Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,089 The Prisoners’ Conspiracy

Faced with Karasawa's inquiry, Shigeji Torada's answer was very cold.

Karasawa was not unhappy about this and simply ignored Shigeji Torada's words of "seeing off guests".

"I won't go back, because I want to ensure your safety." Tang Ze said with a smile: "On the contrary, you have been rummaging around in the warehouse since just now. Are you looking for something?"

"Because these things have happened one after another, I think it will be impossible to hunt for treasures for a while."

Shigeji Torada replied: "That's why I came back with the information, but the notebook that recorded the person's treasure hunting journey was nowhere to be found."

"Oh? The notebook that records the treasure hunt?"

Karasawa's expression changed when he heard this, and suddenly he changed his voice and looked at Torada Shigeji and asked: "Does it record the key to Mr. Kai Gento's accident six years ago!?"

Karasawa's question was as sudden as a cold arrow, and Shigeji Torada, who was unprepared for this sudden inquiry, trembled and shouted reflexively: "How did you know..."

Before he finished speaking, Shigeji Torada quickly covered his mouth.

"Heh, I knew that was the case."

Karasawa sneered, looked at Shigeji Torada and said, "If you don't want others to know anything but yourself, don't think that our criminal justice department is just like the trash backgrounds in those movies and TV dramas.

After six years, I can always investigate something. I have experienced more troublesome cases than now.

Maybe you think this is a big deal, but for me, this case is just a slightly more difficult case among the cases I handle. "

"you you…"

Hearing Karasawa's words, Torada Shigeji looked at the man in front of him in horror. At this moment, he suddenly realized that the man was a famous detective hired from Tokyo by his father as a favor.

For a moment, Shigeji Torada became even more nervous, especially when he faced those sharp eyes, his fat body trembled even more.

Seeing this, Tangze knew that his "cold arrow" raid was successful.

In fact, he was not as sure as he said, but he just constructed a logical story based on the available intelligence.

According to "Ke Xue's Law", there is no information that cannot be used in case investigation.

Especially those accidents that are so old that they seem to have no connection with this case may be the root cause of the current murder.

Under such a premise, Karasawa would naturally connect the incident of Kai Gento accidentally falling off a cliff six years ago with the current serial murder case.

Moreover, these people are still a small treasure-hunting group, and they all have good relationships, so that's even more so.

After that, before they were killed, Yoshiro Torada and Koji Tatsuo said they wanted to discuss the matter with the criminal justice department.

After Yoshiro Torada died, Koji Tatsuo said, "It will be his turn soon."

Then the other party died, Tatsuo Ayaka was targeted, and a white cloth was tied around her mouth as a warning to shut up.

Except for the accident that happened six years ago, there is nothing else that could trigger this serial murder case in this village.

Perhaps Conan and others did not dare to test this information because they had not found the connection between the two parties, so they just made assumptions in their minds.

But Tang Ze, who has "Ke Xue's Law", has no such worries. He is 60% sure that this is the truth hidden in the fog!

After seeing Shigeji Torada's reaction, the 60% certainty increased to tenth level.

Even though he still has no evidence at this moment, Torada Shigeji's reaction at this moment is the best proof!

"You were the ones who killed Mr. Kai Hikento six years ago, right?"

Seeing that Shigeji Torada was distracted by what he said, Karasawa immediately took advantage of the victory and poured "dirty water" on him: "Come to the police station with me!"

He naturally knew that the other party might just be a witness, otherwise the prisoner would not tie a white cloth around Tatsuo Ayaka's mouth and warn the remaining people to shut up.

But when the other party was in a panic, Tang Ze deliberately said this to arouse the other party's self-preservation mentality and made him subconsciously refute.

After all, when people are wronged, they naturally want to defend themselves subconsciously, not to mention that it is such a big case, so they naturally do not want to bear the blame that can ruin their lives.

And even if the other party really reacts and realizes that Tang Ze is deceiving him, it doesn't matter if he doesn't want to say it. At worst, Tang Ze invites him to the interrogation room for tea.

