Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,240 Skeletons from 18 Years Ago

A blanket search is actually a very painful thing.

Because the area to be searched is too large and there are too many places that require you to concentrate on searching, mobilizing a lot of manpower and material resources may not necessarily yield results.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, blanket searches are time-consuming and labor-intensive and have the lowest return rate.

But when you don't have any more information, this is also the most efficient way.

At least, if you follow this stupid method, there is still another possibility of success.

Fortunately, with the advancement of technology, searching for some things no longer requires the most primitive methods as in the past.

For example, if there is metal buried under the ground, you can use a metal detector.

To find the bones, you need a detection machine similar to X-rays.

This machine is like an oversized sweeper that needs someone to push it. The small computer attached to the side also needs someone to hold it and check the situation under the ground at any time.

When encountering troublesome road conditions, it even requires the cooperation of multiple people, so it really cannot be called a complete machine.

However, compared to mobilizing a large number of manpower to excavate the land inch by inch to find the skeletons that may be hidden in the land, it is already extremely convenient.

This is why the Nishi Shingle Criminal Division is willing to send people to help with the investigation, because they don't have many people to send out. In this case, why not sell it?

Hattori Heiji drew a simple map based on the nearby terrain, and then began to paint the searched areas in red bit by bit as the machine moved forward.

Although every step was slow and every corner needed to be searched, Hattori Heiji still followed closely beside the machine.

This small area near the wooden house is not very big, but it took 15 minutes to explore it bit by bit, but nothing was found.

But everyone was prepared for this task, so they continued to walk along the road into the mountains.

Fortunately, although there are dense woods here, there is still a dirt road because locals come here often.

Although there was a slight slope, the road was not too difficult and the machine scanned every inch of land it passed bit by bit.

Finally, the sky paid off. Just when they were desperately thinking about climbing the mountain and scanning all the nearby slopes, they saw a different scene underground!

The blue and black screen showed a yellow-green scene, and the shape could clearly be seen as a hand bone!

"found it!"

Hattori Heiji looked at the picture on the fluoroscopy instrument, his face was happy at first, and then he quickly said: "Come here quickly, dig here!"

Everyone, including Hattori Heiji, kept digging with shovels, and finally dug out a skeleton in the ground.

"Maybe everything will be solved now."

Watching the technicians at Kosouyan handling the skeleton, Hattori Heiji did not rush to call Karasawa. Instead, he waited until he took the skeleton back and compared it with the dental clinic's treatment records, and confirmed that the treatment marks were the same as the dental model. Tangze was notified.

Of course, the cause of death cannot be determined because it was buried underground for too long, but there are traces of fractures on the top of the skull, and the bones in the neck are also damaged, so it is speculated that this may be the cause of death.

Judging from the angle of the skull fracture, it was likely that he was hit by a left-hander.

"Left hand..."

After receiving the important information investigated by Hattori Heiji, Karasawa couldn't help but squint his eyes when he heard the news. The gun in the left hand of Police Tsunoda when he died flashed in his mind.

The fractures on the corpse's skull were caused by his left hand, and Tsunoda Police Department is also left-handed.

Considering the connection between the two parties, it is very likely that the Tsunoda Police Department killed him back then.

But too much time has passed, and all the evidence has been lost in the dirt. Even the person involved died not long ago, and everything is still inconclusive.

But at least judging from the current situation, four people from the Tsunoda Police Department and Yakushiji who were students 18 years ago participated in the summer camp in Nishi-Shigaraki Plateau.

There, they met the local gangster Takunori Kato.

Then for unknown reasons, the four children of that year were involved in the death of Kato Takunori. After that, the four people kept this secret hidden for eighteen years.

After that, perhaps it was a fateful entanglement. The two drug dealers and the two criminals met again.

After that, Ritsuko and Kuki were kidnapped and became their internal agents.

"Judging from the current situation, it seems that Ritsuko Kuki is trying to silence the three people who have passed by."

