In this world, there are always people who are happy and others who are sad.

Just when Karasawa and others went to the Izu Plateau villa for vacation, they experienced the black organization again but could only hide in a dark corner to survive.

The winner doesn't have to look back because everything is under control.

As for losers, if they still can't learn lessons and find out the reasons, then they may lose their lives next time.

The internal investigation has come to an end for the time being. Gin may arrange many tasks to test everyone in the future, but at least no one will disturb him now.

As for the external investigation, Belmode didn't know whether Kizaru's words were true or false, so she deliberately chose another direction to investigate for several days, and it was not until today that she infiltrated the Shinkansen.

Of course, Belmode is also prepared. If the other party is not ready to forge evidence, then she will choose to turn a blind eye and continue to wait for a while.

However, after Belmode used his time off work at noon to invade the monitoring center, he only asked his hackers to conduct a brief investigation and found obvious traces of the intrusion.

‘You really don’t hide it at all. ’

Seeing how easily his men found conclusive evidence, Belmod secretly cursed in his heart: ‘Aren’t you afraid that we will think it’s false? ’

Of course, thinking about it, Belmode didn't do much, and just asked his men to preserve the evidence and then bring it back to the stronghold.

"In other words, we don't have any internal problems?" Kil said after listening to the information from Belmode's investigation.

"I just said it can't be our problem!"

Chianti looked at Gin and sneered: "But some people are just suspicious and think it is our internal problem, but they are unwilling to admit their failure."

Gin's eyes flashed with coldness when he heard Chianti's words, but his failure was irrefutable. Even if he suppressed the opponent verbally, it would only be a joke.

When faced with a mad dog character like Chianti, the best way is to ignore it.

So Gin suppressed his anger and said with a gloomy face: "Belmod, are you sure about the authenticity of the information?"

"Of course."

Belmod said calmly: "So I suspect that the enemy must have a very strong hacker master, and they used the station's surveillance to detect our whereabouts.

"Does that mean we failed because of technology this time?" Vodka scratched his head and said, "But there are so many cameras and people at the station, how did the enemy find us?"

"It's actually not too difficult."

Kier said: "Skilled hackers will use software and cameras to screen, and our people stayed at Nagoya Station for too long.

It is impossible for the enemy not to notice the gathering of such a large number of manpower, and it is reasonable for them to be exposed. "

"I think we need to pay attention to this situation, because since the enemy has masters in this area, it means that they will take advantage of this aspect."

Belmod crossed his arms and said, "If we don't pay more attention, we will definitely suffer from this in the future.

At least now that we know their methods, the first thing we should avoid in our actions in the future is cameras.

In addition, you must also pay attention to electronic information, otherwise it may be stolen by enemy hackers. "

"Contact Bourbon when you have time and give him a copy of this information." Gin said, "Let him confirm this information again."

"G, are you doubting my investigation results?" Hearing Gin's words, Belmod raised his eyebrows and asked.

"No, it's just a case in the past." Gin Jiu said calmly: "I always feel that you got this situation a little too easily."

"Everything you pass must leave traces, and it's the same in information warfare."

Belmod said: "I think it's not that the enemy doesn't want to cover it up, but that there is no other way. After all, I also brought the organization's top hackers.

I think the difficulty is not about whether it is difficult or not, but about whether you are aware of it or not.

If you are not aware of this method, then you may not even realize the evidence is there.

But since it's your opinion, I don't care. "

"Brother, where did that Bourbon guy go?" Vodka complained: "He doesn't even come at this time."

"That man is a mystic like Belmod, and he is probably carrying out some hidden operations on his own now."

Gin said: "Don't worry about him, just send him a copy of the information. His method must be able to confirm the authenticity."

Belmod showed no expression on the surface, but he couldn't help but frown in his heart.

Gin's character was still as suspicious as ever. Faced with the information he investigated, he had to find Toru Amuro, who was the best at computer technology among them, to verify it.

However, she had no other solution. She could only hope that there would be no flaws in the evidence prepared by Kizaru and the others.

However, Belmod's worries were destined to be unnecessary. The one who asked Gin to check the authenticity of this information was one of his own.

You know, from Toru Amuro's point of view, he is the biggest culprit who leaked this information, and Gin is looking for him, a young man like him.

Now there is a piece of false information delivered to his door. Even if he discovers a flaw, he will make up for it and submit it.

It can be said that Gin's purpose of using them to contain each other will basically not be achieved in the future.

In fact, the reason why Karasawa dared to lay out such false evidence, in addition to his trust in his own skills, was because after he learned about the organization's situation from Belmod, he found that there were almost no people available under Gin.

The only vodka that works is a stupid tool man, who doesn't look like he has strong hacking skills.

Chianti has a mad dog personality and Gin can't deal with it, and he also doesn't have hacking skills.

The remaining Gere and Bourbon understand technology, but they are all on their own. In order to protect themselves, they will also confirm the authenticity of this information, so as to make Gin stop the internal investigation.

It can be said that after La Belle Mode entered the water, although the opponent's composition was still black, the little bit of red made her position gradually shift.

No matter what, everyone left the room with their own thoughts, waiting for Bourbon's verification results.


On the sunny tennis court, Toru Amuro hit a beautiful line shot, which attracted exclamations from the crowd.

I am afraid that the members of the organization hidden deep in the underground stronghold did not expect that Bourbon, who had no time to attend meetings to listen to the results of Bellmode's investigation, was actually playing tennis leisurely.

Of course, for Tohru Amuro, what he is doing now is business. As for the results of Belmod's external investigation, he doesn't mind.

After all, no one knew better than him how the information was leaked, and there was no way Belmod's external investigation would implicate him.

In that case, there's nothing to worry about.

Outside the tennis court, watching Toru Amuro's goal draw everyone's exclamation, Karasawa and Conan did not expect that the "special supervisor" invited by Mouri Kogoro was Toru Amuro.

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