Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,433 Lottery and Breakthrough!

After breakfast, the news broadcast on the TV station continued.

Of course, this case involves too many things after all.

First, a popular female star committed suicide because of the scandal, and then the boss who published the scandal was killed by his employees.

There are so many things hidden behind it, and naturally it cannot be explained in one or two sentences.

Of course, his appearance is indispensable in the second half, but this time he is no longer the protagonist of the case, but an important supporting role.

After all, everyone is used to Tangze solving cases, so it's not as delicious as a popular female star.

And because Tang Ze was on TV today and had to avoid the reporters at the Press Club, Tang Ze simply chose to fish out and not go to work.

Since he was resting, Karasawa did not let Sakurako Yonehara come to the house to cook. Instead, he drove to a large supermarket to buy groceries early in the morning.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he was hiding from reporters. The large outdoor screen hanging outside the large supermarket where he came was even playing the news at the moment.

When he entered the supermarket, he heard many people standing in front of the big screen and cursing President Katsumoto as a cold-blooded and ruthless black-hearted maggot. There were also some fanatic fans who applauded Ogino Keisuke's actions.

In response, Tangze shook his head and ignored it, walking towards the supermarket.

For him, clarification can be regarded as his own contribution. He has done everything he should do. The subsequent development or other people's opinions have nothing to do with him.

Although this case caused an uproar in public opinion in reality, for Tang Ze, the harvest was mediocre.

He only got 300 destiny points this time, which was the usual reward for solving cases.

As for the Metropolitan Police Department, it only used it to promote a wave of credibility, and it did not take it as seriously as the last bank robbery.

However, Tang Ze was satisfied. After all, it took him half a day to solve the case, without even delaying the subsequent skiing.

After receiving the reward for this case, his destiny points directly reached 3700 points, which can be said to be an unprecedented huge amount of money.

After all, I used to be a member of the Moonlight Clan. If I saved up ten draws in a row, I would directly draw the lottery. I had never saved any "money".

But to accumulate this amount all at once is indeed a bit too much, and it cannot be of any value if it is stored there.

The main reason is that even after drawing the lottery, he still has 1,700 fate points as reserves. If he solves another case, he will have another 2,000 fate points.

So since yesterday, he has been debating whether to draw a lottery or not.

But after wandering around the supermarket for a while, he suddenly decided to draw a lottery.

Because this thing is like buying groceries, all hesitations come from lack of financial confidence.

When buying food, he never looks at the price and only buys what he wants. Although he doesn't have much confidence in the lottery now, he doesn't want to wrong himself.

Having made the decision, Tangze's entangled emotions were swept away, and the original entanglement in his heart turned into expectation.

While selecting the ingredients he wanted to eat, Tang Ze opened the system panel without thinking about the occasion, and casually chose the lottery.

In the past draws, he had specially chosen the place, eager to "wash his hands and burn incense" in the hope of drawing good skills or props.

But after drawing so many prizes, he almost knew that there was basically nothing particularly good in this pool.

Those super-standard black technology props are obtained as rewards after preventing cases. As for the 10-draw pool props, they are basically for filling the pool. The big boss is still in skills.

As for the acquisition of skills, there is nothing new, so naturally Tangze doesn't pay much attention to it.

After clicking on the lottery, Tang Ze even used his consciousness to turn off the system panel in front of him to prevent the data from bouncing during the lottery from affecting his vision, and continued to pick out the ingredients.

Beef, lobster, crab...

He selected and weighed the various ingredients, and soon Tang Ze walked out of the supermarket with two large bags full of things.

After putting the ingredients in the trunk, Tangze got into the driver's seat and opened the system panel to count the rewards of this lottery.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill card: Voice Changing (2 years)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill card: Theft (2 years)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill card: Swimming (3 years)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill card: Hacking Technology (2 years)]

[Congratulations to the host for getting the prop: Fat House Happy Potato Chips · 12 packs]

After reading the first five rewards, Tang Ze was quite satisfied. First of all, voice changing and stealing were both professional skills of the Phantom Thief. If you draw them, you will earn them. There is nothing to say.

After improving this question, his two skills became: theft (level C) [6/20] and voice changing (level C) [8/20].

Theft has gone from level D to level C, which is almost the level where a thief with average skills has become a proficient thief.

Of course, if coupled with his "dexterity" talent, there will definitely be a bonus.

Although this skill is not used in normal times, it is definitely used in special situations, so Tang Ze is still very satisfied.

As for the final props, there’s not much to say. It’s a complete mess, and the taste is just enough to satisfy your cravings.

But what makes him happy is that his hacking skills were already one year short of reaching the full level. With the two years of this lottery, his hacking skills have reached the full level.

Although it seems like a year was wasted, in fact it is not. The extra years will turn into his experience and become the cornerstone of inspiration for him to break through the technical limit one day.

In other words, if you want to break through S-level skills, what you need is to continue to accumulate knowledge and practice, and then one day succeed in breaking through with the blessing of inspiration or huge pressure.

However, his A+ hacking skills were not the most surprising thing. What really surprised him was his swimming skills.

Including the lottery, his swimming skills after these three years have reached Underwater Combat (Level B) [10/20].

That's right, the name of his swimming skill has become underwater combat. This is a technique that only special forces can learn. It requires a strong psychological quality and extremely proficient water skills to master.

And his swimming skills have reached level B. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is "white stripes in the waves" in terms of swimming alone.

And if we continue to improve, it will be the improvement of underwater combat.

This skill requires 10 years of swimming as a prerequisite, and subsequent improvement is about underwater combat.

It can be said that this is the skill with the highest threshold that Tang Ze has ever seen.

