Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1458: Train (Roundup)

Nagoya Station.

When a series of incidents occurred on the "Suzuki" train, everything was calm here.

The only thing that may be different is that there are a lot of passengers waiting at Nagoya Station today.

This group of people claim to be "railroad enthusiasts" of the "Suzuki" steam train, and they gathered here today to take pictures of this steam train that only leaves once a year.

In addition, there are some passengers who don't take the bus and just wander around sporadically.

However, most of the people at the station were quiet, so even though they attracted some attention, Neon was still very tolerant of railway fans, so after understanding their purpose, no one cared about them.

While waiting quietly, Gin's cell phone text message suddenly rang.

"Brother, is there any progress on Belmod's side?" Vodka asked quickly when he heard Gin's text message ringtone.

"It's a text message from Keir, saying that the target has been successfully killed and that we should retreat." Gin said while looking at the text message.

"Brother, this is a good thing." Vodka said with a smile: "Belmode is quite capable. This saves us a lot of trouble. I don't know what the specific situation is?"

In fact, it was Judy who fired the shot, and it was Kamel who drove the car. The threat level of their cooperation has plummeted.

Even though the two cars in front were bulletproof, the ferocious firepower still blew out the tires of one of the cars in an instant.

"We're leaving now."

With a warm face, Gin adjusted the driver's seat to the highest position, grabbed Vodka's submachine gun and pointed it towards the back, moving towards the front seat.

Gin looked at the content of Kiel's report in the text message and said: "Shirley's escape route is to blow up the connection between the last carriage, so that she can avoid the enemies on the train.

Compared with the mild vodka, the gin at this moment was like a precise and hot machine, wasting every bullet, and instantly suppressed the two people in front of them.

Gin observed the situation through the front view mirror, driving with one hand and disconnecting the gun with the other. "There are no weapons above the front driver's seat. Vodka, he goes to the front!"

We haven't taken the enemy's bait yet, so as long as the two of us can escape smoothly, it will be considered a success.

Watching Vodka put the intercom in his hand, Gin looked around and jumped onto the platform from the corner in a roundabout way. Vodka followed Gin in a roundabout way and jumped onto the platform, and walked slowly away along the railway track to the suburbs of Fangqi.

We immediately dispatched troops and ended up evacuating the station staff based on the intelligence and advice of this mysterious whistleblower.

Vodka raised his head in confusion, knowing why Gin didn't react like that.

Vodka, who was covering his wound and shooting separately, turned his head and was stunned for a moment when he heard Gin's words, and then quickly jumped to the co-pilot and took over the steering wheel.

And when we inspected the bomb in Nagoya, the nature immediately became serious.

While we were searching the surrounding areas, the gin and vodka had not escaped into the remote trails.

Although we are all wearing hats and masks, we can tell that they are Chinese from the exposed skin and hair color.

I’m afraid the purpose of this group of guys was not to report to the Metropolitan Police that no terrorist organization wanted to attack the station.

Of course, it would be strange if there was no arrangement like that.

Yes, the situation of the two of them is not that bad.

Vodka happily covered his shoulders, his back not yet wet with hot sweat.

The ferocious firepower hit the two cars he was chasing in front of him in an instant.


As long as you are not crazy and have no brains, you will live a long time. Gin and wine are the two of them, so it is not a problem.

He looked at the electronic screen under his head and saw that the two trains that were due to leave were all delayed, and it would be too late to leave again.

"What's the matter, little brother?"

There are ways. There are really too few criminal organizations, and the impact of annihilating them all on the spot is too small, so we should try our best to capture them alive.

How could a group of stragglers defeat a well-trained and retreating army?

Such movement naturally attracted the attention of surrounding members, and a commotion came from the crowd.

Humph, you still cover up your face, do you think that you can deceive others? "

"It's too quiet. It seems like you are the only one around..."

However, few of them were uninjured, clever and cowardly. They actively cooperated and directly handed over the gin and vodka before being arrested, hoping to reduce their crimes.

You suspect that you just happened to have planted a bomb in the front carriage, and I'm afraid it wasn't installed in the other carriages either. "

It must have been his instinct to travel safely all year round that saved him, but that was the price he paid for being shot in the shoulder.

The two cars chased each other and turned into a hidden road and arrived under the highway. Seeing the ordinary road behind, Gin stepped on the accelerator to the bottom to get rid of the enemy in front of him.

"Brother, what should we do now?"

That meant we had arrived a long time ago and had just been evacuating the staff and waiting for special passengers to leave on the train.

The commander-in-chief who led the team looked serious at the moment, and he didn't dare to focus at all.

"You have been discovered."

"Oh, no matter what, the goal has been achieved, no matter what your original plan was." Gin sneered and said: "I told you people to prepare to advance."

The murderous orders were given, and the team members responded one after another. The deafening murderous aura frightened the few lucky people left in the station. As soon as we got close, they threw away their weapons and lay down on the ground with their heads in their hands. Shouting surrender.

The only one that can do that kind of thing in Neon is the Metropolitan Police Department.

When the police received the report, they naturally thought it was a prank.

“Da da da da!!!”

But if you commit such a minor offense, you may be out for the rest of your life.



The car that was chasing after Shishe twisted and rushed directly towards the woods nearby, while the other car went forward and retreated, biting tightly.

"Prepare to break in and replace all personnel with live ammunition!"

"What else can I do? Of course I will fight back!"

Hearing the movement, Gin's face brightened: "Slow down to your evacuation point."

Several gunshots were fired in succession, shattering the glass of Gin's car, and the intact glass shards splashed with vodka on his head.

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