"

Koshizui Nanatsuki was a little shocked when he heard this and said: "But the price is probably too high."

In order to investigate a case, marry yourself into the suspect's home?

This is too much effort! ?

"If combined with Miss Yui's attitude when talking about Kai Gento, it might not be impossible." Recalling the other party's reaction when talking about the accident before, Conan couldn't help but said.

"If that's the case, then the other three people wouldn't be related to Kai Jinto's accidental death, right?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki made a bold guess.

"If it is indeed related, then the prisoner killed them just to silence them." Hattori Heiji said with a solemn expression.

"These are just our speculations now, and there is no relevant evidence to support our reasoning."

Tang Ze saw that he had almost said it, so he interrupted everyone and continued to speculate.

After all, these are all guesses. If you believe them to be true and investigate in this direction, you will be in trouble if you find that your guesses are wrong.

Tangze's purpose was just to use the remaining three as his tools, to add insurance to those few.

If a prisoner really targets them, they will be able to react more quickly if there are several people watching.

As for why Torada Yui was not included among them, it was because he remembered that the other party seemed to have CP intentions with Yamato Gansuke in the future.

Therefore, both in terms of suspicion and safety, he is definitely more guaranteed than the other three.

"In short, the other three are not only our key targets of investigation, but also our key targets of protection. We have to find a way to keep an eye on them."

Tang Ze said: "Now let's divide the work and achieve our respective goals."

"Yuyi used to be a criminal and received relevant training, so his safety level is higher than that of the other three."

Hattori Heiji looked at Koshizu Nanatsuki and said: "And the other party is a widowed woman. How about you take charge of it, Miss Koshimi? It's more convenient this way."

After all, the "widow" is here, so men should avoid it.

"No problem." Koshimizu Nanatsuki also understood this and nodded: "But what about Miss Ayaka?"

"I'll be responsible." Conan smiled cutely: "I'm a child, so it shouldn't arouse much suspicion."

"But can you really protect Conan-kun and deal with him?" Koshizui Nanatsuki nodded Conan's head, expressing doubt.

"Don't worry, the props he has on him to subdue two or three people will be fine."

Hattori Heiji rubbed Conan's head: "And it's okay if I'm in charge of Ryūbi Kage. The two of them are husband and wife, and they basically act together."

"So, actually you are the weakest among them."

Karasawa's ridicule made Koshizui Nanatsuki's face darken, "You mean I'm not as powerful as a primary school student?"

"In fact, that's it." Tang Ze nodded seriously and gave her a small box and said, "By the way, this anesthesia transmitter is for you to use."

Then he told Koshizui Nanatsuki how to use it. After learning that Conan also had this prop, Koshizui Nanatsuki couldn't help but look at Karasawa and said in shock: "You actually equip such a young child with such equipment?"

'Haha... That's the "satellite ray" missile you haven't seen yet. ’

Thinking of the "super electromagnetic ball" that could even change the trajectory of a falling satellite, Tang Ze secretly added in his heart.

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