Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,343 10 consecutive draws

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill card: Hacking Technology (3 years)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill card: Throwing hidden weapons (2 years)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill card: Russian (3 years)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill card: Firearms (3 years)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill card: Ship Driving (3 years)]

The five roulette draws flashed by, and Tangze's eyes had no time to scan the subsequent five draws, and his eyes were fixed on the first five rewards.

After all, the results of the first five draws are really good, including concealed weapons, firearms and hacking skills.

These three shots have always been network technologies, and the other two are used to increase one's own combat effectiveness. They can be said to be very good rewards.

This wave of improvement is still very good.

Although the other two skills are not very good, they can further make up for and improve the shortcomings.

Ship driving allowed him to further master the skills of sailing. There is nothing to say about this. Russian is a small surprise. After all, it is a language he has not mastered before, and there are many cases involving the people of the Bear Country in Conan's cases.

Mastering Russian can also be a lot easier in these cases.

Overall, Tang Ze was very satisfied with the results of the first five draws, so with a peaceful mind, Tang Ze set his sights on subsequent rewards.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill card: Bomb Disposal (3 years)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill card: Mechanical Modification (2 years)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill card: Swimming (5 years)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill card: Lip Reading (3 years)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the prop: flash bomb × 3]

Tangze sighed slightly when he saw the five rewards at the end.

Although the previous rewards satisfied him, people always hope to get more. Unfortunately, the rewards obtained in subsequent draws were average.

The most valuable thing is undoubtedly bomb disposal skills, and the other four items are not so valuable.

Although mechanical modification is very practical, he already has the "money ability", so he basically doesn't need to do anything he wants to modify.

Unless this mechanical modification can directly break through the S level, there may be some qualitative changes. Otherwise, he can basically use his "money ability" to solve it.

Therefore, whether he is promoted or not does not matter much to him now. After all, there are not many situations where he needs to work privately, and it is not difficult. The skills he mastered before are enough.

In addition, the same is true for lip reading. Although it is good in itself, it is a bit tasteless for the now "upgraded" Karasawa.

Although lip reading can help him spy on the stalker's conversation from a distance on certain occasions, the mechanical spider in his hand can be more subtle and better.

In other words, there is very little room for lip reading.

Flashbangs are the bullets in detective uniforms. Although these three are not many, they are still a small profit.

But that's all. In terms of efficiency, Tang Ze is more willing to obtain rewards such as skills that can improve himself in the long term.

The only thing that surprised him was the skill of swimming.

Upgrading one level at a time, this is also the skill he has improved the most in this lottery.

And this skill also transformed him from a simple swimmer to a proficient diving expert.

If you continue to improve it, you will also have underwater rescue and first aid, and even the highest level will improve your underwater combat capabilities.

This allowed Tang Ze to see the development potential of swimming, which can indeed be said to be an unexpected surprise.

After all, underwater combat capabilities are also a very important part of special operations. Improving such capabilities allows him to face complex underwater environments more calmly.

He really didn't expect that swimming could have such an extension.

Overall, this lottery was pretty good. Although it wasn't the European Emperor's biggest hit, I still got a few good rewards.

After excluding those items that had not changed all year round, he selected the more important types of skills for review.

Name: Karasawa Genichi

Talents: Super sense of smell, dexterity, detective destiny

Destiny Points: 1000


[Detective professional skills]: Investigation (S level), Microexpression (B level) [11/20], Forensic science (C level) [8/20], Trace identification (C level) [7/20], Profile (Level A) [16/20], Psychology (Level A) [17/20]

[Phantom Thief Professional Skills]: Escape Technique (1 year), Magic Level D (5 years), Disguise (C Level) [6/20], Lockpicking (C Level) [7/20], Theft (4 years), Voice Changing (Level C) [6/20],

[Combat Category]: Kendo (Level A) [18/20], Firearms (Level A) [17/20], Unarmed Fighting (Level S), Throwing Concealed Weapons (Level D) [7/20], Bomb Disposal (B Level)【12/20】

[Other fields]: Law (Level A), Swimming (Level C) [7/20], Hacking (Level A) [19/20], Games (Level C) [8/20], Mechanical modification ( Level C) [8/20], skiing (4 years), antique appreciation (3 years), fishing (1 year), bowling (1 year)

Looking at his personal dashboard, Tang Ze was very satisfied with the improvement in recent times.

