Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,369 Conan’s Worries

Yawning, Tang Ze came to the office with a sleepy look. dry

The two of them were playing games yesterday, and they played until midnight without realizing it. This morning, they really didn't want to get up early in the morning, so they simply slept in anyway.

No one on Ayako's side dared to care whether she came or not. Tang Ze was an old fisherman and everyone knew about it from top to bottom.

But even so, no one said anything. After all, the speed at which the other party solved the case and the number of cases solved in one month was higher than that of a team.

It's too late to offer the Dinghaishen needle, who dares to find trouble to offend him.

If I really encounter a difficult case, I have to ask others to help solve it. Otherwise, I'm afraid I will have to work overtime for a month, and in the end the case will not be solved and will be filed into the old cases.

So he was used to it, not to mention that he worked overtime on his days off and solved a case, so he wouldn't miss anything even if he was late on the second day.

After arriving at the office, Karasawa looked at Koshizu Nanatsuki, who was drinking tea and reading the newspaper. He couldn't help but think of An Jingjing who had just solved the problem, so he walked over and asked, "Is there anything worth paying attention to in the newspaper today?"

"Yes, a fraudster's hidden account has been found."

Koshizui Nanatsuki heard this and said: "I heard that our person in charge of the case found the flow of his money.

Then he used this account to follow the clues and arrested all the people in the fraud group.

But the mastermind seems to have been killed. "

"Let me see."

Hearing Koshimi Nanatsuki's words, Karasawa didn't want to go there. It was the case he had solved before. After getting the newspaper, he took a closer look and sure enough, the photo of the dead mastermind in the newspaper was a corpse he was familiar with.

"I solved this case." Qian

Karasawa returned the newspaper to Koshizui Nanatsuki, who sat at Koshizui Nanatsuki and poured a cup of tea to the other party: "What a pity for the murderer Ms. Hirukawa. If he could have endured for a few more days, maybe he wouldn't have ended up like this. .”

"Can you tell me in detail?" After hearing Karasawa's words, Koshizui Nanatsuki's eyes were filled with inquiry.

After Karasawa probably explained the cause and effect to Koshimizu Nanatsuki, the other party looked at the photo of Ming in the newspaper and scratched it with a pen: "Although it is disrespectful to the deceased to say this, this guy deserves to die."

"So I just feel sorry for Hirakawa Toshiko, but it's a pity that she couldn't postpone the plan for a few more days."

Tangze took a sip of tea and said, "If she waits until today, she will be able to give up her murder plan, go to the police with her companions to register the loss, and wait to receive the money that was defrauded.

Later, she might put a bouquet of flowers on her parents' grave and tell them that the fraudster had been caught. "

"It's a pity." Koshimizu Nanatsuki shook his head and said, "Everything has happened. I hope she can see the news in prison."

"When you say that, it reminds me."

Hearing Koshimi Nanatsuki's words, Karasawa took out his mobile phone and started looking for contacts: "How about I call the prison and ask them to help deliver a newspaper to Ms. Hirukawa."

"You are really kind-hearted." Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with a smile.

"I've seen too many tragedies, and I always hope it can be a little better." Tang Ze smiled, and when he heard the call connected in his ear, he turned around and started talking to the person on the other end of the phone.

Compared to Tang Ze's peaceful day, Didan High School welcomed a transfer student today.

Seeing Sera Masumi standing on the podium in a skirt and introducing herself, Sonoko and Xiaolan were both surprised. After class, they wanted to go over and talk.

However, the students in his class were quite enthusiastic and immediately gathered around him. dry

"Hey, where do you live, Mr. Sera?" a long-haired female classmate asked curiously.

"Well, I'm staying in the hotel for the time being." Sera Masaki replied.

"Then where are you from?" the girl with short hair asked closely.

"My parents and I moved to Merician three years ago, but I still wanted to live in the country where I was born, so I ignored my parents' objections and returned to Tokyo to live alone."

Sera Masumi smiled and replied: "Besides, it will be more convenient to be a detective if you are alone."

"Hey~ is Sera-san a detective?" the brown-haired girl next to her said in surprise after hearing this.

