Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,289 The message left by the prisoner

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The ambulance came as quickly as it left.

With the help of Tang Ze and others, Miss Saki was sent to the ambulance. After learning about the medication and the patient's condition from Tang Ze, the ambulance returned to the hospital as quickly as possible.

Originally, Inubushi Yukihime wanted to follow her, but after Karasawa's persuasion, she gave up going and planned to return to Inubushi City with Karasawa and others.

The first is to explain the situation to the rest of the Inubushi family, and the second is to cooperate with the investigation by Karasawa and others.

Of course, the important reason that reassured her not to follow him was that the ambulance was going to Inufushi Hospital.

From the name, you can tell that it is the hospital run by their Inufu family. People from the Inufu family go there to treat him, so the hospital will naturally pay more attention to it.

Moreover, Inubushi Yukihime specifically called their dean and asked him to properly treat Inubushi Saki, and received a guarantee from the other party.

This is what gives her peace of mind.

After settling things with Miss Saki, Karasawa drove the three of them back to Inufushi City and told everyone in the Inufushi family what they had encountered.

"What!? Saki was attacked by the "Fire Demon Dog"! ? "

After hearing what Inufushi Yukihime said, Inufukako couldn't help but be shocked: "Then how is she doing now? Why didn't you follow her to take care of her?"

"Fortunately, he was saved by Karasawa Criminal, but he was seriously injured and critically injured. He is still in a coma and is not out of danger yet."

Hearing this, Inubushi Yukihime quickly explained: "I originally wanted to go with him, but Karasawa Criminal Police said that I couldn't help if I went. The top priority now is to cooperate with them to find the prisoner.

I have contacted the director of Inufushi Hospital and asked him to help take care of Sister Saki. If anything happens, I will contact us immediately. "

"After all, it is now confirmed that the criminal is using the "Fire Demon Dog" to continue committing crimes. This is also for the safety of Miss Yukihime. "

Karasawa heard Inufukako's questioning and helped explain: "If she went to the hospital, she would most likely be attacked when she was left alone or on the way back.

In addition, Inufushi Hospital is your own hospital. With this condition, you can rest assured that the hospital will take care of Ms. Saki.

So I asked Miss Yukihime to come back with us. "

"Hey, is it true? The prisoner is using the "Fire Demon Dog" to commit murder? "

Inufusen on the side also heard what Karasawa said, and said with an expression of disbelief: "I still believe you said it was a criminal, but using that legendary curse..."

"But in fact, I did see the canine footprints that were on fire on the ground."

Hattori Heiji said with a solemn expression: "Not only that, but there is no smell of oil on the flames, and the closer the fires are to the cliff, the wider the distance.

Even the flames became bigger, as if something burning was getting bigger and bigger passing over there. "

"It is indeed the "Fire Demon Dog", does it really exist? "

Inubushi Yukihime had never followed Hattori Heiji to see the cliff before. When she heard his words, she couldn't help but panic: "I remember Sister Saki who fell off the cliff and said she saw a burning dog..."

"Don't scare yourself!" Hattori Heiji vetoed: "In this world, there is absolutely no such thing as a "magic dog" with supernatural power!

There is no doubt that this is a trap!

The prisoner played a trick to make people think that the "Fire Demon Dog" is real. "

"The important thing is to be able to blame all your crimes on the "Devil Dog". Conan agreed with a smile.

"You're absolutely right!"

Just as Conan finished speaking, a slightly funny voice sounded. Conan was stunned for a moment and quickly looked back, and found that Yamamura Cao had entered the room at some point.

At this moment, he was raising his index finger and said seriously: "In this era where all TV signals are digitalized, people are still panicked by using techniques like "Devil Dog".

It’s really outrageous~


"Yamamura Police Department!?" Although Conan was surprised to see the other party, he still said hello immediately.

"Hey~ Conan-kun, it's been such a long time~"

Yamamura Soo smiled and said hello to Conan, and then asked with a somewhat embarrassed and showy expression: "By the way, the comparison between "digitalization" and "devil dog" before, didn't it feel cool? "

"Who is that guy?" Hattori Heiji on the side looked at Yamamura's unattractive appearance with a look of shame on his face.

