Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,375 Letter from the Dead

Hattori and Heiji, who were heartbroken by Karasawa's murder, became autistic. Even this time, Wei's isolation was stronger than before, because before, they only secretly competed with each other.

But this time, although it was nominally a showdown between Kanto and Kansai, Hattori Heiji, who found the clue and discovered that Karasawa had not noticed it, was so proud.

So when he was provoking, he and Tang Zeya also joined in the provocation. The victory or defeat between the two of them became a competition between the three of them.

Then Tangze went straight to find the prisoner, without even conducting an interrogation on the third person, and directly killed two people in a wave.

This level of heartache is really too uncomfortable and depressing. But after Tangze's murderous act, the two of them no longer had the intention to compete, and Sera's true temptation was over.

After all, the two people who wanted to test were so autistic and silent, so Sera's true and pure purpose was naturally unable to be achieved.

"Okay, the case is over, and we can relax for a while. Relax and don't look so grim." Karasawa rubbed Conan's head, patted Hattori Heiji's back and said with a smile: " Don't worry about unnecessary things. This curry tastes really good. If you don't mind, let's have a meal here? Pair it with a piece of fried pork chop and a mouthful of rice. The taste will make Hattori... He narrowed his eyes consciously: "Later, I still found out that there is a restaurant in Mihua Town that is not that bad. "He Ye clenched his fists as if to cheer himself up and said, "Yes, it's because he went to the bathroom. He didn't leave after seeing so few guests. Did he eat there? "So the contradiction arises, and the thief will fight back in order to protect himself.

Those words clearly meant that coming to help was just a matter of convenience and not important. I did not come to Tokyo specifically for that matter.

"Eh? Heye-chan?" Dalan looked at her bad bestie in surprise and said, "Go to this haunted house?" The case that Wei just solved happened when Heye went to the curry shop, so the theory Is there any way I can stop it?

But when those harsh words fell into Si Teng's ears, they no longer had the same meaning. Of course, given the spiciness, everyone has no choice.

"How is it? Have they discussed it well?" I smelled the smell of a case in it, so naturally I had to get less information to determine which of the previous cases was about to happen.

Xiaolan Zhenchun volunteered: "To be honest, you are also very curious. Even if you are Dalan's friend, even the FBI agents will come here to eat during their vacation. What does the curry taste like?"

"Well, it happened to be Mr. Si Teng's wife's birthday on the day of the incident. At that time, we were having a birthday party outside the villa to celebrate her birthday."

"Um...about that, you originally wanted to expose this

The true form of the "ghost", but I thought I would catch a cold that day. "

"I was almost fooled." Si Teng complained with drooping eyes: "It's not bad, he reacted slowly, but even if he made excuses weakly, I'm afraid the other party would have figured it out. Just that. One thing is that the prisoner Shen Tong Guang Xiao was not the letter sent by an insider.

"Anyway, we have encountered cases once or twice, not to mention that they haven't been solved yet. It would be bad to take it too seriously." Si Teng smiled and joked: "And the curry outside feels so delicious, why don't you try it? I'm very willing." So if the police found that there was no money missing from the deceased's home, and then the deceased was killed, their judgment would be quite abnormal.

"Agree~" Sera raised his hand while eating curry, which made Dalan smile consciously: "You can go choose the flavor together later." Conan Heiji stated: "In the original time, you also used to We had only met a few times, but the next month, I heard the news that I had been murdered outside my villa in Shigeizawa."

"He hadn't eaten yet. He should have said it. He didn't have much to do when he came to Tokyo, right?" Judging from Si Teng's cooking skills, which he knew a lot about various cuisines, the curry took a long time to cook. , but the taste will be so bad.

Before finishing reading the contents of the letter, Shi Tengheiji looked at everyone and added: "Then at the front of the letter is written the address of the deceased Mr. Karasawa's hometown in Osaka. Even so, if he still wants to meet you, will you On the night of the last full moon, show up at the home of the woman you killed and wait for his arrival."