Anyway, the previous "bluffing" of the other party gave Tangze a reason to "invite" the other party to "voluntarily" cooperate with him in the investigation.

In this way, Tang Ze can stuff him into the interrogation room, which can be regarded as protecting the other party in disguise, and he can move freely.

In short, no matter what the situation is, Tang Ze will not lose.

"No! Not us!"

As expected, Shigeji Torada became anxious when faced with Karasawa's questioning.

But midway through his words, Shigeji Torada stopped talking again, and his expression became uncertain again.

But seeing the smile on Tang Ze's face that didn't change at all, he knew it was too late.

"Okay... we were playing for A Jing, so we used fireworks to frighten Mr. Kai's horse so that he fell off the horse and was injured. However, we didn't expect that the horse was too frightened and ran wildly out of control..."

When Shigeji Torada said this, he quickly said: "When we first started, we thought we were responsible for Mr. Kai's death.

But when we realized it later, we heard gunshots and saw sparks.

Yoshiro and Koji were discussing whether to tell the criminal about this matter, but who knew that they were killed by the murderer..."

"Didn't you see who the prisoner was?"

When asking this question, Karasawa stared closely at Shigeji Torada's face, not missing any expression.

However, the other party's expression and eyes were normal when he answered, without any change, which confirmed that he did not know the prisoner's true identity.

"I see."

After the other party finished speaking, Tang Ze nodded and said: "Since you have nothing to hide now, just cooperate with me honestly.

The criminal is definitely targeting you now. For your safety, don't act without permission. You don't want to follow in the footsteps of your friends, right?

If you die, then your treasure hunting dream will basically be over, right? "

Hearing Karasawa's words, Shigeji Torada, who was still a little resistant at first, finally nodded and said: "I...I understand..."

"Then just look for your notebook here. I'll wait for you outside."

After Karasawa and Shigeji Torada said something, they walked out of the warehouse and walked to the open area aside.

Of course, he didn't do it not to disturb the other party, but to monitor what Tatsuei said.

Because he wanted to meet and talk with Shigeji Torada, Karasawa did not choose the real-time monitoring mode, but chose recording.

He was staying away from the other party at this moment just to find an opportunity to listen to the previously eavesdropped audio to see if there was any useful information.

The first half of the audio is at Torada's house, and the content of the conversation is pretty normal.

Karasawa used his mobile phone to increase the audio speed to listen to the subsequent conversation without missing the content.

After Tatsuei Torada said he was going out, the audio soon turned into monotonous footsteps.

Then the sound of a horse's cry came, which was obviously the sound and shadow of Tarei Torada going out on horseback.

Hearing the sound, Tangze accelerated again. After waiting for a moment, Tangze heard the words and slowed down and went back.

First, there was the greeting between Torada Darei and several men, which basically confirmed Tangze's suspicion.

Sure enough, this serial murder case was not committed by Tatsuei Torada alone, but with the help of others!

However, this situation was expected by Tang Ze. After all, perhaps the biggest difference between rural areas and cities is that interpersonal relationships are fixed, and most of them are even related to neighboring villages.

Because of this, once something dirty and dark happens, everyone is like a grasshopper on a rope.

When there are more people, the courage becomes greater.

He dared to do things like kill people, destroy corpses and cover up the truth.

In the audio, after the pleasantries, a group of people entered the topic and got down to business.

"What happened? Why did the ambulance come?"

A man with a calm voice asked questions in the audio, and Torada Tatsuei briefly talked about what happened at home, and then said gloomily:

"Originally, I wanted to take the opportunity to kill that little bitch and warn Shigeji and Ryuuki Kage. Who knew that the police officer was so sharp that he broke the door and found that she was not there, and then actually saved her."

"Now what?"

Another man's anxious words came from the earphone: "When that woman Tatsuo Ayaka wakes up, she will definitely confess you, and then everything will be over!"

"Then don't let her live until she wakes up."

Tarei Torada's tone was sinister, and even if Tang Ze was no longer present, he could still hear the viciousness of that woman: "The dead can't speak, can they?"

"Hmph, what you said was frivolous. You made a mistake yourself, and now we have to clean up the mess for you."

