Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,468 Bluffing

The sudden outburst of Henggou's enlightenment scared Ishiguri Sanlang and his body couldn't help but tremble.

And when Henggou Shenwu let go of his collar, the other party's legs and feet actually went limp and sat directly on the ground.

"Huh, despicable guy!"

When Henggou Sengo saw Ishiguri Sanlang's embarrassed look, he snorted disdainfully. It was obvious that he had great contempt for a guy like him who killed his friend because of a bad joke.

Of course, at the same time, he also breathed a sigh of relief, because the plan Tang Ze Criminal told him was finally completed successfully.

Then he would strike while the iron was hot and quickly sneak this guy Ishiguri Sanlang to the police station and let him write the transcript.

Of course, everyone present at the scene also needs to make a transcript to testify to what Ishiguri Sanlang just said.

In this way, even if Ishiguri Sanlang later recants, this testimony will still be valid.

At least the Metropolitan Police Department couldn't let a murderer who clearly killed someone get away with it easily.

But if Tangze is left to judge, at least this case is almost over.

Both of them were bad at cooking. Although they cooperated with each other, everything was in order. Before the dishes were washed and prepared, they started working separately.

However, Conan was also willing to show off his strength and found an opportunity to score a smash and return a point.

By the time the boys came back, a small table of food had not yet been served.

"No matter what, you all have to thank you for stopping Kotone from doing something stupid." Umeshima Machi bowed to Conan and said, "Thank you!"

So I can only catch the other party off guard, and even make me think that you haven't got some evidence of my murder.

"Hehe, brother-in-law is not too modest." Yuanzi said with a smile: "Abnormal people can't know these details. Only people like brother-in-law who are like the protagonist of reasoning can discover those details!"

Conan smiled and said modestly: "You only accidentally noticed the strangeness of Sister Taoyuan, and you didn't know the whole story before taking action.

And I can't go back on what I said after that. After all, even if there is no evidence, I can't deny it at all, saying that it was a criminal case or my friends framed me.

The eight of them, Mouri Daishichiro, Amuro, and Conan, took Toru Karasawa to play mahjong. It was considered entertainment for the girls and boys.

Therefore, Bai Rou's attitude towards Bai Rou was not what he expected. He just did whatever he wanted, but that would be a worse solution.

Although he didn't say it explicitly, everyone understood what Conan meant. After all, the owners of the villa had already retired to the local police station, so naturally we had no choice but to stay there.

It was indeed very cold in the morning as Yuanzi said, and no one was too lazy to go out anymore, so several boys from Yuanzi went to take a nap first, planning to go for a walk in the distance beforehand.

Of course, Amuro and Conan also saw that Toru Karasawa did it on purpose and knew that I wanted to get closer to Daishichiro Mouri.

In the end, Bairou and his party bid farewell to Umeshima Machi and returned to their villa.

Henggou nodded seriously: "You will talk to me about the case in the car and let me have time to think.


Before hearing the words of the two people, everyone present was shocked.

But at that time, Conan suddenly spoke and broke the silence: "Sister Taoyuan has not made any irreversible mistakes so far, but has voluntarily surrendered.

"Really!?" Umeshima Machi said excitedly after hearing Bai Rou's words: "Thank you so much!"

"Tennis?" Conan said without interest: "But is there a problem with his shoulder injury?"

The mahjong game was really evenly matched. The seven or eight people present were playing tricks on each other, and it could be said that they caught Mouri Daishichiro and tortured him wildly.

After all, it would be less enjoyable to watch with such a small audience.

"Oh, it's been so cold this morning that you've gotten tanned. Although A-Zhen's skin is fair and unfeminine, you'd look bad if you got tanned."

Yuanzi waved his hand and said, "It's not even a day anyway. We'll study again tomorrow afternoon!"

"I must thank you. Although the law is compassionate, the people who enforce the law are also cold-blooded."

And Conan did not cover it up. He came up with his slightly modified description, downplaying the too deliberate part, and described in more detail my actions to prevent Taoyuan Kotone from murdering people.

After eating and resting for half an hour, Yuanzi looked at the setting sun and wanted to practice tennis again.

"That's not necessarily the case." Amuro said quietly, his eyes full of meaning.

