Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,414 General Reward

Karasawa Residence.

In the living room, Tang Ze was leaning against the sofa, playing with a small dagger in his hand.

It can only be said that the reward of excellent level cannot be forced. This dagger really lived up to its name and did not bring him any surprises.

[Multi-functional dagger: An ultra-light dagger made of future materials, and comes with various convenient daily gadgets. 】

Tang Ze looked at this dagger, which could be used to pick out ears, open red wine or beer, with a look of helplessness on his face.

If every prop with a "perfect" grade rating can bring good effects, then the props given with an "excellent" grade rating are a bit pretentious.

If you are lucky, you may randomly get one-time items with good effects.

And if it is a permanent prop, although it can be used repeatedly, the actual effect will be a bit stretched.

For example, Magic Poker, basically Karasawa has never used it very much. The only few times he relied on its weight to directly use it as a small brick and threw it out to hit people.

The same is true for this dagger. It is not as sharp as the ceremonial dress. The only function it can be used as a dagger is that of the ceremonial dress.

It can be said that for Karaze, this is just an extra knife of better quality. It can only be used as a fruit knife.

As for the concealed weapon, it is not very easy to use. The main reason is that the handle is too bulky and the material is too light. It is too fluttery when thrown out, which can easily cause the track to deviate.

However, Tang Ze was not too disappointed. After all, although this thing did not increase the combat power, it made daily life much more convenient.

And although the sharpness of the knife is not as sharp as the gift, it is much sharper than ordinary daggers. Maybe there will be some special moments when the gift is not available, and it can be used as a backup knife.

Generally speaking, it's just so-so. Although it's not to my liking, Tangze is not unacceptable.

After all, the rewards for these things are also random, not to mention that they are the lowest level rewards. It is impossible for Tang Ze to give himself something useful. That is indeed unrealistic.

In general, the case was solved quite easily this time. With the help of the mechanical spider and the "detective" monitoring, Tangze saved a lot of energy on monitoring and only started to act after getting the key information.

It only took two hours so-so. After receiving the reward, it actually made a great contribution and was in the newspaper again. It can be regarded as low effort and high reward.

Early the next morning, not long after Karasawa entered work, he saw Koshimizu Nanatsuki walking over with a newspaper.

"Congratulations to the leader for cracking the big bank robbery that caused a sensation some time ago~"

Handing the newspaper to Karasawa, Koshizui Nanatsuki kept congratulating: "I heard that the higher-ups are considering whether to make an exception for your promotion."

"The news is pretty good."

Tang Ze smiled when he heard this: "But it's still not good enough, I just thought about it, and finally decided to continue to accumulate merit.

If the follow-up credit is too much, he will be promoted to police officer in due course. "

"So that's it. It seems that the superiors have communicated with you?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked while going to make tea.

"Chief Saitama told me the situation and asked me what I thought."

Tang Ze smiled and replied: "I actually prefer not to be promoted or wait for a while. After all, I am too young and my subsequent words and deeds will be amplified by the outside world.

And even if I get promoted, nothing will change. I will continue to be in charge of scientific research and research. I don’t want to be in such trouble. "

"You are afraid that you will be in a high position after promotion and will not be able to fish." Yuesui Nanatsuki rolled his eyes when he heard this: "You are Sima Zhao's heart, and everyone knows it."

"Quite smart." Tang Ze said with a smile.

"Not as smart as you." Koshizui Nanatsuki rolled his eyes and said, "A few days ago, you dumped all the work on me, and then ran out to play by yourself. I have never seen a boss like you."

"Stop it, just say it if you have something to say, don't make things worse." Tang Ze looked at Nanatsuki Koshizui, who was showing off his performance with exaggerated acting skills, and couldn't help but roll his eyes: "Tell me, are you going to take a vacation this time or something else? As long as I’ll try my best to satisfy you without going overboard.”

"No, I just want to give you a little reminder." Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with his little finger: "Look, everyone has worked hard for so long, shouldn't it be time for us to build a team?"

"Team building?" Tangze thought for a while, and it seemed that other departments also had this kind of activity. The main reason was that everyone usually worked hard, so the higher ups would also organize team building activities for everyone to have a good time.

Their team building is somewhat different from that of a company.

First of all, because they will distribute a lot of coupons and the discounts are very strong, whether it is food or accommodation, the amount that needs to be reimbursed is very small, but it is easy to allocate funds.

