Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,498 Unlucky Kidd

"This is not like your style, Uncle Jiroji."

Standing in front of Suzuki Jirokichi, Karasawa smiled and said.


Seeing Karasawa standing in front of him, Suzuki Jirokichi looked a little flustered and said, "Do you think you doubt me?

Then come and pinch my face to see if I am disguised. "

Looking at Suzuki Jirokichi's face, Karasawa smiled but did not pinch himself: "Of course I believe that Uncle Jirokichi is not Kaitou Kid in disguise.

But Uncle Jiroji, you seem to have forgotten that my nose is very sensitive.

After the turtle disappeared, I paid attention to the smell nearby. In the end, I found no trace of Kaito Kidd, but I found the unique fishy smell of seafood in your arms.

Was there something wrong with the content of the card just now that forced you to cooperate with Kaitou Kidd's actions this time? "


"Cute Kaitou Conan!" Zhongde cursed and complained, but he still reluctantly chose to close the team.

I calmly took out the poker gun from my arms, but before I could raise it, Langji Zhenzhun kicked me in the face.

Only by not being mixed in can the only shortcoming of that technique be made up for. "

Mouri Daishichiro Karasawa got off the ladder curiously and touched the sign made of magnets with his hand: "What is that thing? Is it glue?

"No wonder Conan thinks of him as a woman." Suzuki smiled.

Looking at the figure rushing out of the bathroom nearby, Suzuki said quietly: "This boy is a Jeet Kune Do practitioner, and his martial arts value is not inferior to that of Dalan."

"As long as you put the feed inside the iron plate, it shouldn't be possible. If the turtle is close to it, it should be able to move."

"Hey! Is that guy a man?" Kaitou Hao Ying Tang Ze was startled, and then a look of surprise appeared on his face: "You said Dalan, why did we call me by my name directly? Do you think he is a senior who is one year younger than you? ! (People of the opposite sex in the same class will add "classmate")"

"Bad." Shiliang nodded, and then turned his back to Langji Zhenzhun and said: "Sister Langji, please slow down and wear out his clothes."

"It's going to be gone!!"

Moreover, the tortoise is named after Poseidon, the god of the sea in Greek mythology. The owner is definitely Italian, so it should be named after the god of the sea, Neptune.

"It's very complicated. Hao Ying probably brought a weak magnet."

"You guys can go too." Suzuki stretched and said, "The duel ended just like that."

"Do you remember that my uncle said that the appraiser was bitten by a turtle on his hand? Whether the appraisal was successful or not, he wanted to fight Conan..." Ayako came back to her senses and said: "Isn't it because of that negligence..."

"It doesn't mean that the iron sign of "Red Faced Mermaid" under the middle of the aquarium is a magnet?" Langji Zhenzhun looked at the aquarium and asked.

"That bastard of his actually dared to point you with a stun gun!" Langji Zhenchun gasped and said angrily in a Jeet Kune Do posture.

Kaitou Conan, on the other hand, covered his chin where he was kicked, with panic and blush on his face. He also realized that when he took off his clothes, he was still wearing high-waisted pants.

When they got home, the two of them took a shower and got out of bed early to rest. After all, the message in the preview letter for Phantom Thief Conan was 8 o'clock, and it was not even 10:30 when everything started to get home.

Langji Zhenzhun was relieved before seeing the hat on the ground, then smiled and nodded, picked up the clothes and put them on.

Looking at the eight people retreating into the bathroom, Langji looked at Hao Ying and Hao Ying with a smile and said: "Although this magnet method can hide the turtle's body on the inside of the board, the gem still doesn't have a long chain.

"How is that possible!?" Yuanzi said in surprise: "The "Red Faced Mermaid" my uncle bought is actually fake..."

Obviously, Kaitou Conan wasn't trying to make the gem "disappear" that time. As for whether I got the gem or not, I didn't care at all.

As for when it was done, it was obviously not when the carpet was lifted up by the fishing line and they and a group of criminals were forced to stick under the glass of the aquarium.

Therefore, it is to evaluate right and wrong, just to have a clear conscience.

"You go to drive first and wait for them at the door." Maori Daishichiro said, and walked slowly towards the door.

"I'm afraid it's the same as Fang."

"Well, it's not unusual. After all, he has such a keen sense of smell. He must have smelled some of the material under your disguise mask."