Hattori Heiji said: "You must find Yakushiji as soon as possible, he will probably be silenced by Kuki Ritsuko.

How's it going? Is there any progress on your end? "

"Just now, Shiratiao Criminal Investigation found the cell phone that the boy Tiao Hu Li Shan randomly tied to the truck." Tang Ze said: "So far, we have only gotten this one clue."

"Hey, hey, isn't it the same as not knowing anything?" Hattori Heiji on the other end of the phone said speechlessly.

"Don't look at the current search methods of the Metropolitan Police Department with the mindset of an ordinary detective."

Tang Ze smiled and said: "You think the other party tricked us by asking us to come back with only a mobile phone, but in fact he also told us his location."

"Oh? Did you find anything in the phone?" Hattori Heiji said in surprise when he heard this.

"Not in the phone, but in the phone itself."

Tang Ze said calmly: "Yakushi Temple may have something going on, so we tried to trick the tiger away from the mountain to escape our search.

He thought that if he threw away a mobile phone, he could sit back and relax?

On the contrary, throwing away the phone told us his location! "

"Huh? Do you have any method here?" Hattori Heiji couldn't help but curious after hearing this.

"Do you know Locar's Law of Matter Exchange? Whenever objects come into contact, something will be left behind and something will be taken away."

Tangze smiled and said: "Yakushiji delivered the mobile phone to us, which is equivalent to giving us a locator that tells where he is.

We can collect the substances that our phones come in contact with and see if we can learn anything.

It may not be accurate, but at least it can let us know where he has been. "

"Then I wish you good luck in getting useful information."

After hearing Karasawa's explanation, Hattori Heiji also knew the other party's investigation methods. He suddenly said: "I will continue the investigation here. I plan to visit Kato Takunori's father later to see if I can Nothing can be gained.”

"Okay, if you find anything over there, please contact me immediately. If I don't answer the phone, just send me a text message."

Tang Ze thought for a while and then warned: "Be careful. After all, it happened 18 years ago. No one knows what happened back then, or whether there were any local accomplices among the four children back then."

"Understood. When I take action, I will call the local criminal police to accompany me." After hearing Karasawa's instructions, Hattori Heiji understood that the other party was worried about his own safety, and nodded in agreement.

It's normal for Karasawa to have such worries. After all, many old cases involve the protagonist investigating alone, only to be targeted by people who want to keep secrets.

Then, deliberately and unintentionally, he launched a sneak attack secretly and prepared to kill people.

Of course, whether you can survive or not depends on luck. If you have the protection of luck, you will die slowly. For example, in order to disguise it as an accident, your teammates will arrive at the critical moment.

If there is no luck, it may be a disaster.

Of course, with Hattori Heiji's luck, he would encounter some dangers at best. After all, he was still considered the half son of "World Mother".

However, the current case was not the "Ke Xue Case" in his memory, and Karasawa did not dare to bet on whether Hattori Heiji's luck would be useful in these branch cases.

So instead of betting on luck, it is better to eliminate the danger from the beginning. Anyway, it is not a bad thing to be cautious.

Hattori Heiji had also experienced great storms, so he naturally listened to Karasawa's words, so he found the criminal director of Nishi Shigaraki Criminal Division and asked him to send someone to investigate with him.

Because the bones were actually found here, the local police also attached great importance to it. In addition, it was originally discovered by Hattori Heiji and his people, so his request was easily agreed to.

Hattori Heiji continues to investigate the death information of Kato Takunori, and Karasawa is also patiently waiting for the test results of the mobile phone.

Fortunately, the inspections related to this case are now a top priority, so Karasawa did not have to wait too long. Hiroshi Saito came over with the verification result report.

"Although the amount is very small, we also extracted substances from the gaps of mobile phone buttons and found copper oxide and acrylic resin."

Handing the report sheet to Karasawa, Hiroshi Saito said directly: "Copper oxide is generally used as an antifouling agent."

"Isn't that used to prevent shellfish and other marine organisms from adhering?" Nanatsuki came over at some point and said after hearing Hiroshi Saito's words.