"Then you are the female version of Kudo~" the man wearing glasses said with a smile. dry

"Kudo!?" After Sera Masumi heard the name, he asked calmly: "Oh? Is he also a detective? Can you tell me in detail?"

"He is very famous in our Didan High School. He is a very powerful high school detective in our school."

The boy said to Yourong, "It's very famous."

"But now he is on leave, so he hasn't come to school recently." The brown girl added.

"Forget it for now, let's wait until next class to talk."

Seeing Shiliang Zhenchun surrounded by her classmates, Xiaolan said empathetically: "This will also allow her to get familiar with everyone as quickly as possible and integrate into the class."

Yuanzi nodded and gave up the idea of ​​talking to the other party now. dry

But what the two of them didn't expect was that Sera Masumi was quite popular. By the next class, new classmates would gather around and talk to her.

Neither of them spoke to each other until school was over.

"Sero-san is quite popular with everyone." Xiaolan said with emotion as she and Yuanzi walked on the street.

"Yes, he is cheerful and frank, as generous as a boy, and he is also very cute."

Yuanzi agreed: "Not only that, she can do Jeet Kune Do as well as you, Xiaolan, and she is also a female detective."

"Perhaps everyone prefers this kind of neutral girl now." Xiaolan said with a smile.

"Well~ but the lack of material on the breasts is probably the only flaw." Sonoko said with a smirk. dry


As soon as he finished speaking, a figure rushed towards them from behind. The two of them felt a heavy weight on their necks before someone hugged their necks from behind.

"Sorry, I am indeed flat-chested."

Sera Masumi let go of the hands holding the two of them, patted her chest nonchalantly and said, "But my mother is quite capable, so I think if I grow up for a while, it should grow out~"

After hearing Sera's pure words and seeing the other party unzipping his coat without any scruples, and boldly revealing his ordinary mind under the shirt, Xiaolan and Sonoko were shocked by the other's strong character.

The two of them instantly turned into beady eyes, staring blankly at Sera Masumi.

"Or, maybe..." Sonoko stuttered. dry

Yes, yes... Xiaolan is also stupid.

The brains of the two of them have been short-circuited by each other's actions. No matter what Sera Masumi says, they will only say "Abba, Ababa."

"By the way, I heard from my classmates that Mr. Conan seems to be staying at your house, Mr. Mori?"

Sera Mazen looked at the two people who were speechless, smiled and changed the subject: "Is this true or false?"

"That's right." Xiaolan was stunned for a moment and felt confused, but she still nodded.

"In that case, should I visit your home?" Masaki Sera asked with a smile.

"Okay." Xiaolan agreed with a smile. dry

But at this moment, the three girls don't know what kind of serious things are waiting for each other ahead.

And Karasawa didn't expect that he had just finished explaining to Conan and tried his best to hide the news about himself and Kudo Shinichi, but it didn't happen for two days and it started to wander under his nose.

But by the time Tangze knew the whole story, everything had been solved.

"You guy, at least give me a call."

Stopping in the open space, Tangze rubbed his brow helplessly after listening to Conan's words.

"I couldn't help it. The prisoner made an appointment with the three murderers who killed her sister, and ran directly to the office. He held a gun with a bomb tied to it and threatened Uncle Maori to help him find the prisoner."

Sitting in the passenger seat, Conan said helplessly: "If I hadn't gone to Dr. Ali's house that day, several children said they saw Xiaolan walking with an unknown boy and asked me to call and ask. , I’m afraid I don’t know the situation either. Do it

It turned out that the person they saw was Sera Masumi, who was quite smart. When he hung up, he stuck the flip phone with a mobile phone chain, and then let me know what was going on inside.

But the good times didn't last long. I was still trying to figure out the situation and before I had time to call the police, the other party discovered that the phone was talking.

As a last resort, I had to use a voice changer to pretend to be Kudo Shinichi, and then help him find the culprit.

Not only did the other party have a gun, but he also had a bomb strapped to his body. Just calling me on the phone already aroused the prisoner. If I contact you, a "famous criminal", again, I'm really afraid that guy will blow up the office. "

Speaking of this, Conan looked at Tang Ze seriously and said, "Sorry, I would rather take the risk myself than let Lan suffer any loss."

