Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,109 Mobile Secret Room

Although this case did not lead to a major disaster in the end, the content of the entire case was still very sensational.

Under normal circumstances, reporters would definitely publish it. After all, this is a bizarre case.

However, the mastermind involved in this case was a minor, and his name and photos would not be released. In addition, there were no deaths, and the mean middle-aged reporter also chose to keep it secret, saying that he would not report it.

That is to say, this case will not ferment, but will be concluded quietly, and not many people will know about it.

In this way, subsequent troubles will be avoided. At least Kudo, Karasawa and others will not have to think of ways to minimize the impact of the case.

Otherwise, as soon as the news of Kudo Shinichi's appearance is discovered, he will be the real loser, waiting for the people from the black organization to hunt him down.

Therefore, due to the special nature of this case, it will not be announced to the outside world, which is the best result.

After the teasing of Sato Miwako and Karasawa, the shameless Xiaolan was embarrassed to be gentle with her sweetheart anymore. The two held hands and looked at the scenery outside the window and chatted about various topics.

But after Conan changed back to Kudo Shinichi, his death physique seemed to have been strengthened to an epic level.

In other words, when Conan returns to his identity as Kudo Shinichi, the cases will follow him like a shadow, as if he is the most beloved son of "Daddy Death" at this moment!

For example, at this moment, shortly after Karasawa and his party bid farewell to Miwako Sato's red Mazda, on their normal return to Tokyo, an exciting friction sound suddenly sounded.

The huge sound immediately attracted everyone's attention. The three of them looked forward and found a silver-gray car that seemed to have lost control and was scraping crazily against the road fence.

On the side, Mouri Kogoro seemed to have noticed this unusual car owner. He was honking the horn frantically and speeding up, seemingly intending to remind the car owner.

It's a pity that the horn sounded so loud that it made people feel like their brains were buzzing, but the people in the car still didn't react at all.

At this moment, Tang Ze also closed the distance and opened the car window.

"Hey, there seems to be something wrong with the owner of that car!"

Mouri Kogoro also took the initiative to open the car window and came to Karasawa's car and shouted: "Help!"

"That guy is definitely not asleep!" Hattori Heiji shouted.

But after seeing the man, Karasawa and Kudo Shinichi's expressions changed, "Detective Mori, help with the support!"

"Hey, what are you doing!"

Seeing Karasawa's vehicle suddenly accelerate and rush forward, Mouri Kogoro's expression couldn't help but change. Although he shouted questions, he still understood Karasawa's plan.

So when Karasawa accelerated, he took the initiative to slow down. At the same time, he pressed the horn to drive away the people around him, and kept his body one-third parallel to the out-of-control car.

In this case, whether it is to force a stop from the side, or to attack from behind with Karasawa, we can respond to the situation according to the situation.

On the other side, Tangze stepped on the accelerator and accelerated to the front of the out-of-control car, and began to gradually reduce his speed.

He put the police siren on the roof of the car, and then immediately said: "You two, sit still, it may be a little shaken later!"

With a quick reminder, Karasawa's attention was completely focused on the car behind him, while Kudo Shinichi was holding Xiaolan. The two of them had fixed their bodies at this moment and were ready to face the subsequent impact.


The car behind hit the rear of Tang Ze's car hard, but because Tang Ze and others were prepared, the car only shook for a moment and the three of them stabilized themselves.

Tang Ze began to brake slowly, slowing down the car.

The owner of the car behind the accident seemed to have lost all consciousness. Under the collision, the accelerator on his foot seemed to start to disengage, and the speed of the car was obviously beginning to decrease.

After that, Tangze slowed down again, letting the accident car hit the rear part of his car and then brake slowly, allowing the accident car to stop slowly.

Fortunately, the other party's foot was not fixed on the accelerator. The previous collision caused the other party's foot to break away from the brake. Otherwise, forcing the car to stop would be troublesome. If it is not done correctly, a major accident may occur.

Fortunately, things did not reach that point of no return. After forcing the car behind to stop, everyone quickly got out of the car to check on the driver of the out-of-control vehicle.

