Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,327 The End

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Although I was curious about what solution my father had, it was a pity that no matter how I pressed, my father refused to tell me.

In the end, he was annoyed by his constant guessing, so he just said something like "It won't work if you know it", which completely gave up the idea of ​​continuing to ask questions.

However, seeing that his father agreed to "fight thunder" for him, Kudo Shinichi felt a little calmer.

"Hey! What are you two grown men writing in there!"

In front of the car, Kudo Yukiko waved her hands dissatisfied and urged: "Hurry up, or I'll leave you alone!"

"Coming!" Kudo Yusaku shouted back, and then urged his son to run towards the car.

It can be seen that the Kudo couple attaches great importance to today's dinner, and they have booked a very high-end Western restaurant to welcome Xiaolan, their daughter-in-law.

Although the Kudo couple never mentioned the word daughter-in-law during dinner in the evening, the topic of conversation was not far from the word daughter-in-law.

For example, future plans, whether to go abroad or live in Neon, whether to get married first in college, when to hold the wedding, and even how many children to have have been planned by Yukiko.

This means that not only Xiaolan is unable to resist, but even Kudo Shinichi can't help but feel his scalp numb.

If Xiaolan hadn't been sitting next to him, Kudo Shinichi would have wanted to ask his mother if she had forgotten that she would become a child again?

Unless the antidote is settled, everything she said will be empty talk.

And he hasn't even passed the level of Mouri Kogoro yet. Isn't it a bit too early to talk so far now?

In the end, it was Kudo Yusaku who interrupted his wife's increasingly fanatical mood in time and saved the young couple.

After that, Kudo Yusaku changed the topic in time, which made the young couple feel at ease. Xiaolan quickly adapted to getting along with Kudo's parents after going through the embarrassment of identity change.

This is of course, after all, Xiaolan also grew up watching the Kudo couple. The familiar things are no longer familiar, and the embarrassment is just the unaccustomed feeling caused by the change of identity.

This is the advantage of childhood sweethearts. As long as both parties agree, the parents of both parties are not a problem at all. They are even happier than the person involved. I wish I could fast forward to the time when you get married and have children, and have a baby to make them happy.

Overall, the four of us had a very happy meal.

Although the young couple was a little embarrassed, they were very happy to have their relationship recognized by their parents.

All in all it was bound to be a pleasant dinner.

The same was true for Karasawa. Making new friends made him have a great time tonight.

The sun rose as usual the next morning, and Karasawa picked up Ayako who went out to play with Sophie, while Xiaolan on the other side faced another farewell.

Looking at the farewell message from Kudo Shinichi in the text message on her mobile phone, Xiaolan immediately made a call.

"Sorry, sorry." Conan said helplessly in the hotel: "Actually, I took a plane and left after dinner last night. After all, there are still cases waiting for me to deal with."

"Then you should at least tell me!" Xiaolan said with some resentment, "I still want to see you off."

"I'm sorry, but if I ask you to see me off, I might not be able to help but stay." Kudo Shinichi said his love words with some embarrassment.

Although it is very cliché, I have to say that such sincere words are also useful for little girls who have never talked or fallen in love.

Xiaolan's face turned red in an instant, and the little resentment in her heart instantly turned into joy.

There was no way, even the reason for leaving was so affectionate that Old Green Tea dismissed it, but for the little girl who had just fallen in love, it was just the right amount of sugar.

"Okay, then when will you come back?" Xiaolan asked hopefully.

When you first fall in love, it is a time when the novelty is strong. The saying that one day is like three autumns after not seeing each other is very vivid.

Not only had Kudo Shinichi left, Xiaolan had already begun to look forward to when she could meet Kudo Shinichi again.

But this

This question was directly stuck in Kudo Shinichi's heart. After all, he was able to take the antidote this time because he had racked his brains and calculated and really needed to verify the effect of the antidote.

Even if he agrees to Xiaolan now, he may not be able to get the antidote next time.

And he also believed that Tang Ze was a person who kept his word. He would not let him take the antidote if he said he would not, even if he broke the promise.

But at the same time, he also knew rationally in his heart that Tang Ze really did it for his own good.