"Crime in Gunma County." Karasawa smiled helplessly: "We can be considered old friends. The other party was responsible for several cases in Gunma County before."

"So I'm in charge of the Search Section 1." Hattori Heiji glanced at Yamamura Sou, then approached Karasawa and whispered: "Why does it feel so unreliable..."

"I can only say that your feeling is correct." Tang Ze also responded in a low voice: "You are also a confused person."

The word "also" was used very spiritually. Hattori Heiji on the side even smiled knowingly after hearing this, obviously thinking of a "substitute" who did not come this time.

"Anyway, let's get down to business first."

Seeing Yamamura Cao still praising his handsomeness to Conan, Tangze, who had finished whispering, took advantage of the gap between the two of them to interrupt him.

"Oh, that's right!" Yamamura suddenly came to his senses, and immediately held out his hand to pretend to be evidence and coughed: "Business matters, after all, many people have been attacked in this case."

"Two of the eight adopted sons of the Inubushi family have died before, and two more have been seriously injured in the past two days and have not woken up yet." Inufukako explained.

"Although I don't know who is behind the "Devil Dog", he definitely has a deep hatred for our Inubushi family! "

Inubushi Zenya's rough voice was filled with suppressed anger: "Damn bastard!"

"This is already obvious."

Karasawa looked at the three of them and said: "Inufushi Yukihime also said before that among the eight adopted sons and daughters of you, there seems to be a fake adopted son who has a strong hatred for the Inufushi family.

So we will start the internal investigation first, excluding Ms. Yukihime who was with us the whole time, and the remaining three can please tell us their alibi.

When Ms. Saki was attacked by the "Fire Demon Dog", it took effect at 7 o'clock in the evening. Please tell the three of them where they were and what they were doing. "

"Around seven o'clock, I remember that I seemed to be taking a shower at that time." Inufusen also heard Karasawa's words and thought about it.

"As for me, based on the time, I felt that Miss Saki should be back after being gone for so long, so I went outside to check on the situation."

Inufukako said: "Because she has lived here for so long, she still gets lost in the mountains, so she is a little worried."

"I was always by my mother's side." Chiko Inufushi finally said, "During that time, I was helping my mother measure her blood pressure and body temperature.

In addition, because it was already dinner time, I also fed my mother liquid food. "

Speaking of this, Inufushiko opened the sliding door behind him and smiled bitterly at Yamamura Cao: "Although I say that, because my mother has been in a coma, Wenming doesn't want to and can't testify for me."

"You two seem to be acting alone. No one can help you prove it, right?" Hattori Heiji looked at the other two people and said.

"Yes." Inu Fuzhan also nodded.

"Normally, there would be three servants working at home in the castle, but unfortunately they all went home for the holidays."

Inufukako also shook his head as he explained, as if no one else in the room could help them prove it.

"Hey, hey, this dark-skinned guy!"

Just after the three of them answered the questions, Cao Yamamura stood up and said with some resentment: "Interrogating people is criminal work, so please don't take my job!"

"Sorry, sorry." Hattori Heiji said sheepishly, "I got used to it for a while."

"What? Brother, you look like you're only in high school." Yamamura Cao heard Hattori

Heiji was surprised when he said: "From what you said, it sounds like you are very skilled in investigation."

"This is the famous high school detective in Kansai, Hattori Heiji-kun."

Hearing this, Karasawa smiled and stood up for Hattori Heiji and said, "We have handled many cases together, and our abilities can be trusted."

"I see." After hearing this, Yamamura Cao smiled and patted his chest and said, "I am Yamamura Cao, from the Police Department of Gunma Prefecture Investigation Section 1. Please give me your advice!"

"Police department?"

After hearing Yamamura Soo's self-introduction, Hattori Heiji looked at Karasawa in disbelief. After receiving the other person's confirming look, Hattori Heiji looked suspicious of life.

Although it was just initial contact, no matter how you looked at the other party, he didn't look reliable.

Comparing the police department at the scene of his own search section 1 and Officer Megure in Tokyo, this one is really very different.

