Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,222 The White Bird of Change

Obviously, Aso's attention was completely focused on the book, and he was not thinking about the outside world at all. Yu Tangze's farewell was also more inclined to drive him away, telling him not to disturb his reading.

In response, Tangze shook his head helplessly, but he was still very happy in his heart.

After all, who wouldn’t be happy when their work is loved?

That's right, that "Study of Loneliness" was published by Karasawa, and he published this book based on him in accordance with Saegashi Kazami's request.

Karasawa compiled the process of how the two met and the other's experience when he surrendered, and then integrated and literary processing, and then went to prison to let Saegashi Kazumi, a poisonous critic, comment.

Although it only received a good review such as "an ordinary and cheap description of people at the bottom and fringes of society, but it may reflect a corner of society", Tang Ze was still very satisfied.

He knew that the other party disdained this story based on his own personal experience, and even punished him for being angry.

Even within the scope of the evaluation standards, he deliberately belittled the part that describes himself, so he gave such an evaluation.

But the other party's evaluation was not deliberately derogatory, because this story does not have any wonderful tricks, cunning criminals, or sufficiently exciting reasoning.

It can be said that the innate structure has determined that this is a "socialist" story about ordinary people.

But even this is enough.

I hope that after reading these stories, readers can gain something from them, see the problems that exist in society, and make people think.

For Saegashi Kazami, this is enough.

He had been looking forward to completing a book, and finally wrote this book by himself, and finally had such a simple wish.

Saegashi Kazami does not expect results, but simply hopes that people will think something after seeing his story.

A man who beats women, a woman who has been domestically abused since childhood, a protagonist who was originally a genius but ended up becoming a marginalized person because of her unconventionality.

No matter which angle you look at, a little thought is enough.

Thinking of the other party, Tang Ze, who was feeling relaxed, decided to go to the prison on the way back to visit Saegashi Kazami, the tea friend.

The meeting and conversation with the other party were quite pleasant. Tang Ze discovered that the other party had also started writing a book in prison. The two made an appointment to invite him to be the first reader when the other party finished the book.

Everything is so ordinary, just like every ordinary day.

As for the overt and covert struggles among the members of the black organization, as well as the undercurrents that followed, although Tang Ze, the instigator, did not know, he could almost guess some of it.

Of course, he had no way of guessing how wonderful the result would be.

But Tang Ze is also ready to face the black organization's subsequent counterattack.

Of course, the premise is that the black organization can find his existence. As for what he needs to do now is to disguise his identity well.

As for how to do it...

In fact, there is no change from his daily life.

Since he wanted to blend into the sea, he had to have the same color as the sea, so Tang Ze naturally didn't need to make any changes.

A few days after returning home, Tangze continued to go to work to catch fish and go on dates after get off work as usual.

Take Ayako to eat and drink together, and spread dog food around to feed the single dogs around.

After spending a few days peacefully, time came to Friday, the last working day that social animals love to see.

After a few days of leisure, Tangze felt that it was necessary to visit the Metropolitan Police Department to get some information.

After all, after so many days of peace and quiet, it was time for a case to happen.

Besides Conan, the best place to get information is the Metropolitan Police Department. After all, many cases are derived from these important supporting characters (tool men).

Of course, if you don't see any clues, you can only go to Conan to find out the news.

However, the investigation of intelligence naturally has to go from simple to difficult. He came to the Metropolitan Police Department in a legitimate manner, so naturally he had to start here first.

Holding the coffee prepared for the friends (this chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 1222 The White Bird of Change

Coffee, Tang Ze came out of the elevator and went straight to the search class.

"Brother Tangze, why are you free to come here today?"

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Officer Megure looked up and said hello with a smile.

"Looking at your hard work, I brought you some coffee."

Karasawa smiled and handed the coffee in his hand to Megure, and then asked "casually": "By the way, are there any cases today? Why are you at the police department alone?"

"No, Takagi and the others are out of the office, not out in the field."

Hearing this, Mu Mu smiled and scolded: "How come you kid, when you see no one in the office, you think we are investigating a case and you want to exhaust us to death?"

