Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,160 Traffic Accident

After eating and drinking, and after explaining to Conan that he should pay attention to the report, Tangze happily boarded the plane to France and started their vacation life.

When mentioning this country, the word art inevitably comes to mind.

And this naturally involves the large field of fine arts.

Impressionism, Fauvism, Realism, Symbolism and other well-known genres all came from France.

In Western art culture, French art is also unique, and Paris has gradually become the art capital of the world.

As a result, various types of trendy art were born, and even gradually covered various fields.

For example, clothing, luxury bags, perfumes, etc. are among the best in the world.

Naturally, Tangze and his two people’s journey included shopping.

Of course, this is just something the two of them would do along the way, but they wouldn't go out of their way to buy anything.

After all, the two people with "money power" have no difficulty in choosing. They can just buy what they want, so there is no need to go out of their way.

After getting off the plane, the two went directly to the hotel booked by Secretary Ayako to rest.

Since both of them had rested on the plane, they just stretched their stiff bodies and went out directly in the afternoon.

The first stop for the two of them was the Eiffel Tower, the iconic building here.

A product of the Paris World's Fair and commemorating the centenary of the French Revolution, it is the city's most iconic building.

Although there will be lights at night, during the day it serves as a lookout tower overlooking the entire city. It is also a good viewing place for two people who are new to this place.

Because the two of them were not in a hurry at all, they didn't go to this place in a hurry and rushed to the next place.

So while taking pictures at the Eiffel Tower, the two of them found a nearby restaurant to have dinner, and went to bed early in the evening.

After all, I spent the night on the plane and traveled all afternoon, so fatigue was inevitable.

A night of silence.

The next day Karasawa took Ayako to the Palace of Versailles.

That's right, it's the Internet meme that inadvertently reveals one's own superior life through reverse expression.

As the origin of this meme, the Palace of Versailles does have such capital.

As one of the top five palaces in the world, the Palace of Versailles is even called the most beautiful European palace garden. It is a palace that takes French style to the extreme and is extremely luxurious and imaginative.

Of course, no matter how big the palace is, there is a time to finish visiting it. The two of them spent the remaining time visiting the Grand Trianon Palace and the Royal Chapel.

Because they thought it was too slow to travel, they rented a car here and followed the secretary's guide to contact the travel agency to go to various scenic spots.

Seine River Cruise, Sewer Museum, Crazy Horse Show...

Of course, the Champs Elysées is also indispensable, which is known as the most beautiful street in Paris and a shopping paradise for women.

I have to say that women’s power when it comes to shopping is absolutely terrifying.

Except for the first day when the two of them went to a tourist attraction in Paris because they had just arrived, they went to many places later.

But on the Champs Elysées, Karasawa accompanied Ayako for two days.

"Thank you for walking with me for so long."

Back at the hotel in the evening, Ayako said sheepishly while massaging Karasawa.

"It's okay, I'm just here to accompany you this time." Tangze said with a smile: "But I would like to ask you, is it possible that your main purpose of coming to France is shopping?"

"Hehe." Ayako stuck out her tongue, and the meaning was naturally self-evident.

"Okay, it's really just for shopping." Tang Ze said with a black line.

"Hehe, but I have already bought all the things I wanted to buy in the past two days. Where should we go on the last day?" Ayako asked with a smile.

"Let's go see the Louvre."

Tangze thought for a while and said, "Such a collection of collections is enough for us to spend a whole day visiting."

This is not an exaggerated metaphor but a fact, and it is also the reason why the two of them stayed at the Louvre.

After all, the Louvre has a collection of 400,000 pieces, and it would take a long time to just take a look at them.

After viewing the three major pavilions of "Venus de Milo", "Mona Lisa" and "Lady Victory", and appreciating many classical paintings and sculptures, their trip to France is coming to an end.

Because it was the second day after Karasawa used the [Safe and Sound Card] for seven days, everything was calm until the two of them returned to Nagano.

