Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,389 A case that happened in advance

boom! recognize

A huge collision sounded from below, instantly attracting the attention of everyone on the surface.

The next moment, Tang Ze's expression also changed, and he became a little surprised and confused.

Because this case is related to Chiba's emotional line, Tang Ze remembers it very clearly. This collision should have happened after waiting for a long time, and even the little ones were a little impatient.

This is why Tangze promised Mitsuhiko and the others to come up first, and then find excuses to go down on his own.

His original plan was to go down and hide, wait beside the three people's car, and then arrest the criminal who sabotaged the car with all the stolen goods.

But who would have thought that something unexpected happened and the case happened in advance! ?

This small change instantly aroused Tangze's vigilance. After all, it was probably the butterfly effect that caused the original trajectory of the incident to change. recognize

However, there were no casualties in the original work, and it no longer follows the original trajectory. Who knows if there will be changes or murders.

"Conan, control the exit!"

As for Gray Principle, he arranged for Dr. A Li and San Xiaozhi to guard the door to prevent anyone from escaping in the underground parking lot.

"You don't have it yet."

"How does he feel? Is there nothing comfortable in his body?" Looking at the middle-aged woman, Conan quickly asked: "Can you remember what happened at that time?"

The only bad thing about it was that I couldn't ask the prisoner why he suddenly committed the crime at this time.

You probably hit your head on the steering wheel when the rear of the car was hit. ”

Chiba and Yachi Naeko put forward reasonable points one after another, which made Sun Guangyumi angry and said: "You would know those things anywhere, he should ask the prisoner!"

"But wouldn't that be weird!?"

Mainly because the scene was full of old acquaintances from the case, and Miyamoto was also a criminal, so he forgot that there was no procedure.

In addition, there is no Dr. Ali monitoring the inside, so it is not certain that anyone drove from outside to the road inside.

Although everything is still intense now, Conan seems to be able to feel the deadly murderous intention brought by the turbulent undercurrent.

Moreover, if the enemy is alerted again, it will affect the trap set up in the previous sequel, so it is better to show the enemy's strength for the time being and let the prisoner relax his vigilance, so that the enemy can jump out of the trap later.

After all, my vaginal white tissue has been exposed once or twice. I am afraid that the irritated white tissue has gone crazy. recognize

"Conan Criminal, how am I doing now?" Chiba asked quickly as he watched Conan finish his examination.

At that moment, a woman's increasingly louder curses came from the exit on the other side, "The car accident has nothing to do with you, they are not sick, right?"

But because he was too panicked, he collided with Mr. Fukuchi who had just driven out. "

Thinking of that, Conan frowned and stopped thinking about the variables.

But that time, although it was only a subtle change, it was a breakthrough.

The blond woman gloated: "Car thieves are most likely to be careful, and they are most likely to hide keys under the car fender."

There was obvious smoke visible outside, and Chiba and Yachi Naeko were rushing in from the other side. recognize

Looking at the scene, Miyamoto also looked concerned.

Sun Guang's words made Qianye and the two people feel relieved, but soon a patient female voice came from the door at the other end: "Huh? Let me leave, get away from you, big devil!!"

The woman held her head, frowned unhappily and recalled, "You remember that you planned to buy the doll that the man wanted, so you went to that department store.

The middle-aged woman who was in a coma later woke up with a happy chant.

"There's something wrong with you. It's not that your head hurts..."

"Wait, what's going on!?"

First of all, what happened was a car accident, and it should have been filed with your traffic department for investigation. Secondly, the other party is currently the only criminal who is off duty. recognize

"Huh? They must have made a mistake. After you took your phone, you exited here and prepared to leave the mall. How could you possibly crash?"

The blond woman also quickly questioned: "Exceptionally speaking, if you want to paint a car, you should hide your body to avoid others, right?

And I found that there was no one in the orange car with smoke coming from the front, and next to the blue car that was hit at the rear, the middle-aged man I saw later was unconscious in front of the car door.

Sun Guangyumi killed the arrogant attitude of the blonde, and immediately looked at the middle-aged woman and said: "Did he completely see who the driver who rear-ended him was?"

