Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,416 Investigation

"By the way, it says one fifteen p.m. on it."

Koshizui Nanatsuki pointed at the photo and looked at Yamada Masaro and said, "Is this the time when you saw Miss Mitsuko at the end?"

"Ah, no, my big tree also saw her later."

Yamada Masashiro heard this and said, "Because Daiki went to the bathroom and heard the bell of Hiroko's backpack.

When he looked up, Miss Hiroko was walking to another bridge halfway up the mountain.

At that time, Dashu called the other party, and according to him, the other party waved to him after hearing it.

So Miss Hiroko should still be alive at that time. . "

"So that's it."

After hearing this, Karasawa nodded to express his understanding, and then asked: "Then what time was it when your son Dashu finally saw Miss Hiroko?"

"It's about one forty-three."

Yamada Masashiro heard this and pointed to a photo of her and her son on the wall: "It was 1:45 when the two of us took this photo.

At that time, my son had just come back from the bathroom, probably around 1:44.

That is, after that, Naked never came back. "

"Isn't anyone worried in this situation?" Aso asked in confusion.

"Ah, that's it." Yamada Masairo heard this: "About an hour later, my mobile phone suddenly received a text message from Miss Hiroko.

That was received at 2:44 p.m.

As for the content of the text message, she said that she suddenly remembered that she had something to do and went back first. "

"But actually I thought it was quite strange at the time," Masashiro Yamada said, "because Ms. Hiroko didn't even take away her basket."

When it was almost evening at 5:25 pm, I took the basket and wanted to send her home, but unexpectedly she was not at home.

I called her many times after that, but still haven't gotten through.

I went to her house again today, but she was still not at home. "

"In other words, Mrs. Masashiro, you think someone from the barbecue followed Ms. Hiroko who went to the mountains to take pictures, and then killed her."

After listening, Karasawa concluded: "After that, the prisoner took Miss Hiroko's cell phone and sent you a text message, right?"

"Well, although I don't want to think so..."

Yamada Masairo looked a bit ugly when he said this: "But after I develop all the photos and arrange them.

I found that it was nearly an hour from 1:45 when my son last saw Hiroko to 2:44 when Hiroko sent me a text message.

Regardless of whether it is Madoka, Yuri or Nanami, they all have a 15 to 20 minute blank period when no photos are taken. "

"Hmm... On the contrary, all the husbands were photographed." Karasawa came to the photo wall and scanned the photos on the wall, and quickly made a judgment.

"But it is true that during this time period, the figures of the two ladies were not photographed." Koshimizu Nanatsuki said while looking at the photo.

"Eh? Aren't there three?" Masayo Yamada said with a surprised look on his face.

"Mrs. Madoka probably doesn't have any free time."

Koshimi Nanatsuki pointed to one of the photos and said, "Look at this group photo, there is a hand next to it. The nail polish and wedding ring on it can be clearly matched in the other photo."

"That's amazing!" Yamada Masashiro was surprised when he heard Koshimizu Nanatsuki's reasoning: "Can all this be discovered?"

"After all, paying attention to details is our professional habit." Nanatsuki Koshizui smiled and waved his hand, indicating that it was not worth paying attention to.

"That means that the only two people left who might commit crimes during their spare time are Mrs. Nanami and Mrs. Lily."

Aso Minoru, who was just listening to the conversation, said: "But I do have a question.

Even if there is a chance to kill Miss Hiroko, what is her motive?

After all, from

Judging from your description, Ms. Hiroko has a good personality and likes children. If there is no conflict, no one will be so hateful that they want to kill her, right? "

"A contradiction?"

After hearing Aso Minoru's words, Yamada Masashi looked at the crowd and said, "At the steps of the park last week, Hiroko was pushed down."

"What?" Tang Ze couldn't help being surprised when he heard this: "Are you sure?"

"It should be right." Masayo Yamada nodded: "Although I happened to pass by there, Miss Hiroko asked me to keep this matter a secret.

So I was thinking, does this mean that Miss Zhanzi’s culprit is hitting everyone? "

"No, we can't make such an arbitrary judgment just yet."

Tangze shook his head and said, "But what you said is indeed very concerning."

