Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,427 Night Attack on Prisoners

After hearing Tang Ze's reasoning, all the criminals present fell silent.

If it is true as Karasawa said, then this is really a complete tragedy.

Because of an accident, two people who could have been happily together passed away one after another.

"So, Takagi discovered the incident a year later and planned to explain the details of the incident to her family members before setting off!?"

After Miwako Sato heard what Karasawa said, she suddenly reacted, "So, Chiba once saw Takagi crying while looking at the photo posted on his notebook.

If the photo post he saw was Miss Natalie, and combined with the fact that he retrieved the information last week to confirm the appearance, it would make sense. "

"But how can this be a misunderstanding?" Officer Megure couldn't help but ask.

"If Miss Natalie had introduced her boyfriend by not using "Ida" when she mentioned his name, but using the Metropolitan Police Department's "EATARU" criminal code, the other party would naturally misunderstand him."

Karasawa explained: "If Takagi tells Natalie's family that he has something to say about her and hopes to meet with them.

Naturally, he would be mistaken for the "EATARU" criminal from the Metropolitan Police Department. Not only did he push Natalie to a dead end, but he actually wanted to meet her without any guilt a year later.

It is not surprising that murderous intent would arise under such circumstances.

So I judged that Takagi should be in Hokkaido at this moment.

I have read the file. Natalie's parents were in a traffic accident on their way to Tokyo to collect the body because they were too anxious. "

"Well, the person who took her body later was an old gentleman from the same English training class."

Miwako Sato nodded and said, "I remember that Natalie's relics were also accepted by that person."

"Then I'm afraid the other party saw Natalie's relics, which led to a misunderstanding." Tangze said: "We need to find the other party immediately. I think as long as we explain clearly, the other party will reveal the whereabouts of Takagi."

"Go check it out right away!"

Following Matsumoto Kiyonaga's order, a group of criminals began to take action.

With the entire department operating at full capacity, the other party's situation was quickly investigated.

The suspect's name is Dimoto Ryusei. Last month, he resigned from the English training class where he was staying, citing illness as an excuse.

At present, it is most likely that he has returned to his hometown of Hokkaido, but the other party's residence in Hokkaido is not yet known.

After investigation, it was discovered that the other party had not returned the rent of the apartment where he previously lived in Tokyo.

This means that the other party may still be lurking there.

"I'll go with you too."

Tang Ze looked at the people planning to go out and said, "It's night now, and I'm afraid the prisoner didn't guess that we would lock his location so quickly.

So if possible, we sneak in secretly to subdue the other party, arrest him in the safest way, tell him the truth and let him reveal Takagi's whereabouts. "


Everyone nodded solemnly upon hearing this, and Tang Ze also became the commander of this operation.

And there was a reason why he took the initiative to ask for help. After all, this was Ke Xue's case. If the arrest this time went smoothly, Conan would definitely not be needed.

Therefore, he was also worried that the prisoner might have some back-up plan, or that something unexpected had happened, and the police would not be able to learn Takagi's whereabouts from him, so he simply followed him there in person.

With his skills, he would be sure of sneaking in and making a sneak attack to arrest him.

Under the cover of night, a group of police cars roared and arrived at the residence of Ryusei Nimoto in Tokyo.

But when they arrived at the door of the apartment, Tang Ze did not give them the option of forcibly breaking through. Instead, he took out his lockpicking tool, poked twice in the lock cylinder while everyone looked at him in surprise, and the door opened.

Although they were all curious about where Tangze's ability to open locks came from, now was obviously not the time to ask questions.

After Karasawa made a gesture, Sato Miwako followed quietly. After the two took off their shoes and entered the living room, Shiratori followed with two criminals who took off their shoes and followed quietly.

Naturally, they were doing this because they were afraid of something unexpected happening when Tangze and the two subdued each other, so Shiratori and others followed at a distance as support.

But obviously their actions were unnecessary.

It was already late at night, and Otomoto Ryuse was also an old man in his sixties, so he had already fallen asleep at such a late hour.

Looking at Ryusetsu Otomoto, who was sleeping soundly, Karasawa winked at Sato Miwako, who nodded and took out the handcuffs.

