Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,494 The Truth

After leaving the Metropolitan Police Department, Koshimizu Nanatsuki followed Karasawa.

"Speaking of which, how do you plan to solve the case this time?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked curiously.

"Since the lie detector was used this time, it's natural to use it again." Tang Ze said with a smile.

"Then I'll inform people." Koshizui Nanatsuki heard this and shrugged, "I hope they are still willing to cooperate."

"Tell them that the culprit has been caught and come over and ask them to cooperate." Tang Ze said, "This way they won't refuse."

First of all, people seek advantages and avoid disadvantages and have the instinct to protect themselves. Once the murderer is caught, it proves that he will no longer be suspected.

Secondly, even if there is any reason for them to want to protect the prisoner, since everyone has been caught, there is no need to protect him anymore.

Therefore, in order to avoid the entanglement of the police, after learning the news, if he did not conceal anything major, he would obviously not refuse the police's request.

Karasawa's judgment was also correct. Not long after the call, Mihara Keiko came to the scene again.

And they also came to the polygraph room again and started a new round of polygraph testing.

"Is your hometown in Hokkaido?"


"Did you spend the night in the hotel yesterday?"


Mihara Eiko's responses to the first two questions were very straightforward, and there were no ripples on the polygraph test.

But this was just a small question randomly interspersed. Karasawa looked at Mihara Keiko and asked the key question: "Do you know about the fatal motorboat accident in Shanshui Mingqiu 15 years ago?"

When she heard this question, Mihara Keiko's breathing began to quicken, and her eyes were no longer calm but she avoided Karasawa's focused gaze.

Sure enough, after the negative answer, the originally calm lines on the polygraph screen began to rise irregularly.

Karasawa didn't react when he saw this, and continued to ask the next question: "Do you know Hiroki Takase who caused the accident with Sansui Meiqiu at that time?"

The moment she heard Hiroki Takase's name from Karasawa's mouth, Mihara Eiko's reaction was even greater than before. The guilt in her eyes could be seen with the naked eye even without instruments.

And after Mihara Keiko answered "no", her breathing became more and more rapid, as if the two questions just cost her a lot of energy.

"Has Hiroki Takase been to the shop of Shanshui Mingqiu?"

But Tang Ze would not give her a chance to calm down, and the next question became more and more acute.

Sure enough, this question still reacted.

"Are you protecting someone else?"

Karasawa's questions became more and more pointed, and the lines on the polygraph screen became more chaotic and raised, which was enough to show that Mihara Eiko's heart was not peaceful at the moment.

Seeing that the scheming plan was almost done, Karasawa quietly made a gesture behind his back, and Nanatsuki Koshimizu, who was looking through the one-way mirror outside, led Hiroki Takase in.

The moment he saw Hiroki Takase, Mihara Eiko who was sitting on the stool immediately stood up and said: "No! He is not a prisoner. I didn't see him that day!"

"Don't worry so much, the prisoner has been arrested by us." Tang Ze said: "And Mr. Takase you are protecting is not a prisoner."

"Eh?" Mihara Keiko was stunned for a moment after hearing Karasawa's words, with a look of disbelief on her face.

"We found the murder weapon with the fingerprints of the deceased's boss across from him."

Koshizui Nanatsuki said: "I asked you to come here because I want to piece together and restore the truth of the case.

After all, you all showed in the lie detector test that you had seen the murderer, but that was just a biased answer based on your incomplete knowledge. "

"So that's it." Mihara Keiko seemed to have had a burden lifted off her whole body, sitting straight on the chair and letting out a long sigh of relief.

She took off the instruments on her hands and body one by one, and Tang Ze and others did not stop them because they were no longer needed.

Mihara Keiko relaxed her posture and leaned back on the chair, and began to slowly talk about everything she saw that day.

That day, Mihara Keiko accompanied Shansui Mingqiu in the bar, and Takase Hiroki came to the bar just as the store was about to close.

He came to pay homage to the mountains and rivers, and hoped that he could pay homage to Hanako Hatae on the anniversary of her death.

But Shanshui Mingqiu was full of impatience, but he didn't say that it had anything to do with him.