One of the men with a rough voice seemed to have a problem with Tarei Torada, and said angrily: "And you said it lightly, but now that the person has been rescued, do you think the police officers will not guard him strictly?

They are just waiting to find out who the culprit is from her. When she wakes up, wait for the note to come to your door! "

Even though he couldn't see the scene at that time, Tang Ze could still feel the viciousness in the words of the man in front of him.

On the surface, he was analyzing the situation, but in fact, he was directly explaining the pros and cons.

——She is the only one who committed the crime anyway. If we can deal with her, we will be safe and sound.

These words even vaguely meant to guide everyone to see clearly the pros and cons, and directly silence him to solve the trouble.

And Torada Darei was not a good person, and he reacted quickly when he heard the other party's words. She sneered and said: "Those cops and detectives from outside are not good people.

Should I not take action and wait for them to tell them about us? It won’t be the same plaything by then!

I did it to prevent anyone from getting picked up by the police, and now you actually blame me for the trouble!

Moreover, Shigeji Torada and Kei Ryūbi also know those things. If you don’t kill them, can you sleep peacefully? "

Under these questions, the man with the rough voice stopped talking, and the scene fell into silence for a moment.

"Darong is right, we are grasshoppers on a rope, now we can only take action."

After a moment, the man with a steady voice spoke: "And just as Darong said, if she didn't take action and allowed those criminal investigations to continue, she would be exposed, and the result would be the same."

"Are we really going to break into the hospital?" A man with a duck voice next to him said, "Then things will get really big!"

"Wouldn't it be better to fake it and cause a fire?"

On the side, Tarei Torada said sadly: "We have guns and men. What's the use of a few criminals there? They're all set on fire tonight."

Tomorrow, as long as everything is pushed to Shigeji Torada, everything will be over! "

"Push it to Shigeji Torada? How?" The man with a rough voice asked curiously.

"I will use his treasure hunt notebook to set up an electric shock mechanism on the tram route near the village. I will just wait until we solve the trouble with Tatsuo Ayaka at night and send him a text message to induce him to go there.

I'm afraid he was in a panic after losing his notebook, and he would definitely rush over there immediately. "

Torada Eita smiled sinisterly: "That notebook recorded how they used fireworks to scare Kai Gento's horses.

At that time, they didn't notice that it was us who fired the shots, so they thought they were the ones causing the trouble and recorded everything.

Tonight we go to silence him, but tomorrow there will be an accident in which Shigeji Torada absconds in fear of crime and is unfortunately electrocuted to death.

——In order to keep the secrets in this notebook, Torada Shigeji, who had a disagreement with his friends, wanted to kill several other people to keep the secrets secret. What do you think? "

After hearing what Torada Darei said, all the men showed malicious smiles one after another.

"Then you go and set up the mechanism now. We also need to discuss the plan for the evening." The man with a calm tone said: "Remember to bring your gun back as well."

You can hear Torada Tatsuei's obviously relieved voice, and then the vicious laughter sounded again: "Okay, wait until I come back."

There were still two minutes left in the audio. After listening to it, Tang Ze found that the subsequent sounds were of the other party on his way, and then it ended.

After Tangze finished playing the audio, he directly selected real-time monitoring without stopping. The next moment, the sound of horses trotting sounded in the headphones without any lag.

Nothing important happened for the time being, and Tangze began to think about what to do next.

There is no doubt that Torada Tatsuei has started to jump over the wall in a hurry. This is something that everyone has expected since Karasawa rescued Tatsuo Ayaka.

After all, once Ryūbi Ayaka wakes up, no matter how hard she struggles, it will be useless.

But what was a little bit unexpected was that the number of the other party's accomplices was a bit larger.

Although the three people in that audio production mainly spoke, in fact, when Tarei Torada arrived to chat with his accomplices, Tang Ze could still hear several men with different voices from those three.

Five or six people, calculated deliberately and unintentionally, are enough to threaten the guards of the hospital.

And more importantly, he didn't expect that the other party actually had a gun!


Thanks to Qing Lianyi for the 100 starting coins~

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