Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,422 Skynet is in full swing

"You actually saw us?"

Hearing Sasaki Reika's words, Koshimizu Nanatsuki said in surprise: "Does that mean you were nearby when we went to your house for the first time?"

"Yeah, I saw you were wearing suits and ties, and you asked the apartment manager to open the door to my house, so I knew you must be criminals."

Reika Sasaki said honestly: "I think I may have been exposed, and sooner or later the things underneath will be exposed.

So I took advantage of that night to get home, dug out the money and prepared to run away. "

"And it's a little trick."

After hearing what Reika Sasaki said, Karasawa knew that the other party was beginning to test, so he smiled lightly and began to beat the other party: "After digging out the money, he put the suitcase containing the money back into the pit and buried it again.

In this way, even if we find you buried something under the table, when we dig out the suitcase, it will feel like you have run away with the money.

The empty suitcase will make us subconsciously think that it is the only thing in the pit, thus ignoring the corpses buried deeper.

Did you deliberately not finish what you just said?

He only mentioned the money but not the body, just to test whether we knew about the body buried underneath.

If we only ask you later where you hid the money, you will know that the body has not been discovered by us.

Wait until later when we ask about the whereabouts of Nonomura Takao and whether you killed the other party.

I'm afraid you will refuse to admit it and say that you just stole his embezzled money and ran away, instead of admitting that you killed him, right? "

After hearing Karasawa's words, Sasaki Reika's eyes kept flickering and her expression became a little unnatural.

"So... you have found it..." Facing Karasawa's sharp eyes, Sasaki Reika felt guilty and did not dare to look at Karasawa.

And at this moment, she also understood that she was really being investigated.

So she didn't dare to hide it anymore, so she explained exactly what she had done.

Including how he killed Nonomura Takao before and how he transported the body afterwards, he told them honestly.

After Koshimizu Nanatsuki finished writing the transcript, he was sure that the ins and outs of the case had been clearly explained by the other party, and nodded towards Karasawa, indicating that it was over.


Just as the two were about to get up, Reika Sasaki stopped them with puzzled eyes: "I want to know how I was exposed?

How on earth did that woman know my identity? I can't figure it out. Can you tell me? "

Looking at the confused and confused Sasaki Reika, Karasawa and the two looked at each other and smiled, then sat back down again and roughly explained the circumstances of the discovery of the other party.

"So, I met you when I went to the mountains to look for my traces because Mrs. Masashi was worried about me?"

After listening to Karasawa's retelling, Sasaki Reika half-smiled and said, "And Mrs. Maruka mainly thinks that I am too good to her son and thinks I am here to steal his son!?"


Looking at Reika Sasaki's expression of doubt on life, even though their positions were different, Tang Zhe could feel the other person's broken heart.

This feeling is like asking someone to help in a fight and trying to teach the opponent a little lesson. In the end, because you are usually too good to your friends, they go up and beat the opponent to death.

It’s so outrageous.

The same goes for Reika Sasaki.

When she moved here, she saw the four people who were very curious and idle and gossiped with the neighbors every day. She didn't want them to spread bad rumors, so she became enthusiastic about interacting with them.

Because she wanted to blend in, she wanted to have a good relationship with them.

And this goal was indeed achieved, but it was self-defeating and Mrs. Yuanxiang misunderstood that she was Xiao Lu's biological mother and came here to steal her child.

It was precisely because of this that the two of them got into an argument due to a misunderstanding and she fell into a coma.

And it was because she was so good to Mrs. Masashi and treated her with the same normal attitude as before when he was at his lowest point, which moved her to regard him as a friend instead of a superficial "mom friend".

So after she disappeared, no one else took it seriously, but Mrs. Masashi was always concerned about her safety, which eventually attracted Karasawa and the two of them. After confirming her safety, they also put her in prison. middle.

This feeling of frustration cannot be expressed clearly in a few words.

However, in the future, Reika Sasaki will have a lot of time to worry about in prison. Karasawa and the two just saw that the other party was cooperative in the past, so they were willing to spend some time to explain clearly to the other party.

So far, the initiator of these high-profile corruption cases has been killed, and the murderer has been thrown into prison.

