Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,097 The truth behind the disappearance of the third person

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Although I don't know whether the other party's words are true or false, at least the reasons given by the other party in answering the two are impeccable, making it impossible for people to find other angles to question them.

Therefore, the two of them could only drop this topic.

"By the way, you two asked me and you haven't told me what case you are investigating?"

Just as Tang Ze and the two looked at each other wordlessly, Ichiro asked them: "Since you are looking for me, you must let me know the reason."

"Actually, a male body was found in the empty villa of the Miura family near the park. News will be released soon." Karasawa explained the reason.

"Hey, that villa is indeed a haunted house!"

The bald man on the side patted his companion on the shoulder and said, "I'll just say yes, there are so many charms attached to it."

"That seems to be the case."

The bearded man took a bite of the rice ball and echoed: "Every time I pass by, I feel very eerie. It would be understandable if there were corpses buried."

"After all, this matter is very famous in this area, everyone knows it."

Ichiro echoed: "Then it got more and more intense, and it felt like it had become a mecca for ghost stories around here."

"Is that so? Thanks a lot."

After Tang Ze and the others thanked everyone, they drove away.

Obviously, their investigation has reached a bottleneck again.

It seemed that nothing was found and nothing was gained, but Tangze was not discouraged. In other words, this level of difficulty would not make any experienced criminal feel depressed.

Moreover, asking Ichiro to question them was just the information they got after asking about the missing girl. It was not part of their original plan, so naturally there was no loss.

And Tangze also had a hunch that as long as he found a breakthrough, the truth hidden in the darkness would come to light!

So after the two got in the car, they went to visit Eguchi Daigo's house, and he was also the first missing person in these three cases.

However, on the way, Karasawa received a call from Aso Minori.

He turned on the speakerphone, handed it to Koshimizu Nanatsuki, started the car and rushed to his destination.

"Tang Zejun, the information on the skeletons you discovered is basically clear."

After the simple greetings at the beginning, Aso Minoru got to the point first: "The corpse is a male between thirty and fifty years old, with type A blood.

The time of death was around 3 o'clock. As for the cause of death, because the deceased's skeleton was skeletal and there were no traces on it, the cause of death cannot yet be determined. "

"Did you find anything in your belongings?"

Tangze looked at the road ahead and asked without looking back: "Is there anything like a driver's license that can identify you?"

"It's a pity that the other party was wearing only a pair of clothes and didn't have anything that could identify him."

Aso replied on the phone: "But now the forensic department is comparing photos of missing persons, hoping to confirm the identity."

This is the latest technology that can use the bone head shape of the ribs to compare the bones of the human face in the photo.

But the trouble is that it requires technical personnel to operate, and it cannot fully automate sight comparison.

Even if the age of the missing persons is limited to the range of 30 to 50 years old, the time period will be longer. After all, the base number of missing persons is here, and the workload is huge.

Karasawa naturally understood this truth, so after listening to Aso Minoru's words, he understood that it was best not to put too much hope in the screening report of missing persons.

It would be best if you could find it, but you should also be prepared to not be able to find the identity of the skeleton.

"Why do I feel like this case is always against us?"

After listening to the conversation between the two, the co-pilot, Koshimi Nanatsuki, frowned and said: "Every time I investigate a place, it gives people the feeling of "just getting a taste of it", and I always fail to grasp the key points."

"But at least we have some direction to investigate."

Tang Ze said: "Let's go, I hope I can gain something from this boy, otherwise I will have to use the "big killing move"."

"What's the "big killing move"?" Koshizui Nanatsuki asked curiously after hearing this.

"It will be kept secret for now." Tang Ze chuckled.

"It's mysterious." Hearing Karasawa say this, Koshimizu Nanatsuki didn't delve into it further, but watched the scenery constantly changing and finally arrived at his destination.

Because they had contacted each other in advance before the visit, the two of them entered Eguchi's house easily.

However, like Aoki Yuika, Eguchi Daigo also did not remember his answer. He only knew that he was in that villa after he regained consciousness.

"Do you really remember nothing?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked aloud, staring at the boy in front of him.

"I don't remember." Unlike Aoki Yuika, the introverted girl who was somewhat evasive, Eguchi Daigo's answer was very straightforward.

