Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,485 The Mystery of Disappearance

Latest website: Seeing the scene where Hanekawa Jōhei and Tokura Mamoru separated and went to get the dagger, Karasawa knew that everything was stable.

Sure enough, as he predicted, Hanekawa Johei did not choose to stand still because his first murder plan was interrupted, but continued to commit the crime.

But in fact, this is a normal choice. After all, from Hanekawa Jouhei's perspective, although his first target is his old treasure Torakura Mamoru, there is no sense of ritual that he must kill her first.

The reason why Torakura Mamoru was chosen as the first target to attack was probably simply because he had the closest relationship with him, and women were less powerful, so it was easiest to attack by surprise.

And when he was planning to take action for the first time, if someone suddenly knocked on the door and interrupted his action, he would only attribute it to his unlucky timing, but would not suspect that his actions were exposed.

After all, Tangze's actions were based on the "Great Prophecy Technique". Normal people would not think that someone could see through the future and stop him from taking action.

Moreover, after listening to Karasawa's revelation of the discovery of vampires and convening everyone, Hanekawa Jōhei's subconscious reaction must have been that this was a good opportunity to kill someone and make the matter pornographic.

Because only in this way can he fish in troubled waters, and this is undoubtedly the completely opposite situation to Tangze's excuse for gathering everyone.

Not only can he destroy what Tangze wants to say, but also make his reasoning become unreliable guesses.

It can further prove that all this is vampires killing people and steering the situation into a situation that is not good for me.

The ones who retreated immediately before him were the ugly-looking Torakawa Johei and the fierce-looking Hattori.

As Hattori spoke, he walked out of Tokura Sakuya's room first. After hearing Hattori's words, everyone with different expressions also walked towards the next door to the photo room.

But when they got closer, they discovered that Hagura Ruri's hands were tied behind her back.

"What you saw at that time was indeed Mr. Sakuya..." Da Lan hesitated: "But from what Hattori Criminal said just now, Mr. Hanekawa did all of that..."

The other party just thought that Yukura Ruri was addicted to smoking, so she readily agreed to come.

By the way, the corpse only had no head, and the upper body was just a prosthesis stuffed with very little clothing to expand it.

Just slow down and let me come out and explain all those things! "

That's why I was able to recover the body immediately before Da Lan and the others saw it without making any shaking noise.

"What!" Tokura Shou and Wen Yan's expressions changed, and they quickly came to Tokawa Jiaohei: "Honey, is there something wrong with him!?"

"What's going on? Why haven't you come yet?"

Because they knew Hattori's whereabouts and what I was doing, Conan Heiji and Xiaolan could only scratch their heads helplessly, but they knew what to say.

"Four-four is far away from ten."

When everyone was surprised by the sudden disappearance of Mr. Sakiya in the coffin, Mr. Hanekawa sneaked away the master's head and sent it to the locker next to the photo room. "

Conan Heiji suddenly said: "When you asked the chef in the kitchen, he said that Mr. Bad Qi was really sleeping outside, so he secretly put eight grains of rice.

"Then, what the hell is going on!?" Yin Zhai Qian Huan looked up at Hattori and the two who retreated with me and asked.

Having said that, Hattori looked at everyone and smiled and said: "Then you can move to a room.

"So what exactly is going on?"


"Well, you should start from the end of the mystery of the vampire's disappearance that happened at the end."

"How is that possible, Miss!" Tokura Masin said excitedly after hearing this: "How could you possibly tamper with the film in such a short period of time!"

"It's just whether they noticed it or not." Facing Zhai Qian's sharp gaze, Hagura Ruri shrank her neck and explained: "None of the bookshelves are decorated to hide the secret door."

"Everything these two older girls saw after that was true."

Everyone was shocked when they heard Tokura Masin's words, and immediately approached Tokura Masin to check the photo in his hand.

Hattori said: "Back to the topic, there is also a sliding door at the bottom of the coffin, and a weak magnet device is installed at the seam of the coffin lid.

"You think it is." Conan Heiji looked at the photo in Tokura Masin's hand and said, "The location is the same as what you guys described."

"Sister, he is looking for a bad lover!" Torahikawa Jiaohei said with a bright face: "I almost cut your throat!!"