It is said that old people sleep relatively shallowly, and the same is true for Totomoto Ryuse.

Karasawa originally wanted to cuff his hands directly without disturbing the other party, but who knew that as soon as he touched the other party, Otomoto Ryuse opened his eyes in a daze.

At this moment, Karasawa was right above Otemoto Ryuse, just looking into his eyes.

This situation made Otomoto Ryusei stunned for a moment, but Karasawa was not stunned.

While the opponent was confused and hadn't realized what was happening, Karasawa instantly grabbed the opponent's left wrist. The moment he pressed down, his arm exerted force and his upper body jumped forward, grabbing the opponent's right arm on the inside.


When Karasawa put his hands together, Dimoto Ryuse finally came to his senses and immediately struggled violently to resist.

But Ryusetsu Otomoto was an old man, and his body functions had weakened, so he couldn't break free from Karasawa's vice-like hands.

While Sato Miwako on the side also assisted Karasawa in suppressing the opponent, Shiratori and others rushed to the bedside after hearing the noise and directly held down the opponent's legs that were constantly struggling and kicking.

This time, there was no room for resistance from Dimoto Ryuse. Four grown men controlled one person's hands and feet. Sato Miwako easily controlled the other person's hands with handcuffs.

"Be honest with me!"

Seeing Otemoto Ryusei who was still struggling violently with his hands cuffed, Sato Miwako's worry turned into anger and exploded in an instant.

"Before I beat you away, just listen quietly!"

Sato Miwako grabbed Dimoto Ryusei by the collar and pulled him in front of her, and shouted angrily: "The person you kidnapped this time is my lover Takagi Wataru! And Natalie's boyfriend's name is Date Hang. And he didn’t abandon Miss Natalie!”

Hearing Miwako Sato's words, Ryusetsu Dimoto struggled and said excitedly: "Then why in Natalie's text message did I see her telling her parents that "Miss EATARU" is not coming back."

"That's because Ida was killed in a traffic accident that morning!"

Sato Miwako said in a hurried tone: "So your resentment is simply a misunderstanding. Hurry up and tell Takagi's location!!"

"How can it be..."

Dimoto Ryuse murmured in disbelief, but his body no longer reacted as violently as before. He immediately looked at the crowd and said, "Show me the evidence. How do I know you are not lying to me!?"

"Ida Criminal is dead!"

Miwako Sato heard the other party's words and said excitedly: "Even we have just learned about the relationship between Miss Natalie and Date Criminal..."

"I don't care. If you don't have evidence, don't even think about knowing about the criminal matter from me!"

Facing the excited Sato Miwako, Dimoto Ryuse's attitude was extremely tough, "If you can prove it, I will tell you the location of Takagi Criminal!"


Miwako Sato, who was worried about Takagi's safety, couldn't help but want to get angry when she heard Otomoto Ryuse's words, but was immediately stopped by Karasawa. He looked at the old man and nodded: "Okay, I agree."

Seeing that the other party calmed down and no longer struggled violently, but began to ask for evidence and proof, Karasawa knew that although the other party was still resistant, he had obviously listened to Miwako Sato's words.

This is obviously a good start, because this matter is indeed a misunderstanding. As long as they present evidence to resolve the misunderstanding, it will be enough.

If you really meet a fool who doesn't listen to what others say, it will be a headache.

So Karasawa stopped Sato Miwako to prevent the other party from getting angry and causing unnecessary trouble.

"Hmph, you know what's going on!" Otomoto Ryuse snorted, and immediately looked at Sato Miwako: "Don't worry, as long as I confirm that what you are telling the truth, I will immediately tell you the whereabouts of Takagi Criminal."

Karasawa first gave a signal to Shiratori, asking him to search Dimoto Ryuse's apartment according to the action plan. After seeing him leave, he turned to look at Miwako Sato and said, "Don't worry, I already have a direction."

"Oh?" After hearing Karasawa's words to comfort Sato Miwako, Dimoto Ryuse immediately said, "What are you going to do?"

"Sato Criminal has said before that we just noticed the relationship between the two during the investigation, so if you want us to find decisive evidence in a short time, we will definitely need to spend time."

Karasawa said: "Going to Date's criminal home, or visiting their relatives and friends, Takagi will definitely not be able to hold on for that long.