"Why don't you continue to rest?" Tang Ze couldn't help but ask when he saw the other party coming.

"You've had enough rest, and if you don't wake up, you will finish the case yourself."

Koshizui Nanatsuki rolled his eyes when he said this, and then looked at Saito Hiroyuki: "Let's get back to business. Where is this copper oxide component usually used?"

"Yes, looking at the ingredient report above, this should be a paint, and it is mainly used on the surface of ships."

Hiroshi Saito's words immediately made Karasawa and the two of them uneasy. They had both read the information about Yakushiji and Kawada Kyouta, which naturally included each other's life experiences.

Although Yakushiji had no work experience in docks and ships, they remembered that Kyota Kawada, who died at the beginning, had such work experience!

It’s no wonder that the large army searched the carpet for so many days but failed to find the whereabouts of Yakushiji. It turned out that he was hiding in the place where his companions once worked.

This place had nothing to do with him, and when the large forces searched, they obviously only focused on places related to him, and did not think about the deceased Kyota Kawada.

After all, in the eyes of other people, these were two completely different cases, so it was darkened by the light.

Even Karasawa and Koshimi Nanatsuki had not noticed the doubts in this part of their resumes before.

After all, before they became anesthetic dealers at Yakushiji Temple, they worked many part-time jobs. This job was not conspicuous among other jobs, and they did not pay too much attention to it.

But now combined with the connection of the information investigated on Yakushiji's mobile phone, it will be possible to locate the opponent who is likely to be hiding in the place where Kawada Kyouta once worked!

"I'm going to get the Yakushiji information right now!" Koshizui Nanatsuki said and immediately ran away, without Karasawa trying to stop him.

After all, there was too much material to look at at that time, and the other person's work history was too long, including part-time jobs. Tang Ze just took a look at what the other person had done, and he really couldn't remember the specific place where the other person worked.

"Also, let's re-investigate the ballistics of the firearm." Watching Nanatsuki Koshizui run out to get Yakushiji's information, Karasawa looked at Saito Hirochi.

"What's wrong?" Although Hiroshi Saito was asking questions, his movements were not slow and he once again brought up the ballistic simulation software.

"If we consider this case based on the various intelligence collected in this case, if Ritsuko Kuki is related to the death of the gangster named Kato 18 years ago, then maybe everything can be explained."

Karasawa said: "And this incident was also used by Yakushiji to threaten Ritsuko Kuki, asking her to leak information and bring anesthetics to them.

And if the Tsunoda Police Department was also a witness to the incident 18 years ago, they would naturally notice something strange about Ritsuko Kuki.

In order to protect herself, it is not difficult to guess that Ritsuko Kuki killed the Tsunoda Police Department and silenced her. "

"It is indeed a very reasonable guess." Hiroshi Saito nodded in agreement upon hearing this.

"But my friend at Nishi Shigaraki Criminal Division just told me that judging from the direction of the skull fractures on the skeleton, the murderer 18 years ago was left-handed."

Tangze said: "In this case, I have to think of a possibility."

"Are you saying that the Tsunoda Police Department is the murderer!?" Hiroshi Saito said in horror after hearing this.

"Yes, although I don't want to believe it, the evidence before me makes me have to think about it."

Tang Ze nodded and said: "And if this is the case, then the entire case process and everyone's motives will be different.

If it was the Tsunoda Police Department who was threatened by Yakushiji and the others, and he was the one who leaked the information and anesthetics, then Ritsuko Kuki would have no reason to shoot at the Tsunoda Police Department. "

"What about the fingerprints on the business card?" Hiroshi Saito asked, "How should we explain that?"

"If it were her, there would be a chance that she could exchange the business card."

The words spoken by Ritsuko Kuki during the interrogation flashed through his mind, and Karasawa came up with a possibility.

At this moment, Karasawa also noticed the difficulty of Ritsuko Kuki.

Obviously, if the other party changed their business cards early, then maybe everything was planned by the other party.

Including himself!

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