"I didn't say that." Tangze smiled and waved his hand and said, "Then let's put the coffee over there first. I'll go talk to Shiratori and Takagi and let's go."

Seeing that there were not many important supporting characters, Karasawa retreated decisively so that Officer Megure would not be chatting here.

After all, Officer Megure is a pure tool. Although he is the boss of Takagi and others, he may not be as useful as the others.

So when he saw that the other people were not there, he planned to find a few others to investigate the information and see if he could find out anything in advance.

"Go on, let's talk more, you young people." Officer Megure didn't get angry when he heard Karasawa's words and took the coffee. Instead, he looked very happy.

After working in the Metropolitan Police Department for so many years, I have never seen someone who was arrogant and arrogant towards his former colleagues after being promoted.

Because of this, Mumu is very pleased to see that even after Tangze has gained a high position and has great power, he still does not change his original intention and treats Takagi and others as friends.

Tang Ze, who was on the side, naturally didn't know that he had unintentionally developed a favorable impression of Officer Memu again, or that even if he knew, he wouldn't have any reaction.

At this moment, he had just walked out of the door, turned around and looked at the corridor, only to find Takagi staggering and yawning, passing the smoking room and walking towards his office.

"Good morning~"

Before Takagi, who had dark circles under his eyes, saw Karasawa, he saw a policewoman wearing glasses who was passing by saying good morning to him, and then ran away with a snicker.

"Good morning..." Takagi quickly returned the greeting, but scratched his head in surprise: "What's going on..."

"If you want to ask the clerk lady why she laughed at you, it's probably because you look so funny now."

Tangze, who had everything in view, smiled and patted Takagi: "Didn't you look in the mirror?

Now you are like a sloppy uncle who has been up all night drunk and has to go to work the next day. "

"Is it so exaggerated..." Hearing the voice, Takagi turned around and saw Tang Ze and said helplessly: "But there's nothing we can do about it. I was with the prison all night yesterday, and until now..."

"Even so, you have to take care of yourself!"

At this moment, Sato Miwako walked out of the smoking room next to her. Of course, she was not there to smoke, but the automatic beverage convenience machine was also here.

He looked at Takagi's sloppy appearance and couldn't help but tidy it up: "As a criminal, you must look like a criminal, and you must be neat and tidy!"

But just as Takagi was about to speak, he felt sleepy and couldn't help but yawn.

"There's really nothing I can do against you."

Sato Miwako watched Officer Takagi helplessly reach for Takagi's collar: "At least the tie must be tied!"

"It's okay. I've finished the report. I can go back to rest after get off work."

Takagi struggled for a while but didn't struggle away. Just when he was about to lower his head, he found Sato Miwako holding his collar and raising his head: "Okay, just stand there and don't move!"

Looking at Sato Miwako's head suddenly raised, their noses seemed to be touching.

Takagi's face suddenly turned red when he realized the close distance between the two. Then the next moment Takagi raised his head, his already haggard face became paler.

"Okay, I'll just do it myself."

Looking at the murderous expressions of his colleagues who were smoking cigarettes and looking like gangsters in the transparent glass of the smoking room, Takagi hurriedly got rid of Sato Miwako: "What's the matter with you, Karasawa Criminal Investigation? If nothing else, I'll leave first... "

"(This chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 1222 The White Bird of Change

It's okay. I'll just come over and give you some coffee. If you have anything else to do, you can leave first. "

Tangze shook his head in amusement, and Takagi left quickly with relief.

"Really, it's rare that you come over and don't even talk to me."

Sato Miwako looked at Takagi's back angrily with her hands on her hips, and waved her hands to Karasawa: "I'll go over first. It's not okay to be so sloppy. If your boss sees it, you will definitely be scolded."

"Go ahead, go ahead." Tang Ze smiled and waved his hand.

Sato Miwako waved her hand and walked towards Takagi: "I'm sorry, let's talk next time."

As for Karasawa, he completely took Sato Miwako's apology to heart, and even understood Takagi's mood at the moment.

