Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,262 The Commission in the Letter

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"Yours sincerely: Mr. Genichi Karasawa.

I would like to ask Mr. Karasawa, a criminal, for help.

Eleven years ago, I suffered unjust injustice and was charged with murder.

I heard that Tang Ze is a criminal with a strong sense of justice and strong reasoning ability.

I hope that I can use your name to clear my grievances and prove my innocence.

Specifically, on the morning of December 19, I will be at the Kora Hotel in Kuchibashi Village, Gunma Prefecture, near the crime scene.

——Li Li San Ke"

"This woman actually wants to meet me when she is on the run as a murderer!?"

After reading the letter, Karasawa looked at Koshizui Nanatsuki and said, "You and Shikain also saw the contents of the letter and gave it to me, right?"

As mentioned before, Karasawa is very famous, and the Metropolitan Police Department often receives letters sent to Karasawa.

He actually had nothing to do with letters from fans, but considering that some of the letters might contain clues to the case, he specifically told Sihuayuan a long time ago.

When you encounter letters that are not fan letters but are about cases or crimes, leave it to him to judge.

Even if some of these letters are purely pranks, they still have to be sent to him for identification.

To be honest, there are still very few pranksters, and they usually don’t dare to write down letters to the warning hall to play pranks.

This was the first time that Sihuayuan saw a letter from a non-fan, so he quickly contacted Karasawa, but at that time he got off work early, so he asked Nanatsuki Koshizui to bring the letter back.

And early this morning, Tang Ze came to the office on time and checked the letter with his own eyes.

"That's right. After receiving this letter yesterday, I made the decision to contact Yamamura Criminal Investigation Department of Gunma County and asked him to help with the investigation."

Koshizui Nanatsuki nodded when he heard this and said: "But he has never heard of any murder that happened in that hotel eleven years ago.

Similarly, they have never wanted a wanted criminal named Li Lisanke.

But what is concerning is that Yamamura Criminal said that Detective Mori also called him and asked him about this person.

I think he may have sent a similar commission letter to Detective Mori.

Of course, we both feel it's up to you to decide whether to go or not. "

When Koshizui Nanatsuki said this, he looked at Karasawa and said, "After all, you are the party involved, and we only know about it because of the letter-receiving procedure, so we have no right to make decisions for you.

It's okay if he doesn't go. After all, if the Mori detective is here, it must be enough to deal with it. "

"No, I still have to go take a look."

Tang Ze shook his head and said, "I have a hunch that this letter is not fake?

Even though the wanted criminal named "Tatsuri Menko" was not found in Gunma County, it does not mean that nothing happened behind the incident. "

"Indeed, inviting two famous "detectives" there is already very suspicious. "

Koshizui Nanatsuki echoed the words, but his eyes were shining without any worry: "So, you are planning to go to Gunma County to see it yourself?"

"Yes, I have this plan."

Looking at the other party's appearance, Tang Ze still didn't know what the other party was thinking, so he smiled and said, "You should prepare yourself when you get back. We will set off tomorrow morning."


"No problem." Koshizui Nanatsuki nodded repeatedly when he heard this, and at the same time, his face showed joy. It was obvious that Karasawa was willing to take her with him, which made her very happy.

Naturally, Tang Ze saw the expression on the other party's face and couldn't help but feel amused.

In fact, many times, it was not that Nanatsuki Koshizui wanted not to take her with him, but that the case happened too suddenly and there was no time to call the other party.

Whenever there is a chance, he will definitely not refuse Koshimi Nanatsuki to come over. After all, the other party is very capable and will definitely be a good partner.

To take a step back, in the Metropolitan Police Department, criminal cases are always done in pairs. Since he has received the

For this kind of letter, as a criminal, for the sake of safety, it is naturally more appropriate to investigate this kind of letter with a partner.

This is the same even if only Karasawa is found in the letter. After all, he is different from Mouri Kogoro, a free man.

After agreeing on Saturday's itinerary, the two went home to prepare.