The improvement this time can be said to be extraordinary. Except for the newly acquired Russian language, all other skills have basically jumped a level after this improvement.

Even hacking technology, firearms, and psychology, which I didn't draw this time, have all reached A level. They are 1 to 3 years away from reaching the full level. Breakthroughs can only rely on opportunities and a little luck and inspiration.

And these three can be regarded as the core skills that will make up his combat power for a long time in the future. Hacking skills give him an advantage on the Internet, and good marksmanship can make him more suppressive when fighting against black organizations.

As for psychology, it is used more in daily crime solving.

In general, taking into account this lottery and the accumulation some time ago, Tangze's strength has also ushered in a wave of small breakthroughs.

Many skills have crossed a small level, and some are close to perfection. I believe they will reach their peak in the next period of time, making his strength even further.

When he closed the panel with satisfaction, Ayako walked over after washing the dishes.

"Thank you for your hard work, leave dinner to me." Pulling Ayako to sit next to him, Tang Ze smiled and said, "I don't have anything to do this afternoon. I will come back early. What do you want to eat?"

"I was just about to tell you about it."

Unexpectedly, Ayako waved her hand, then smiled and said: "Ms. Hoshina Rukako, I wonder if you have heard of it?

She invited us to a dinner party today.

Although I deliberately refused, our group has some cooperation with their family, and the other party strongly invited me and asked me to take you there, so it is not easy to offend the other party's face. "

"You must take me with you?" Tang Ze asked in surprise: "Why?"

"I'm afraid it's because she gets this every year on her birthday."

Ayako said as she took out a piece of paper from her pocket: "This is given to me by Mrs. Baoko's secretary. I hope I can pass it on to you."

"Let me take a look." Knowing that a case might be about to happen, Karasawa also cheered up and unfolded the paper handed over by Ayako.

"I am the guardian of time, the foolish woman who blasphemed the torrent of time. As punishment, I will use the invisible sword to stop your time forever from the moment you are born in this world. - Guardian of time, see above"

"A threatening letter predicting murder?" Tang Ze frowned and said, "This kind of thing should be reported to the police."

"I'm afraid it won't be of much use to call the police." Ayako shook her head and said: "Actually, every time it's Mrs. Baoko's birthday, her family will receive anonymous letters like this.

Although she had received threatening letters in the past two years, she had always been fine. When she reported the incident, it ended up being a prank, and the matter went away over time.

Mrs. Baokou would tell the guests at the banquet about the threatening letter, so the number of guests at the birthday banquet gradually decreased every year. "

"I see, so you invited me to the banquet through you, hoping that I can solve this potential threat, right?" Tang Ze said clearly.

"That's it." Ayako nodded, and then asked: "What do you think now?"

"I haven't received much information right now, but what interests me is the "blasphemous time torrent". Does this mean that Mrs. Baokou is very unpunctual?"

Karasawa looked at Ayako and asked: "From this sentence, I feel that this may be the prisoner's motive."

"Completely on the contrary, Mrs. Hoshino is actually a very punctual person." Ayako shook her head after hearing Karasawa's words.

"Yeah, that's a little strange." Tang Ze frowned, then smiled and said: "Forget it, it's more intuitive to see in detail. What time does the dinner start?"

"It can actually be over in the afternoon."

Ayako heard this and replied: "Although the birthday party officially starts in the evening, you can go there early in the afternoon, which can be regarded as giving everyone an opportunity to communicate and get to know each other."

"In that case, let's go directly." Tang Ze said with a smile: "Since there is nothing to do in the afternoon, I will not go to the office and go directly to the banquet."