Although it's fun to spread dog food, no one will feel comfortable being stared at by a bunch of colleagues who are more vicious than the Yakuza with murderous eyes.

"Really, this guy Takagi seems to be getting more and more arrogant recently."

Walking out of the smoking room, several criminals gritted their teeth with hatred as they watched Miwako Sato stop Takagi from arranging his tie.

"Not only that, the two of them have been eating together more and more frequently recently."

Another criminal who looked like a fishman looked at Takamichi with hostility.

"In addition, there are uncertified news!"

The gentle guy who wears glasses and is considered to be the most handsome among the group also has a solemn expression: "The intelligence pointed out that the two people have actually kissed."


The four people around him looked at each other in disbelief when they heard this. One of them with a slicked back hair even emotionally grabbed the guy with glasses by his collar: "Why didn't you tell me about this in advance!"

"No, no... I told you that this is uncertified information..." The glasses guy explained timidly as he looked at his companion who suddenly went crazy.

"Then why don't you go check it out for me quickly!" Da Beitou Criminal said angrily: "Aren't you a criminal?"

Looking at these things, Tang Ze couldn't help but feel ashamed when he heard this, and secretly complained in his heart: "You guys are talking as if you are not a criminal..."

Well, the style difference between the two people is indeed quite big.

With his big back, he looks like a "martial arts" muscular idiot, while the guy with glasses tends to use his brain.

"You guys, sometimes it's time to see reality clearly."

While a few people were fighting, Tang Ze on the side couldn't help pouring cold water on him and said: "Actually, you can see that the two of them are in love with each other.

What you are doing is just acting as villains, and you will be hated by Sato Criminal in the future. "

"Asshole! Who dares to say that..."

Several criminals couldn't help but get angry when they heard Tang Ze's words, but when they saw that the speaker was Tang Ze, they couldn't help but become honest. Their previous anger dissipated instantly and they laughed: "It's Tang Ze's police..."

"Don't be restrained." Tang Ze waved his hand: "Let's discuss the matter, it doesn't matter the rank."

Hearing what Tang Ze said, one of the fat criminals said: "In that case, I have overstepped my bounds!

To be honest, I think that boy Takagi is not worthy of Sato Criminal. Our "Sato Miwako Defense Line" must protect Sato Criminal's happiness! "

"I think Sato Criminal is quite happy now." Karasawa helplessly put his forehead on his head and complained.

"Despite this, we just can't accept it!"

The guy with glasses was brave enough to admit the reality. He sighed helplessly: "In fact, everyone knows more or less, but they just don't want to admit it..."

"You bastard, what are you talking about! I don't admit it!"

Da Beitou, who was unwilling to accept the reality, looked angrily at the visitor in the corridor and said, "White Bird, please hurry up and say something!"


Shiratiao, who was walking towards me, was stunned when he heard the other party's sudden roar: "What are you talking about?"

"It's about the progress between Takagi and Sato Criminal!" The fat criminal said quickly.

"Yes, aren't you the top person in charge of the "Sato Miwako Defense Line"!"

Criminal, who looked like a fishman, asked back: "Why don't they show any reaction to their relationship?"

(This chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 1222 The White Bird of Change

"Ah, this is it."

Shiratiao suddenly smiled and said: "But I don't think the development of those two people is a matter of course?

It seems to be a consensual affair, so other people naturally don’t have the right to make decisions for the person involved. "


Hearing Bai Niao say such words, the criminals present were all stunned.

"Ah, by the way, I have given up the top position of the "Sato Miwako Defense Line" to someone else."

Bai Niao kept waving his hands: "Please forgive me."

"Hey...white bird..."

"Fishman" criminal wanted to say something else, but Shiratiao had no intention of stopping and greeted Tang Ze next to him. The two walked and chatted and left.

"What's going on with this guy?" the fat criminal asked with an unhappy look on his face.

"According to top-secret intelligence, Shiratori seems to have a new girlfriend."

"What!? How could that happen!?"

The glasses guy's words shocked everyone around him. Looking at their shocked expressions, they were even more shocked than seeing a wild boar climbing a tree.

Chapter 1222 The White Bird of Change

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