Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1364: Wheelchair Ghost

After hearing the fat woman's words, everyone present had different expressions. boudoir

But among these strange emotions, except for Xiaolan and Yuanzi, two timid girls who are afraid of ghosts, no one else is afraid. Instead, they are more weird, suspicious, and inquisitive.

"What about the phenomenon? What is the specific manifestation?"

Looking at the two people who were serious about it, Tang Ze did not question it, but guided them to talk more.

The middle-aged man said with a trembling tone: "I heard that someone saw a wheelchair for the elderly in the middle of the night. Although there was no one sitting on it, it would automatically move around in the annex. "


It was obviously just a description of a ghost story without any complications, but the two girls hugged each other and screamed in fear.

I don't know whether it was because the two of them were timid or because the murder in front of them exaggerated the atmosphere of the scene. boudoir

"Maybe it was the ghost who pressed the elevator button!!" the fat woman said in panic.

"Hey, I'm talking about you." Officer Megure looked at the people speechlessly and said, "Since there is no one in the wheelchair, how do you know that the ghost is an old man?"

"Maybe it's because of my father."

Hirukawa Toshiko said with a sad expression: "In the previous fraud case, my mother was also a victim.

This incident shocked her so much that she was admitted to the hospital.

So my father lived in a villa and went to the door of Mr. Zhu's room every day.

He sits at Mr. Uesumi's door in a wheelchair every day, knocks on his door, and says that he does not ask him to pay back the money, but hopes that Mr. Uesumi can apologize to my mother. boudoir

But when my father learned that my mother had died in the hospital, he committed suicide in the guest room of the annex where he lived.

My father had inconvenient legs and feet, so when he was still alive, he often used the electric wheelchair provided by the hotel to move around. That's why there were such rumors after his death. "

"Then may I ask where the room your father lived in was?" Takagi asked after listening to Hirakawa Toshiko's words.

"He lives on the second floor..."

Hirukawa Toshiko's face turned extremely pale when she said this. Apparently Sera Masumi's previous testimony that the elevator passed by the second floor made her feel very bad.

The other two people also felt that an evil spirit was responsible because of the rumors after her father's death.

"Since both the rumors of ghosts and Miss Sera's testimony mentioned the second floor, let's go to the second floor and have a look." Karasawa suggested, "Maybe there will be some clues."

"Well... let's go up and take a look." Officer Memaku nodded after pondering, and decided to investigate according to Karasawa's suggestion first.

After comforting the scared Yuanzi and Xiaolan and letting them wait downstairs, Tangze took Conan all the way to the front of the hotel, took the elevator and arrived at the second floor.

But when the elevator door opened, everyone realized how exaggerated the graffiti Takagi said before.

Aipido Hotel is also one of the best among high-end hotels. In addition to accommodation, dining, and weddings, there are also shops for rent that allow people to open various shops here.

For example, Sonoko and the others wanted to eat at the buffet cake restaurant.

The quality is displayed here, and the annex for guest accommodation is naturally not much different.

But this annex is now in a state of disgrace and disarray. boudoir

After stepping out of the elevator door, what comes into view is a messy wall smeared with red and green lights.

There is no organization or beauty at all, and it can't even compare to a child's random graffiti.

If anything, it's more like a debt collector wreaking havoc and maliciously smearing things at will.

Just spray whatever comes to mind, spray paint however you want, it's completely wanton.

To put it harshly, this is exactly what the Yakuza would do when they are making trouble to collect debts. It’s no wonder that all the customers who don’t know what happened ran away.


Of course, even if you know the reason, it's bad enough to be here. After all, seeing these graffiti makes people feel irritable.

"The graffiti on this wall is really exaggerated." Girlfriend

Looking at the messy spray paint on the wall, Officer Megure couldn't help but sigh: "No wonder the hotel needs to be renovated."

Because the annex was being renovated, blue curtains were covered on both sides of the walls and on the floor.

These cloths are obviously to prevent paint from dripping to the ground when painting, and there are also paint buckets and ladders placed on the blue cloths.

