Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,345 Fatal Birthday

Under the constantly rainy sky, as the invisible sunlight fell, the entire sky became darker and darker.

Compared to a clear night, the sky on a rainy day was even more gloomy and depressing. In Tang Ze's eyes, it seemed as if something invisible and terrifying was brewing, foreshadowing tonight's bloody storm.

But this is just Tangze's subjective feeling. In fact, the entire manor is extremely lively.

Countless guests came to the banquet hall with their male or female companions. The huge mansion was brightly lit at night, fully displaying the luxurious side of the mansion owner.

And inside the mansion, it was even more lively.

Countless high-class guests gathered here, holding wine glasses in small groups, and various delicacies were placed on round tables for everyone to eat.

"We talked for a long time, but in the end we still didn't discuss the details of the accident that happened at the birthday party?"

Standing not far from Hoshina Rukako, watching the other party chatting and laughing with the guests, Xiaolan asked curiously.

"Yeah, but when it comes to the guys who have enemies with her in business, she can't stop talking about it." Mouri Kogoro complained with his arms crossed.

"Sister Ayako, the Karasawa Criminal Association is here. Mrs. Baoshi passed you, right?" Xiaolan on the side looked at Ayako and asked, "I wonder if you are clear about this internal matter?"

In response to this, Ayako could only shake her head helplessly: "Actually, my father had some friendship with the deceased Mr. Hoshina, and Mrs. Hoshina and I only had some business dealings recently.

When she found me this time, my first reaction was to shirk it, but the other person mentioned her late husband and said that it was just this time, and I could reluctantly agree because of my father's face. "

Speaking of this, Ayako looked at Tang Ze in embarrassment. From her point of view, it was not good that she agreed but asked Tang Ze to repay the favor.

"It's okay. Even if she didn't invite me, I would come if I knew. Now I can return the favor."

Karasawa held Ayako's hand and smiled and shook his head slightly: "I don't take it to heart."

On the contrary, he would also like to thank Ayako for allowing him to participate in the case before it happened and giving him the opportunity to prevent the case.

I had bad luck before, either there was little participation or I missed the opportunity to stop it.

This time Tang Ze was determined to successfully prevent the case and get the reward.

It's a pity that these words can't be said, so I can only find a reason to comfort the other party.

"So that's it." Xiaolan suddenly said after hearing Ayako's explanation.

"I don't know the details of the accident, but I always feel like I missed something." Mouri Kogoro frowned.

"It seems that what happened back then was a bit strange."

Karasawa looked at Ruka Hoshina in front of him, narrowed his eyes and said, "I'm afraid this is also the reason why the other party is unwilling to discuss it in detail.

I'm afraid what happened back then was somewhat detrimental to her, and this is probably why she continues to receive threatening letters. "

"Unfavorable things..." After hearing Tangze's words, the two women looked at each other and their curiosity was at its highest, but in the end they did not ask.

After all, if they knew, they wouldn't be here discussing it.

"Now, the sender of that threatening letter was signed "Guardian of Time," right? Conan, who was listening to everyone talking to each other, suddenly said.

"Ah? So what?" Mouri Kogoro said impatiently after hearing Conan's culture.

"In that case, the clockmaker should be considered the "guardian of time", right? Conan reminded with a slightly serious expression.

"Well?" Mouri Kogoro crossed his arms and glanced at Conan: "Then you mean to say that the three watchmakers you hired before are the suspects who sent this anonymous letter?"

"I-I'm just giving an example." Conan heard Mouri Kogoro thinking this and waved his hand quickly.

If Kogoro Mouri really thinks so and expresses his opinions in a hurry, it will be a headache for him.

"But if you say so, those who keep time

Mrs. Baokou is more like the guardian of time. "Xiaolan on the side said and looked at Ren Baokov who was not far away.

"Anyway, let's protect Mrs. Baokou tonight."

Tangze saw the butler walking toward him, and thought that the other party had said that the birthday party was at six o'clock before, so he took the initiative to approach him.

Although I don’t know what the other party is hiding, nor do I know what grudges the prisoner has with him.

But since he is here, he must ensure the safety of the other party to the maximum extent. Even if she commits a crime, she should be punished by the law instead of seeking private revenge driven by hatred.