"Then I wonder if you know this girl?"

Karasawa took out a photo of Yuika Aoki and showed it to Eguchi and his son.

"I have no impression of the child." Mrs. Eguchi shook her head first, then looked down at Daigo Eguchi: "Do you have any impression?"

"I don't know, she is from the next class." Eguchi Daigo shook his head.

"What, don't you know her?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki pushed the other party lightly and asked jokingly.

"But I don't know her and I haven't spoken to her."

Eguchi Daigo explained: "And most of their class will go to Yoneka Town to attend junior high school, and will not be promoted to Teitan Middle School like us."

"Huh? What does this mean?" Tangze asked.

"What he means is that the cultural district needs to be re-divided."

After hearing this, Mrs. Eguchi explained with a smile: "Many new schools, libraries and the like are being built near Tedan Elementary School, so the original cultural area is no longer applicable. The Ministry of Education said it needs to be re-divided."

"Is that so?"

Karasawa nodded thoughtfully, said goodbye to Mrs. Eguchi, and immediately took Nanatsuki Koshimizu to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government before getting off work.

This is the seat of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's administrative agencies, and many government projects, urban planning and the like are issued from here.

Naturally, Tang Ze chose to come here to investigate the newly divided areas of the cultural district.

"As expected, if it is rezoned, there will be no restrictions on the cultural zone where the villa is located."

Karasawa looked at the "Cultural Zone Demarcation Map" he got from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government with a clear expression, and Koshimizu Nanatsuki also thought of the answer almost at the same time.

"We have finally made progress. Although it is not the harvest we expected, it would not be bad if we can complete the original mission."

Koshizui Nanatsuki and Karasawa looked at each other, and the two "riddle monsters" had a tacit understanding that everything was unspoken.

When the night was completely dark, the two came again to the real estate company where the third missing Mr. Kanai worked.

After informing the secretary, the two met Moritani Kazuhiro again in the office, and the other party's attitude was still enthusiastic.

"I heard from the secretary, what progress has been made in the investigation between the two of you?"

Moritani Kazuhiro's tone was full of concern: "Do you have the whereabouts of Mr. Kanai?"

"It is indeed true. We are here to confirm it for you." Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with a smile.

"like me?"

Sheng Gu and Hong were shocked when they heard this: "This criminal lady...did you say something wrong?"

"That's right. If you want to find the missing Mr. Kanjing, you really have to have Boss Shenggu."

Karasawa looked at Moritani and Hiroshi and smiled and said, "Let me ask straight to the point. Did you know the traces of Mr. Kanai who disappeared from the beginning?"


Sheng Gu and Hong were stunned for a moment, then stood up and defended themselves: "This criminal, if I knew where he was, I wouldn't have called the police!"

"The reason why you clearly knew Mr. Kanai's whereabouts and still called the police to file a missing person request is because the value of the land will soon rise."

Tang Ze said calmly: "Although that villa is indeed now because of the widespread rumors of the haunted house, it has been three years since I was able to get rid of it.

However, with the re-division of the "cultural and educational district", that land was excluded from the scope and became a normal land.

In this way, the land can be used for more purposes and the natural value will be higher. "

Tang Ze's words instantly made Sheng Gu and Hong look uncomfortable. Even the other party didn't dare to look at the two of them and turned away to avoid their sight.

"I advise you to tell the truth."

Karasawa looked at Moritani and Hiroshi and said calmly: "Although at the beginning, you might just want to use the rumors of the haunted house to make Mr. Kanai disappear for two days.

After that, as long as he uses the same excuse as the two children, he can get over the matter.

But now the nature is different. "

Karasawa walked up to Moritani Kazuhiro and looked down at Moritani Kazuhiro with sharp eyes: "In fact, Mr. Kanai who intervened and found the body and disappeared there will not be simply considered to have run away from home.

His current situation makes it possible to include him as a suspect in the murder case for investigation. "

"How could it be possible? A suspect or something..." After hearing Karasawa's words, Sheng Gu and Hong panicked instantly.

"After all, the reason why we were able to find the skeleton was because when we were searching for his whereabouts, we found a silhouette passing by. Then when we came to the courtyard, we discovered a hole dug in the ground."