Although the changes were minor, it still made Conan feel a little at ease.

After all, if you didn't catch him directly, the lack of evidence is even indirect evidence, and the other party naturally has no reason to refute.


"Yes, yes..." The blonde looked at Yumi Karasawa sweating profusely and quickly explained: "You have seen the relevant plot outside the movie!!"

Sun Guang was stunned for a moment, and then realized that in the current situation, he really had to inform Karasawa Yumi to take charge of the small game.

"And the culprit is this guy who has been damaging vehicles recently."

Sun Guangyumi followed closely and explained, and then came to the driver's side: "Although the keyhole under the car door has no signs of being pried, why is the key even inserted under the ignition?"

It's not a pity, the sudden change is destined to make Conan's punishment much less.

That's right, ask Conan, I'm sure I won't have the answer! ! "


Sure enough, as soon as Karasawa Yumi finished speaking, Yachi Naeko next to her said that the surveillance system in the above-ground parking lot was being repaired.

"Chiba, Miyamoto is probably stopping people here." Before Conan heard the woman's gentle words coming from nearby, he said, "Go and bring people here."

After a while, Karasawa Yumi came to the above-ground parking lot with Haibara and Hatachi.

I have experienced many cases. Basically, the cases that were prevented and prevented all developed according to the original plot.

"Because when you got in the car, you saw these big ghosts playing in front of the car. Because you were afraid of our safety, you quickly got in the car and scolded us, so you forgot to take out the key."

"But in that case, I would probably write the words "go to hell" under the car window. "

In order to find out who I am secretly, Gin still knows what he will do. recognize

"Is that his car?" Conan asked, looking at the man.

The middle-aged man looked at his car angrily: "Which bastard did that?"

"Oh ho~"

"Yeah." The middle-aged woman hadn't gotten over in a hurry yet, so I nodded and said, "Before you got out of the car, you lost consciousness and passed out."

Karasawa Yumi looked at the eight people behind her with a solemn expression and said, "Each of them, please give a basic introduction to yourself."

"Ah, that's OK!"

But who knew it was sold out, so I was ready to drive away and go to other shopping malls. recognize

On the other hand, Conan got off the ground and made a preliminary inspection of the middle-aged woman's body to make sure there were no fatal injuries to her chest and other vital parts, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It doesn't matter, Sister Yumi, he is just angry."

After hearing this, the middle-aged woman said aggrievedly: "You are the victim who was hit by a prisoner and rear-ended, and even passed out on the ground!"

Why did this prisoner hit someone else's car and make such an act to challenge the law? "

"The criminal lady said that eight people is too much."

The blond woman said patiently: "No matter how you look at it, it's just a special accident!

The middle-aged man explained: "You forgot when you came here, and you didn't remember to take out the key until you were out. As a result, when you came back in a hurry, the car looked like that."

But who knew that just as he was about to leave the parking lot, the car in front of him hit him directly.

I'm sure the butterfly effect has really spread on a small scale. That generation

It means that in the future, my advantage of foretelling will become greater and greater, and my chances of preventing cases and seeking punishment will become greater and greater.

"Besides, the prisoner must have a parking card for the parking lot and have a way to leave, right?" Yachi Naeko also raised questions.

"Then who knows..." Yumi Karasawa guessed after hearing this: "I must have found the key under the car, so I temporarily tried to steal the car and escape from the parking lot.

"What the hell is going on with them!"

"What?!" Karasawa Yumi said calmly, "It just happened to drop at the critical moment. It's useless to have it!!"

After Conan heard the loud noise of the collision, although he immediately wanted to go down to the parking lot to check the situation, after Tangze's words, he still cooperated and ran to the outside to find the security guard. recognize

Conan arrived at the two vehicles where the accident occurred and immediately checked inside the vehicle.

To say that there is no problem, it would be if the owner of the two cars was at fault! "

Thoughts were swirling in his mind, but his body had already moved and ran downwards. At the same time, he told Conan to take charge of the overall situation in the periphery to prevent the prisoner from escaping.

"If you want to blame him, you have to blame him for being careful."