"Hey, what's that look in your kid's face!"

Seeing Hattori Heiji's suspicious eyes, Yamamura Soo said unhappily: "I have solved many cases with Karasawa Criminal, a world-famous "criminal"! If you don’t believe me, ask Tangze Criminal! "

"A criminal!?"

After hearing what Yamamura Cao said, all the dead people in the Inufu family present looked shocked.

"Eh? Are you a Tokyo criminal!?" Inubushi Yukihime looked at Karasawa in surprise and asked in astonishment.

"it's me."

Tangze nodded, then glanced at the three people next to him, with a playful smile on his face: "But after learning my identity, everyone's reactions seem to have changed the atmosphere."

"I'm just a little surprised." Inufukako explained after hearing this: "After all, your deeds are widely spread even among Gunma."

"Yes, just like the famous detective in Sherlock Holmes, he is just a legendary figure."

Inufusen also nodded in agreement: "Now that you suddenly appear, we even feel a little unreal."

On the side, Inufushi Yukihime seemed to remember something and said quickly: "But speaking of it, Mr. Shinichi did seem to have told us before leaving Inubushi's house."

"He said that he asked a familiar criminal friend to investigate the mysteries of the successive cases in the Inufushi family, so that we can be mentally prepared." Chiko Inufushi followed closely.

"However, we didn't expect that he would actually invite you, a famous "criminal". ” Inufuchen’s face was also full of sighs.

"Actually, they found me, but let Karasawa Criminal take the lead in this situation." After hearing what the three said, Hattori Heiji felt that there was no need to explain, so he acquiesced to their words.

"Since Mr. Shinichi was mentioned, let me ask you a question in passing."

Karasawa looked at the suspects who had been reduced to three suspects again and said, "When Mr. Shinichi was attacked in Tokyo, did any of you happen to be in Tokyo?"

"Actually, the four of us went to Tokyo." Inufukako replied after hearing this.

"Well?" Karasawa was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then asked: "Excuse me, are you going to Tokyo together? Do you have anything important to do?"

"The reason why we went to Tokyo was to persuade Mr. Shinichi to come home." Inubushi Yukihime explained.

"From what I said before, he probably told you that he is doubting one of us again." Inufukako explained: "So I went to him to find out the reason why he doubted us."

"But he seemed to be very scared, so he didn't say anything when he saw us." Inu Fuzhan also spread his hands, with a look of helplessness on his face.

"That feeling is as if the prisoner is among the four of us." Inufushi Chiko agreed.

"Then the four of you were always together in Tokyo, or did you move separately?" Karasawa asked.

"When we went there, we all came together, but when we came back, we came back individually." Inubushi Yukihime explained aloud.

"But shouldn't it be time for you to tell us the information you investigated in the case of Mr. Shinichi's attack?"

Inu Fukaozi on the side said with a questioning look on his face: "From now on

Judging from the meaning of your conversation, it seems that it has something to do with the deaths of Mr. Hotaru and Miagako who passed away before. "

"In the current situation, we cannot find any evidence of any correlation in reality."

Tang Ze heard this and said, "But after Mr. Shinichi was attacked, during the rescue process, the doctor discovered that there was something in the man's mouth.

It's the pearl as a decoration on his tie clip. I wonder if you have any impression of it? "


After hearing Tangze's words, the expressions of the four people changed instantly. The pale faces made even Yamamura Cao noticed something was wrong: "What's wrong with you? You look ugly?"

"Ah, no." Inubushi Yukihime came back to her senses and quickly explained: "Because Mr. Hotaru, who fell off the cliff and died like Miss Saki, also had a small steel ball dropped next to him when he died!"

"Little steel ball?" Yamamura Cao looked stunned.

"Actually, that uncle likes to play with Pat Ching-ge very much." Inufusen also explained: "I originally thought it was just a small steel ball that fell out of his pocket and was not finished playing with..."

"And Mioko died in her sleep near the swamp, and a ping pong ball was also found next to her." Inufushi Chiaki agreed with a somewhat ugly look on his face.

"Ball, ball..." Hattori Heiji frowned: "They are all spherical..."

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