"It seems you are really free."

Ayako smiled and said, "Then let's rest for a while, then change clothes and go to the banquet?"

"That's it." Tang Ze made an "OK" gesture.

The two of them discussed their next itinerary and planned to take a nap for half an hour.

It's summer now, and if you don't get some sleep, it will affect your brain's thinking.

Half an hour passed in a flash, and not long after the alarm sounded, Tang Ze turned it off.

After the two freshened up and put on their clothes for the party, they set off directly.

Ayako chose a black dress that was slightly simpler and easier to move around. This was Karasawa's suggestion.

After all, we still don’t know what will happen at the banquet. If there is chaos, wearing a dress that is troublesome to walk would be courting death.

As for Karasawa, he chose gray trousers and a vest. After all, wearing a jacket was a bit stuffy in the hot weather.

Fortunately, it was raining when they went to bed, so the temperature was quite cool, and the air conditioner in the house was definitely on full blast, which was just right for them.

After traveling all the way, the two arrived at the Hoshina family's manor at half past two.

Walking towards the two of them was a woman about fifty years old. Although her hair was a little gray, she could tell from the few wrinkles on her skin that she was well-maintained. Judging from her posture, she must belong to this family. The hostess is also the protagonist of this banquet.

"Welcome both of you."

After welcoming the two of them, Rikako Hoshina said hello to Ayako, and then looked at Karasawa: "Is this the criminal Karasawa? He is indeed a talented person."

"Mrs. Baokou is too complimentary." Tang Ze said politely.

"Please be careful with Karasawa Criminal this time." Rukako Hoshina said politely: "It would be better if we could catch the guy who sent the letter."

"I will act by ear." Tang Ze nodded and said, "In addition, Mrs. Bao Ke should also pay attention to her own safety."

"Don't worry about this. I hired "Sleeping Kogoro" as a bodyguard, so there must be no problem with personal safety." Ruikako Hoshina said with a smile.

"'s raining really hard."

Before Karasawa could digest the other party's information, Mouri Kogoro's sighs came from outside the door.

Everyone turned back to look in the direction of the door and found that Kogoro Mouri was closing his umbrella, and next to him were Xiaolan and Conan.

"Detective Mori, you are 2 minutes and 15 seconds late."

After seeing Mouri Kogoro, Hokushina Ruika said "Excuse me" to the two of them, then took out the pocket watch from her pocket and confirmed the time, then walked towards Moori Kogoro and said: "The time we confirmed is 2:30 p.m. Share it?"

"Well, because the garage is still some distance from the mansion, and it happens to be raining outside..."

Although Mouri Kogoro felt that it was nothing to be late for only a minute or two, the other party was the sponsor after all, so he explained with an awkward smile.

"Everyone's life is limited, and I really don't want to waste even a second."

Rukako Hoshina took a look at the golden luxury pocket watch, then looked at the butler next to her and said, "And Ome, I just discovered that the clock inside the bookcase is almost a second slow."

"Ah! Okay, okay, I'll go over and make adjustments right away!"

The butler hurriedly responded after hearing Rukako Hoshina's words, planning to go over and adjust the clock after entertaining the guests in front of him.

Seeing this scene, Tang Ze and Conan next to him looked at each other, and both saw the sudden look in the other's eyes.

Although the two have not communicated until now, appearing in the same place naturally means that they have a certain understanding of the case.

In this case, they will naturally have the same doubts and have the same reaction when prompted.

The two people's sudden realization was a certain interpretation of the content in the notice letter.

Originally, the two of them coincidentally thought that the other was unpunctual and desecrating time, so they were described in this way by the prisoner.

But after learning that the other party was very punctual, doubts began to accumulate.

I was originally a little surprised about what this so-called "blasphemy" meant, but now it seems that I am too punctual, and it has even reached the point of severe obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Under such circumstances, it is no wonder that the notice letter used the words "a stupid woman who blasphemed the torrent of time".

After all, this lady behaves like a god who controls time.

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