"Right!" Yamada Masayo nodded repeatedly.

"But I want to ask, Madam Masayo, why are you so enthusiastic about this matter?" Karasawa looked at Masayo Yamada and asked.

Yamada Masashiro was silent for a moment after hearing Karasawa's words, and then said in a low tone: "Although I really don't want to doubt my close friend, Miss Hiroko is really a very good person.

If her whereabouts were left unclear, and she didn't stand up to take care of the matter, and just let her disappear, I think Ms. Hiroko would be too pitiful. "

Speaking of this, Yamada Masashiro bowed to Karasawa and said, "So I would like to ask for your help in the investigation!"

"Well, are you looking for the mystery of a missing person's disappearance?"

Koshizui Nanatsuki looked at Karasawa and said, "I smell a case, so..."

"Then let's give it a try." Karasawa nodded and agreed after hearing Koshimi Nanatsuki's words.

After all, he also felt that there must be something behind Miss Hiroko's disappearance. Although he could not be sure that the other party was actually killed, at least if he was alive or dead, he would see his body. There had to be a result.

"But having said that, I do have a question."

Karasawa pointed to the pile of red wine bottles in the corner of the room and said, "Are these the bottles you drank when you went to the barbecue?"

"Ah, yes."

Yamada Masashiro nodded when he heard this and said: "I am in charge of collecting garbage. Because it is not yet time to sort the glass bottle garbage, I took it home first."

"There seems to be a champagne bottle missing."

Tangze knelt down and looked at the pile of wine bottles in the corner and said, "That's the bottle in the photo of you all."

"Eh? Is there champagne?" Masayo Yamada asked in surprise: But we haven't drank champagne?

"Is that so...I haven't drunk it before." Tang Ze looked at the bottle thoughtfully.

After thinking for a moment, Karasawa stood up and said, "Take us to the steps where Miss Hiroko was pushed down."

"Ah, okay." Masayo Yamada nodded and said, "Then let's go out."

"Is your foot okay?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked worriedly.

"It's okay, it's very close."

Yamada Masashiro waved his hand to indicate that he didn't need to worry about it, and immediately took Karasawa and the others out.

But when Karasawa saw the other person unconsciously covering his waist while walking, and frowning while walking, he knew that Yamada Masaro was trying to show off.

But you can understand if you think about it. After all, you have finally entrusted a powerful person to help investigate the case. Even if you are slightly injured, you have to endure the pain and focus on the investigation first.

"You'd better rest first."

Karasawa looked at the sky: "It's very late today, and it will take time for us to return to Tokyo.

In this way, when we come to see you tomorrow morning, your legs and feet should be able to relax a little after a night's rest. "

"Just stop holding on."

Aso said seriously: "What you need to do now is to have a good rest, otherwise if your ankle is swollen, it will delay the subsequent investigation. After all, there are still many places to visit."

"Okay." Yamada Masayo nodded after hearing Aso Minoru's words and agreed.

Karasawa finally exchanged contact information with Masayo Yamada, then said goodbye to each other and left with the two of them.

"Osui will definitely come with me tomorrow, Narumi-kun, are you interested?" After getting in the car, Karasawa asked as he drove.

"I won't follow you, and I won't be able to help you much." Aso said with a smile, "I hope there will be no need for me to appear in the future."

"I hope so." Karasawa smiled when he heard Aso's words, "Then we won't take you with us tomorrow."

"Let's talk about tomorrow's matters tomorrow. Let's discuss where to eat later."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at the street lights that were already on outside the window: "It's already this time, aren't you planning to go home for dinner?"

"Of course not." Karasawa shook his head: "I just sent a text message to Ayako."

"Me too." Aso Minoru agreed, then looked at Koshizu Nanatsuki and said, "Koshimizu, what do you want to eat?"

"I've had barbecue in the morning, so why not eat hot pot in the evening!" Nanatsuki Koshizu said, "I just happen to know that there is a good new sukiyaki restaurant, so let's go there to eat."

"No problem." Tang Ze said with a smile, "Then you show the way and we will go directly."

