Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,491 Investigation

trial room.

Koga Kenji was sitting on the interrogation table at this moment. For him, this was already the Nth time he had entered the palace with ease.

But even so, there was still no trace of calmness on his face.

The reason was the envelope on the table in front of him.

"Does it look familiar?"

Karasawa looked at Koga Kenji and said calmly: "The fingerprints on it were found. You entered his store last night and stole it, right?"

"I saw it on his counter and took it away." Kenji Koga did not resist when the matter was revealed and confessed honestly.

After all, the money he stole this time was related to a murder case, and he could still figure out which one was more serious. He didn't want to become a suspect of the murderer.

"Is it money or something else in the envelope?" Tang Ze asked.

"It contains 500,000 yen." Koga Kenji quickly explained: "But I didn't kill him, I just took the money and didn't touch him!!"

"That's right. He was my murderer." Koshizui Kazuki smiled and said, "Did I still move before he hit me? This injury is not fatal."

"By the way, does Takagi doubt the lie detector test?" On the way back, Koshisui Kazuki suddenly asked.

"You call and ask, he will drive, and we go to where Hiroki Nase works to ask."

Because there is no testimony from Yin Daijianqi, there is no room for refutation in Shanshui Huiwai.

Takagi smiled and said: "Two of the seven suspects have not been eliminated, and there are still two people in the sequel.

As for the other years, it is the mountains and rivers and the bright autumn!

"What a joke."

Talk all night.

"Of course."

"Of course we know this."

When Shanshui Ewai said that, he watched the two of them collapse and said, "But did you really think that I would die! How could I die!"

Of course, I also forgot to call Yahara Keiko and make an appointment to meet her tomorrow. Before that, I texted Koshizu Kazuki the meeting place.

"After driving, you received a text message. There were no fingerprints of Eiko Yahara on the tie wrapped around the deceased's neck. I will meet you tomorrow."

"Is he going to tell the truth?" Koshizui Kazuki heard this.

Koshizui Itsuki seemed to have thought of something when he said that: "Ah, by the way, junior, you received bad news last night.

Hearing Koshizui Itsuki's words, Yahara Keiko turned to look at the busy flow of people and vehicles on the bridge, and suddenly said something completely unrelated: "Since you were a kid, you have hated looking up under the overpass, just like looking at the river. People and cars are all flowing backwards, and no one will stay where they are.

"If you knew, you would have said it a long time ago." Yahara Keiko said calmly.

To put it simply, there are not many men and one royal sister.

The crime occurred around 1 to 2 o'clock in the middle of the night, and you threw away the envelope and took money to enter the convenience store at 12:30. The other party may not have been killed at that time.

"But he is not willing to speak." Koshizui Itsuki said: "What is the reason that makes him willing to speak?"

Shanshui Ewai was stunned for a moment when he heard Takagi's words, and he looked dazed for a moment before he realized what he was doing and looked at Takagi and the two: "Injury crime? Is it murder?"

It is a pp1 plastic rope used by a transportation company called "Green Road" for packaging.

"Then the first one is left."

"It was a mistake. The murder weapon has been confirmed. Now we are one step closer to the murderer." Takagi praised.

"Mr. Shanshui Ewai, now you have to arrest him for intentional injury." Takagi said in a roundabout way while looking at Shanshui Ewai.

"Don't worry about you. It seems that you don't respond to the tie now. It's because of the tie." Takagi said: "You believe that the tie under your neck was done by you, but it was you who killed the person."

"But you also found many of his fingerprints on the collar of the deceased."

"Thank you for his cooperation in assisting your investigation."

Then it went around my neck. "

"Mr. Criminal, it's good that you know."

"Difficult man."

"Let's find a movie." Yin Dai took Lingzi and sat under the sofa, put on the projector, and the two chose a comedy movie and spent the night doing business.

As for the material, it is polypropylene, which is a material often used to make strapping straps.

To be fair, Eiko Yahara is young and beautiful, but her landscape painting is also poor.

"If there is no evidence, just talk nonsense."

Tangze pressed his hand to signal the other person to calm down, and then took out a photo, "Is this you in the convenience store?"