These coupon distribution industries are actually the Metropolitan Police Department’s own industries, and most of the profits are used to feed back the Metropolitan Police Department.

For example, wives and daughters who have died in the line of duty can come to work in a pub if they have no job.

In normal times, it can also be used as a temporary stop for criminal business trips to handle cases in various places, or for team building and other activities.

It can be said that although the salary of Neon Criminal is not high, the discount coupons distributed for food, clothing, housing and transportation are very high as hidden benefits, and involve all aspects.

Therefore, their team building is different from some disgusting companies that ask everyone to pay. There is no need for individuals to pay for it at all.

Even if some are not fully reimbursed, the little money spent can be easily reimbursed.

In addition, if you want to travel, you can also get free tickets. Although these are not under their control, the cultural and tourism department will also issue them tickets every year.

So it’s not too much for them to ask for team building.

"Okay, since you specifically brought it up, it's probably everyone's wish."

When Karasawa saw Nanatsuki Koshizu nodding, he smiled and said: "It's better to choose a day than to hit the sun. Let's set the team building on Sunday. You go back and collect everyone's opinions to see where to go.

Also, if you don’t want to go, don’t force it, is that okay? "

"OK~" Koshizui Nanatsuki said with satisfaction after hearing Karasawa's words: "I'll go down and do it right away. Everyone will be very happy."

"But team building is team building, and the work at hand must be handled well." Tang Ze warned: "If you don't want to go or can't leave this time, organize another team building next week, and you can participate then."

"Understood, I am also considering team building in batches." Koshimizu Nanatsuki nodded: "After all, our work determines that it is impossible for all members to be dispatched."

"Then let's arrange it this way. I'll leave the itinerary and other matters to you." Tang Ze explained.

"Yes, you can just be your hands-off shopkeeper." Koshizui Nanatsuki rolled his eyes, then looked at Tang Ze and said, "By the way, do you plan to go?"

"Ask Chengshi for me."

After hearing this, Tang Ze thought for a while and said, "If he goes, I will go. I guess other people won't feel comfortable staying with me."

"Yes, after all, you are the big leader." Koshizui Nanatsuki nodded when he heard this: "Then I will ask you later and contact you later."

"Well, go ahead."

After agreeing to the team building, Tang Ze immediately became the boss. After the team building event was confirmed to be held, everyone was surprisingly happy.

However, Tang Ze thinks this may be due to the times. In the future, no one will be very interested in hearing about team building.

Of course, it may also be related to the work atmosphere.

Just like in a normal company, everyone is just a colleague, the relationship is not very close, and there is no social interaction after work.

But it's different in the Metropolitan Police Department. Because of the particularity and severity of the work, everyone's relationship is generally very good.

Because we have endured hardship together and fought for the same goal together.

When a prisoner is brought to justice, the joy and sense of honor are shared.

So for them, team building is not about hanging out with colleagues they don’t like, but hanging out with friends.

This difference in mentality will also make team building in the Metropolitan Police Department more popular.

The same was true this time. It was just a simple mountaineering team building. Unexpectedly, except for those who had work and needed to look after their homes, all those who were supposed to rest today chose to participate in mountaineering activities.

The mountains in Neon are generally very low, and the mountains we climbed are not famous. We set out in the morning and reached the top of the mountain at 10:30.

After coming down the mountain, everyone started to put up blankets in the clearing of the woods at the bottom of the mountain and started having a barbecue.

The tools for the outdoor picnic were all rented, and the ingredients were all bought with consumption coupons, including drinks, etc. at no cost.

"It feels like I haven't been out to play in a long time." Aso Minoru said with a smile while flipping and grilling chicken wings: "Next time, I will come and play with Shimabukuro Kime."

"I have a 20% off coupon for a nearby hotel. I'll pick it up for you in my car." Tang Ze heard this and said with a smile, "I probably won't use it, it's a waste if you give it to me."

"The benefits of being a leader are really good." Nanatsuki Koshizui handed the juice to the two of them and said, "The 20% off coupon is almost as good as free."

"There are only a few of them every quarter, not too much, and most of them are for travel, so they are not used at all."

Tangze rolled his eyes: "Tell me in advance where you want to go next time, and I'll change it for you when I get it."

