Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,284 Breaking down the door to save people

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In front of Kudo Shinichi's residence.

The three people looked at each other and felt that something was not right.

"What should we do now?"

Conan looked at the two of them and asked, "Logically speaking, the other party has made an appointment with Hattori to meet at ten o'clock, so he shouldn't normally go out.

But we seemed to have arrived a little too early, and we could not rule out that the other party had something to do before going out. "

"But even so, the phone should always be connected." Hattori Heiji frowned and said, "I'll make another call."

The call was dialed, but it seemed like it was lost in the ocean, and there was still no response.

"What should we do now?" Conan looked at Tang Ze: "Do you want to go in?"

The reason why he looked at Tang Ze was naturally because among the three of them, only Tang Ze had a criminal status.

This identity can, to a certain extent, avoid the trouble of breaking into private houses.

If Karasawa agrees to enter, and the room owner invites Hattori Heiji to enter with him, then there is a high probability that possible trouble can be avoided.

"Go in."

Looking at the unusual situation in front of him, Tang Ze's bad premonition became stronger and he made a decision without hesitation.

The reason why he arrived early at the time that Hattori Heiji made an appointment with was to prevent such an unexpected situation.

After all, this was not the first time Hattori Heiji had killed his client. Karasawa had already been quietly guarding against this possibility yesterday.

This is also the reason why he got up so early this morning and called the other party to start.

If everything goes smoothly, everyone will be happy, but if the case is opened with the death of the client, then maybe a murder can be avoided.

Without any hesitation, Tangze called the Metropolitan Police Department to explain the situation, and then reached out to pull the door.

"The entrance door is indeed closed." Tangze said, "You two, go and guard the room just in case. I'm going to enter."

"Where to enter?"

Hattori Heiji was shocked when he heard Karasawa's words: "You're not planning to climb to the second floor, are you?

Will this make too much noise? If it attracts the attention of the surrounding people, it will be troublesome. "

It is normal for the other party to have such an idea. After all, there is an eaves above the entrance hall where they are standing, and the second floor diagonally above is the balcony. With Tang Ze's skills, it is entirely possible to use these to get up. "

"Although I can do that, don't you think it's too troublesome?" Karasawa shook his head and walked to the car: "And if the door on the balcony is closed, then my efforts will be in vain."

"Then what are you going to do?" Hattori Heiji asked confused.

Taking out a small tool from the co-pilot's storage box, Karasawa showed it to the two of them: "That turned out to be an upright and natural entry."


Under the suspicious gazes of the two people, Tang Ze inserted the tool into the lock core and opened the door as easily as opening a door.

After all, he has 7 years of lock-picking skills. Although his level is not high, the locks he opens are not big, and he can do it easily.

But even so, Karasawa's move shocked both Conan and Hattori Heiji.

Because they never knew that Tang Ze could actually unlock this skill.

"Are you all looking at *** like this?" Tang Ze looked at the two people with different expressions and urged: "If you don't hurry up and stand in the promised position, what if there is a sudden *** situation!?"

"Okay, let's go."

After answering, Hattori Heiji hesitated before taking steps: "How should I put it, Karasawa Criminal, it's good that you became a criminal, otherwise I really think you will become a thief like Kaitou Kidd. "

"Yeah." Conan also nodded repeatedly: "Looking at how skilled you are at opening locks, I'm afraid you haven't practiced less, right?"

"What are you thinking about? I have many skills and don't overwhelm myself, okay?

good? "

Tangze rolled his eyes angrily: "The nature of our work is here. Learn more, maybe it will work wonders at a critical moment."

After speaking, Tang Ze ignored the expressions of the two of them, waved his hands in a sign of expulsion, and then entered the room directly.

The residence of Shinichi Kudo's family is a standard one-family house, with two floors, and plenty of space. It is probably because he was adopted by Mrs. Suomi, so there is no financial pressure.

When Lenovo directly gave up its inheritance rights under the pressure of "Magic Dog", the other party should be a relatively contented person.