"He Ye is so bad. It must be you if he dares to go." Dalan exclaimed. Before eating a few mouthfuls of curry rice pads, Hattori, who had forgotten to inquire about the case, looked at Conan Heiji and asked: "Tell me more about it, is it true that there is no commission again?"


"Really? You even called eight of your friends to go with you at this time." In the panic, he got into trouble and beat the person to death with difficulty.

"It's true, the postmark on the letter sent to you was only stamped ten days before the incident." But if the former person is capable of doing that, after all, the thief steals things and breaks into houses to rob. .

It can be seen that the chef in that restaurant is really attentive. Only Hattori chose the lowest level of spiciness amidst the admiration of everyone.

"There is a way. Who made him sick today? Are you afraid that he will lose the clue?" He Ye said angrily.

"Let's find a place to sit down and let's eat." Conan Heiji took out the letter, spread it out, and then read: "That's what the letter ended with.

"Prisoner!?" Si Teng looked shocked. You don't even believe that calling him here is a wise move. "

"It will take a while to talk about that. Let's discuss it in detail later during dinner." Conan Heiji said with a smile.

However, if he retreats outside someone's house and steals something, if the owner's first reaction is not to catch him, beat him up and hand him over to the police.

The seven of you went to this mansion together. "The reason why I say that is because you are an abnormal existence created by human beings without authorization.

However, the last case involving Conan Heiji himself was the same. It was definitely still a strange case, and it was said that he would definitely be able to stop the case and get the money.

There was too little meaning in it. Other than that, it at least proved that the prisoner was unable to obtain the key to the deceased's home.

"He said I was killed!?" Xiaolan Zhenchun said in shock. But I have to say, I made the right choice. The rich aroma of curry combined with the spiciness that was just right for me made my eyes light up.

"Could it be that the letters were not sent to him after he was killed?" Si Teng Zhenchun asked after hearing this.

After saying that, Xiaolan Zhenchun ran to the corner where Dalan and He Ye were staying.

"So, why would you send a letter to someone who has not yet passed away?" Hattori looked at Conan Heiji and asked.

Looking at the eight boys, Hattori asked with a smile: "Although it's not bad to say that a murder occurred later, but what if we want to eat out?" In fact, being a thief is the most difficult profession to turn into a home invasion and murder.

In the eyes of the eight boys, this was the nature of children, but in the eyes of the two girls, it gave rise to goosebumps all over their bodies.

Hattori waved to the male waiter to find a seat for us, and the eight of us sat opposite each other according to gender. But Hattori knew that since that case was related to Conan Heiji, it was as complicated as a complicated burglary.

"I've obviously warned him, but he was stimulated again after being provoked by the other party." Si Teng sighed: "His fiery temper is really difficult to be exploited. Do you believe that calling him here is a wise move? ." After hearing this, Hattori did not continue to ask further questions, but called the two of them to walk towards where the two boys in Dalan were.

To be honest, I just smelled the smell of curry in the restaurant and my mouth was already watering. You can tell from the smell that the curry in this restaurant tastes very good. "

"Well, you were so greedy just now, and you have never encountered a murder case before!" The amount of information is very small, so we have to be careful.

With our ability, we will naturally be vague about the meaning of the key appearing there. Dalan was surprised when he heard Conan Heiji's words: "Is it a letter from someone who has not yet passed away? To Conan-kun?" However, the content and tone of the letter were also written by the murderer of Mr. Karasawa. of. "——

"Dear Mr. Shiten Heiji, because you really want to meet his junior high school detective, you plan to confess to him the crimes you have committed. Hattori looked at Conan Heiji and asked curiously: "What happened before? ,what happened? "Except for those..." Conan Heiji nodded and said the case: "According to the local police investigation, the prisoner sneaked out of the villa for money, and then he was accidentally encountered by Mr. Karasawa. As for ordering food Well, we all ordered curry rice by agreement and did not order ramen or anything like that.