As he spoke, the middle-aged man ran to his car and opened the door, "Why did the dangerous airbag come out!"

Maybe there is no other factor, but this wonderful small-scale butterfly effect situation that I think of...

After all, the surveillance video in the world of Kexue is definitely the thing that maximizes its original function. recognize

Chiba said: "After all, the prisoner still wants to drive away."

Seeing those two words, Sun Guang's pupils shrank, "It's actually a vehicle damage case!?"

"That's why you said that!" The middle-aged man said bravely when he heard this: "Your car was so graffitied, and your car was hit so hard that it started to smoke!!"

"Are there any casualties in the car accident?" Before Conan finished reporting the bad news, he immediately raised his chin to signal Miyamoto to look at the orange car: "And the good news is that the criminal just committed a crime, and have you caught him? .”

Yachi Naeko quickly stepped back to stop: "After the police investigation is completed, anyone can touch the car."

"Well, there are no monitors in the above-ground parking lot. If this is definitely captured, the truth will be revealed." Seeing what came out, Yumi Karasawa looked up at the camera below and pinned her hopes on it.

It doesn't mean that the guy who broke the car was restricted by Conan in that parking lot! ”

Why have you been detained? It has nothing to do with you at all!

"Understood!" Qianye nodded upon hearing this, stood up and ran towards the exit on the other side.

After Guangtian separated the woman from the car, he saw Chiba and Miyamoto leading a blond woman in front of him.

"I see. Your colleagues must have checked the parking lot before and found no one else. The most unsuspecting people for "continuously solving car cases" are the eight of them! "

Miyamoto turned his head and looked forward, and found unfamiliar red characters written under the glass of the orange-red car in front of him.

Although Conan Laifa knows who the criminal is, because of the incident, I don't have any bad way to directly expose the criminal.

But after hearing Yumi Karasawa's words, Conan secretly shook his head. recognize

Before being reminded by Conan, Miyamoto quickly called Sun Guangyumi.

"Anyway, I'll cooperate with you first!" Chiba scolded the other party weakly, while Miyamoto ran towards Conan.

You were about to get in the car and argue with the car owner in front of you, but as soon as you stood on the ground, you felt your head hurt, and you lost consciousness and fainted.

"He called Yumi Karasawa and asked you to hurry up and come here." Sun Guang reminded Miyamoto: "Were you down there just now? You probably left."

Although Yachi Naoko is present at the scene, one person is for private purposes and two are for public purposes. In addition, you are not a newbie. If you host the situation at the scene, it will be a small game.

"Despite this, there was no one in the driver's seat of the car that crashed into." Yachi Naeko explained.

I never imagined that a case that I had no involvement in would actually regress along the same trajectory as before. recognize

On the other side, under Karasawa's full sprint, I quickly arrived at the area where we met these eight people after the parking lot on the ground.

The bad thing is that the other party didn't go far, and he rushed back immediately after hearing Miyamoto's report.

The middle-aged man who was hit by the car was named Tokuko Shigei, the middle-aged woman who was knocked unconscious was named Fukuchi Akatsuki, and the white-skinned and blond gangster was named Wa Takero.

"Conan Criminal, how is the situation?"

Miyamoto looked at Yumi Karasawa who was losing his temper and said, "Before you heard the loud noise, Conan Criminal asked you to contact Criminal Criminal to control all exits of the parking lot.

"Yeah, that's a new car you just bought last year!"

As for now, I'm too worried about the case, but I can't take advantage of the situation to bring together Ichigo Chiba and Yachi Naeko to make up for the punishment of being able to prevent the case. The eight people had different expressions when they heard Yumi Karasawa's words, but they still reported their names. recognize

Just as Chiba left, the middle-aged man behind the passage on the other side ran over with an ugly face: "You were planning to come back to get your wallet, why was your car hit like that and even smoking! !」

"Is there any damage to the body? It is estimated that the impact on the head caused coma. I will probably wake up later."

When Karasawa Yumi heard what the blonde said, her expression became horrified and she looked at her and said faintly: "His eldest son is very unfamiliar with those things~~"

What's even more terrible is that on the side of the white organization, it may develop into a completely unrecognizable situation.

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