Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,442 The Shocked Seriang

After listening to Conan's answer, Sera Masumi covered her face with a shocked expression.

Obviously, while she was still full of energy in solving the case, the result that the other party had already solved the case made her feel a huge gap.

Conan looked at Sera's pure expression, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, he finally stood where Tang Ze once stood, experiencing a heart-breaking joy.

However, this happiness only lasted for a moment. Later, he suddenly discovered that when he was once in the "lost dog" position of Sera Masumi, Conan was about to become depressed again.

"The truth of the case is actually this..."

Sera Masaki said with a somewhat decadent expression: "Is this the strength of a top-level "criminal"... It's really a far cry from..."

"It's okay, don't be discouraged, Sera-san."

On the side, Sonoko saw Sera Masumi's shocked expression, and she patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "It's not shameful to lose to my brother-in-law. After all, both Kudo and Hattori-kun often lose to my brother-in-law.

My brother-in-law's reasoning ability is very powerful, you just need to get used to it. "

"Yes, yes, master's reasoning is very powerful."

Conan on the side smiled evilly in his heart and said: "There is no shame in losing to the master. After all, Brother Hattori was not convinced before, but he still continued to challenge.

As time goes by, you will get used to losing. "

When Sera Masumi heard the first half of Conan's words, she thought he was trying to comfort her, but before the emotion surfaced for a few seconds, she was almost distracted by the following words.

"It's better not to say anything!" Sera Masaki rolled his eyes angrily and said, "But this is this time. Next time I encounter a case, I will continue to challenge Karaze criminally!"

"Brother Hattori used to have the same mentality." Conan smiled evilly and continued to worry: "I haven't won even once."

"You kid!" Sera Masumi heard this and grabbed Conan and rubbed his little face: "You can't say anything nice!"

"What I...said...are all facts." Conan spoke vaguely while breaking away from Sera Masumi's clutches.

"Now that the case has been solved by Tangze Criminal, shall we go back?"

After watching Sera Masumi and Conan finish their quarrel, Xiaolan said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, go back quickly, it's time to have dinner soon." Yuanzi on the side also urged.

After hearing what the two of them said, Sera Masumi had no choice but to leave even if she wanted to stay a little longer to talk to Okiya Ao.

"Mr. Okiya, let's go first." Conan and Shuichi Akai glanced at each other, then said hello and followed the three of them towards the entrance.

"Goodbye, come and play again when you have the chance." Watching everyone leave, Akai Shuichi waved his hands and said goodbye to the four of them.

Watching his sister's back gradually disappearing, Akai Shuichi opened his eyes, revealing dark green pupils with a smile on his lips: "You have grown up a lot, you are so pure..."

When Karasawa received the text message from Conan, it was already time to get home.

Looking at Conan's gloating tone in the text message saying that he solved the case so quickly, which made Sera Masumi a little autistic, Tangze also couldn't laugh or cry.

But in any case, this case was solved easily.

Of course, because the deceased in this case died due to a sudden illness, a few thieves took the money from the body, and the bloody writing disturbed his vision, so he had already expected what happened this time.

After opening the system panel with his mind, Tang Ze was a little surprised to find that the reward this time was 300 destiny points.

After all, judging from his experience, the nature of this case is not serious and there is no harm. It is probably the lowest 200 destiny points. Who knows that normal rewards will be given.

After receiving this reward, Tang Ze's wallet once again reached 2,000 destiny points.

Now he has enough destiny points in his hand. 2,000 destiny points are enough for him to deal with emergencies.

However, Tangze doesn't plan to touch the remaining two thousand destiny points. If he accumulates enough destiny points in the future, he will consider whether to draw another lottery or purchase the necessary props according to the situation.

Anyway, he didn't plan to use the two thousand guaranteed destiny points anymore.

It took half a day to solve the case of blood writing, but Tangze kept fishing leisurely until Friday.

The holiday that people were looking forward to originally turned out to be a day that Tang Ze needed to take care of.

Because of the leisurely workdays, the probability of cases occurring on weekends begins to increase infinitely.