"I understand, and I don't mean to blame you."

Karasawa waved his hand: "Which is the lesser of two evils? When encountering an emergency and involving the lives of a whole house of people, it is indeed the best way for you to talk to the prisoner as Kudo Shinichi. Do it.

After all, as you said, my criminal status will definitely irritate the other party, and it had already irritated the other party at that time.

If the person on the other end of the phone is not well-known and cannot shock him, and makes him think that the person on the other end of the phone can help him find the murderer, the other person will definitely not give up, and there may be casualties. "

However, understanding is understanding, Tang Ze's face is still a little depressed, after all, he actually watched a case slip away from under his nose.

Even though the reward was gone, Sera Masumi still got information about Kudo Shinichi.

Originally, Tang Ze thought that it would only take one day, but who would have thought that he would be exposed in just two days.

However, although this arrangement failed, the result was not too bad. At most, it would be like the original plot, where Sera Masumi found out about Kudo Shinichi.

After all, they are friendly forces, so even if the intervention fails, there will be no loss. dry

"The current situation is about what to do next."

Conan frowned and said: "Sera Majun knows that Kudou Shinichi is still alive. If the other party is a member of the black organization..."

"But on the other hand, after you exposed this news, if the other party is still further investigating the connection between "Conan" and "Kudo Shinichi" and the black organization has made no movement, it will also confirm the other party's position."

Hearing this, Tang Ze comforted him: "You don't have to worry too much, you just showed your presence through the phone.

Just a phone call cannot confirm your location. If the other party is really a black organization, then they will definitely continue to investigate the traces of "Kudo Shinichi".

If this happens, we can use the trick and let the FBI set up a trap.

In this way, the death of "Kudo Shinichi" can be doubted and make them think that everything is an FBI trap. "Fuck

"But in this case, Xiaolan will also be in danger. After all, this news is a phone call between Xiaolan and Kudo Shinichi."

Conan frowned and said, "This will affect the personal safety of Uncle Maori and Xiaolan."

"When the time comes, wouldn't it be great if Akai Shuichi comes forward and makes them think that this is a trap set by Akai before he faked his death?"

Karasawa smiled and said: "The FBI has been coming to Neon for a while. It found out that Kudo Shinichi was dead, and then used his death to set up a trap. Is it reasonable?"

Tang Ze smiled and said, "But once it gets to that point, it's hard to say whether the other party will believe it.

If you don't believe it, I'm afraid there will really be a fight, because all these chain reactions will only cause the two to continue to invest troops, making the conflict intensified. "

"It's troublesome." After Conan heard Tangze's words, he couldn't help but rubbed his brows: "I hope Sera is truly a friend rather than an enemy."

"I don't think she is a member of the black organization. After all, she is too young. I really can't imagine that the black organization would recruit such a young member."

Tang Ze looked at Conan with a solemn expression, smiled and comforted him: "Relax, maybe the other party is just a detective out of curiosity.

After all, if there was such a famous detective, everyone would want to explore it, right? "

"Do you believe what I say?" Conan rolled his eyes at Tang Ze angrily, and then said: "But one thing you and I agree on is that he doesn't look like someone from a black organization.

I always have a feeling that I have seen her somewhere. "

"Anyway, don't be too nervous."

Seeing Conan thinking this way, Karasawa knew that he really wasn't worried anymore, so he smiled and said, "In this case, why not let Hattori come over."

It's not convenient for me to come forward, so you ask Hattori Heiji to come and meet him. Apparently he is an old acquaintance with Kudo Shinichi. Sera Masumi knows that he will not miss this opportunity.

At that time, you may be able to tell something based on the other party's questions. "

"That's not bad."

Conan thought for a while and felt that if a friend of Kudo Shinichi showed up at this time, Sera Masumi would definitely come up to talk to him and test him.

If the other party wants to make a cliche, they will naturally have to play their cards first, and they will naturally reveal some intentions.

If you can get some information, it would be a good choice.

"Then I'll call that guy Hattori now."

Conan said, taking out his cell phone and dialing Hattori Heiji's number.

After that, in the phone summary, Hattori Heiji explained in detail the existence of Sera Masumi and what happened after he encountered an emergency case.

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