Because the antidote is now resistant to antibiotics, taking too much will really turn you into Conan permanently.

In addition, the black organization has not yet been solved, which is a very critical issue.

This time he became Kudo Shinichi in London because not many people knew him, but he had to be more careful next time in Neon.

If discovered, even his parents, including Xiao Lan, would be in danger.

In this case, if he was asked to guarantee a time for the next meeting with someone he was not sure about whether he could meet the other person, he could already think of Xiaolan's disappointed face when the time came.

But it was impossible for him to directly refuse Xiaolan and let the other party down, so he quickly changed the topic and said, "I can't be sure at the moment. After all, don't forget that I just offended Uncle Maoli.

I think if I appear in front of you during this period, Uncle Maori might really hunt me down with a knife..."

"It's too exaggerated." Xiaolan was a little embarrassed after hearing Kudo Shinichi's words: "Dad, he was just angry for a moment..."

Of course, even Xiaolan didn't have much confidence when she said this. After all, she still remembered her father's angry look after she went back last night.

In order to cherish the time with her sweetheart, this morning she "doubled her teeth" and wrote a note while her father was sleeping and ran away regardless of the consequences.

Even when the other party called, she kept prevaricating and refused to say where she was.

Even when she went back yesterday, she was scolded by her father, not to mention Kudo Shinichi, who was regarded as a thorn in his father's side.

And Kudo Shinichi's words really worked. Xiaolan's attention suddenly shifted from when he would come back to how to deal with her father.

"Well, anyway, let's let Uncle Mouri calm down for a while."

Kudo Shinichi said: "I won't show up for the time being. I'll wait until I deal with Uncle Mouri later."

"Xinyi, do you have any good ideas?" Xiaolan asked curiously after hearing this, having long forgotten her original intention.

Using a bigger contradiction to divert the current conflict is something Kudo Shinichi has mastered.

"Let uncle calm down for now, and then I'll ask my dad to be the lobbyist."

Kudo Shinichi said truthfully: "If my father goes to talk to Uncle Mouri first, he should be able to calm down Uncle Mouri later."

"Uncle Yusaku is coming to meet my dad?" Xiaolan immediately panicked when she heard Kudo Shinichi's words: "A-are you going to meet your parents?"

"Well... half and half..."

Kudo Shinichi was also a little embarrassed and said: "But it's just a meeting between parents first. I guess I have to wait until Dad and Uncle Mouri have made an agreement before finding an opportunity to visit."

"Wait, wait..." Now it was Xiaolan's turn to panic: "Isn't this a little too fast..."

"Well, there's no need to be too hasty."

Kudo Shinichi smiled and comforted him: "It will probably take a while for my dad to visit your dad, at least wait until Uncle Maori calms down first.

After that, I still have to see Uncle Maori’s reaction before I come to visit him. "

"Yes! You must take your time!" Xiaolan couldn't care less about when her sweetheart would come back at the moment, all she could think about was the matter in front of her.

Even when she hung up the phone, all she could think about was "going to meet her parents."

As for when Shinichi will come back?

That doesn't matter anymore.

She didn't know whether she was nervous or excited and completely forgot about it.

After hanging up the phone, Kudo Shinichi, who was in Dr. Ali's body, couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is the phone call over?" Haibara looked at Kudo Shinichi: "The antidote is expected to wear off this morning, so you can stay here honestly."

"Yes." Kudo Shinichi looked at Haibara and smiled: "But the time of this antidote is really beyond my expectation. I thought it would cost at least two antidote this time."

"Then why do you think I asked you to fly back overnight?"

Haiyuan said angrily: "In my calculations, the time for the antidote is almost from last night to tonight.

I even asked Dr. Ari to give you medicine to delay the effects of the medicine, just in case."

"Eh? Is there any medicine that can delay the transformation time?" Kudo Shinichi's eyes lit up when he heard this: "Doesn't that mean..."

"Forget it."

Before Kudo Shinichi could finish his words, Haibara interrupted him mercilessly: "Although I have developed a drug that can be delayed, it can only be used as an emergency, and it can only last for three hours at most.