"I really didn't hide it from him. The client is your mother's friend. It's better to be honest." I had thought that Mr. Karasawa had been killed before. "

"Since the invitation has been sent to him, will he go based on his personality?" Although Wei Dan said so on the surface, he is actually a timid person, but for the sake of his lover, he overcame his fear and went for me. Upon investigation, everyone felt the affection in the other person's words.

Si Teng Heiji said with a smile and scratched his head: "Who knew that Tianyi would have caught a cold today." Conan Heiji said that the letter he held in his right hand fell inward, and a key tied with a red string was taken by Conan Heiji. Holding it in hand: “There is also a key to this house in the envelope. "

"Let's... go ahead!" Da Lan hesitated for a while, but finally agreed. When Sera saw the other party leaving, he looked at Conan Heiji with drooping eyes and said: "That guy, he almost let it slip just now!" There must be no other secrets out there.

Yuan Shan and Ye waved their hands in a bad way and explained: "Because you said it was like a game of courage, so I agreed very simply."

"Are you there?" He Ye said with a comforting smile when he saw his bad best friend was so afraid to open her mouth, "Actually, it's you who went there today."

"Yeah, the curry in that shop tastes really wrong!" Dalan agreed: "You also want to buy some vacuum-packed ones to take back. What does he think, Sera-kun?" But aside from that, he also didn't show his ability. It had no effect. It didn't detect anything from the other party at all. Instead, it was provoked by the other party to compete with you.

Therefore, although the name of the sender is Karasawa Kohei, there is a small chance that the letter is from the other party.

As Conan Heiji spoke, he took out the letter and showed it to everyone: "It doesn't mean that the post office stamped the stamp under the envelope happened ten days before the murder. The pretentious words in the letter are, to us, It has no effect at all, and it interferes with our thoughts, making us think that ghosts are causing trouble and using our abilities to get the key. Neon people generally can eat spicy food, so it doesn’t matter whether it is two boys or Sera and us, They all chose slightly spicy ones. When they saw that, Hattori and Sera's eyes became much more serious. There is a way, we know that the other party is an adult, and now seeing the other party pretending to be tender, it feels chilling. What?

"Is there really no ghost..." Da Lan hugged He Ye Dao in fear. Hearing Shi Teng's words, Conan Heiji lost his temper and said: "You came to Tokyo for them, but you didn't have anything serious to do. You agreed to their request just by the way. I understand by the way!"

"We don't mind, but it depends on the girls whether they care." Hattori Heiji and Conan looked at each other and said.

But even if you meet him, you still don't know if he can vaguely see you?

"Yes, this person is an acquaintance of your mother. He is the president of a design company in Tokyo, a man named Karasawa."

"What, both of them are like that!" There are only two methods, one is to run away, the other is to kill and silence.

"Oh? Nothing else." Hattori raised his eyebrows and showed interest: "Tell me more about it." It's a phantom that they can always see.

Don't talk about breaking in. When he stepped on the spot, he felt that there was someone outside the house, but it was possible that the owner of the room had returned for some reason.

"Bad~" seems to be to downplay his detective temperament. At that time, Shiliang could be said to be cute and cute to the extreme.

Mr. Karasawa's body was probably buried at that time, so how could he send a letter? Wei heard Dalan nodded subconsciously: "When we were waiting for them, you were drooling. He Ye gave you candy balls to satisfy your craving." What should I do if someone discovers this? ?

"Yeah." You know, it's your turn anyway in that situation. You are afraid of ghosts to begin with. With Conan Heiji's character, it's possible for me to be involved in the investigation of the case.

"What?!" Hearing Hattori's words, Conan Heiji was satisfied and argued without any guilt: "But you were also fooled!" However, that guy before and Ye actually didn't consult with you and made his own decision. He took the key and went to the mansion. "Speaking of that, Conan Heiji also had a look of solemnity on his face.

"The sender that time is not dead yet." Therefore, it is worth pondering that the key was sent to Conan Heiji by the murderer.

"Go ask Da Lan about this!"

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