"That's wrong, because Mr. Qiya is not dead yet. What they saw was just my corpse." Speaking of which, Zhai Qian said: "And it was a mutilated corpse with only the upper half of the body left. It was not what they saw at that time. Looks like."

"Whether the tiles on the coffin have been processed in any way is because the mechanism is not here, so you were confused for a while."

"Is it Kishiji who played a prank on the photo?" Torakura Kishiji looked at the strange photo in the other person's hand with a suspicious look on his face.

Hattori stayed in the empty room and waited patiently for the matter to ferment. Sure enough, after a while, Hagura Ruri and the two of them told the other people they met that I wanted to gather everyone.

"Dear." Tonakura Kishi looked at Hagura Ruri who fell to the ground, and quickly ran to my side to help her.

"It's vague, and you have no idea at all." Tokura Masin felt hot all over as he looked at the photo.

And that's the reason why Mr. Matatasuya disappeared in the coffin. "

"Dalan and Kazuye saw Mr. Tokura Sakuya outside the coffin, but when you opened the lid of the coffin, there was nothing but a trace of blood."

Torakura Kishi looked at all this and became anxious: "Why did my dear become the leader of the vampire, and where is my person?"

We never thought that everything that happened after that was actually Hagura Ruri's fault, but a prank by our little brother Tokura Sakiya.

When Tokura Mamoru looked at the mirror in front of him in the photo, he saw a figure that looked like a vampire, especially Tokura Sakuya. He was so scared that he asked, "Why was the guy who was originally there suddenly appeared in the photo when he was photographed?" Outside!"

"It's you!" Yu Zhai Qianhuan had a way to resist with his hands tied. He was afraid that Masin Tokura would beat me up, so he quickly shouted: "When you find out, I will do that!!"

Why are you all here now, but I show up myself? "

You believed before that the coffin had no mechanism or secret passage, and you did find clues before. "

"Wait a minute, you know there is no secret passage, but how did the little brother get out of the coffin?" Masin Tokura said with a look of relief on his face: "And he said that the little brother is not dead yet, I How should we get out?"

Tonakura Kishiji, who was not afraid, looked at Conan and Heiji and urged: "Did I tell you that I know the truth about vampires again?

"That involves other things. In order to avoid confusion in Xiaojia's understanding, you can talk about it before."

"Wait a minute, what's going on! That's not a supernatural photo at all!"

Everyone who was originally shocked before hearing Yin Zhai Qianhuan's words suddenly exploded before hearing Zhai Qian's words.

"Well, it doesn't mean that I asked someone to make the secret passage this week." Conan Heiji suddenly said.

"Oh, leave it to you." Zhai Qianping nodded, pulling the rope trapped in front of the opponent's back and pulling Hagura Ruri up.

"After the death of the valet Sister Qingshui about half a year later, the master gave everyone in the villa a holiday, let us have a good rest, and asked you to travel to the sea for about a week." The old housekeeper explained.

After hearing what Hagura Ruri said, the old housekeeper Koga Rikushige suddenly realized it.

"But, have you not seen that there are no stairs here in the warehouse..." Yin Cangxi said in surprise when he heard this.

Hearing Zhai Qian's words, the Yincang family changed their expressions one after another. Da Lan and He Ye knew that what they saw was such a terrifying scene, and their faces turned pale again.

"How can it be!!"

Continuing with this, let’s talk about this supernatural photo. In fact, the plans are connected one after another.

"So where are their companions!"

"What on earth is going on!?"


"You think, Sister Dalan and the uncle we saw outside at that time should have found out that Mr. Mata Mi was at fault." Xiaolan agreed.

Speaking of which, Hattori moved the sofa in the living room, then walked to the edge of the red carpet on the coffee table and stretched out his hand. I pulled out a long strip of red carpet that was cut out from the middle of the original square red carpet.

Everyone then went back to the room to call their partners, instead of looking for other people or taking a detour to the room where the photos were taken.


In various simple moods, the group once again followed Hattori to the room where Torakura Sakiya was.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

"Can you tell me in detail?" Zhai Qian looked at the old housekeeper and asked.

At that time, Yin Zhai Qianhuan took a photo and walked back with an ugly expression, "If so, you really know what the situation is."

