Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,367: Give him back his own body in his own way

I have to say that Hirukawa Toshiko's trick is indeed very clever. Gang

As long as she is prepared in advance, she only needs to press the buttons of the elevator to reach the corresponding floor smoothly, and she can kill Sadao Kamizumi while creating sufficient alibi for herself.

Not only that, but after Kamizumi Sadao fell from in front of him and died.

All she had to do was say that someone on the rooftop would guide everyone to the rooftop to check the situation, and then press the "2" and "6" elevator buttons on the way out to recover the electric wheelchair from the sixth floor.

Because after the elevator reaches the top floor, it is time to go down, so the elevator door will be opened on the sixth floor first to retrieve the electric wheelchair that keeps hitting the door into the elevator.

Then the electric wheelchair will continue to move forward and crash into another elevator door.

After the elevator reaches the second floor, the electric wheelchair will run straight ahead along the door.

Because the floor was very low and the wheelchair was in the completely opposite direction, even if the criminal who came to investigate later discovered it, they would have ignored this key clue because it was too far away from the scene and the deceased had the habit of playing with an electric wheelchair. . Gang

"Your technique is good, but unfortunately you are a bit unlucky."

Karasawa looked at Hirukawa Toshiko and smiled and said, "If it were someone else who went through the process of your trick with you, I'm afraid they wouldn't remember so many details.

And you only need to mislead the police in their preliminary investigation, making them think that the crime scene is on the rooftop, and the case will be completed seamlessly.

After all, there will be decoration workers coming here in the future. Once the police determine that it has nothing to do with the case, they will naturally not stop the interior decoration.

Even if the suspicious sixth floor will be temporarily suspended, the second floor will be cleaned.

In this way, all the evidence of the crime was really cleared up.

But alas, you are unlucky enough to meet them. "Gang

Karasawa pointed at Conan and Sera Masumi: "Although they are immature, they are not comparable to ordinary people."

"Where's the evidence!?"

When Hirukawa Toshiko heard what Karasawa said, she interrupted him with a gloomy face and shouted hysterically: "Having said so much, do you have any evidence to prove that I did it!?

Everything you said can be done by others! ? "

"Everything can be done."

Tangze nodded, but then his voice changed and he sneered: "But why do you think we don't have the technology to verify whether you are the murderer?

Lockard's Law of Matter Exchange tells us that when there is contact between objects, there will be a transfer of matter. Gang

It must be very tiring for you to move the corpse by yourself. After all, as a middle-aged woman, you have to move the drunk Kamizi Zhenwu by yourself. It is impossible without physical contact.

So as long as you find the fibers of the prisoner's clothes from Shangzhu Zhenwu's clothes and compare them with the fibers of the clothes you are wearing now, you can verify whether you are the murderer. "

Looking at the gloomy-looking Hirukawa Toshiko, Karasawa provoked her again: "Of course, you can also say that.

Mr. Kamizumi, who is suspected of being the mastermind of the fraud but there is not enough evidence, and you, the victim's family, reached a settlement and hugged each other, so the fibers were stained on his body.

If you say that, then the identification of clothing fibers will naturally not be effective. "


Hearing Karasawa's murderous and heart-wrenching words, Hirukawa Toshiko's expression was as fierce as a devil: "If you want me to say such disgusting words, I would rather admit that I am the murderer now! ! Gang


I put that damn guy in an electric wheelchair and sent him straight to hell to report! "

Looking at Hirukawa Toshiko who suddenly yelled and admitted his crime, Officer Megure couldn't help but asked: "So, does that mean that the ghost rumor circulating in the hotel was also spread because of your experimentation with murder techniques? "

"No, I just happened to think of breaking the scum above.

Just put two paint buckets under the window. "

There was deep hatred in Hirukawa Toshiko's eyes: "Actually, I am not the one who keeps testing the unmanned wheelchair.

One time before, when I went to find that scumbag's room, he showed me that scene.

The electric wheelchair automatically walked out of the elevator where no one was riding. "Gang

"Could it be that!!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard Hirukawa Toshiko's words. Officer Takagi asked in disbelief: "Was your murder method designed by the victim?"