But there are no workers. I don’t know if today is a day off or there are other things that didn’t come today.

Walking along the corridor vacated by blue cloth on both sides, Megure looked at Chiba who was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and was searching, and asked: "How is it? Have you found any traces of other people?"

"Not yet." Chiba shook his head.

"Huh? Why is there a wheelchair here?" Officer Megure looked at the wheelchair at Chiba's feet and couldn't help but asked in surprise. boudoir

"I am not sure as well."

Chiba shook his head and said, "When I saw this wheelchair just now, I saw it moving."

"Are you still moving?" Officer Megure asked in surprise: "When no one is around?"

"Yes." Chiba nodded, then spread his hands: "But I found a suspicious fishing line between the wheels.

I later confirmed the situation with the hotel staff, and they confirmed that it was the electric wheelchair that Mr. Kamizumi had borrowed from the hotel before he fell to his death. "

"Are you having trouble with Zhenwu's legs?" Tang Ze asked.

"That's not true. It's just that according to the hotel staff, Mr. Kamizumi just likes to sit in a wheelchair and wander around the annex." Chiba explained. boudoir

"What kind of quirk is this?" Officer Megure couldn't help complaining after hearing this: "What a weirdo."

"If that's the case, there are rumors about ghosts, and maybe Kamizumi-san is responsible for them."

Takagi guessed: "In order to get rid of the fraud victims who kept pestering him, he deliberately chose the second floor where a suicidal old man had stayed.

He then used fishing line to control the electric wheelchair, creating the illusion that an invisible ghost was moving in the wheelchair to scare those who pestered him. "

"There is indeed a possibility." Officer Megure touched his chin and nodded thoughtfully.

"But then again, the fishing line tied to the wheelchair is really long enough."

Sera Masumi on the side blocked the fingerprints with a handkerchief, looked at the end of the fishing line in his hand and said, "Not only that, there are a few broken rubber bands at the end."

"There are still some scratch marks on the tripod that holds the feet under the wheelchair."

Karasawa, who was squatting down, looked at the traces under the wheelchair and spoke, while Conan stood aside in silence.

His previous performance was eye-catching enough, and the short-haired girl in front of him even recognized that he was a "detective". Now it was best for him not to expose his reasoning level that was far beyond that of his peers.

Just standing behind Tangze and hiding himself is enough.

"Brother Karasawa, what do you mean?" Officer Megure asked after hearing this.

"The prisoner must have used this wheelchair." Tang Ze pondered: "But I haven't thought of how the prisoner used this wheelchair."

"Before that, I think you can take a look outside the window."

Officer Megure pointed out the window: "The position of this wheelchair is completely opposite to that of the deceased who fell to his death in the parking lot.

Even if the prisoner wants to use this wheelchair, he probably won't be able to do any tricks, right? "

"If you let me design it, I can still think of a way to do it."

Tangze smiled and said, "But how exactly the prisoner did it requires further investigation."

"Brother Karasawa, do you still think this wheelchair is related to murder?"

Saw Tang Zejian

Adhering to his own point of view, Officer Megure nodded and said, "Okay, let's continue the investigation."

After everyone got on the elevator, they pressed the button for the sixth floor and then waited quietly for the elevator to rise. boudoir

"Speaking of which, are you sure you saw the elevator stopping at the second and sixth floors?" Officer Megure looked at Sera Masumi in the elevator and confirmed again.

"If you think I saw it wrong, you can ask the security guard who was with me." Masumi Sera said, "I asked him to monitor the elevator, and he also saw the movement of the elevator like me."

While Officer Megure and Takagi were thinking about what Sera Masumi said, the elevator had already reached the sixth floor.

With the "ding" sound of the bell, the elevator door opened. The two of them felt that there was no support behind them, and they screamed strangely and walked backwards out of the elevator.

"It turns out that the door on the other side of the elevator can actually open." Officer Megure said after looking at the elevator.