Of course, the threshold is high, but the effect it can play is still very strong. After entering the water with this skill, he will not only be proficient in combat, but also be able to make the most accurate and effective methods when facing various underwater crises.

It can be said that it made up for his original blank field.

And this skill has also been moved to the combat category, which can be said to be a transition from daily life to combat.

Of course, he is now a good swimmer, but when it comes to underwater combat, he is just getting started.

But even so, Karasawa is satisfied, after all, this skill fills in its blank and weak part.

When facing an enemy, if you master a skill that the opponent has not mastered, it may be the last straw that breaks your opponent's back. This is also the reason why Tang Zhe has already mastered a set of skills, but he still keeps winning.

Because there is no end to learning, the same is true for the skills to be mastered, but most people's time is limited, so they will choose to specialize in one area.

Since Tang Ze has such convenient means, he naturally has to continuously strengthen himself, make himself proficient in skills in various fields, and use various means to arm himself.

All in all, the previous draw gave him a good start, so Tangze looked at the next five rewards with great expectation.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill card: Firearms (3 years)]

[Congratulations to the host for getting the prop: Safe and Sound Card (3 days)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill card: Skateboarding (5 years)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill card: Sign Language (3 years)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill card: micro-expression (3 years)]

Tangze's luck was not so good in the next five draws. The leave card was a small profit, and three days was better than nothing.

Skateboarding and sign language are both newly acquired skills, and the other is an unpopular language that can be used in very few situations.

Sign language has reached C level (6 years) which is pretty good. At least when he encounters some special groups during a case, Tangze has no problem communicating with them.

But his newly acquired skateboarding skills made him feel a little pained. After all, he was not Conan and could go to heaven and earth on a skateboard. This thing was just a means of entertainment for him.

After all, he already had a modified car produced by the system, so it was naturally impossible for him to commit suicide on Conan's skateboard.

So this skill is of little use to him.

The only thing that makes him happy are firearms and micro-expressions. Micro-expressions have reached B level (2014) and will soon be able to enter A level. This is also a big breakthrough.

But the firearms skills he finally acquired reversed his bad mood and made him feel happy all of a sudden.

Because it is the second skill to reach A level (perfect) in this lottery.

Not only that, but after the lottery news, a message popped up immediately, which made Tangze's original depression disappear.

[It is detected that the host's own quality and nerve reflexes have reached the standard, and the firearms skills are automatically converted to S level. 】

To be honest, when he saw the firearm skills appear in this lottery, he felt that reaching A level (perfect) would be enough satisfaction.

But unexpectedly, a message like this popped up, directly reminding him that his firearms skills had been upgraded to S level. Everything was a matter of course, without any bottlenecks.

But after seeing this prompt, he understood.

In addition to your own physical fitness, the skill of shooting is more important to your nerve reflexes and vision.

And it just so happens that after continuous strengthening, these are Tangze's strengths, so these are strength blessings.

Just like the natural divine power in martial arts, such people will naturally get twice the result with half the effort when practicing martial arts.

After Tang Ze was strengthened, he was a natural shooter.

After reaching the peak of A-level skills, with the blessing of enhanced talents, he naturally broke through the boundaries and reached S-level.

This world is inherently unfair. The word talent is invisible and intangible, but it is real.

Even Edison said, "Genius is ninety-nine percent perspiration and one percent inspiration, but sometimes the one percent inspiration is more important than the ninety-nine percent perspiration." if.

This shows the importance of inspiration or talent.

Although Tang Ze's "talent" was acquired through strengthening, it was actually turned into a part of his body, so after mastering all the skills, he soared to the sky and made breakthroughs without bottlenecks.

Therefore, although he was surprised by the design breakthrough, he was not surprised.

In general, this lottery is a big profit. Although there are many skills with average cost performance in the lottery, in this lottery, one of his two skills reached A level, and the other even broke through S level. .

Tang Ze even praised his random lottery behavior this time.

Although there are not many important skills acquired, and the two props are even just make-up, the useful skills appear just right.

This can be regarded as a different kind of good luck.

Of course, the prerequisite for such good luck is that Tangze has enough accumulation, so this can also be regarded as a time of accumulation.

The further improvement of his strength suddenly made Karasawa feel happy. He started the car and drove toward home while humming Yoko Okino's new song.

The sumptuous meal was naturally enjoyed by the two of them happily, and Tangze also entered the sage mode after cooking dinner. What he lost was his interest in cooking.

So starting from the next day, Yonehara Sakurako continued her work.

In addition to this, the other party also found some other jobs. Because Tangze worked part-time and didn't take much time, he was able to take care of both.

Yonehara Sakurako was quite grateful for this. After all, if it weren't for Karasawa, she wouldn't have been able to find a suitable job so quickly, let alone get double the salary like now.

Karasawa accepted Yonehara Sakurako's gratitude in full. After all, he was worthy of her gratitude.

Of course, he didn't forget to tell the other party that if she encounters trouble, she can come to him at any time to plan the subsequent cases around her.

Yonehara Sakurako was extremely grateful after hearing Karasawa's words. She felt that Karasawa was taking care of her, and said that she would never ask him for help if she was not desperate.

Seeing that the other party misunderstood what he meant, Tang Ze felt that she might have had a misunderstanding, but there was no way to explain it.

After all, if he told Sakurako Yonehara now, remember to tell me in advance when you encounter a case in the future, he would probably be regarded as crazy.

But it doesn't matter. This girl just has a little less luck and is more likely to encounter cases than ordinary people. Otherwise, she is just an ordinary person.

If she really encounters trouble, Tang Ze is confident that he can help her solve it. After all, the other party is an ordinary person. What is a trouble for her may be just a phone call away for him now.

As long as she can remind herself and give herself a chance to prevent the case and get the reward, even if she helps her a little, it's okay.

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