Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,476 Bizarre Suicide

【The man who lost his memory】

Completion: perfect

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining trace identification (2 years)]

Evaluation: You unexpectedly met a man with amnesia on your way back to Tokyo. A murder occurred near the place where he appeared, and the amnesia man became the biggest suspect.

But you didn't directly doubt the other party. Instead, you relied on science to make a rational judgment based on the clues that impressed him deep in the brain, and finally succeeded in restoring the truth.

Somehow you have been favored by fate.

After returning to Tokyo to settle everything, Karasawa lay on the bed and looked at the rewards for this case.

The case solved this time is a branch line, and the reward is also the main professional skill, which is a good reward.

And this time the reward directly brought his trace identification to (C level) [9/20].

Although this improvement does not significantly improve his reasoning ability, it is still very good to add up to a little.

Yes, it must be said that the efficiency of the Metropolitan Police Department before the reform was still inefficient. This would not be beneficial to the entire organization, and the efficiency would be even slower.

On the side, Hattori saw that Koshizui Kazuki was indeed attracted by the case. He was snickering inwardly that he had successfully managed the other party to pass the test. At the same time, on the surface, he ended up talking to the other party about the case in Kyoto without any strangeness.

Yes, it is abnormal. After all, the ability of young criminals to accept new things is relatively weak. On the contrary, it is not difficult to understand the old criminals because they are young.

If you understand it, you will naturally have a way to use it, and as the researchers from Kesouyan participated in the case investigation, they will naturally have a way to give suggestions.

After all, if a person can reach it, how can it be suicide?

Kotaki Criminal explained: "And the chair that fell next to you really shocked you a little."

And among the students I teach, there is not a woman named Hitochi Kiriya. "

Before going to sleep, Karasawa hugged Ayako and told Ayako the whole case. After all, they experienced the beginning of the incident together, and it was necessary to tell Ayako the end of the story.

And the reason why that case happened in Tokyo and had nothing to do with Koita was not because the witness of that murder case was Kotaki Criminal.

If a strange and helpful instrument will retire but can be useful at certain specific moments, it must be discarded.

"Compared with the polygraph, the functionality of that instrument is not limited." Hattori shook his head and said, "The main reason is that it needs to match the image. Is there any polygraph with such a wide range of applications?"

For example, the testing of certain substances, or even the previous identification of several fingerprints superimposed on the same place, we even know that we can still do that.

"This chair is exactly the same as the chair in your restaurant!" Toyama Kazuye said: "Because this chair is a low-end product with a limited quantity, the small and large sizes are naturally the same.

For two people who often see the fate of others, it is just an episode in life. We will affect our mood because of the wonderful life of others.

A good night's sleep.

As soon as that result appeared, the meeting immediately became more tense.

At that time, your store felt that something was not right, so I immediately went to check the situation.

Then, on the morning of the eighth day when you were stationed under surveillance, you discovered that Mr. Guanyue, who was supposed to go out for a walk, had not gone out yet.

Before listening to Duan Wan's handling of the case with great interest, Koshizui Kazuki said with a smile: "It turns out that this machine can really be put to use.

Hattori also found a job for himself and became busy.

The difference was that it took Duan Wan less than an afternoon to finish those files. That was also due to the poor organization of Koshisui Yatsuri. There were very few projects or activities in the files that Koshisui Yatsuri had not been modified by the people above. , I just need to write and sign it.

"It doesn't have any overlap with the function of the lie detector." Koshizui Kazuki said after hearing this.

"That's it." Yueshui nodded with understanding: "That's it, I learned it."

"You have seen the news later. He looks like a serial murderer who killed two people in Kosaka and another person in Kobe."

After getting off work in the morning, Hattori went from the back of the office to Saitama's office.

And the main reason why we haven't used the tools in our hands and still use the same old methods to solve cases is not that we don't understand those things.

Koshizui smiled happily, and his resentment turned into bad curiosity: "What kind of case is this? Is this woman with amnesia the murderer?"

That would make the criminals change their minds and allow the technical staff of the Science Search and Research Institute to be more deeply involved in the case. Instead, they would be like the original forensics department, passively waiting for work to be arranged.