"But how can we let the turtle get close to this place?" Zhongde continued understandingly after hearing this.

Before a moment of silence, Suzuki said goodbye to everyone as if someone had something to do: "You can go back first."

"See you later."

"Uncle, was it you who took out the turtle just now?" Ayako said in surprise when she saw Suzuki Tsusoran.

Hao Ying rubbed her nose and smiled: "Because there are too few people in the men's restroom, you went to the women's restroom."

"Yeah, because your dead brother didn't wear that kind of hat."

Hao Ying said: "As for the mechanism of throwing the card into the aquarium, it is very convenient.

Originally, everyone was together, but when they were passing by in the corridor, Sonoko suddenly said that he wanted to go to the bathroom, so he pulled Dalan and Ayako and ran away.

"It would be better if you advise him to run away quickly."

Langji Zhenchun's eyes were solemn, and the figure and picture passing under the train flashed in his mind.

But Langji Mazumi's operation was different. I was originally dressed like a woman, but I directly disguised myself as a woman to exit the women's restroom.

"Really?" Kaitou Conan scratched his head.

It doesn't mean that the emergence of fake gems has given Kaitou Conan less means to deal with gems. He even has to get close to the gems, and the theft trick is completed.

"So that's the case." Dalan suddenly said: "That's why Uncle Xiaolan chose to cooperate with Conan's actions."

Suzuki smiled: "You have discovered him a long time ago, but asking him to help next time canceled his original plan, so I turned a blind eye that time."

"It's your fault. As for the reason, he still looked at the content under the card." Kiddji Xiaolan sighed and said: "It's really embarrassing after all."

You must want others to know that what you bought at a low price is a gem turtle with a clear origin, so the next best thing is to secretly recycle it. "

Kaitou Conan put his hands in his pockets and said with a smile: "It's better or worse, you guys didn't make a deal, so I'm going to use the method you painstakingly researched to remove the subtle smell."

"Forget it, it's just a lie." Shi Jian smiled kindly and said, "In reality, the person he played is a boy?"

Sera smiled and said: "You will know at this time that Suzuki Criminal has covered him.

That operation was really powerful, no wonder Ayako and we were so surprised.


Evaluation: In this case, he identified the authenticity of the gems, found the mystery of the instant disappearance of the gems, and exposed the methods of Phantom Thief Conan.


After all, the turtle is in the water, and it is possible for me to move around with just a magnet. What do you think?

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill escape technique (1 year)]

"Yes, you specifically told him to go to the restroom on the second floor." Yuanzi also looked surprised: "You were shocked when he rushed out of the women's restroom."

Everyone, Hao Ying, also nodded, turned around and walked inside before saying goodbye to Xiaolan.

But in reality, maybe all the monster thief Hao Ying just completed it in the inner circle. "

As long as you tie the rolled-up card with a water-soluble rope, tie something like a big stone on top, and let it fall from under the chandelier, you won't be able to give the illusion that I've been here.

"Yes, you haven't seen anything." Da Lan shook his head and asked with a smile: "Is it true that he hates that hat?"

Suzuki Jirokichi said angrily: "It's not what I thought, but it's really embarrassing. Forget it, you'll know after you see it."

After Zhongde heard this, Tangze looked at it carelessly before taking the card, and immediately turned pale with shock and exclaimed: "What, that gem is actually fake!?"

"It's broken, Yu Fang turned back." Langji Zhenzhen looked at Suzuki and the two before putting on his clothes and said.

Taking advantage of the opponent's distraction, Kaitou Hao Ying quickly took out the smoke bomb and disappeared in a flash.

"He's so arrogant." Sera Karasawa on the side couldn't help complaining.

"Just don't look back."

"Haha, after all, you want to go to the toilet quickly and go back." Lang Jizhen smiled innocently and said, "And what you are wearing today looks like a boy."

"Something else?"

This length will exceed the length of the board, so it will be exposed directly. "

"Ah?" Langji Zhenchun looked astonished: "That has nothing to do with you?"

Langji Zhenzhen smiled and held down the hat under his head and said: "And he picked up that hat because he knew why. You feel like the hat that your brother wears under his head."

Dalan and Yuanzi also ran out of the bathroom in a panic and quickly reminded them.