Such words angered Takase Hiroki, and he asked the other party excitedly.

Shanshui Mingqiu said that he wanted to forget all this, but Takase Hiroki said angrily that all this could not be forgotten, and asked him to face all this and go to the grave to apologize.

The two eventually broke up unhappy.

"So that's it. I can probably guess what happened next to you, Hueyizi. Let's talk about it later."

When Karasawa heard Mihara Keiko's story, he stopped her from continuing. Instead, he looked at Takase Hiroki and said, "Mr. Takase, it was actually the body of Shansui Mingqiu that you discovered first, right?

Now there is no need for you to hide it anymore, after all, the murderer has been caught, and it is not Mr. Hatao Eao. "

"As soon as I entered, I saw Shanshui Mingqiu lying dead on the ground."

Hiroki Takase spoke hoarsely: "Then there is a green belt around his neck. That is the packaging belt of Green Road Transport Road, the company where Mr. Hatae works."

"Seeing this, you think the murderer is Mr. Hatae, right?" Tangze said.

"He has always hated Shanshui Mingqiu, right?" Takase Hiroki said with a painful expression: "But I believe he will not kill anyone, but the evidence is too unfavorable to Mr. Hatae..."

"So you took away the green belt of the murder weapon, right?" Tangze said.

Takase Hiroki nodded, and Mihara Keiko who was on the side couldn't help laughing at herself when she heard this: "I'm really being sentimental, so I'll go back."

"Wait a minute, now that things have come to this point, can you explain in detail what you did next?" Tang Ze called to the other party.

"You actually already know that."

Mihara Keiko looked at Karasawa, and when he saw that he was silent, he sat back and said, "That night I saw Mr. Takase running out of the bar.

At that time, I really thought that Mr. Takase was the murderer, so I took off the 300,000 yuan tie around his neck and wrapped it around his neck. "

"You want to deceive the police's search and attract criminal attention to yourself, right?" Tang Ze said.

"I shouldn't have been like this."

Mihara Keiko looked at Takase Hiroki and smiled: "It's so stupid. You and I are the same. We think that the person in our hearts is the murderer, and we want to be a hero casually."


Takase Hiroki looked at Mihara Keiko blankly and asked: "Why are you covering up my sins for me? You are obviously Shanshui Mingqiu's girlfriend, right?"

"Hanako...this name has disappeared from my memory for a long time. It was my best friend when I was young."

A look of reminiscence appeared on Mihara Keiko's face: "But I didn't expect that I would interact with her again in this way, but I'm not helping you just for her.

One rainy night, I saw you and Shan Shui Mingqiu having a dispute. You kept letting him face it, but he kept running away.

In the heavy rain, you were helpless and cried loudly, and I seemed to feel your regret and self-blame in my heart.

What kind of feeling I feel after 15 years of constant self-blame, I felt it after meeting you.

I was thinking at that time, if Hanako knew about it, he would definitely forgive you.

So that night, I decided to help you. "

Speaking of this, Mihara Keiko smiled and said: "How about you forgive him?"

"Huh?" Takase Hiroki's face was full of confusion and confusion.

"Forgive the person you were in the past." Mihara Keiko looked at Takase Hiroki with red eyes, but with a smile on her face: "Then start a new life, please."

An unknown woman asked him to forgive her, but only Takase Hiroki knew this feeling.

He felt like crying, but at the same time, the heaviness in his heart slowly eased with the words of the woman in front of him.

"Weird redemption."

Watching the two people leave, Koshimizu Nanatsuki commented.

"Some people have been blaming themselves for 15 years, some people have been escaping, and some people have never been able to get out, but they suffer and endure without taking revenge."

Tangze said: "Tell me, how did she feel about participating in it?"

"Too strong empathy is still love..."

Koshizui Nanatsuki shook his head and said: "I don't know what kind of feelings in her heart prompted her actions.

Senior, you are a master of psychology, should I ask you this question? "

"Even if I am a master, it is impossible to completely understand people's hearts." Tangze shook his head with a smile: "Unfortunately, her emotions are beyond the scope of my interpretation."

