Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,309 Hattori was manipulated

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I don't know if it was a moment or a long wait.

The first kiss of two young people ended up being unable to breathe.

The two separated people looked at each other, but the next moment they invariably looked away.

They had obviously kissed before, and they were still holding hands at this moment, but the two of them were like a man and a woman meeting on a blind date for the first time, with embarrassment on their faces.

The only difference is that although both of them have embarrassment on their faces, the affection shown in their eyes is unparalleled.

"It's so green."

Ayako, who was leaning in front of the tablet in the car, covered her cheeks with an aunt's smile on her face: "Seeing them, I seem to feel the same way."

"Remember the youthful days we used to have?" Karasawa and Ayako intertwined their fingers and asked with a smile.

"Of course, I was probably as excited and uneasy as them at that time."

There was reminiscence in Ayako's eyes: "It was as if I was suddenly transported back to that day, that day of unreal confession."

Tangze didn't say much, he only used actions to express his feelings.

Unlike the young couple who were still trapped in an awkward atmosphere in Sannoji Temple, after a brief surprise, Ayako took the initiative to hold Karasawa's neck and responded enthusiastically.

After all, they are an old couple, and there is nothing shy about kissing in a space without outside interference.

Compared with the two of them, the young man and woman under the cherry blossom tree seemed much more youthful.

The seemingly endless chatter in the past seemed to have completely disappeared at this moment. Whether it was Kazuha who loved sharing, or Hattori Heiji who had a calm mind, their minds were blank at this moment.

Don't know what to say at all.

But this atmosphere is very subtle. Although it is awkward, the two people's hearts are full of sweetness.

The superposition of these two completely opposite atmospheres made the two people stay in place for a while, as if they were reminiscing and mentally preparing for the opening.


The two seemed to be mentally prepared, and both wanted to break the stalemate and silence at the moment, but the next moment they spoke in unison, causing the two people who originally wanted to speak to unconsciously shut up in embarrassment.

"Speak first." Hattori Heiji scratched his cheek and said immediately.

"Where are we going after this?" Kazuha looked down at his toes, not daring to look into Hattori Heiji's eyes: "We can't stay here forever, right?"

"Ah...actually I wanted to ask you this too."

Hearing Kazuha's words, Hattori Heiji was a little shy, but he still managed to remain calm on the surface: "It's getting late, so it's time to discuss what to eat later, right?"

"Yeah." With the topic of conversation, Heye's embarrassment slowly dissipated.

Relationships are like this sometimes. After the relationship is officially confirmed, the awkwardness is only slight, but the behavior between the two becomes more and more intimate.

"Then do you want to eat anything?" Hattori Heiji asked immediately.

"I haven't thought about it yet." He Ye thought for a while and asked, "Is there anything you want to eat?"

"Yakiniku, oden..." Although Hattori Heiji wanted to let Kazuha choose, since the other party had no goal, he couldn't say that he didn't have anything he wanted to eat.

If that were the case, the topic would have come full circle and come back to the original point. He didn't want the awkward atmosphere to continue.

So he thought of several categories and planned to discuss them together later.

"Of course it's sukiyaki!"

Just when Hattori Heiji wanted to continue giving examples, suddenly a male voice came from outside the temple gate and interrupted Hattori Heiji's continued examples.

The atmosphere between the two people, who had originally relaxed from awkwardness, was frightened by the sudden words. They turned to look at the door and found that Karasawa and Ayako, who was waving, were approaching the two of them with smiles on their faces.

Because the timing was too coincidental, the two people who had been gradually calming down suddenly became nervous again.

This tension is different from before

, there is a feeling of guilty conscience.

After all, the timing of the two people's arrival was too coincidental, and when they met each other's half-smiling expressions, they actually felt as if everything had been seen through.

And this feeling made the two young men and women who had just established their relationship suddenly feel awkward.

After all, the two people who originally said something was wrong actually appeared here at this moment, and the meaning of this was self-evident.