Karasawa Kenchi's cognition of Shanshui Ewai is the murderer, and Shanshui Ewai's cognition of you yourself is the murderer. "

At the end of the sentence, Koga Kenji's tone became a little fierce, as if this could make Karasawa and others believe his words.

Shan Shui Hui Wai broke down aggrievedly and said: "You really came to me this evening because you were suffering!

That company's cartons and strapping have all been standardized, making them difficult to identify. "

However, Takagi was not satisfied yet. Relying on the polygraph and our investigation, we investigated two suspects today. Although they were not charged with theft or intentional injury, we were not the murderers.

Takagi looked at Yahara Keiko and said: "So you can also boldly speculate that after he found the body and notified the criminal justice department, he took off the tie that was under me.

"Have you found the murderer?" Yahara Keiko asked.

"It's all my fault. It was obviously just a quarrel between husband and wife, but I suddenly found a new love inside, and I am willing to pay you for the mental damage caused by the divorce."

You ask me if I know who you are and what is it that has obsessed you.

Knowing that he had stolen and ran away, Tangze Kenchi let go: "Yes, you saw my wife retreating and suddenly calmed down and ran out before the quarrel. That guy from Shanshui Mingqiu also suddenly made a sound. Who did you kill?" Killed."

Because Shanshui Huiwai did not react to the vase at the scene of the crime, the other party should have smashed the deceased with the vase, and Shanshui Huiwai was the culprit.

Then he asked you to find the murder weapon, but you haven't identified the murder weapon yet.

On the other hand, because of Karasawa Kenchi's testimony, we have no reason to confront Shanshui Ewai.

After that, how was the investigation into the possibility that Hiroki Tose had killed someone? "

"You were about to tell him." Sitting behind the computer, Takagi said with a smile: "You just found out the information about Hiroki Tose. He killed someone in an accident when he was 17 years old.

You asked me why I gave money to this man, but Shanshui Mingqiu actually asked you to look in the mirror to see what he was worth.

So you are thinking, maybe he really knows the real murderer. "

Koga Kenchi breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and his posture was full of relaxation as he slumped under the chair.

After hearing Shanshui Huiwai's words, Takagi felt that it was a real loss for Shanshui Mingqiu to be smashed.

After hearing Koshisui Itsuki's words, Karasawa Kenchi's expression became less natural, and his eyes subconsciously turned to the side.

"So it is a very bad tool." Koshizui Itsuki nodded in agreement: "But you also found that your worries later are unnecessary. Although that thing is convenient, it will make people useless."

Before you got the information last night, you checked the information of that Green Road company.

But I said you were jealous, and then I sent you back, saying you were old and yellow.

After a sloppy inspection before, it was determined that it was the color underneath.

And that is not the truth about Hiroki Tase's murder.

The bad image is correct, but the character doesn't feel weird at all. "

Seven people eliminated half of the group, so that's really bad news.

"Well, please ask Takagi Criminal Investigation." Koshizui Kazuki said: "After all, you are from the Department of Science and Technology Search. It will be more convenient for us to investigate Takagi Criminal Investigation Section 1."

So it would be unusual to find your fingerprints under your tie. "

Takagi was also sorry for this. After all, the other party ran away after hitting the person, knowing that what happened ahead was abnormal.

"It's broken. It's not a bad thing to not withdraw from the exhibition." Takagi smiled and said: "You go and meet the first suspect now.

"That's true. I'm pushing back now."

"After all, you stole the money, how dare you go see what happened."

So you hurriedly hid in the aisle. The two of them had argued before, and you saw you running away calmly. "

"That's bad, you thought he was in trouble." Ayako said with a smile, "I'm going out tonight, so let's take a rest."

However, the information provided by the other party was also very important. First, Kenchi Karasawa was completely ruled out as a suspect, and there was no explanation for the unresponsive questions in the polygraph.

Yin Dai said: "I will go directly to you this morning so that I can go out slowly. Before I make an appointment with you tonight, we will meet here directly."

"It's bad if you know it." Takagi stopped the car at the subway crossing: "You just put him over there. Do you really want to send him away?"

Standing in front of the sofa, Ayako put her hands on Takagi's temples and rubbed them heavily: "Is it troublesome?"

"Don't get upset too early."

You are just taking a short break before getting busy. After all, you need to recharge your batteries. "

"Strangled..." Shanshui Huiwai was stunned for a moment, then shook his head blankly.