Tang Ze was already very familiar with this sign, so he prepared to approach Haiyuan Tao with ease.

But before Karasawa could make contact, he received a call from Haibara, inviting him and Ayako to attend tomorrow's camping trip.

"Are you going to Gunma County?" Tangze said after hearing this: "Okay, I'll ask Ayako if she has time. If she waits to go back, I will text you back later."

"Okay, I'll wait for your reply." Haiyuan nodded.

But having said that, it was impossible for Karasawa to refuse.

But he will go, but Ayako depends on her opinion.

After all, there is a high chance of a case happening during this camping trip, and Ayako doesn’t insist on going or not.

Even if possible, Karasawa wouldn't want Ayako to go camping. After all, encountering a case is not very interesting, and if nothing else, she might be involved in danger.

But this time it was in line with Karasawa's wishes. After he told Ayako about going camping on Saturday, she regretfully said that she had to work overtime on Saturday, so she couldn't go.

Karasawa thought this was fine. If he really wanted to go out for fun, he could just take Ayako out alone. Going out with Conan would be a disaster.

Who wouldn't feel uncomfortable if something happens and someone dies at every turn, turning your originally good exclusive trip into overtime work?

But for the reward, Tangze had to be more diligent.

In addition, the more important point is that he has just solved the case of blood writing.

Although this is not a relatively important case, the reason why Karasawa has an impression is not only because Kudo Yusaku participated in the case, but also because this case became the main plot shortly after.

However, because the later period is getting more and more complicated, Tang Ze does not know whether the original case will happen in the middle. Therefore, in order to grasp the main trend of the main line in time, Tang Ze must participate closely during this period and strive to take the initiative in his own hands. in hand.

Although the main plot this time is the "Train Chapter", it is led by the fifth-year-old Bermod, in order to kill Haibara through the hands of Toru Amuro.

It stands to reason that for the sake of Conan's safety, Belmode would only drag Amuro Toru, an undercover operation who only wanted to investigate the whereabouts of Shuichi Akai, and most likely would not let Gin and others intervene.

However, his previous series of actions have changed the trajectory too much. This "Train Chapter" may have some changes, so we have to be on guard.

After all, the current Shirley was rescued by the "Zoo". If Gin really knew that Shirley was in the car, it's hard to say what choice Gin would make based on his character.

After all, the hatred drawn before was too great.

If possible, Karasawa still hopes that Belmod can be more "exclusive" and prevent Gin and others from getting involved. Otherwise, he really can't predict whether the train chapter will get bigger and bigger, or even lead to unpredictable situations. situation.

If possible, Karasawa even wants to avoid the recurrence of this main line, but he also knows that "the trees want to be quiet but the wind will not stop", even if there is no this "train chapter", there will be the next "cruise chapter".

Neither Belmod nor Toru Amuro will give up on their goals and actions.

What Tangze can do is to make arrangements based on his current situation and do his best to prepare how to deal with unexpected situations if they occur.

While Karasawa was thinking and arranging, time gradually passed and it came to Saturday.

After getting up early, Karasawa washed up and had breakfast, then left food for Ayako and drove out directly.

After arriving at Dr. Ali's house, several little ones had arrived early and were currently having dinner at Dr. Ali's house.

As for Conan, he came after having dinner at home, so the time would be a little later.

After declining the offer of another meal, Tang Ze and others packed up their things and put them in the trunk.

After they finished cleaning up the oven and other things, Conan hurried over slowly.

Conan, Haibara, and Miyano Akemi originally got into Karasawa's car directly, but this move made the three children who originally wanted to get into Karasawa's car and communicate with this famous criminal feel resentful.

After a burst of output, Conan and Haibara had to retreat, and Miyano Akemi gave up their thrones and went to Dr. Agasa's car.

This made Tangze a little pity. They got together just so they could talk without scruples. Who knew that the three little ones admired him so much that they disturbed the space for their conversation.

And as if they had won the victory, the three little ones soon started singing in the car.

"It's really lively."