Seeing the ambiguous looks between the two of them smiling but not smiling, the two thin-skinned young lovers became even more nervous, for fear of being teased by the two people.

Obviously, Tang Ze's appearance at such a coincidental meeting made them feel that their previous affairs had been "exposed", and they were afraid of being teased.

Especially Hattori Heiji, he knew that his confession plan was promoted by Karasawa behind the scenes. Naturally, the other party knew all his plans.

So when the other party appears here, he probably already knows about the development of the relationship between the two, and maybe he even saw the whole process.

Thinking of this, Hattori Heiji was suddenly startled and looked around quickly.

With his insight and careful observation, he immediately discovered the hidden cameras around him, and his face couldn't help but darken.

But in the end, he resisted and went directly to Tang Ze to settle the score without opening his mouth. After all, he could already predict his tragic ending when he settled the score with the other party at this time.

After all, the situation is stronger now. The confession video of myself and He Ye is in the hands of the other party. Even if I go to settle the score with the other party, I will only end up with a humiliating end.

Maybe the other party will play the video back to the two of them on the spot. This is definitely something Tangze can do.

He was okay, it wasn't the first time that Karasawa had set a trap and he was killed, and his mental endurance was also very strong.

But Kazuha, a little girl with a thin skin, naturally could no longer withstand such an impact. Hattori Heiji even suspected that Kazuha would not be able to bear the violent impact and fainted.

Even for the sake of his girlfriend's face, he couldn't take the initiative to tell this matter.

Even if Tang Ze wants to take the initiative to talk about this matter, he will block it immediately!

However, he still thought too much. Tangze still had a good sense of propriety. This kind of social death thing definitely couldn't be brought up when the two of them had just established their relationship.

After all, taking it out at this time will have no positive impact at all, except for making the two of them more coy and inactive.

If you really want to play this video, you must wait until the relationship between the two becomes sweeter, and then let it die.

By that time, the social death will become a positive promotion. Although I will be shy, I can't help but feel sweet when facing this memory in my heart.

Karasawa indicated with his eyes that Hattori Heiji should not be nervous, and then smiled and said to the two of them: "For such a happy event, according to the procedure, I must eat sukiyaki to celebrate."

"Aya," Kazuha on the side looked at the two of Karasawa in disbelief, stammering and looking very panicked.

"Hehe, in fact, everything in the branch is lying to you."

Ayako smiled: "After all, if this is not the case, how can we create time for you two to be alone."

"Even for this trip to Kyoto, it was Hattori Heiji who asked me for help~" Karasawa echoed and added: "Just for..."

After saying this, he immediately stopped talking, but Tang Ze's eyes made Kazuye understand everything.

"Heiji..." He Ye Wenyan looked at each other, with a look of emotion on his face.

After all, from what Tang Ze said, the other party must have been planning this confession for a long time.

The courage and determination shown by the other party this time also made He Ye's heart full of sweetness.

And Hattori Heiji on the side naturally knew that this was Karasawa taking credit for himself. In fact, how did this car confession action come about? How could he not know?

But now, he can't bring himself to slap himself in the face, he can only feel a little bad

I accepted the kindness willingly.

"Actually, we have nothing to worry about." Ayako came to Kazuha and said with a smile: "After all, you..."

"Sister Ayako!"

Hearing Ayako's words, Kazuha was still so frightened that he quickly reached out to cover Ayako's mouth.

Even though the relationship has been confirmed, Kazuha is still embarrassed to let Heiji know that he once liked the other person's troubles before he confessed to his best friends.

After all, she is very shy when someone mentions her thoughts about her little daughter.

"Well, let's not talk anymore." Ayako seemed to have understood the meaning of Hattori Heiji at a glance, and said with a smile: "Let's go, let's go have a good meal today to celebrate this great event!"

The two girls said they were going to have a big meal and walked briskly towards the car parked at the door, while Hattori Heiji deliberately slowed down.

Looking at Karasawa's smiling face, Hattori Heiji gritted his teeth and whispered: "You're cruel..."