As for this case, Karasawa and Koshimizu Nanatsuki finally agreed that this case was too dramatic, and even felt like "the sky net is too sparse and not leaking out."

Because generally speaking, according to Sasaki Reika's plan, there is a high chance that she can avoid the limelight.

After the police couldn't find Takao Nonomura and finally couldn't find it, Reika Sasaki succeeded.

When the time comes, she will be able to spend money freely, and no one will think that the money is stolen money.

But a thought led her to make a choice to have a good relationship with her neighbors, which ultimately led to her current ending.

Destiny plays tricks on people, which is a very vivid saying for her.

"I think this case can definitely be selected as a case in your next mystery novel."

Koshizui Nanatsuki said: "You're not saying that the next book will be adapted from a real case. A case with a fate like this, if it is written in a complete fantasy, is actually not new.

But this actually happened to you, and it feels like "fate". "

"Well, I think it makes sense to put it as the last case in the book."

Tang Ze nodded in agreement: "There is a sense of fate that "the Skynet is vast but not omitted". I also hope that people who have read this story will have a sense of awe in crime.

It can be considered a beautiful meaning. "

"Yes, that's what I mean too." Koshizui Nanatsuki nodded in agreement upon hearing this.

"Okay, this interrogation is over. We don't have anything to worry about here. Let's go back to Tokyo."

Tang Ze smiled and said, "Whatever you want to have for lunch, I'll treat you."

"I want to eat pizza!" After hearing Karasawa's words, Koshimizu Nanatsuki, who knew that the other party was a rich man, was not polite! Just choose what you want to eat.

"Why have you been so obsessed with fast food lately?" Tang Ze raised his forehead when he heard this: "Wouldn't it be better to try something else?"

"Then what to eat?" Koshizui Nanatsuki rolled his eyes when he heard this: "Can you recommend one?"

"Why don't I treat you to roast duck?"

Tang Ze was a little greedy when he said this: "Sweet noodle sauce paired with freshly grilled duck meat that is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside is a must-have.

If you want to drink duck soup, boil the duck rack. If you don't want to eat it, you can also make it into salt and pepper duck rack. It will be very satisfying when you eat it.

Moreover, duck skin can also be dipped in sugar, which goes well with hawthorn sticks. "

"I'm curious about what you said, so I'll give it a try."

Hearing that a roast duck can be eaten in so many ways, Koshimizu nodded and agreed to Karasawa's proposal, but as soon as his words changed, Koshimizu Nanatsuki said: "But can you only choose one of the two duck racks?"

"Of course, after all, there is only one duck stand for a duck." Tang Ze rolled his eyes and said, "Can't you keep it fresh for next time?"

"Okay, okay, it's up to you." Nanatsuki Koshizui smiled and said, "Then let's drink duck soup. I really want to try it."

After deciding what to eat, Karasawa returned to Tokyo with Koshimizu Nanatsuki and went to Soka Restaurant.

I ordered a roast duck and two stir-fried vegetables, and that was lunch for two people.

Although Koshizu Nanatsuki was very happy to eat the roast duck, what was unexpected was that his favorite was noodles cooked in duck soup.

The combination of light duck soup and noodles seems to suit Koshizu Nanatsuki's taste.

However, this noodle is indeed slightly different from ordinary noodles, because before the noodles are put into the duck soup, they are boiled in another pot to cook off the flour.

In this way, when the noodles are put into the duck soup, the duck soup will still be clear.

This kind of clear soup noodles allows the noodles to fully absorb the deliciousness of the soup, and at the same time, the soup will not become sticky with flour when you simply drink it.

"It's a pity that I can't buy this duck rack, otherwise I would have eaten to my heart's content in the past few days." Koshimizu Nanatsuki said regretfully.

"Unfortunately, these duck racks are all matching, so you don't have this blessing." Tang Ze shrugged and said, "And you don't know how to do it."

"If you can talk, just talk more." Koshizui Nanatsuki rolled his eyes when he heard this and decisively ended the topic.

After the two of them finished eating, Karasawa took Nanatsuki Koshimizu to a nearby subway station and then drove back home.

After all, a corruption case was solved, and it was cross-regional. After it was over, it was completely normal to have a good time.