And although drug resistance has been greatly reduced, it is not impossible, and resistance will multiply with the amount of use.

For example, if you take one pill, it will be 2 resistance points, the next time it will be 4 points, and if you take three pills, it will be 16 points.

At this level, it is not as cost-effective as taking another antidote, so taking one delayed pill at a time is the most cost-effective, and taking two pills will be a loss. "

"What..." Kudo Shinichi said helplessly after hearing this: "It makes me happy for nothing..."

Halfway through his words, before Kudo Shinichi could continue what he wanted to say, his heart suddenly felt cramped and his body began to heat up.


Kudo Shinichi's face showed a painful expression, and his steps staggered a little.

"The time has come for the antidote to wear off." Haibara looked at Kudo Shinichi and said calmly: "The room has still prepared clothes for you. You can go there."

"Thank you..."

Kudo Shinichi held his chest and walked towards the room. Because the room was full of his own people, when he became small again, he didn't have any sense of endurance and screamed directly in the room.

Soon the sound of pain subsided, and Conan, who was fully clothed, changed back.

"As expected, this is more pleasing to the eye." Haiyuan looked at Conan and smiled lightly.

"Hey, this is a bit too much." Conan said speechlessly: "People say this when they return to their original bodies, but you actually say that I look like this."

"Of course that's because you were already like this when I met you."

Haibara crossed his arms and said, "To me, 'Kudo Shinichi' looks like a stranger, while 'Conan' is something I am familiar with." "

"Okay, okay, but I still like Kudo Shinichi's look." Conan muttered, straightening his bow.

"Just think about this kind of thing. You also know that the current situation will not allow you to become Kudo Shinichi for a long time."

Huiyuan struck at the side and said, "Otherwise, what awaits you is that your whole family will be silenced, and even none of us will be affected by you."

"Hey, hey, don't say such scary things with a calm face!" Conan said helplessly with his eyelids drooping, "This will put a lot of pressure on me."

"I just hope you don't get carried away by love and forget that you have more important things to do."

Haibara said calmly: "People in love have basically zero IQ. I'm just preventing you from turning into a "pig teammate" and killing us. "

"I know!" Conan, who couldn't stand Haibara's poisonous tongue, repeatedly begged for mercy: "I will pay attention, I will definitely pay attention!"

"It's good that you know." Haiyuan saw Conan lower his head in resignation and nodded with satisfaction.

Conan on the side could only smile helplessly, not daring to say anything in rebuttal.

First of all

Fang's worries are not exaggerated or groundless, but are likely to become reality once exposed.

Secondly, the other party may also be retaliating for their own methods of obtaining the antidote.

Thinking that you have taken advantage of everything, it doesn't matter if the other party makes a few venomous remarks. After all, the antidote is still in their hands.

Bear it!

"Are you going back now?" Dr. Ali saw the two of them finished their conversation and stood up at the right time to change the subject and ask Conan to share the pressure: "Or do you want to stay here for two days?"

"Let's stay here for two days."

Conan smiled and said, "I have already told Uncle Maori and the others that my mother returned to Neon for something and brought me back by the way.

I'm staying with my parents these days. Xiaolan and the others are due to come back in two days. I also want to act more like myself and go back two days later. "

"But the holiday will be over soon, right?" Dr. Ali heard this and said, "Would you like to take two days off for you?"

"Then I'll leave it to you, Dr. Agasa." Hearing this, Conan thanked him.

"By the way, didn't Tangze Criminal come back with you?" Haiyuan asked.

"He was on vacation, so he probably has to wait for Miss Ayako to come back with him."

Conan heard this and said, "Xiaolan and Uncle Maori will probably come back at about the same time as them. What can I do for you?"

"I just feel that the man you let stay in your room seems to have been spying on us recently." Haibara said calmly, "So I want to ask Karasawa Criminal what's going on."

"That should be to protect you." Conan naturally knew the "love and hate" between the two parties, and quickly assured: "Don't worry, he can definitely be trusted!"

"That's right." After hearing this, Haiyuan turned around and returned to the room, saying noncommittally, "I hope so."

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