In Dr. Agasa's car, everyone also heard the words of the three little ones. Miyano Akemi couldn't help but smile and said: "It's better to be a child, carefree. Shiho, you just worry too much and you look cold." "

"Sister, I'm an adult, I can't be like a child."

Hearing his sister's words, Haiyuan said with a helpless look on his face: "I am already an adult. It is impossible for me to be as carefree as a child. If that happens, I will become a fool."

"But you are just a child now."

Miyano Shiho tapped Haibara's cheek and smiled: "I don't ask you to be like them, but it's always okay to at least relax a little."

"Yes Yes."

Haibara responded perfunctorily, then looked at Conan and changed the subject: "By the way, Ayumi gave this to me before and asked me to pass it on to you."

"Ah, thank you, but you are too fast." Conan took a brown seal-like ring: "This is the communication ring of the mysterious train."

"I remember this is the pass for the "Suzuki" limited express train that will leave next week, right?"

Although Miyano Akemi on the side knew that her sister was deliberately changing the topic, she still echoed the topic.

"This was sent to the doctor before today." Haibara looked at Conan and smiled: "Speaking of which, the mysterious train "Suzuki" has some connection with Karasawa Criminal."

"I've never heard of this from Tang Ze Criminal." Conan glanced at the car in front of him and said, "I guess Tang Ze Criminal doesn't even know about it, otherwise he would have given us this ring."

"That's normal. Tang Ze is busy with his daily life, so he doesn't seem to have the time to pay attention to these things."

Haibara crossed his arms and joked: "I guess he didn't pay much attention to it. After all, the Suzuki family is a big business, and this kind of project is just one of them."

"Also a possibility."

Thinking of the Suzuki family's wealth and the consortium behind Karasawa, Conan nodded in agreement.

"By the way, is there anything special about that mysterious train?" Conan asked curiously, looking at the ring.

"I heard that the mysterious train is a steam engine train, and the entire car body is shaped like an Oriental train."

When Haibara said this, he looked at Conan with a smile and joked: "I hope there won't be any murders like those in Christie's novels.

——The murder on the Orient Express that happened in the heavy snow. "

"Hey, stop joking." Conan smiled sheepishly upon hearing this, saying that the joke was not funny at all, and greeted Haiyuan's hand.

Looking at the other person's outstretched hands, Conan looked at Haiyuan's right hand and said in surprise: "By the way, why did you put it on now?"

"When you were at Dr. Ali's house before you came, you put them on at the request of the three of them and took photos." Haibara smiled.

"It's true, I'm not afraid of losing it... sneeze..." Conan on the side couldn't help complaining after hearing this, and then he couldn't help but sneeze the next moment.

"Have you caught a cold?" Miyano Akemi looked at Conan with concern.

"I guess it was infected by Uncle Kogoro." Conan rubbed his nose and said, "He has been coughing since last night."

"Then at least wear a mask. I've brought you some cold medicine." Haiyuan said helplessly, then rummaged through the backpack on his leg to find a medicine box and opened it.

Looking at the different pills in the six small compartments in the green pill box, Conan's eyes were fixed on the red and white capsule in the lower left corner.

"Why are you still carrying this?"

Conan reached out and pinched a red and white capsule and put it in front of him, swallowing hard.

"Don't think about it, I just brought the antidote of APTX4869 with me just in case of emergency." Haiyuan reached out and took the antidote from Conan's hand.

"Then give me one~" Conan couldn't help but smile cheekily after hearing this: "I also want to be in case of emergency..."

"Don't come here. If I give it to you, you will definitely not be able to withstand Xiaolan's sadness, and then you will become a stupid detective who only talks about love." Haiyuan couldn't help but complain.

"I can't."

Hearing Haiyuan's words, Conan had a resentful expression on his face, but he also knew that his image had been shattered by his previous impulse. At least in terms of antidote, he had no credibility at all with Haiyuan. .

"Haha, I'll give you one."

At this moment, Haiyuan suddenly changed his mind, and Conan was stunned by these words.

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