But before Karasawa and others could come forward, a red-haired woman suddenly rushed out from a yellow car parked at the guardrail behind Kogoro Mouri.

"Junping! Junping!"

After the pink-haired woman got out of the car, she immediately shook the man in the car from the window, but no matter how hard she shook him, there was no reaction.

"Hey, don't touch him casually!"

Kudo Shinichi and Hattori Heiji were both sitting in the back. They rushed down as soon as they parked the car. When they saw the woman's actions, they immediately spoke to stop each other.

After Karasawa and Mouri Kogoro put on the handbrake and parked the car, they also got out of the car.

"Hey, who are you!!"

Looking at the group of people rushing up, the woman who was suspected to be a friend of the car owner asked dissatisfiedly.

But no one paid her any attention. Everyone's attention was on the person who lost control of the car.

"Oops, I'm not breathing anymore!" By the time Karasawa arrived at the car, Kudo and the others had already determined that the owner of the car had passed away.

"Hey, look here!" Hattori Heiji opened the eyelids of the deceased and quickly motioned for everyone to look at the eyes of the deceased.

"There are traces of bleeding in the eyes..." Tang Ze, who was standing behind the two people, immediately changed his expression when he saw this, and said quickly: "Hey, look at his neck."

"I know!" Kudo Shinichi reached out and unbuttoned the deceased's shirt, revealing his neck that was covered by the collar.

"Hey, look at this!"

Hattori Heiji looked at the dark purple irregular mark on his neck with a solemn expression.

"There is a toll station one kilometer ahead. I asked Sato Criminal to seal the intersection there!"

Looking at the scars on the deceased's neck, Karasawa immediately took out his cell phone and called Sato Miwako.

After briefly explaining the situation, Sato Miwako said in a very serious tone: "I know, we are going to the gas station now, and I will ask them to close the road."

After she finished speaking, as she urged Takagi to speed up, the other party hung up the phone.

"Who...are you?"

The pink-haired woman had also seen Tang Ze and others checking the corpses and contacting criminals before. Naturally, she realized that these people did not seem to be ordinary people, so she subconsciously asked them.

"I am a member of the Criminal Investigation Division. Now a murder is suspected here. Please cooperate with our investigation."

Tangze showed his criminal certificate and directly revealed his identity.

"Conspiracy, murder?!"

The pink-haired woman heard Tang Ze's words and exclaimed: "How, how is it possible..."

"There is nothing impossible, because the deceased was strangled! So it is naturally not a simple accident or an accident caused by a sudden illness, but a secret room murder case!"

Karasawa said in a solemn tone: "And it was a very difficult murder case that was completed in this car that was driving like a secret room!"

"Secret room murder..." The pink-haired woman looked horrified and didn't know what to do for a moment.

But fortunately, with Tang Ze, the criminal, she only had to passively follow the arrangements.

Tangze first asked Kazuye and Xiaolan to follow Maori Kogoro to look after the scene, and then waited for the criminal to come to take over the scene.

Karasawa took Kudo and the others to the toll station one kilometer away, where they met Miwako Sato and talked about the detailed findings of the case.

After all, they were on the phone before, and what Tang Ze said was very urgent. He only said that a murder case had occurred and asked them to help block the toll plaza.

Now that the two sides have reunited, it is natural to explain the situation in detail.

"In other words, someone died in a car?"

After listening to Karasawa's summary of what happened, Sato Miwako was surprised: "And he was strangled in a moving car? Isn't this list too big?!"

"Are the people in the same car with him under control now?" Takagi asked, "They should be the most suspect."

"No, the strange thing about this case is that there was no one else in the deceased's car." Tang Ze shook his head.

" is this possible?" Sato Miwako said in disbelief.

"This is too bizarre, how can you choke the car owner while driving..." Takagi also had an expression of disbelief.

Having been engaged in criminal work for so many years, they thought they were well-informed and experienced, but this was the first time such a bizarre case had occurred.

"It's bizarre, but it does happen."