"Then help me change it to the Kansai one. Then I can play with Hattori boy."

After hearing Tang Ze's words, Koshizu Nanatsuki said with a smile, without being polite at all.

"Then thank you." Aso said, handing the grilled chicken wings to the two of them: "Here, it's ready. Eat it."

"I'll grill the mutton skewers."

Karasawa took the chicken wings and took a bite. When he saw Aso taking out a skewer of meat that he had specially prepared and preparing to put it on, he quickly stretched out his hand and took the job into his hands: "This needs to be grilled and sprinkled with ingredients, and the heat is required to be high. , you have no experience, so let me do it."

"Roast mutton?" Nanatsuki Koshizu looked at Karasawa curiously: "I've never eaten this before."

"Or perhaps Neon doesn't have much of a habit of eating mutton."

Tangze complained after hearing Yueshuiqi's words, and immediately looked at the two of them and said, "You will know if it tastes good after you try it. This is a must-have for barbecues in flower growers."

"Then I want to give it a try." Nanatsuki Koshizui was drooling a little as he looked at the aroma wafting out of Karasawa's ingredients.

Unfortunately, she was very positive when she said it, but the faint smell of mutton after eating the first skewer still made her give up her plan to eat the second skewer.

On the contrary, Aso actually liked the taste and even asked Karasawa to add more chili pepper.

Seeing the two of them eating happily, Koshimi Nanatsuki, who couldn't stand the smell of mutton, had no choice but to sigh and grill other meats to fill his stomach.

After lunch, the rest is free time. Those who want to play cards can get together to play cards, and those who want to fish can also go fishing in the lake next to the mountain.

When you're done playing, there's no need to gather together anymore, just go home together.

As for Tang Ze and the others, they planned to climb the nearby wild mountain.

However, even though it was a wild mountain, it was not as well-maintained as the mountain they climbed in the morning. Most of the ground was sloped dirt roads instead of steps. Generally speaking, it was not difficult to climb up.

The reason why Koshimizu Nanatsuki wanted to come here was because there was a cave in this mountain and he wanted to go in and have a look.

However, there is a reason why it has not been vigorously developed but has been gradually abandoned.

After finding the cave, Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at the dark cave in front of him, which was only a few steps away from the bottom, and sighed helplessly: "Sure enough, there are a lot of scammers on the Internet."

"Does anyone else recommend this place?" Tang Ze asked in astonishment as he looked at the simple cave in front of him.

"No, I took pictures after reading someone else's blog."

Hearing this, Koshizui Nanatsuki took out his mobile phone and rummaged through it, and then pulled out a saved photo.

Tang Ze and the two looked at the phone curiously and found that it was a photo of two girls in front of the cave.

The accompanying text is: "Adventure in the cave, it's very interesting inside."

"You see she said it was funny, I thought it was going to be big inside."

Koshizui Nanatsuki sighed: "But who knows how much space there is."

"I guess this is probably just to accompany the photo."

Tang Ze, who is familiar with the routines of the circle of friends, said speechlessly: "People may just say this specifically to make the photos look more interesting.

Instead of reading this, it’s better to read the recommendations from travel blogs. "

"Okay, I was expecting it without permission." Koshizui Nanatsuki said, holding his forehead.

And seeing Koshimi Nanatsuki actually believing what was said on the Internet so simply, he couldn't help but laugh a little.

But this is normal. After all, the Internet in this era has just developed, and netizens are generally simpler.

The main reason is that many bloggers will actually recommend good scenic spots. This good atmosphere also makes Koshimizu Nanatsuki forget that it may be a lie.

Returning disappointed, Yuishui Nanatsuki proposed to go down the mountain and return.

But even though they were here, Tang Ze still took the two of them to leave a photo in front of the dark cave as a souvenir.

After all, if used purely as a background, this cave is indeed quite impressive and can be used as a simple photo-taking area.

But just when Tang Ze finished taking pictures of the two of them and was about to stand in front of the cave to take a photo, suddenly a panicked scream came from below the crowd.

Tang Ze frowned when he heard this, feeling something bad in his heart.

Because according to the current trend, I'm afraid the situation below is not too good.

However, after sighing, Tang Ze moved very quickly, and immediately called the two of them to rush down the mountain, wanting to see the situation.

And soon, a woman lying on the slope appeared in front of everyone.

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