After all, they didn’t know what would happen next and whether they would need to stay in Gunma for accommodation, so the two of them planned to be as well-equipped as possible.

After all, it is just a little troublesome now, and it is better than encountering the dilemma of not having what you want over there.

Unlike Koshimi Nanatsuki, Karasawa was fully prepared this time.

In fact, when he knew that Mouri Kogoro had also received a letter of entrustment, he knew that he had to go.

Because this was clearly a case that was about to happen, how could he turn a blind eye?

After explaining the situation to Ayako, Karasawa picked up Nanatsuki Koshimizu early the next day and set off together to the target hotel in Gunma County.

But by the way, he did not contact Mouri Kogoro about setting off together.

Instead, they secretly contacted Conan, explained the situation, and learned their travel time from the other party, planning to create the illusion of a chance encounter after leaving Tokyo.

The reason why Karasawa made this decision was because he felt that with Mouri Kogoro's character, if he knew that they would go, he might use this as an excuse to not go directly.

And the chance of this is very high. After all, even Koshimizu Nanatsuki said that if he didn't want to go, Mouri Kogoro would go over there to find out.

If it were Moori Kogoro's lazy character, his decision would definitely be more on the side of being lazy.

This is actually normal. Without knowing that the case is bound to happen, everyone will naturally doubt the content of the letter.

Even the local criminal investigation has verified that there is no such case, and there is a high probability that this is a prank. Normal people will consider whether to go all the way from Tokyo to Gunma Prefecture.

Only Tang Ze knew that a case would definitely happen, so he went there without hesitation and did something that others thought was somewhat thankless.

And when they meet up after leaving Tokyo, even if Mouri Kogoro wants to turn around again, Conan next to him will pull Xiaolan who is accompanying him to stop him.

As for why you have to do such troublesome things?

That is naturally to avoid missing out on useful information.

You must know that for many cases outside Tokyo in Karasawa's impression, clues do not appear after arriving at the destination. In some cases, clues even appear on the way to the local area.


Since he knew the existence of the case in advance this time and had so much preparation time, how could Tang Ze give up on such a good preparation stage?

After all, if you know the information about the case in advance, you can compare it with the cases that are remembered in your memory bank earlier.

In this way, he can formulate plans faster to prevent the case.

To take a step back, even if he cannot recall the content of the case, he can still seize time to ensure that clues are not missed, and thus rely on "Ke Xue" to try to prevent the case based on intelligence.

Even if he didn't know whether this preparation stage would be useful or whether someone related to the case would appear halfway through to provide information as he thought, but since he had this opportunity, he must seize it firmly.

He didn't want to be like the previous case, where he listened to Conan retell what happened the day before the crime, and then omitted the details of the prisoner holding coffee with his left hand.

Strictly speaking, this is not an omission. After all, some people will say which hand the other party uses to hold the coffee when retelling. This also reflects the shortcomings of retelling.

After all, even if it is an on-site observation with the naked eye, there may be some oversights, let alone another layer. The loss of information is gradually reduced and eventually incomplete in the layer-by-layer transmission.

Of course, as to whether we will start providing intelligence on cases on the road,

Tang Ze was not sure at all, he was just betting on luck.

Because he knew the departure time of Mouri Kogoro and the others, Conan reported the message when they set off, so Karasawa was about ten minutes late.

With his driving skills, ten minutes' journey was nothing.

Not long after getting off the highway and leaving Tokyo, when Nanatsuki Koshimizu laughed and joked about whether he would meet Mouri Kogoro and the others, Karasawa saw the vehicle in front of him.

After matching the license plate number, Tangze did not speed up but followed at a distance.

It didn't take long for Conan to notice the car following him. After using the telescope function on his tracking glasses to see the license plate number, he lay down behind the car and waved to Karasawa.

The other party seemed to have informed Kogoro Mori about the discovery of them, and soon the other party's speed slowed down.

Not long after, the two cars started to drive side by side, but after a few words of conversation, Karasawa passed the other's car and asked Nanatsuki Koshimizu and Conan to make contact on the phone.