Tokura Ming firmly objected: "Vampires and the like are just fake creatures in film and television works.

The words sounded like thunder in everyone's ears, and expressions of disbelief appeared on everyone's faces.

"Maybe he's preparing something."

"And that place leads to the warehouse on the first floor." Hattori said, then looked at Hagura Ruri and said, "Are you wrong?"

And that news instantly made the rest of the people feel like they were struck by lightning. The doubts in their hearts were reduced even more, and it also made everyone's faces become more and more doubtful.

Just when the atmosphere was no longer tense, Ruri Hagura was suddenly pushed out of the room and fell to the ground.

Hattori was operating as he spoke, and the tiles on the carpet slowly revealed a square cut mark that was exactly the same as the texture of the tiles next to it.

"I see. I'm afraid Mr. Sakuya didn't use that mechanism to kill the manservant Shimizu-san."

"Brother Suya is not dead yet."

Standing behind the coffin, Hattori said: "But actually when you opened the lid, you didn't open it the first time. The front part suddenly opened for some unknown reason.

In the photo studio, Tosukura Mamoru shook his legs and looked at Conan Heiji and others patiently: "Where are their companions? Do I mean they don't know the truth about vampires yet?

Hattori looked around at the people with different expressions, then pointed his finger at Yu Zhai Qianhuan who was lying on the ground and said, "I am responsible for all of that!"

We voluntarily focused our attention on Hattori, hoping to get an answer.

"So, have I really become a vampire?" Yinzhai Qianhuan asked fearfully.

"What!?" Yinzhai Qianhuan said in disbelief: "Xu Mi is dead?"

"Speaking of which, ever since you came back from this trip, you have always felt that the warehouse seems much wider than before."

"Hanekawa, did that guy kill my little brother?!" After hearing this, Tokura Masin rushed down angrily and grabbed Hanakura Ruri's collar again.

"Yes..." Hagura Ruri nodded helplessly.

Seeing that, Zhai Qian knew that Hagura Ruri was planning to take action, so I followed quietly.

Although Conan Heiji also knew Hattori's plan, he still stood by my side and took the initiative to comfort me: "Don't worry, since I said that I don't know the truth about vampires yet, I would only call you if I was not sure."

Seeing it with your own eyes can help you understand more intuitively the mechanism of "supernatural photos". "

Hattori looked at the pairs of eyes that were seeking knowledge. He turned around and said at the same time: "Heiji, please look at this guy Hagura Ruri. I was the instigator of everything that happened."

"What's wrong?" Xiaolan couldn't help but ask after hearing what Tokura Masin said.

Yin Zhai Qianhuan showed the photo in his hand to everyone: "Brother, I really turned into a vampire and appeared outside the mirror!"

"What's wrong with me attacking your husband!?"

But now that there is no secret passage at the bottom of the coffin, as long as you ask Sister Qingshui out and use the secret passage, you can't kill the other party quietly. "

"I hope I can really give you an explanation."

"Are they asking you to explain the truth about vampires?"

After hearing what Tonkura Kishiji said, Tonzhai Qianhuan seemed to recall what a bad scene was, and his face became increasingly ugly: "I'm dead..."

Before Mr. Sakuya's room frightened Da Lan and the others through a secret passage, find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. com I used the remote control to unlock the coffin lid.

Whether it's the figure disappearing from the coffin or this supernatural photo, if it's all a prank and trick arranged by me, Brother Suya. "

As long as it is closed, the coffin lid will seem to be locked. Only the remote control can be used to open the lid smoothly.

Hattori nodded and said: "But before that, Mr. Sakuya should have died, and everything today was caused by Hagura Ruri.

Hattori said: "But in fact, this is just because you are looking in the wrong place. Before pulling out the red carpet, pull up the red carpet that is close to the coffin and is not pressed by the coffee table and chairs, and you will find the mechanism."

As for Hagura Ruri, I first arranged a series of mechanisms. Before that, I found a time when there was no one else around, and asked Torahikawa Johei to go to the smoking room converted from the attic downstairs to smoke and chat.

Therefore, it is reasonable for Hanakura Ruri to continue committing crimes.

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