This will only make you spend the rest of your life in prison and set up your own life. .

Seeing Karasawa's actions, Mouri Kogoro also walked towards Hoshina Rukako, intending to get close to protect him.

On the other side, Tangze had quietly approached the other party, and was always paying attention to his surroundings. He even endured the complicated smell in the air and activated his super-smell sense to check whether there were poisonous substances.

"Ome, the time is almost up."

Just as Karasawa was approaching the other party, Rukako Hoshina took out the golden pocket watch she carried with her to confirm the time.

"Hi, I understand." The butler bowed and turned to leave. Seeing this, Tang Ze couldn't help but cheer up.

There is no doubt that Mouri Kogoro is an unreliable bodyguard. They spent half a day talking there asking if there was anyone who had a grudge against her, and also exploring the matter of the deceased watchmaker.

But the most important banquet procedure was not asked at all. Finally, after he asked out loud, he learned that the other party was going to turn off the lights and cut the cake at 6 o'clock on time.

There is no doubt that this information is very important. After learning about this situation, Tang Ze immediately focused on it.

After all, on the crime warning letter, it clearly says, "The moment you are born into this world, use an invisible sword to stop your time forever."

There is no doubt that this is a code word that clearly indicates the time, implying that the murderer will attack on the birthday of Ruika Hoshina.

These analyzes had been thought of by Karasawa for a long time, but after coming here to meet Rukako Hoshina and understanding his extremely harsh attitude towards time.

Thinking back to Rukako Hoshina's action of cutting the cake, Karasawa felt that the chance that the prisoner would choose this moment to take action was very high.

For Rukako Hoshina, whose sense of time is accurate to the second, six o'clock must be a very ritualistic moment.

The prisoner must have understood her character, so he specifically wrote that sentence on the notice letter. This is also the "sense of ritual" in the prisoner's criminal psychology.

In addition, in terms of timing, turning off the lights in the room will cause people to lose their vision in an instant. A dark room is also a good time to take action.

Based on the characteristics of previous Zongzong cases, Tangze felt that the moment of complete darkness when turning off the lights or blowing out the candles was a good time to take action.

After getting close to the other party, Rukako Hokshina was still immersed in the joy of the birthday party and was unaware of the danger.

"Madam, I just noticed it. Can you let me see the gold watch in your hand?"

Just after Rukako Hoshina finished explaining the butler's birthday, Sadago Qingbei came closer and looked at the gold pocket watch in his hand and asked.

"Of course, please do it." Although Rukako Hoshina is very strict about time, she doesn't have many taboos about pocket watches, so she readily agreed.

Looking at the pocket watch handed over by the other party, he gently thanked him and took it, holding it in his hand to look at it.

"Wow~ The silver pocket watch before was already beautiful enough, but this gold one seems to match the lady better."

At this moment, Zhou Fangzhiqiu on the side also walked out of the crowd and came up to Rukako Hoshina, and complimented Rukako Hoshina somewhat flatteringly.

But everyone is willing to listen to nice words. After hearing this, Rukako Hoshina covered her mouth and smiled softly: "This is a special limited edition product specially customized for Swiss craftsmen~"


There was a sudden knocking sound between the wooden stick and the floor. Gutan took turns walking away with his crutch.

He came over to look at Rukako Hoshina and said, "But it is a bit too pitiful to have a silver pocket watch that was left out due to the owner's whim and could only lie in the drawer slowly decaying and rusting."

"You don't need to worry about that."

Hoshina Rukako snorted, reached for her pocket watch, and then said coldly: "That pocket watch is no longer in my hand, because it was broken and I threw it away."

After hearing the other party's cold words, the expressions of the three people present were a little frozen.

At this moment, the room fell into darkness. Karasawa, who was watching coldly from the side, quickly approached Rukako Hoshina, but his eyes were focused on the three of them.

His eyesight has been strengthened and has strong adaptability to night vision. The sight distance in complete darkness without a trace of light will be blocked, but now that people are around him, there is naturally no such restriction.

For the three people in front of him, Tang Ze's vigilance was at its highest.