After a simple explanation, Koshizui Nanatsuki also expressed his intention of coming. Listening to Mouri Kogoro's surprised tone, Koshizui Nanatsuki glanced at Karasawa and couldn't help but smile.

Karasawa's reason for not contacting Mouri Kogoro had been told to her before. In fact, after hearing Mouri Kogoro's regretful tone after learning that both parties had the same purpose, Koshimizu Nanatsuki understood how inaccurate Karasawa's prediction was. Prescient.

It was precisely because of this that she had the pleasure of being an accomplice in cheating Mouri Kogoro.

After the call was completed, the two cars returned to normal driving, but after that, Karasawa drove in front and Mouri Kogoro followed about fifty meters behind.

The journey was smooth sailing, heading towards Gunma County. When we were about to arrive at Kuchibashi Village, suddenly a man rushed out from the roadside and stood in front of the road with open hands to intercept him.


Because the other party rushed over so suddenly, even Tang Ze's nerve reflexes couldn't help being startled. He subconsciously pressed the horn and turned the steering wheel to avoid the other party.

Later, Mouri Kogoro, who was a little sleepy and dozed off, suddenly became excited when he heard the sound of Karasawa's horn, then stepped on the accelerator, and started to brake to stop the vehicle from moving forward when he was far away.

"Hey, are you an idiot?!"

Mouri Kogoro was so frightened that he was sweating coldly. After he stopped the car, he immediately opened the car window and cursed: "It's very dangerous, do you know?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry..."

The man with eyes, a beard, and a red jacket bowed and apologized to their car: "I just want to ask you, are you planning to go to Guangluo Hotel?"

"That's right."

Hearing the name of this destination, Tangze was moved in his heart and took the lead in answering: "You too?"


Hearing this, the man approached Tangze's car excitedly and said, "I wonder if you could give me a ride?

I am also planning to live there today. "

"Yes, you can, but don't stop the car in such a life-threatening way when you get off."

As someone involved in the case, Tangze naturally would not refuse. He nodded and warned again: "If it weren't for my quick reaction, you would have been in the hospital today. You might have lost your life if you were so lucky."

"Really sorry."

The man bowed again and apologized: "It was also because I waited for the bus for too long, and I was a little too excited when I saw the bus."

"Thank you very much."

The man sat in the back seat of Karasawa's car with a big luggage bag. He took a deep breath and explained embarrassedly: "I wanted to walk directly from the station before, but I suddenly stopped walking halfway. physical strength.」

"Aren't you Mr. Tatsuri Menko?"

The co-pilot Koshimizu Nanatsuki heard the man's words and turned his head to look at him and asked.

"Eh?" The man's face looked confused when he heard this: "No, my name is Tokube Rokuro."


Koshizui Nanatsuki nodded in understanding, and asked with seemingly casual curiosity: "But why did you appear from here?

The distance from the station road hotel shouldn't be close, right? "

"Ah, that's right."

Hearing this, Tokubirokuro smiled and explained: "I used to be an art teacher at a primary school near this area.

I really enjoy walking while admiring the scenery around here.

But maybe it’s because I’m old and lack exercise, so I don’t have as much physical strength as before.

After that school was abolished, I quit my job as a teacher and became an unknown painter. "

"So that's it." Koshimizu Nanatsuki nodded in understanding and said, "So, this is a return visit to the old place?"


Tokube Rokuro nodded, with an embarrassed look on his face: "Actually, there is something else that I came for.

Although it’s embarrassing to hitchhike, could you please take me to visit the grave on the way? "

"Huh? Are you going to visit the grave?"

After hearing Tokube Rokuro's words, even Karasawa, who was driving beside him, couldn't help but cast his eyes on the rearview mirror, using this as a medium to see Tokube Rokuro sitting in the back seat.

He never expected that he really won the bet this time, and that the case actually started to release information on the road.

This couldn't help but make him feel lucky that he was well prepared, otherwise he would really have missed this key information.

Detective in the world of famous detectives.


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