"Is there anyone there? I'm a colleague of the Toyama Criminal Division Director." Karasawa walked toward the room and shouted, "Mr. Kudo Shinichi? Are you at home?"

The room was still quiet, as if no one was really in the room.

Tangze walked to the living room. Although there were heavy signs of life in the house, he found no signs that anyone had just been here, such as lit cigarettes or freshly poured hot water.

However, Tangze still did not let down his guard. He thought about walking deeper into the room. Every time he entered a room, he would open the door to check the situation.

However, the only two rooms on the first floor seemed to be guest rooms, and the beds were neat and showed no signs of life.

"Is it on the second floor?"

With this thought in mind, Tang Ze walked towards the second floor, but before he could reach the second floor completely, Tang Ze's nose twitched slightly, and his expression changed dramatically the next moment.

Because he smelled the pungent smell permeating the second floor. It was the smell of coal!

And now that the smell has spread to this location, it means that the environment at this moment is already very dangerous!

After all, it's as simple as just burning a charcoal stove for heating, how could it possibly permeate the entire second floor space?

He immediately retreated to the lower level, then quickly took out the portable underwater breathing apparatus, put it on and rushed towards the room on the second floor.

The doors to each room were opened roughly by Tang Ze, and he kept investigating the source of the coal.

When he opened one of the rooms, coal was burning inside, and the windows were sealed with tape. But what made Karazawa more concerned was the coal stove burning on the ground and the sealed wardrobe box next to it!

The tall wardrobe box was covered with dense tape. When Tang Ze saw this, he immediately realized that the person they were looking for might be hiding in it!

Tang Ze immediately took out the gift, switched to Tang Dao mode, and swiped directly downwards along the door cabinet.

Under the sharp blade, the troublesome tape caused them no trouble at all and was torn apart like tissue paper.

Opening the closet, Tang Ze saw an unconscious middle-aged man lying in the closet.

Tang Ze touched his nose and found that the other party was still breathing, and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, if you are still angry, you can still be saved. The top priority now is to send the other party out immediately.

In this race against time, Tang Ze took a deep breath in the respirator. Under the huge lung capacity, the oxygen tank scale immediately began to drop.

Then he put the respirator on the middle-aged man's face, then used both hands to hug him and rushed out the door.

It is said that middle-aged people tend to be fat and generous. Although the other person is not fat, he has definitely put on weight.

If it were anyone else, it would be very laborious to move a completely unconscious person, especially in such a situation where one needs to hold his breath.

But this weight is not his limit for Tangze.

Almost at running speed, Karasawa led the man out of the room full of carbon dioxide and reached the stairs.

Even Tangze's speed would inevitably slow down here. After all, in this case, two people would become a rolling gourd if they were not careful.

But when he reached this position, Tang Ze relaxed. After all, the further down, the safer he would be.

Without having to hold his breath, he carried the other person downstairs very calmly.

"Conan! Call an ambulance quickly!!"

As soon as I arrived on the first floor, I lay down and immediately looked towards

Conan, who was in charge of the front door, shouted: "Someone is poisoned by gas!"


After hearing Karasawa's shout, Conan was extremely surprised, but he was originally assigned to be in charge of the main entrance in order to facilitate response to various situations.

So Conan was just stunned for a moment, then immediately took out his cell phone and started calling the ambulance.

Hattori Heiji, who was at the rear, heard Karasawa's shout at the front door but did not rush over to check the situation immediately. Instead, he stood firmly guarding the back door of the house for possible escape routes.

During the division of labor, considering various emergency situations, Hattori Heiji, who had a certain force value and could subdue prisoners, was assigned to the back of the door.

After all, the main entrance is the direction where Karasawa enters. If there is a head-on conflict, he can handle it himself. Therefore, Conan at the front door does not have a force value, as long as he can provide support in other aspects.

But the back door is different. If the prisoner escapes and is too late to catch up or unable to catch up, then Hattori Heiji will be the last line of defense.