Karasawa shook his head slightly, with a serious look on his face: "Hattori and I initially judged that this case is a "mobile secret room", which is more difficult than ordinary secret room murders."

"Mobile secret room..." Hearing Tang Ze's words, Takagi and Takagi also had headaches. Just by hearing the name, they knew that this case would definitely not be too simple.

"Don't worry, we are still here."

Tangze smiled and said: "Although this case is difficult, we have many "famous detectives" gathered here."

"That's true." Thinking of Tang Ze's four reasoning experts gathered together, Takagi suddenly felt that this problem didn't seem so troublesome.

Although it is said that Mouri Kogoro is a fake.

"By the way, where are Hattori-kun and the others?" At the reminder of Karasawa's words, Miwako Sato realized that the two high school students had disappeared and couldn't help but ask.

"The two of them disappeared into the car formation as soon as they got out of the car. They should have gone to check the suspect vehicles to narrow down the suspects."

Tang Ze explained aloud: "Because when we found the victim, the victim's body was still a little warm, so the murderer should not have gone far.

This is why I contacted you to block the gas station. "

And this was also the reason why Tang Ze brought the two of them. If he left such a good "tool man" alone and worked hard there, he would look like an idiot.

Moreover, these two people are also very efficient. An ordinary criminal investigation of suspects would definitely take a lot of time.

They blocked the gas station. It was okay for a short time, but the impact would be great over time. Naturally, they had to choose the most efficient method.

"Narrow the scope?" Takagi looked at the densely packed cars parked in front of the gas station and couldn't help but said in shock: "How are we going to investigate this? There are almost a hundred cars here, right?"

"Oh? Interesting."

Miwako Sato was not worried when she heard Karasawa's words. Instead, she raised her eyebrows and said with interest: "Then let me see the legendary high school detective's skills."

Obviously, Sato Miwako has become interested in Xiaolan's partner, Kudo Shinichi, who is only rumored in the Metropolitan Police Department but whose name is not known, but his shadow is always there, and wants to see what the other person is capable of.

"Three cars."

As Sato Miwako finished speaking, Kudo Shinichi's answer came from the side.

Everyone heard the sound and looked around, and found that Kudo Shinichi, who was wearing a Hattori Heiji hat, made a "3" gesture with his thumb, index finger and middle finger and said: "Among the currently stopped vehicles, there are only three vehicles suspected of murder."

This "drum washing machine" is indeed a professional pretender. Miwako Sato just questioned it and wanted to see what he was capable of. He gave the answer directly and pretended a little.

"We have locked down the suspect vehicle. Let other cars leave."

Hattori Heiji followed closely and walked out from behind a truck: "And the toll side has been closed for a long time. It's a troublesome thing. Let's let it go as soon as possible."

"You said three?"

Sato Miwako looked at the two of them in surprise and said, "Is there any evidence? This is not an order that can be given easily.

It's easy to let them go, but if something goes wrong and you want to retrieve them, it will be troublesome! "

"I think you should have screened out the suspect vehicle based on the condition of the body."

Tangze smiled without any surprise: "Then let's talk about the reason why these three vehicles were listed as suspects by you."

"The victim was strangled while driving the car. There is no doubt about it." Kudo Shinichi was the first to speak.

"After confirming this, we initially concluded that the prisoner drove close to the deceased's car that was running and then did something."

Hattori Heiji followed closely and said: "It's natural to think so, right?

After all, it's not a superpower. You can kill people with just your thoughts. Anything you do will leave traces. "

“Although we have not yet discovered the trick used by the prisoner, no matter what the murderer is, he needs to be prepared before acting.

Kudo Shinichi smiled: "And more importantly, get on the highway at the same time as the victim, so that it is possible to commit the crime."

"I see!"

After listening to what the two said, Takagi suddenly said: "So only the car that entered from the same highway entrance as the victim can be suspected, right?

After your investigation, you found only three vehicles that met the requirements, which easily narrowed the scope. "

"But are you sure it's okay?"

Just when Takagi was happy about this method of screening out suspects, Miwako Sato looked suspiciously at the two high school students in front of her and raised questions.

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