This can be regarded as a case of the Metropolitan Police Department. However, if there is no major case in the first few days after the case is solved, it will usually not be disturbed. After all, everyone knows how hard the search is.

After returning home, Ayako had already gone to work. After Karasawa sat on the sofa to rest and clear his mind, he refocused and planned to count the rewards for this case.

With a thought, an illusory panel appeared in the retina, and the familiar flow of settlement information kept jumping in front of my eyes.

Soon the information jumped to the end, and Karasawa started reading from the beginning.

【Missing Woman】

Completion: perfect

[Congratulations to the host for getting the disguise (3 years)]

Comment: A woman who originally wanted to stay anonymous and weather the storm was afraid that her indifference and grooming would cause rumors, so she decided to take the initiative and date her "mom friend".

And her enthusiasm ushered in misunderstandings and sincerity. The combination of the two caused a series of changes, which led to a series of subsequent changes, and the woman who originally wanted to live a low-key life was once again involved in the turmoil.

And you, who was also involved in this turmoil, used your keen intuition to detect the truth behind it, continued to investigate the mystery of the disappearance, and also discovered the woman's secret buried underground.

Somehow you have been favored by fate!

It is indeed a branch line.

Seeing that the rewards for this case were skills, Tang Ze knew that this case, which had no memory at all, was not the Ke Xue case that had happened before.

Speaking of which, it seemed that he hadn't encountered a side case for a long time. He felt that it was probably caused by the ensuing main plot and the continuous appearance of new characters.

And now that Sera Masumi, Amuro Toru and others have appeared one after another, the subplot has quietly appeared to find something for Karasawa.

But fortunately, the reward this time is pretty good, and it still gives the skill of disguise.

With this reward, his disguise has reached C level (9 years)

He is just a little short of reaching level B in his disguise skills. At this level, his disguise mask production can be considered to be of a high level.

At the stage of upgrading from Class B to Class A, it is no longer about making disguise masks, but about quickly changing disguises.

The peak effect is like that of Kaitou Kidd, who can change his face in front of others and still not be able to see his true face.

But like Kaitou Kidd's surgery, Karasawa estimated that the opponent's disguise skills had reached S level, and Karasawa was strong enough to catch up with him.

But even this is enough. After all, he is not a Phantom Thief and does not need to change his face at any time. The current disguise level is enough for him.

Of course, Tangze wouldn't mind if he continued to upgrade. With the quick disguise, it would be easier for him to escape pursuit or get rid of tracking.

No matter how much you improve these skills, the more the better, and Tangze will accept everyone who comes.

Unfortunately, with his current strategic layout, it is impossible to improve his skills quickly.

After all, Karasawa had planned to stop the lottery for the time being. If he just wanted to improve quickly through branch lines, he would be exhausted and couldn't do it. After all, only after exhausting the branch lines would he draw a skill, and it was still random.

Overall, the rewards were good, and Karasawa also got material for the novel, which was a perfect ending.

Unconsciously, he felt sleepy, and Tangze didn't force himself to wake up. He took a piece of beef from the refrigerator to defrost it, then lay down on the sofa, grabbed a blanket, and fell asleep.

When I woke up again, it was already evening.

Karasawa looked at the time, called Yingzi to tell her not to cook today, then put on an apron and washed her hands and handled the beef.

Taking out the meat grinder to grind the beef, Karasawa mixed black pepper, salt and other seasonings, and finally mixed the starch to make a thick beef patty.

Well, in Neon it should be called hamburger meat.

The beef cooked in this way is soft and smooth after being fried, which is suitable for all ages.

Karasawa placed the meatballs one by one on the chopping board and waited for Ayako to come back to start processing other ingredients.

Stir-fried shrimps, vegetable salad, and finally put beef patties into the pot while listening to the sound outside the door.

When Ayako sat down at the table, each dish happened to be served by Karasawa.

"Why are you cooking today?" Ayako looked at Tangze and said distressedly: "Didn't I just finish handling the case? I don't want to take a good rest."

"It's nothing, I just suddenly wanted to cook you a meal." Tang Ze said in a gentle tone.

Hearing Karasawa's words, Ayako unconsciously blushed.

The sudden tenderness at this moment made her feel as if she had drunk wine, and she became a little tipsy in an instant.

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