As for why they didn't fly directly to Tokyo, it was because Karasawa's car was still here, so the two planned to rest in Nagano for a day and then drive back to Tokyo.

Because they had been playing for a week and then took a long flight back, after arriving in Nagano and checking into the hotel, Karasawa and the others had no intention of going out for a stroll and just stayed in the hotel to rest.

However, when the two of them woke up and turned on the TV, they discovered that there was big news the night before.

There was a murder on a plane. The captain and co-pilot were all GG. In the end, the two female high school students on the plane successfully made an emergency landing at the dock.

Among them, Kaitou Kidd attracted the police car and used their car as a beacon to assist in the landing of the plane.

Seeing this familiar unfolding in the news, Karasawa quickly called Conan and learned that this was indeed what happened to them.

It turns out that after Karasawa left, Kaitou Kid seemed to know about Karasawa's departure, so he sent a notice letter and started acting like a monster.

Conan started a battle of wits and courage with him, and the result was that he was involved in a murder on a plane. Conan and Kaitou Kidd saved him and saved the plane.

Seeing this, Karasawa felt a little regretful that he missed the reward for the theatrical version, but since it had already happened, there was no need to dwell on it.

After all, he also enjoyed more than ten days of vacation, so missing the reward was expected.

However, no one from the Suzuki family contacted the two of them, perhaps because they were afraid that they would worry.

But now that he knew about it, Karasawa told Ayako the situation.

Knowing that Sonoko had experienced such a dangerous thing the night before, Ayako immediately called Sonoko to make sure that she was okay.

But even so, Ayako couldn't feel at ease and had to go back to see Sonoko with her own eyes.

So the two of them tidied up a bit, checked out of the hotel and set off towards Tokyo.

As soon as we left Nagano Prefecture, our sights gradually opened up. Since it was not a holiday, there were not many people going out. Thanks to this, there were basically no vehicles on the road.

"Don't worry, Yuanzi is already showing off to you on the phone that he has become a hero by flying a plane."

Seeing Ayako frowning, Karasawa could not help but feel relieved as he looked ahead: "She is still alive and kicking, and she has not suffered any psychological trauma. You don't have to worry so much."

"That child is young and not just afraid." Ayako said angrily: "Such a terrible thing happened, and she is still so arrogant. No matter what, I have to talk to her and let her be careful."

"When encountering something like this, it can only be said to be bad luck." Tangze said: "It is better to say that Yuanzi can get over this incident so quickly. It is a good thing. This mentality is worth learning."

"You, just speak for her!" Ayako said angrily.

"She is also a disaster." Tang Ze said with a smile.

If others didn't know, how could he not know that Yuanzi was involved in the big incident purely because of the plot.

And she will only fall into danger, but in the end she will be able to save the day.

So Yuanzi was completely passive, but had to be lectured by her elder sister.

However, she brought it upon herself. When Ayako was on the phone, Sonoko boasted about flying a plane and becoming a hero, which made Ayako feel that her sister was extremely unreliable, so she planned to beat her up.

After all, she knew how much her sister weighed. She didn't even learn how to drive, let alone fly a plane. Someone must have guided her. She was just a tool at best.

Ayako on the side wanted to say something after hearing Karasawa's words, but when she looked at the sky, she suddenly said in surprise: "Eh? There is a rainbow."

"It's true." Tang Ze glanced at the sky in front of him and found a rainbow hanging in the sky in front of him.

But not long after the two of them admired the rainbow, suddenly thick black smoke rose in front of them, and the large smoke instantly blackened the originally blue sky.

"Did something suddenly catch fire in front?" Ayako said with some hesitation.

"Go check it out, hope it's not something bad."

Looking at the large black smoke that suddenly rose, Tang Ze had a bad feeling in his heart. There was no car in front of him, so he stepped on the accelerator and accelerated towards the front.

Tang Ze drove at a very fast speed and soon reached the smoky road ahead.

This is a crossroads, and next to the road is a not-so-wide river.