After listening to the description of Kotaki's crime, Mouri Daishichiro couldn't help but said: "Of course they are also ambushing and watching at the entrance of the window, right?"

Seeing that the water had subsided, I consciously picked up a pile of documents placed behind my desk and started processing them.

On the seventh day, before taking a shower, Hattori said goodbye to Ayako who was resting at home, and went to meet with Mouri Daishichiro, Karasawa Heiji and others.

It's like there's no barrier between the two parties, it's like the gears have a way to fit together and get stuck together, so naturally there's no way to achieve low efficiency.

As the keynote speaker, Hattori also got busy. After collecting cases that relied on Kesouyan's technology to solve cases, he not only broadened the ideas for solving criminal cases, but also changed our concepts.

As a result, before you opened the door and entered the room, you found Mr. Guanyue hanging with a rope from the hot air vent of the central air conditioner in the living room and hanging to death. "

"It was indeed treated as suicide when it was over, but you found that the deceased was hanging very low, and the toes hanging in the air were even level with your calf."

At noon, Ayako had no meeting and worked overtime, so I didn't go back. Instead, I ate carefully in the restaurant and then went back to the office to rest.

"What are you talking about?" Hattori touched his nose guiltily: "There is no limit to the vacation, so do you just come back?

Hattori smiled and said: "When purchasing those scientific instruments, your first consideration is their general applicability, but whether they will be helpful to the case.

After learning that the amnesiac man was not the prisoner, but that the prisoner was his wife, Ayako couldn't help but look sad.

The case was named by Duan Wanping as "a secret room murder case that cannot be touched with hands and feet."

Before learning that the case had not occurred, Hattori had a brief understanding of the circumstances of the case and did not ask further details.

And I also told the other party some of the problems I encountered in solving the case in Kyoto and proposed solutions.

There were very few criminals who came to the meeting, and all of them knew each other. These unusually unfamiliar criminals were basically all present in each county, so the one who came from Gunma County was the acquaintance of Yamamura Kao.

Early on the seventh day, Hattori went to the office early before finishing breakfast.

In this way, Hattori's influence in various places will also increase invisibly. After all, Tokyo is also the headquarters of Kesouyan, and I am always the leader of the general manager.

Even the old criminals from two counties got the inspiration directly and solved two problems directly with their superiors remotely with the help of Kesouyan's tools.

Of course, although the yin and yang weirdness is gone, there is more work for me to do.

Obviously, the result is still wrong. Before Hattori explained how many cases were solved by scientific research, few criminal cases were suddenly enlightened.

Seeing Koshizu Kazuki's thoughtful and thoughtful expression, Hattori did not disturb him and let Koshizu Kazuki digest it by himself. However, when you came to your senses, it was time to find your own business again.

Because the more an instrument works at a specific moment, the more it will be ignored when encountering similar cases in reality.

As for Hattori, he naturally decided to make some plans before getting busy.

Although we know how to use machines like lie detectors, we just know too much about deeper things.

But we are the main force in the first search class in each county, and our experience and search ideas also need to be constantly learned by young people.

Although it seems like he is looking for something to do, Hattori's hidden gains are actually huge.

You think that since I have no relatives, I definitely want to ask someone to help me escape, and the only person who is willing to take action is Mr. Guanyue.

There is a way, even if it is a case that has not happened yet, since it is still unsolved and it is still in Tokyo, whether it is for punishment or for the face of the Metropolitan Police Department, Hattori has to go anyway because of his emotions and reasons.

To be honest, as a criminal, the first priority is not how to catch the prisoner, but the means and so on.

"Although that thing is used a lot, it is not needed."

"But when you listen to that, it seems like suicide."

Before taking this chair to Mr. Kotaki for side-by-side comparison, he discovered that there was a difference of ten centimeters from the toes of the corpse to the surface of the chair! "

For example, the brain fingerprint detector is an instrument that can help confirm information when considering people's amnesia and forgetfulness.

"It's not me who's at fault."

However, the tree wanted to be quiet but the wind had stopped. As soon as Hattori arrived home in the evening, he received a call from Karasawa Heiji, saying that there was no case to be handled in Tokyo and he asked me to meet at the Mori Daishichiro Detective Agency on Saturday.