There are many ways to go about this arrangement in detail, but in fact, a tacit understanding has been formed in the cooperation between the three of them, and it does not need to be a wasteful negotiation arrangement every time.

And now that Tang Ze has asked Conan to call an ambulance, it means that there is an emergency in the house, and since the victim is still alive, it is very likely that the prisoner has not left the scene of the crime.

So in order to prevent the prisoner from taking the opportunity to escape, he needs to keep a close eye on the back door to prevent the prisoner from climbing through the window or climbing on the roof to escape.

But unfortunately, being able to save people is already the greatest luck. Their wish to solve the murderer once and for all has not been achieved.

Until the ambulance arrived, Hattori Heiji saw no sign of anyone coming out from behind.

After Kudo Shinichi was taken away by the ambulance, Karasawa replaced the oxygen tank and mask, and entered the room with a respirator again.

This time he put out the charcoal stove and opened the windows. After the air circulated again, he led the criminals who arrived later to search the house inside and out.

But in the end, they found nothing and determined that the prisoner had left after arranging everything.

This made Karasawa feel a little pity. After all, when he went to check the situation, Kudo Shinichi was still breathing. After a subsequent examination by the doctor, it was determined that the other party had been drugged and passed out.

As for the degree of carbon dioxide poisoning, it is not serious enough to cause brain death or vegetative state.

In other words, the prisoner really doesn't leave the room for too long.

If we could come here earlier, we might be able to catch the murderer directly.

"It would be better if I came earlier." Hattori Heiji on the side heard the news that Kudo Shinichi's life was not in danger. He was relieved at first, but soon became a little annoyed.

Obviously, after the other party learned the specific information about Kudo Shinichi's coma, he finally came to the same conclusion as Karasawa.

"Be content, and this is the result of Karasawa asking you to get up early."

Conan on the side said half comfortingly, half mockingly: "If we really meet at the appointed time as leisurely as you do, I'm afraid the other party's body will be cold to the bone."

"How are you talking!" Hattori Heiji said about the dark line on his face: "Don't say it so unluckily, okay?"

Of course, his expression was ugly, but Hattori Heiji finally turned to look at Karasawa and said, "Anyway, I'd like to thank you for Aunt Toyama. It's really thanks to you this time that I was lucky enough to have Mr. Shinichi pick up one." Life."

"I can only say that Mr. Shinichi's life should not be terminated, and it has little to do with me."

Karasawa waved his hands and sighed: "It's a pity. We originally came here to find Mr. Shinichi to understand the situation of the Inubushi family.

But now that the other party is in a coma, even if the doctor says it is not life-threatening, it is still unknown when he will wake up.

Now if we want to continue the investigation, we can only go directly to Inubushi's house. "

As for waiting here for the other party to wake up?


Tangze thought it was better not to have such naive thoughts. After all, being able to save someone would already be a bargain.

If you really want to wait for the other party to talk about it, then I am afraid that the guy who was fine may become a vegetable directly, and the case that should be developed will continue to develop.

Therefore, for the safety of the other party and to be able to solve this case, Tang Ze did not want to wait and see.

"The only clue is the pearl found in Mr. Shinichi's mouth during the rescue."

Hattori Heiji on the side rubbed his chin and frowned: "Could that be the clue Mr. Shinichi left for us when he was desperate...?"

"It seems we really need to go to Inubushi's house."

Conan chimed in, "I'm afraid that the Inubushi family won't be at peace even if Mr. Shinichi refuses to let go of the crime of giving up his inheritance rights."

"We will set off after the matter here is settled." Tangze said after arranging for people to investigate the matter of Pearl in detail.

"Karasawa Criminal Investigation, a woman who claims to be Mr. Shinichi's maid came here."

At this moment, Takagi at the door of the room ran over and said, "It's just that the other party doesn't seem to know anything, and he shouldn't have anything to do with the case.

She had only heard Mr. Shinichi say something about the Inubushi family, but she didn't know much about the specific situation. "

Tang Ze frowned when he heard this. He was still thinking about the purpose of the other party's appearance, but the phone in the room suddenly rang.

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