"Yes, he used his mobile phone to remotely control his companion and let him help control the elevator to complete all this."

Hirukawa Toshiko choked up and said, "After he hung up the phone, he smiled proudly and told me that all he did was to drive out all those annoying media reporters and guests of this annex. "Old Man's Ghost Operation Plan"!

He's taking advantage of my father's death! He is insulting my father! !

That's why I used the method that scum came up with to let him die in a wheelchair! !

Just to let that man without any conscience understand the helpless and painful feeling my father felt when he came to ask for help despite having to overcome the trouble of sitting in a wheelchair! ! "Gang

After saying all this, Hirukawa Toshiko could no longer bear the sadness in her heart and burst into tears.

Everyone was silent when they heard Hirukawa Toshiko's words. In the previous conversation, everyone already knew that the other party's mother was very angry because she was defrauded of a large amount of money by Kamizumi Sadao.

Moreover, the father who begged the other party to apologize also followed the mother after her death.

It can be said that because of Kamizumi Sadao's fraud, his family was ruined and he lost his parents directly.

But at this time, she still hopes that the other party can apologize and not think about killing people.

But the other party used her father's death to create ghost rumors and ruin her father's reputation.

And this point undoubtedly poked her pain, ignited the darkness in her heart and finally made her murderous. Gang

That is revenge that makes the enemy pay the price regardless of hysteria.

Tang Ze knew this very well, otherwise he would not have taken the initiative to talk about a "flaw" that could free the other party from guilt at the end.

Although it is clear that the other party can use this excuse to prevent his reasoning from being completely definite.

But in fact, Karasawa knew that Hirukawa Toshiko, who had a blood feud, would never allow him to "complicit" with the other party.

This wording is not quite accurate, but it conveys the idea sufficiently.

Even if it is just a verbal reconciliation, she will actually get huge benefits. She can even use this as an excuse to hire a better lawyer and struggle in court to see if she can plead not guilty.

But her heart would not allow her to do this, because just putting her with the other person made her feel sick. Gang

So Karasawa's words seemed to give the other party a choice, but in fact, both Karasawa and Hirukawa Toshiko knew that this was an ending that was absolutely impossible to transform into reality.

Because the two sides have reached such an irreconcilable point.

So in the end, Officer Megure just asked Takagi to take the other party away, and neither he nor Karasawa, who solved the case, said any words of responsibility to her.

Because the hatred between the two is really too deep and irreconcilable, they might not make the same choice as Hirukawa Toshiko.

After all, the hatred is too great.

And what Hirukawa Toshiko wanted at first was just an apology.

It's a pity that some scum really don't have the most basic morality of compassion, so they force honest people to kill them directly. Gang

Such prisoners are pathetic and pitiful, and they are not qualified to stand on the commanding heights and serve each other.

"Okay, the case is over, you all can go and do whatever you are supposed to do."

Watching Hirukawa Toshiko being escorted away by the police car, Karasawa turned his head and looked at Sonoko and others with a smile.


"Sera-sama, are you going to find a place to stay quickly?"

Conan put his head in his hands and said with a smile: "After all, it has taken so long to handle the case. If you wait any longer, you will be sleeping on the street~"

"Ah! Forgot that there is such a thing!!" After hearing Conan's words, Sera Masumi woke up from the immersion in the previous case and immediately said goodbye to everyone: "Goodbye! I'm going to find a room to stay!" !」

Sera Masumi left in a flash, and Conan relaxed after sending him away. Gang

After all, if a sharp guy of unknown origin is around, even if the other person looks like a dabbler, he is more troublesome than ordinary people and needs to pay more attention.

Now that the other party has left without leaving any contact information or pursuing him, there is no need to pay too much attention to him.

After all, the other party is just a passerby who meets by chance and does not need too much attention.

"Hey, she didn't find a room to stay, and we didn't get a delicious cake..."

After waving goodbye to Sera Masumi who ran away in a hurry, Sonoko put down her hand and sighed: "I thought I would enjoy eating cakes, but in the end I stopped accepting guests. I'm really sorry, Ran."