The three of them arrived with Mouri Kogoro during the entrance, and even went to the clock tower together. Such scenes have proved that the three of them are suspects.

In addition, the three of them were also connected to the dead watchmaker Zhou Feng. It would be normal to seek revenge for him if there was something hidden.

More importantly, at the time when Karasawa judged that the murderer was likely to commit a crime, these three people also invariably approached Rukako Hoshina.

This point alone forced Tangze to be more vigilant and focus on the three of them.

To be honest, protecting someone is actually very troublesome, but whether it is for a promise to the other person or for a reward, Tang Ze must be attentive.

Despite the complex smell in the hall, he turned on his super sense of smell to check whether the three of them were carrying dangerous items, and at the same time, his concentration was also raised to the highest level.

Whenever there is any trouble around Rukako Hoshina, he will immediately stop it.

Compared to Tangze's vigilance, the sudden darkness caused temporary panic among the guests, and the entire banquet hall was in chaos for a while.

And Mouri Kogoro looked around nervously, but unfortunately he couldn't see anything with his eyes.

However, as the light appeared at the gate and watching the butler pushing the luxurious cake out of the banquet hall, everyone turned into smiles as the dark noise ended.


The applause that rang out from nowhere caused the guests to applaud one after another, and everyone also made way for the butler so that he could push the cake in front of Rukako Hoshina.

Rukako Hoshina smiled and bowed slightly to express her gratitude. She took two steps closer to the cake, held a gold pocket watch in one hand to check the time, and leaned over to blow out the candles.

For her, blowing out the candles at six o'clock is the perfect birthday ritual.

At this moment, Tangze's concentration increased to a terrifying level, and everything around him seemed to slow down in his eyes.

The second hand continued to move forward. At the moment when it was about to turn to "12", Ruikako Hoshina bent down and blew out the hand.

The moment the light disappeared again, a dark figure behind Ruika Hoshina who had been prepared was holding a murder weapon and stabbed Ruika Hoshina.

But the darkness at that moment imprisoned others, but it did not affect Tang Ze in the slightest.

Seeing that the sharp blade was about to drink blood, a hand came first and grabbed his wrist from the side like an iron pincer, tightly trapping the hand that was about to stab in mid-air.

The shadow attacking in the darkness seemed not to have thought that his supposedly foolproof plan had gone awry. He subconsciously wanted to struggle, but Tang Ze was faster.

In the darkness, he could see clearly that the prisoner was preparing to hold an umbrella, and the abnormal length of the umbrella tip also let him understand the prisoner's plan.

The prisoner installed the sharp weapon at the tip of the umbrella, and then planned to open the umbrella to cover the splattered blood when killing people.

Although I don’t know how the other party plans to dispose of the murder weapon after killing someone, it doesn’t matter if they use mechanisms or the like.

So Tang Ze crossed over in a horizontal step, held the opponent's arm to prevent him from thrusting forward, and then followed with a horizontal step.

Kick the knee, and at the same time put your hands on the opponent's head and press down, directly knocking the prisoner down to the ground.


The body made a dull sound when it came into contact with the ground, but Tang Ze did not further control the prisoner's movements, but reached out to grab the murder weapon in the other person's hand.

Because since the other party dares to choose such a way to commit a crime, he must have the means to solve the murder weapon.

Tang Ze knew without thinking that the other party had probably set up some kind of mechanism that could make the murder weapon disappear instantly.

And he didn't forget that there was a sharp knife stuck in the umbrella. It was such a guest in such a dark situation. The process of the knife being taken away by the agency was the murder weapon.

If the murderer is stopped and casualties are caused when the murder weapon is taken away by the agency, it is really not cost-effective.

So the moment he subdued the other party, he reached for the umbrella in his hand, and then quickly wrapped it twice around the cake frame next to him.

In this way, even if there is a mechanism and a fixed object as big as a dining car, it is impossible to take away the murder weapon instantly.

Even if the wheeled dining cart is driven by the mechanism and hits people, it won't have much impact, and this is the best solution Tangze can do at this moment.

And all this happened in the blink of an eye, and it seemed to indicate that the matter was settled.

The bell that was supposed to ring the moment the candles went out slowly started ringing.

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