"Ah, Hattori-kun, what are you talking about?" Karasawa asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Stop pretending, I've noticed all the cameras and radio equipment around you!" Hattori Heiji said with a dark face: "You and Ayako-san must have watched the entire live broadcast!!"

"Ah~ you said this~"

Karasawa pretended to be surprised and said: "In order to ensure that there are no accidents in your confession, Ayako and I will act as your backup team and monitor your progress in real time.

If things don't go well, we will call you or show up at a timely manner to interrupt your action.

Of course, we have also thought of the follow-up compensation plan for you. Although it has not been used, there is no need to thank us for our thoughtful consideration. "

"Then I really thank you..."

Seeing Karasawa's pretended righteous attitude, Hattori Heiji's face turned even darker.

"You're welcome." Looking at Hattori Heiji's changed expression, Karasawa replied with a smile.

"Who wants to thank you?"

Seeing Karasawa shamelessly accepting his ironic thanks, Hattori Heiji said directly: "Bring it here!"

"What?" Karasawa asked knowingly.

"Of course it's the video that was taken!"

Hattori Heiji gritted his teeth and said, "I don't believe you didn't keep it."

"Ah, this." Karasawa reached out and handed the memory card to Hattori Heiji: "What did I think it was? Here it is."


Seeing Karasawa hand over the recorded video to him so readily, Hattori Heiji had a look of surprise on his face.

"I have already made a copy and saved it. Naturally, the original video will be handed over to the person involved."

Tangze said with a smile: "After all, it is the most important event in life, so naturally it should be kept as a souvenir."

"I knew it!!" Hattori Heiji yelled, "Don't go too far, you guy, delete it quickly!"

"Hehe." Karasawa smiled warmly, but what he said made Hattori Heiji despair: "No."

Upon seeing this, Hattori Heiji was reluctant and wanted to say something more, but Karasawa put his arms around Hattori Heiji's neck and said, "Young man, are you still so arrogant when I have the handle?"


When Hattori Heiji heard the faint threat in Karasawa's words, the originally angry expression on his face instantly turned into one that dared not speak.

There is no way, although what the other party said is arrogant, it is also true.

"Okay, don't worry, I won't show your video to others casually."

Tang Ze smiled and said: "Of course you have to keep a copy, and then wait until you get married to release it."

"This is impossible!"

Hearing Karasawa's plan, Hattori Heiji's temporarily relaxed mood suddenly came back: "There will be so many people by then!!"

"Then it depends on your performance in the following years." Karasawa smiled and patted Hattori Heiji on the shoulder: "Okay, walk faster, your girlfriend is still waiting."

Hattori Heiji glared at Karasawa bitterly, but finally accepted the reality of being manipulated by Karasawa, and followed Karasawa into the car obediently.

When he sat next to Kazuha, holding the catkins that the other party handed him naturally, Hattori Heiji's expression gradually softened again.

Although he was really embarrassed when someone recorded his confession video, it was just a minor interlude.

More importantly, at this moment, he has successfully taken the most critical step and is with He Ye Chenggong.

This was his long-cherished wish, and at this moment today, it all became a reality.

Thinking of this, the shame and madness in Hattori Heiji's heart gradually dissipated, leaving only the smile that unconsciously turned up at the corners of his mouth.

Beside him, Kazuha's face was also filled with the same smile, as if chatting with Ayako about what to eat was the happiest thing at the moment.

Of course, it would have been better if Karasawa didn't wink and tease him after passing.

Of course, although he couldn't resist such a look, he had no intention of letting go of He Ye's left hand.

It was obvious that even if he was teased by Karasawa's eyes from time to time, he would not let go of Kazuya's hand.

In this way, the two of them kept their hands open on the way to the sukiyaki shop.

The four of them sat down again, but the relationship between them also changed from what it was during the day.

Although the person involved did not notice it, Tang Ze, who was a bystander, saw it clearly.

The distance between them when they sat together disappeared, and the two of them spent more time whispering to each other.

Presumably, it won't take long after I return, and the two adults from the same criminal family will find out the clues.

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