"It's okay, there's nothing we can do about it."

Hearing this, Xiaolan smiled nonchalantly and said, "And the large number of people proves that the cake shop is worth waiting for. We can just wait until next time to eat." Gang

"Yeah, that's right!"

Yuanzi nodded when she heard this, but the next moment she heard a sound in her stomach, which made her cover her stomach in embarrassment: "I had an empty stomach specifically to eat cake. I feel a little hungry now..."

"Then let's choose a restaurant nearby to eat." Karasawa suggested with a smile: "I happen to be hungry too. I'll treat you later. You can choose what you want to eat."

"If you don't want to eat cake, why don't you eat something else..." Sonoko thought for a while and said happily: "Then let's eat pizza. Although we can't eat cake, it's not bad to eat some nearby food~"

"Cake and pizza are so close..." Conan on the side couldn't help complaining after hearing Sonoko's words.

"Why are there no similarities? There are also sweet pizzas!" Sonoko retorted unhappily, putting her hands on her hips and saying, "I'm just going to eat pizza anyway. What do you think, kid!"

"No..." As the saying goes, cannibals are short-tongued. Even if the guest was not Sonoko but Karasawa, Conan had no room to refute. Gang

After all, Yuanzi calls Tangze brother-in-law, and Yuanzi is a family member. Naturally, he, an outsider, has no right to speak.

Even if the two of them also hide a deeper comrade-in-arms relationship, it's the same.

"Hmph~ It's good to know."

Seeing the annoying brat lowering his head and giving in, Sonoko proudly nodded Conan's head.

Conan on the side, although his face was full of dissatisfaction, had no intention of competing with the other party, so he simply gave in and changed his mind.

With a happy mood, Sonoko directed Karasawa to drive three streets away and found a pizza shop that he had eaten at several times and found it pretty good.

Everyone ordered what they wanted to eat, and they chatted while waiting for their meals to be served. Gang

Naturally, their topic was inevitably the case that had just occurred, and this complete tragedy could not help but make people sigh.

However, several of them are old people. They have experienced many cases and met all kinds of people. They sighed with emotion for a while and then forgot about it after the food was served.

Seafood pasta, thin crust chicken pizza, fried chicken nuggets...

Because it was a temporary store, the meal was just average and not very eye-catching.

"Where will you go later?"

Drinking the only coconut juice he was satisfied with, Tangze asked, "Are you still ready to go out and play?"

"There is still so much time before the evening. Whether we have eaten the beloved cake or not, we naturally have to make up for it elsewhere." Gang

Yuanzi said without hesitation: "Xiaolan and I have made an appointment to go shopping later."

"Where are you, Conan-kun?" Xiaolan looked at Conan

Asked: "Do you want to come with us or go home directly?"

"I'll just go back, and I'll be able to take a ride on Karasawa's car." Conan said with a smile.

"That's good, we're happy and relaxed now that you're not in the way," Yuanzi chuckled, then stood up impatiently: "Let's go, let's go!"

"Then we'll leave first." Xiaolan said goodbye to the two of them: "Do you still want to wait?"

"Well, let's finish the drink and leave." Conan put down the drink cup in his hand and waved goodbye to Xiaolan.

When the two girls left the door, Conan suppressed the smile on his face. Gang

After Tang Ze paid the bill, the two of them got into Tang Ze's car one after another. He looked at Tang Ze and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you about today's matter."

"It's okay. It was my duty to protect your identity." Tang Ze waved his hand.

"I don't know who that guy is." Conan frowned: "She claims to be a detective, but her reasoning skills are a bit immature..."

"Don't you really think that girl didn't understand the case?"

Tangze interrupted Conan, looked at the stunned Conan and said meaningfully: "Do you think a person who can restore the case to 90% will make a mistake in the end?

If it were an ordinary person, they wouldn't even think of this technique, right? "

"You mean, she did it on purpose!?" Gang

Hearing Tang Ze's words, Conan's pupils shrank for a while, and a solemn look appeared on his face: "Then what is her purpose of doing this to test?"

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