When Tangze arrived by car, he found a green car with a severely damaged front end parked on the side of the road.

In the small pool next to the road, there was a severely damaged red car burning with raging fire. It was obviously this car that caused the black smoke before.

Obviously, this was a tragic traffic accident.

"Ayako, go see how the people in the green car are doing." After getting off the car, Karasawa immediately signaled Ayako to check the safe car, and he ran to the burning vehicle.

Although the other party's car fell into the river, because the car ignited the mailbox, even though the car was basically soaked in the river, there was still no intention of extinguishing it.

Karasawa wanted to pull the driver out, but if he wanted to save people, he had to jump into the river. Now the river was covered with black gasoline. Jumping down would be tantamount to self-immolation.


Just when Karasawa wanted to get closer to check the situation, the fire on the car suddenly increased and even rushed in front of him, causing him to retreat quickly. Ayako, who was watching the situation on his side, couldn't help but exclaimed.

They say fire and water are ruthless, this time Tang Ze finally knew what it was like to be powerless.

The entire car was stuck in the river, with only a small part exposed. There was still a fire on the car body, which made Tangze feel like he was helpless guarding a turtle shell.

But being in the river was a blessing among misfortunes. Although the gasoline in the car leaked and ignited the car, it burned outside.

And with the flow of water, the gasoline also floats away little by little. When the gasoline in the tank leaks out, the flame will naturally go out.

Although the fire was fierce at first, the flames soon began to disperse, and the car became a protective shell to ensure that the owner was not burned.

Tangze saw that he could only wait for rescue for the time being, so he immediately ran to the green car on the shore.

Looking through the car window, one can see a man lying unconscious on the airbag with blood on his head.

The two of them knocked on the window. The people in the car didn't seem to be seriously injured, and they actually woke up with painful expressions.

"Hey, are you okay?" Ayako saw that the man's blood was even flowing on his face. She opened the car door with difficulty and said with concern: "Hold on, the ambulance will be here soon!"

"I should be fine..." The man looked at the two of them weakly and asked, "What happened..."

"The collision between your two cars must have been a traffic accident." Ayako said.

"Eh? But I didn't see a car in front of my car." The man opened the door and struggled to get out of the car, looking around blankly.

"Under the bridge." Tangze said helplessly: "The gasoline is currently leaking, and there is no way to get close to the burning fire."


When the man heard Tang Ze's words, he seemed unable to accept the reality that he had killed someone, and he suddenly collapsed on the ground.

Tang Ze stepped forward to check the other party's injury. It was not particularly serious. He helped the other party deal with it for a while, and the three of them waited for the arrival of the police and ambulance.

Because the accident was very serious, the police and ambulance arrived quickly.

In addition, because Ayako said that a car fell into the river when she called the police, after the two cars arrived, a crane also arrived.

"how so..."

The man whose injuries had been treated by doctors watched the medical staff carry out the body of another car owner from the rubble-like red car. He collapsed and fell to his knees: "Why did it turn into such a serious traffic accident..."

The man cried bitterly with fear: "What should I do? This kind of life-threatening accident has happened, and it is simply irreversible..."

"Would you like to have a cigarette to calm down?"

Tang Ze asked a male patrolman in police uniform for a cigarette and handed it to him, but the man shook his head and said, "Thank you, but I don't have the habit of smoking."

"Then please calm down. We have something to ask you, the person involved in the accident. Is it convenient for you?" the short-haired female criminal on the side asked after extending her hand and saluting.

"You ask." The man said in a low tone.

"First of all, please give me your name and occupation." The female criminal asked the man for his latest personal information.

"My name is Kurutani Seiji, and I am a car maintenance technician." The man introduced himself.

"Then this gentleman should be the first discoverer, right?" The female criminal looked at Tang Ze and asked, "What is your name?"

"I'm Genichi Karasawa. As for my profession, it's the same as yours. It's all criminal." Karasawa said, taking out his criminal certificate and showing his basic information.

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