"Huh... I heard senior say that he didn't know. Somehow, I suddenly felt relieved." Koshimizu Nanatsuki took a breath and patted his chest.

"Hey, you're so rude!" Karasawa said with drooping eyes after hearing Koshimizu Nanatsuki's words.

"Hehe, the main reason is that the senior's performance is too versatile, and it feels unreal."

Koshizui Nanatsuki said with a smile: "Now I suddenly know that there are things that seniors don't know, and I suddenly feel relieved."

"There's so much I don't know."

Tang Ze shook his head and said: "If I have to say it, the broad and complicated appearance confuses you, so you have such an illusion.

I only know a lot of things on the surface, but I won’t understand them if I go deeper.

It's just because we work as criminals and everything we do is to solve crimes, so these simple and superficial things can just be used, and you have the illusion that I know everything. "

"So, I want to read more books?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki said thoughtfully.

"Yes, people like Hattori Heiji and Kudo Shinichi are all studying hard to accumulate knowledge."

When Tang Ze said this, he smiled evilly and said, "The level of study is more serious than taking the college entrance examination.

If you don't work harder, I'm afraid you won't be able to speak in front of them.

Because before you can react, people have already detected you.

Tsk tsk, then you, a high school detective from the south, will be embarrassed~"


Hearing Karasawa's words, Koshizui Nanatsuki screamed with disbelief on his face: "You said they are also accumulating knowledge like their predecessors?"

"Yes, and the effect is very good." Tang Ze nodded: "The level of reasoning has obviously improved, and the progress has been great."

"Those guys..."

Hearing this, Koshizui Nanatsuki gritted his teeth and said, "I thought I was two years older than them, and I joined the Metropolitan Police Department and learned a lot from my seniors, so I should be able to be ahead of them.

I didn’t expect them to be so desperate..."

He actually rolled it up secretly behind my back!

Thinking that his proud display might turn out to be a slap in the face, Koshizui Nanatsuki couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency in his heart, as if there was something invisible chasing him behind him.

"The case has been solved, senior, I will leave first if everything is fine."

Thinking of this, Nanatsuki no longer wanted to waste time here, "I haven't finished reading the book you recommended to me before. I'm going back to study!"

Immediately before Tang Ze could say anything else, the other party ran away quickly.

"You guys are so embarrassed, it makes me very embarrassed." Tangze said embarrassing words as he looked at the back of Yuesui Nanatsuki's fading away and disappearing.

However, the upward curve of the corners of his mouth betrayed his mood at the moment.

Obviously, the sinister Karasawa didn't mind that Koshimi Nanatsuki was also forced to roll up.

After all, there is still a gap between the level of Koshimi Nanatsuki and the level of "Tumbling Washing Machine" and "Osaka Black Chicken".

Even though she was rolled up and started to roll inward, she might not be able to catch up with Tangze for a while.

Just like the first place will take into account the second and third places who have few points, but the fourth place will not care, because the detection may not seem obvious, but every subsequent point is a big gap.

The reason why he did this was firstly to take revenge on Koshimi Nanatsuki for teasing him just now, and more importantly, to put some pressure on her.

Although Koshimi Nanatsuki has been consciously seeking progress in her daily life, without her realizing it, she has actually slacked off a bit, and the progress is not that obvious.

Naturally, Tangze couldn't look at such a piece of jade, because the working environment was too relaxed and neglected.

So sometimes he would let go of some cases and leave them to Koshimizu Nanatsuki to handle.

However, the training of practice also requires theory and knowledge as a basis, and the efficiency of Koshizu Nanatsuki's study is not that high.

So Karasawa thought of such a move to get Koshisui Nanatsuki to join the involution army.

Well, when he meets Conan and Hattori Heiji later, if the two of them still speak rudely and want to provoke him, then he will talk about Koshimizu Nanatsuki's performance and make them feel the same sense of crisis.

After all, wouldn't it be even more embarrassing if Nanatsuki Koshizui, who was accompanied by Karasawa, surpassed him.

Tang Ze couldn't help but laugh out loud when he thought of the scene where the two sides would get involved with each other when they didn't meet, and then compete with each other after meeting.

Really, looking forward to it~

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