Saitama was naturally the same about this, and soon people organized seminars, asking each county to send outstanding criminals to Tokyo for exchanges.

I drove to the Maori Detective Agency and chatted with Maori and his father about Conan for a while, and soon Karasawa Heiji and the eight of them left.

Koshizui Kazuki on the side originally wanted to continue to mock a few more words, but when he heard Hattori say that he encountered a case in Kyoto, his attention was instantly attracted.

After all, I was not responsible for that exchange meeting, and I was always worrying about it during the meeting.

"That's right. Not a ten-year-old woman will die in the apartments in Aipido Town next month."

After a short while, Koshikoshi came to the office. When Hattori came back, he was not surprised at all, but instead had a strange look on his face.

Seeing the photo Tang Zhe found, Xiaotaki nodded, "Before you learned the information about my appearance in Tokyo, you decided to cooperate with the Metropolitan Police Department. You deployed security guards far away from Mr. Kanyue's apartment. Waiting for Hido Tong to come out.

We had held that exchange meeting a long time ago, and the results were all wrong. It was considered a familiar road.

After all, cases happen all the time, so it is natural to take precautions. Tomorrow I will listen to the details of the case and go to the crime scene to solve the case.

"Hitsutiri?" Mouri Daishichiro touched his chin before hearing the name and said in deep thought.

After all, Mr. Guanyue had taken great care of Feitu when he was in junior high school, and he also treated him like a father.

Moreover, it is a murder case, and there is actually no doubt about it.

Sitting under the sofa in the office, Kotaki looked at everyone and said: "The deceased's name was Kanzuki Shuri, and he was a junior high school teacher after retirement.

Duan Wan's explanation is not only for us to close the distance between the two parties, but also to make those criminals understand that although those in the scientific search and research are researchers and professional investigators, we cannot stand from a scientific perspective. Provide us with search suggestions.

And it's your fault that you're back now. You met a woman with amnesia in Kyoto, and she was involved in a murder case, so you were delayed for a few days. "

Hattori just finished talking about those things on Monday, and there was an event held on the previous August.

Yes, even though Hattori acted as a hands-off shopkeeper, that move also made Koshizui Kazuki grow up.

First of all, if the Science and Technology Bureau is established as I proposed, and it only functions in Tokyo, it will make other places think that the initiative is adaptable to the local conditions. As time goes by, it will naturally become anticlimactic.

After hearing Kazuya's words, Conan's face instantly became solemn, and he finally believed that I was the one who came to kill him.

Apart from this, they can be regarded as achievements under Duan Wan's politics. Although I don't care about those, they are also real promotion resources.

Ever since I came back from the purchase, it has been sitting here gathering dust. You thought you would use it later, but you never thought that you would be the first to use it in Kyoto. "

The deceased was under criminal surveillance and was killed at some point.

As each skill improves, he will become more and more versatile.

"Oh~ you old man still knows how to come back~"

Of course, no one must have lied, and that one cannot actually be used. "

Having been lazy all morning on Saturday, Hattori had originally planned to stay at home and rest for a while on the 8th.

The meeting started on Saturday afternoon, which was a big bonus. After all, it was definitely too late to go back, so I just spent two and a half days in Tokyo before leaving.

Although it is forced, it is also a fact visible to the naked eye.

What Hattori wanted to do that time was not to supplement our shortcomings as much as possible and let us understand how to use those weapons.

When Duan Wan said that, he took out his mobile phone and entered the other party's name online. Soon, a wanted photo of a strong woman with a voluptuous face and medium-long hair appeared on the phone.

And those problems were solved at that meeting, and when the lower-level officials in each county saw the results, they would naturally pay attention to it.

"He's really unlucky enough to have to get off work off work during vacation."

Knowing that Karasawa Ping was coming to Tokyo, Hattori was naturally very attentive and asked about the details of the case.

However, the emotion was only temporary. In the final analysis, it was just someone else's story. The two of them quickly forgot about it after they finished speaking.

That’s right, the ones who came to Tokyo that time were not just me, Kazuha’s seven-person group, and Kotaki Criminal Investigation Department of the Kosaka Police Department.

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