Of course, Tohru Karasawa also lost too little. I just changed my strategy and played the losing games as auxiliary games, in order to lower the winning rate of Daishichiro Mori.

"Would you like to play too?" Karasawa Toru looked at Conan and invited him.

For a time, the air was filled with slowness, and Sonoko became the only "victim" with a blushing face, and the atmosphere of the capital was also swept away.

Generally speaking, the later plan was successful. As long as you pay attention to the development of the sequel, everything is under control.

As if they had imagined the scene painted by Conan, Amuro and others also had smiles on their faces.

After all, everyone is dead, so why don’t you think about eating cold noodles?

"It's broken, it's broken. You can't be too polite." Bai Rou waved her hands and looked at the crowd and said, "What are they going to do next?"

After all, I told the police the first time, so there is little point in telling me again.

Conan, on the other hand, cooks flowers. My skills are not as good as those of a chef in a big restaurant. Naturally, they are both delicious and delicious.

But neither of them stopped them. After all, they were just playing mahjong, and they were still so lively.

"You can go back to the villa directly." Yuanzi thought for a while and smiled: "It's hard to come on vacation, and we still have half an hour to stay."

However, you didn't bother Karasawa Tohru, but you took Dalan and Ayako and the eight of them took turns pecking each other.

Faced with such silence, Gao Lisheng's face gradually turned ugly.

And it must be calculated whether the sequel is due or not, so I can't directly call Hengo Sengo to understand the situation, and if necessary, take action to directly make Ishiguri Hachiro confess.

You will also help plead for mercy in the testimony. You are just a poor boy who got into trouble for a moment. Apart from that incident, it has no impact on social stability.

"What? Even my sister is making fun of you!" Yuanzi was quite upset before hearing what the two said.

"Well, please trouble him."

"Are you going to practice tennis with Mr. Bairou?" Conan said with a smile.

"Now you take Sister Taoyuan away." Henggou Shenwu waved his hand and said goodbye to everyone: "When the results of the previous processing are out, you will tell everyone in time."

Conan waved his hand and said with a smile: "Giving a little strictness to evil people is the only thing you can do.

Considering that Ishikuri Hachiro killed Mr. Guasheng, the local police did not find out part of the truth, and this will be taken into consideration when convicting him.

The difference was so small that in the evening, Conan started to finish the card game and Toru Karasawa prepared for dinner.

Letting his hand pull Ishiguri Hachiro away who was lying on the ground, Henggou Sango turned to look at Conan.

After all, they are friendly forces that intend to have in-depth contact. It is okay to leak some intelligence appropriately. Anyway, the initiative is in our hands.

Gao Lisheng on the side heard his companion's words and quickly bowed to thank him, but then I raised my head and couldn't help but asked: "Qinyin, what will happen to you...?"

Facing Taoyuan Qinyin's thanks, Conan didn't say anything at all, but nodded hurriedly.

So that's why Bai Rou told Henggou to comprehend.

Compared with the daytime, the tennis court at night seems less hot and clear, but that is a good thing for us.

Just like that, the seven people played mahjong in harmony on the surface all morning, while the boys seemed to know where to go to play.

He confessed here, and when he was dragged into the interrogation room by Henggou Sengo, he probably couldn't withstand the police's questioning routine.

Without the first time, it would be less complicated to wait until the interrogation room and start the interrogation again. "

In addition, without the witness of Sister Taoyuan, it is not possible to break through the opponent's psychological defense. "

"It's quite bad to show off your "couple skin"." Conan joked with a smile.

Although there is a legal assertion, the sentence will be too light. "

"It's a last resort."

If you have any idea, you will definitely go to Moori Daishichiro. The eight of them also followed the boys to the tennis court.

"Isn't that the strength of women's tennis...?" Sonoko, who had come up from the rotation, stood beside Amuro and said dully: "It feels like watching a professional game."

Conan looked at the disappearing figure of Ishiguri Hachiro, but still raised his voice and said: "Follow the victory and don't let Ishiguri Hachiro have a chance to recover. If so, the evidence that has been found will definitely prevent me from making a comeback." Chance."

Ishiguri Sanlang is not the kind of perseverant or cunning prisoner. To be frightened by the bluff he arranged shows that he does not have much brains and his mind is that of an average person.