When we arrived at the sukiyaki shop, it was overcrowded. It was obvious that this shop was indeed popular, which made Karasawa a little bit more excited about it.

However, the three of them were very lucky. Not long after they entered, they waited until some guests finished eating and left, and they happened to be seated.

"It feels like I haven't had hot pot for a long time, and it's quite fresh when I eat it."

Koshizu Nanatsuki said with a smile while eating beef rolls.

"That's why the first meal after the season changes will have this freshness."

Aso smiled and said, "But eating sukiyaki before we investigate can be considered a good luck. I hope the person we are looking for is safe."

"It's safe!" Koshimi Nanatsuki clinked glasses with the two of them with juice.

"It's safe and sound." Karasawa and the other two agreed and picked up the juice. After clinking their glasses, they began to concentrate on the sukiyaki pot in front of them.

Although the beef was good, the three of them chose more vegetables for dinner. After all, they had eaten enough meat at noon, and eating it at night would easily lead to indigestion.

But I have to say that this store is good, the soup base is delicious and the meats such as fish balls and beef are also very fresh.

Of course, this is also a common feature of many stores in order to retain customers when they first open a store, but after accumulating a reputation, the ingredients will gradually begin to become stale.

But for the three of them, that was something they had to consider later. At least the three of them were enjoying their meal now.

After eating, the two of them chose to take the subway home, and Tang Ze drove directly home.

After washing up, Karasawa told Ayako what happened today and told Ayako that he would go out of town to investigate tomorrow and there was no need to save his lunch.

In this regard, Ayako just asked Karasawa to pay attention to safety and said nothing more.

Soon it was time for late night yoga, and after the two exercised to their heart's content, they fell straight into sleep.

Early the next morning, Tangze got up early.

After making breakfast, Karasawa woke up Ayako and immediately drove off to pick up Koshimizu Nanatsuki and set off towards Masashiro Yamada's house.

The Yamada family is not in Tokyo, but in the surrounding counties, but the distance is still quite close, and the two of them arrived at their destination quickly.

As a housewife, Masashi Yamada had some free time after seeing off her husband and children in the morning.

When Karasawa and the two came to the door, the three of them quickly set off to the steps where the other party witnessed Miss Hiroko being pushed down.

"This is it."

Yamada Masashiro led the two people to a step and said: "After I heard the screams and rushed here, I found Miss Hiroko lying on the ground."

"What time is it exactly?" Karasawa asked.

"It should have happened after seven o'clock last Wednesday night." Yamada Masashi said after thinking about it for a while.

"Is that so?" Tang Ze nodded, and immediately

After greeting Koshimizu Nanatsuki, he began to search the steps to see if he could find anything.

The steps here are generally very clean, so Tangze went all the way down the steps and finally found only a screw nut in the corner of the stairs.

The screw cap is also painted with green paint and does not seem to have any connection with the case.

Other than that, there is nothing to gain.

"Let's go to Miss Hiroko's house and have a look." Karasawa suggested.

"Okay, after all, there really aren't any clues here." Koshimizu Nanatsuki nodded in agreement.

"Then please ask Mrs. Masashi to help lead the way." Karasawa looked at him and said with a smile.

"It's okay to take you there, but..."

Speaking of this, Yamada Masashi was a little embarrassed and said: "Can I not go in with you?

After all, Ms. Hiroko's home is near our homes. If they knew that I asked you to investigate, I would definitely be squeezed out. "

"I understand, Masayo, otherwise you just need to lead us to the apartment manager."

Tangze smiled and said, "We will identify ourselves when the time comes and let them help open the door."

"I understand, I'm sorry, it's obviously us who entrusted you." Yamada Masairo heard this and bowed to the two of them, saying embarrassedly.

"It's okay, Mrs. Masaro, you are doing it for the sake of the child, right?" Karasawa smiled and expressed his understanding. After all, if Yamada Masaro goes to Miss Hiroko's house with them, the remaining three people will definitely think that Yamada Masaro is troublesome and so on. Let the children not interact with each other's children.

Therefore, the harmony that their small group needs, even if it is only superficial harmony, must maintain common progress and retreat.

It’s all about the kids, that’s what we call mom friends.

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