Because there were no witnesses, Takagi and Takagi did not attack from the side. Instead, before seeing each other, they directly asked each other whether they went to see their husbands that night and hit me with a vase.

Takagi's words seemed to have touched Yahara Keiko's sensitive nerves. You responded calmly: "Why did you do that!?"

"Stop pretending, it's all shown on the polygraph." Koshizui Itsuki urged again: "Speak slowly."

"This is very unusual." Yahara Keiko smiled before hearing Koshizui Itsuki's words: "Because you didn't choose this tie, and you bought it with me.

Takagi nodded: "You doubt the results of the polygraph, but you will not completely accept them.

Those words made Tangze Kenchi firm for a moment, and then he said: "When you were stealing the envelope under the table, you saw that guy Shanshui Mingqiu coming back with my wife.

If you are in a bad mood, you will be very honest, and then you have no reason to confess. "

"So he thinks Shanshui Ewai is the murderer?" Takagi said with a strange expression: "Did he just step back and take a look?"

Under the overpass in the distance from Eiko Yahara, before the eight people met, Takagi looked at Eiko Yahara and took the lead in thanking him.

When the other party and his friends were swimming in the lake, they were fighting for the steering wheel while riding an underwater motorcycle and hit a college student, causing him to die on the spot. "

Maybe she is a little younger, but she is a little less mature, but she is still a beauty.

You're lucky kid. "

"oK~" Koshizui Itsuki made a "bad" gesture, opened the car door, said goodbye to Takagi and left.

"After all, if you do that, you will hurt someone innocent." Yahara Keiko smiled, then turned and left.

After a busy day, Yin Dai finished her dinner before returning home and collapsed under the sofa.

Moreover, under the lie detector test, when asked "Does he admit to knowing the real murderer?", his reaction did not fluctuate.

"It's a use, it's a good idea to send him on his way." Koshizui Kazuki said as he took off the danger belt: "Compared to that, where will you go to investigate tomorrow?"

After watching the movie, the two of them took an early rest before washing up.

"His husband was strangled to death first. Doesn't he have any clue?" Takagi asked.

The reason why I say two and a half is because Eiko Yahara has not been completely ruled out as a suspect, but judging from the current intelligence, he is very likely to be the murderer, so he is considered half a person related to the case.

Throwing the car keys to Koshizui Itsuki, Takagi took out his mobile phone and called Takagi to express his intention.

But in the end, Shanshui Mingqiu was downgraded and respected. No wonder Shanshui Huawai became so angry that he lost his mind and hit me on the head.

Koshizui Kazuki sighed and said: "Although you exited the exhibition smoothly and even eliminated two and a half suspects, the case still feels complicated and confusing."

Because polygraphs can detect people's cognition, just like that time, we may know the murderer, but the person who knows him is the same. "

Although there is a small chance that the other party is also the murderer, since there is no testimony from Kenchi Karasawa, the other party still has to explain what he did that night, and at the same time answer questions that did not respond to the lie detector test.

"But there are very few questions. What happened before the incident happened to make it happen like this? I don't know whether Yahara Keiko tied this tie and why."

"Is the case still solved?"

"No, I was lying on the ground holding my head and moaning happily. You were afraid that I would get up and beat you, so you just ran away."

After hearing Kenchi Karasawa's words, the two of them knew that although the lie detector test reflected my honesty, what I knew was an accurate answer based on my own cognition.

Ikatsuki Koshizui looked at Yahara Keiko's leaving figure, and he rubbed his brows uncontrollably and complained: "That man's brain waves feel the same as yours, he doesn't feel like...a young man?"

On the seventh day, Takagi got up early and made breakfast. Before that, he drove to the place where he had made an appointment with Yahara Keiko.

Yueshui glanced at Yin Daijianqi and said calmly: "Although he killed the person, he knows who the culprit is, right?"

In a fit of anger, you picked up the vase next to you and smashed my head. "

"There are many reasons." Takagi said calmly: "For example, disrupting the criminal search and covering up the real culprit.

"Didn't I make any move when he left?" Koshizui asked.

"Unfortunately, it's not available yet." Koshizui Kazuki said, "But you found that there were no fingerprints under the tie wrapped around the deceased's neck."

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