The only way I can think of is to retrieve the call records of Natalie and Ida Criminal. If the two are indeed in a relationship, then the calls between them must be very frequent.

And you also have Natalie’s phone number. Since we can confirm it, we are not just randomly transferring the phone numbers of two people to deceive you.

If Natalie and Ida were not lovers, they should have no intersection under normal circumstances.

Although it is not completely positive, it can also confirm the relationship between the two from a side perspective. What do you think? "

Hearing Tang Ze's words, Dimoto Ryuse's originally gloomy expression eased slightly, and Tang Zhe's actions also made him feel respected and confident that the other party was not lying.

So he nodded, looked at Tang Ze and said, "Okay, let's adjust the call history first. I'll say anything else after reading it."

"Okay, Sato Criminal, you call Officer Megure immediately and report the current situation, and ask them to retrieve the records and investigate the evidence that Natalie and Date Criminal are lovers."

After Karasawa arranged for Sato Miwa, he looked at Dimoto Ryuse again and said: "Actually, the reason why we were able to track you down was because Takagi Criminal discovered the relationship between Natalie and Date Criminal a year later.

Takagi is a junior of Date Criminal, and because of this, he made an appointment with you after discovering the relationship between the two, in order to tell you that Date Criminal did not abandon Natalie.

It's just that you were too anxious for revenge at that time. If you were willing to listen to what he had to say, you wouldn't be in this situation now.

Another piece of evidence is found in Takagi. He carries a notebook that records case information, which is a relic of Date Criminal.

On the notebook, there is a photo of a photo of Miss Natalie.

Although the two of them did not take a group photo, the handwriting on the front of the notebook was written by Date Criminal, so spending some time to identify the handwriting can also prove the relationship between the two. "

After hearing what Tang Ze said, Dimoto Ryuse didn't say anything more, but Tang Ze saw that the other party's expression relaxed again, and he knew that his previous words had an effect.

As expected, it didn't take long for Dimoto Ryuse to speak: "Okay, I am willing to believe what you say, and when the call records are retrieved, if the two of them indeed have frequent phone calls, then I will tell you the location of Takagi Criminal.

I am also willing to go to jail and pay the price for what I have done now, but you have to promise me to help me find tangible evidence! "

"no problem!"

When Tang Ze heard the sincerity in the other party's words, he felt happy and nodded immediately: "You can see the phone records when you get to the Metropolitan Police Department.

As for the investigation into Ida's criminal home, we will contact the other party's family members overnight. If it is convenient for the other party, we will take you with us. How about it? "

"Okay, then it's settled."

After hearing Karasawa's arrangement, Dimoto Ryuse nodded and immediately agreed.

The two of them reciprocated their love and finalized the follow-up arrangements within a few words. Ryusetsu Otomoto stopped struggling and walked out the door with handcuffs on his hands.

Seeing the two criminals escorting each other into the car, Shiratiao walked over and said with a frightened look on his face: "Thankfully you found Ryuzawa Otomoto today because of Karasawa's actions, otherwise it would have been really troublesome."

"What's wrong?" Looking at Shiratori's expression, Tangze asked in a low voice.

"We found a bottle of red wine in the living room with cyanide next to it. I'm afraid that if we come over during the day tomorrow, the person is going to commit suicide in front of us."

Shiratiao said with lingering fear: "And I also found a bomb. I'm afraid that guy is planning to die with us.

Fortunately, I caught the other party tonight and solved the misunderstanding. Otherwise, even if I was lucky enough to escape the bomb, it would be difficult to save Takagi if the other party committed suicide. "

"So cruel?"

Hearing Shiratori's words, Tangze couldn't help but feel a little scared.

Fortunately, his plan this time was not to attack by force, but to sneak in and subdue them quietly, leaving him no room to resist.

If it's a forceful attack, given that the opponent has prepared the poisoned wine, if they drink the poisoned wine as soon as they break through and press the remote control, then they really won't even have a chance to explain, and they will be blown up to the sky. .

Thinking of this, Karasawa couldn't help but feel lucky that he had followed him during the arrest tonight. Otherwise, Otomoto Ryuse would have died unjustly, and there might have been more trouble.

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