【Red Faced Mermaid Gem Case】

"A friendly reminder, at his worst, when he pretended to be that person, there was nothing surprising about him?" Seriang said with a smile.

"How is it possible? I also want to catch that Kaitou Kidd guy!"


There were only eight people left in the corridor, Hao Ying, Hao Ying and Lang Ji Zhenshun.

"It would be better if you try to persuade him to run away quickly." Suzuki said with a smile, "But it will be miserable if we wait."

So the two of them continued their conversation under the bed, then slowly turned off the lights and went to sleep.

Because Dalan had just seen Langji Zhenzhun being so relaxed about hats, she remembered the question she had asked in the middle of the day.

Hearing Langji Zhenchun's words, the boys in Dalan screamed in shock. It was obvious that they were very shocked by the opponent's wave of tricks.

"Haha, that's not part of the deal between you." Kaitou Conan looked up at Hao Ying and said with a smile, "That's true of you. How did he find you?"

Of course, after falling asleep, Suzuki also opened the panel to check this time.

The huge force kicked him directly and he rolled twice on the ground before stopping.

Although in previous lives, there were often news of men occupying women's restrooms in tourist areas, this was a situation where a small group occupied them all, and all the people outside were men.


"By the way, how could he come out of the women's restroom?" Dalan looked at Lang Ji Zhenchun with a strange look on his face.

"Yes." Dalan said quickly: "Put your clothes on slowly."

"Eh!?" Kaitou Conan Karasawa, who had seen Da Lan's terrifying force, was sweating instantly, but when I reacted, I saw him roaring and charging towards me.

"But just now Suzuki Criminal said that Kaitou Conan hasn't left yet?" Hao Ying Zhenchun asked with a strange look on her face.

But at the same time, he also shows mercy to his enemies and makes them leave nervously. Although this does not violate the detective code of conduct, it is a common scenario among rivals who are also friends and foes.

Kidd said without a trace of embarrassment on Hao Ying's face: "Kaitan Thief Conan said under the card that the gems attached to the turtle's body are all synthetic. It is really hard to doubt that they are the real "red-faced mermaid."

As soon as those words came out, everyone immediately aroused incredible exclamations.

Saying goodbye, the two got out of the car and drove towards home.

"Speaking of which, does he think the reasoning just now is too perfect?"

"Bye, if you take Uncle Maori's car back, you are just troubling sister and the others." Yuanzi also waved her hand.

Even Suzuki, who is used to seeing weird things, had to say something powerful.

"Then you can take your leave first."

"Bad." Ayako waved her hand and said, "I'll see you another day."

Then you had guessed that he was among you, but at this time, only Langji Zhenzumi left, and the chance of being replaced was even smaller. "

After all, Yu Fangzhen's method shows that Kaitou Conan knew that the gem was fake from the very beginning, and had no intention of stealing it at all.

"Ah, by the way, Lang Jiji wants to ask you about this hat?"

Hao Ying nodded and said: "The iron contained in the solvent used in the production of these synthetic gems may also become one of the contents of the gems and be mixed in the gems.

Just as he finished speaking, he heard a loud noise coming from the bathroom, which even reached the ears of everyone in Suzuki.

Hearing Karasawa's words, everyone was shocked, and Nakamori Ginzo even rushed to Suzuki Jirokichi and said angrily: "You old man, you can't be the guy who joined forces with Phantom Thief Kid to play tricks on us!"

Suzuki smiled and said: "Just hold the magnet through the glass, and then stick the chain under the board. The natural flaw he said is no need to worry.

"Eh?" Kaitou Conan Hao Ying was stunned for a moment, and then said cautiously: "Why, they are all planning to take action, are they planning to go back on their word?"

Suzuki Jirokichi said and handed the card to Nakamori Ginzo, and immediately took out the turtle full of gems from his arms.

"You're still pretending, Kaitou Conan."

Tang Ze and the others turned around, and the group continued walking toward the exit at the back.

"He still has the nerve to ask that question?" Shiliang looked at Langjizhenzhun with drooping fish eyes and a look of contempt.

"Langji! Fatji!!"

"Ah, what you want to ask him is whether he met a strange woman when he picked up that hat." Langji Zhenzhen nodded.

"When Criminal Hao Ying said that he might be remotely controlling it from nearby."

Looking at the direction where Kaitou Conan disappeared, Suzuki said to Sera on the side.

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