Koshizui Nanatsuki said calmly: "You said, contact Mr. Kanai and disappear in this villa. We will label him as a suspect. We suspect that he was digging for bones and intending to remove the body and destroy the evidence in the past few days. Is there anything wrong? "

"In addition, I would like to remind you that because you are expecting the land value to rise and you are using your brain to attempt to make a false report and issue a missing person request, you will commit the crime of fabricating facts and obstructing official duties."

Karasawa looked at Moritani Kazuhiro who was sweating coldly and said with a smile: "Murder and obstruction of official duties, which reason do you want to be investigated for?"


Shenggu and Hong stuttered twice, and finally sighed dejectedly, and then told the whole story: "Actually, after the planning decision was made to rezone the area two years ago, the land has the possibility of appreciation.

As long as the policy is re-zoned, the price of this land will definitely rise exponentially.

But the homeowner has been strongly urging us to sell the property quickly. Even if we tell him that you can get more money by waiting a little longer, he still insists on selling! "

"So you need a reason why you can't sell it." Koshizui Nanatsuki nodded clearly, and then changed his voice and said: "So you spread the rumors about the haunted house?"

"No, no, this is not what I passed on."

Sheng Gu and Hong shook their heads: "I also happened to learn about the rumor that the villa would make people "invisible" at that time.

We're just using it, we didn't do it!

Anyway, the villa will be demolished later, and entertainment facilities will be built by then, so there won't be any strange rumors. "

"Have you talked about this with the landlord's daughter?" Tangze asked.

"No, we can't talk about housing prices with her." Sheng Gu and Hong said helplessly.


After hearing the other party's words, Tang Ze keenly noticed the other party's wording: "Didn't we just contact him once three years ago?"

"No, the other party will contact us regularly."

Tang Ze nodded and patted the other party on the shoulder: "Give you a chance and surrender yourself. If you have a better attitude, I will only give you a verbal warning."

"I understand, thank you!" Shenggu Kazuhiro said excitedly: "I am really grateful!"

After walking out of the real estate company, Koshizui Nanatsuki looked back at the real estate company and said, "I didn't expect that the answer to the disappearance of the third person was just forgery for profit."

"No matter what, at least our initial mission is completed."

Tang Ze smiled and said, "You have successfully completed your mission."

"But why did Miura Aya lie again?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki was still a little concerned about the previous conversation: "You obviously ask regularly, but why do you hide this matter and pay attention to the old villa regularly?"

"Do you think it's related to the case?"

Karasawa understood the meaning of Koshizui Nanatsuki's words, shook his head and said: "I don't think this matter has anything to do with the skeleton case."

"In that case, let's go find her to prove it." Koshizui Nanatsuki said directly: "Let's see what's going on."

"Then let's go, get off work after solving this matter."

Karasawa and the two made an appointment to meet Miura Aya again and went to each other's home.

"What's the matter with this visit?" Miura Aya felt a little impatient after seeing her twice a day, but she still asked patiently.

"Actually, we came here this time because we encountered some doubts during the search, so we came here specifically to seek confirmation."

Koshizui Nanatsuki didn't beat around the bush, and went straight to the situation and asked: "So we want to ask you and confirm the answer, why did you conceal your regular contact with President Moritani when you contacted him? ?”

" probably suspect that I have something to do with the body that was dug up at home, right!?"

Hearing Koshimizu Nanatsuki's words, Miura Aya quickly reacted, with a look of shock and anger on her face: "I'm not monitoring the situation in the villa. That's because my family has no need to use others to detect the situation.

I, I just..."

"I just want to pay attention to my father, but I can't lose face."

Karasawa smiled and said the follow-up words for her: "The nurse lady said that she contacted Miss Miura once.

When I visited Mr. Miura before contacting me, he said that he was not going to die soon. I think Ms. Miura also knew this.

Mr. Miura has always been responsible for contacting the real estate company for the villa, so Ms. Miura regularly contacts Mr. Moritani of the real estate company to indirectly inquire about her father's information. "

As for why Miura Aya made such an awkward move, it is actually not difficult to understand.

That was the result of the constant conflict and distortion between the knot of heart over the death of his mother and his concern as a child.

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