"Yes, the doors at the front and rear of this elevator can be opened."

Conan smiled and explained: "I was not prepared before and retreated to the corridor just like you."

"Now that I know, let me remind you." Officer Megure said angrily after standing upright.

"Sorry, sorry, I thought you knew." Conan said sheepishly.

"Since it is a double door, it proves that the directions of the floors of the annex are different. You guys should have figured out the details, right?" Karasawa looked down at Conan and asked with a smile.

"Well, I've already asked clearly."

Conan nodded and said, "The elevator exits on the first and second floors of this building are facing the door.

I heard that because the first and second floors are banquet halls for wedding ceremonies, it is more convenient to set the elevator entrance directly facing the door, and the space that can be used is wider.

The remaining floors are opposite the hotel exit. ” Boudoir

"I see."

Officer Megure nodded, then looked at the surrounding walls intently and couldn't help but said, "The graffiti on this floor seems to be worse than the one on the second floor."

"Yes, after all Mr. Kamizumi had been living on this floor before he fell to his death."

Takagi seemed to have thought of something when he said this and added: "By the way, according to the person in charge of the hotel, they originally said that the renovation time was originally scheduled to be here within an hour after Mr. Kamizumi fell to his death."

"That's right." Officer Megure nodded, indicating that he understood.

While everyone was talking, a gust of wind whistled into the corridor and attracted everyone's attention.

"The window here is broken."

Karasawa stepped closer and said, "It seems that when the deceased was surrounded by reporters and got angry, it was this window that he smashed with a fire extinguisher."

"Let's go take a look." Sera Masumi said to Conan, and the two of them walked quickly towards the broken window.

"Hey! You two, be careful, this is a bit dangerous!"

Takagi saw the actions of the two and quickly warned: "Look at the tape used to stick the canvas to cover the windows, it is almost blown off by the wind."

"But look at the bottom of this window, it is directly above the place where the deceased fell!" Masumi Sera said, "Don't you think there is a problem?"

"It's indeed suspicious." Tang Ze came over and agreed.

But he just glanced outside and quickly focused on the edge of the broken window. boudoir

There was a patch of yellow paint splattered on the juncture of the wall and floor below the window.

The paint had completely dried, but what caught Karaze's attention was not the large patch of yellow paint, but the two obvious black irregular thick lines above it.

According to his trace identification eyes, the black lines on the paint seemed to be caused by something that had been placed there.

After Tang Ze stood up, he looked into the distance, looking at the things in the room to see what overlapped with the traces he found.

Conan on the side also saw Tang Ze

I found the traces, and then subconsciously planned to look around.

Because of his height, he turned around and saw the paint bucket in front of him.

He tugged at Tangze's clothes and motioned for him to look down. boudoir

"Being short has its advantages." Karasawa teased and rubbed Conan's head, then squatted down and looked at the surface of the gasoline barrel in front of him.

The originally smooth gasoline barrel seemed to be somewhat uneven due to external impact.

And the shape is very obvious, extending from the bottom of the gasoline barrel to the bottom. It looks like it was dented by a stick or something.

In addition, there is an identical paint bucket next to it, with a similar shape of depression in the same position.

Seeing this, Tang Ze looked towards the corridor along the window, and his eyes were directly locked in the direction of the elevator door.

This window was in a straight line with the elevator. When Karasawa turned around and returned to the elevator door, he found that the same traces could be seen below the electric appliance at about ankle height.

Seeing this, the clues Tang Ze collected gradually improved, and the vague memory details in his mind began to slowly come back to life because Tang Ze was immersed in the scene. boudoir

There is an elevator with doors at the front and rear that can be opened.

Electric car with fishing line tied to it.

Rumors about ghosts in wheelchairs.

There were also dark irregular marks on the paint beneath the smashed window.

The reasoning results constructed from pieces of information gradually became clearer, and gradually overlapped with the answers in his mind.

These clues all point to the woman named Hirukawa Toshiko who was the only one who entered this hotel before the incident!

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