"It's strange. The strength of those two people is more than enough to play professionally." Amuro complained.

"Bad..." Taoyuan Qinyin nodded, then turned around and bowed to Conan and choked: "Thank you so much!"

After all, not everyone is a veteran, and no one can handle it calmly when entering the police station for the first time.

But our original plan was not to get closer to Tohru Karasawa, so it didn't matter even if some of the information was discovered by Tohru Karasawa.

To be honest, Tang Ze is not worried about the subsequent progress. If the system directly settles the punishment later, it will prove that my plan was successful.

Toru Karasawa's first kick was a fierce serve, which passed Conan but also blocked it. He returned the ball steadily with his excellent strength and speed.

In the early stage, Bairou Toru seemed to want to brush off Mouri Daishichiro's bad impression, and always fed Daichiro Mouri cards "accidentally", which actually lowered my winning rate.

"But if someone else comes, I'm afraid they may not be able to discover those things." Tang Zetou said with an admiring expression: "You have really benefited a lot. You are worthy of being as famous as Teacher Mori."

After all, I am the one in the game and I have no reason to resist the other party. Being too wary will only make the other party suspicious.

Of course, if it were these heinous murderers, you would be a little more forgiving to us. "

The craftsmanship of the two people naturally aroused cheers from everyone. A group of people were eating and drinking in a very depressed way, and the two chefs looked very satisfied when they saw their fruits being eaten up.

Bai Ruotou cooks all neon traditional dishes, but the taste seems to be wrong, and some of them are improved by himself.

As soon as the two ended, they didn't go all out. Before a moment of stalemate, Toru Karasawa successfully scored a point with a tricky ball on the line.

"Well, you think so too." Ayako also smiled and agreed, as if thinking of her sister standing with Kyogoku before she tanned.

Yes, it is difficult to win, but it is so easy to let others win.

But in reality, there is still no difference, because there is no video or audio recording in the interrogation room, and I was asked to sign a confession before.

Seeing Taoyuan Qinyin and the two being taken away by Henggou Shenwu, everyone got down and gathered around Bai Rou to ask about the details of the matter.

"Is it an "empty city tactic"?" Tang Zetou looked at the woman in front of him and exclaimed: "That's a bad and powerful tactic."

After all, that is also the fate of our craftsmanship.

Giving away cards lowered Mouri Daishichiro's winning rate by a lot, and the seven people just fell into a strange equilibrium.

"It was less of a loss to Bairou's criminal plan that time. If so, it was really troublesome." Henggou Shenwu said and looked at Taoyuan Qinyin: "You guys should go too. Regarding Sister Taoyuan's problem, he also needs to retreat. Detailed notes.”

"Why don't you stay here to watch the house?" Daishichiro Mouri waved his hand with interest: "It's too bad there won't be a baseball game tonight~"

"It's not bad, I'm just learning." Yuanzi looked at the battle behind him, with a look of joy on his face: "If so, I'm afraid you can catch every ball."

Hearing that question, everyone present held their breath, knowing how to answer it.

"You must be too worried."

As for getting closer to Mouri Daishichiro, although that will indeed expose some of our intelligence, after all, what defenses Mouri Daishichiro has against Karasawa Tohru.

"It's too late, so you can take the two of them back first."

"Excuse me." Seeing Bai Routou's pursuit of her, Conan knew that the other party was planning to get closer, but I didn't resist too much.

It is too difficult to find evidence in that situation. Even the existence of the clothes worn by the deceased is bad, let alone the existence of the clothes worn by the deceased.

"Looks like I can't watch until now." Amuro said without interest when he heard Tohru Karasawa's invitation: "You want to go watch the battle!"

"There is still a problem with playing for a short period of time." Bai Rou said with a smile: "Just for complex activities."

Although no one would doubt that kind of statement, in a society governed by the rule of law where a conviction can only be based on evidence, that trick is still useless.

"You are so lucky." Ayako said with emotion: "If he had discovered it in time, I'm afraid you would have eaten the lunch today."

After that, although Conan told us the complicated causes and consequences of the matter, it was not in detail. Now everyone is eager to know the ins and outs of everything.

"Thank you!" Gao Lisheng also bowed with gratitude on his face.

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