Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,334 Unpleasant Rewards

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Seeing that the two of them looked like they were being taught a lesson by a teacher, with timid faces but nodding their heads as if they were elementary school students who made mistakes, Tang Ze stopped lecturing them any more.

Some words are better not to be serious but to the point.

Just like the "3, 2, 1" "baby phrase" that many families use, sometimes it makes people more scared to just click it.

"take away!"

Watching the matter come to an end, Officer Megure ordered his subordinates to take Tsuji Eisaku away with a wave of his hand.

"This case is all thanks to you, Karasawa." Officer Megure looked at the prisoner being escorted away by Officer Takagi and said to Karasawa with a smile, "It's just a pity that it disturbed your interest in visiting the school festival."

"It's nothing, we've almost finished the festival." Tang Ze said with a dull smile.

"No more gossip, let's leave first." Since he didn't look up or down, Mumu didn't have any desire to chat, so he said goodbye to Karasawa and escorted the prisoners away.

"Let's go too."

Watching Megure, Takagi and others leave, Karasawa called on the three girls around him who were still immersed in the case to leave.

As for Conan on the side, there is no need to worry about it. Even if he is still reviewing previous cases, the child's multitasking ensures that he can receive information from the outside world in a timely manner.

"By the way, Uncle Mouri didn't come over at the end." Sonoko said strangely: "The police cars are obviously here, so it stands to reason that such a big movement should be noticed, right?"

"I don't know." Xiaolan was a little surprised when she heard this, "It's a little strange."

"Then let's go to the stage and take a look." Ayako said with a smile.

"Then let's go, although I have some guesses." Karasawa thought that before the incident, they heard Mouri Kogoro's confident "Detective **1808 Clever Plan" on the stage, and they had already had some foresight.

"Um...I probably guessed it..." After coming back to his senses, Conan also agreed after hearing this.

"What are you two talking about!" Sonoko put her hands on her hips and said dissatisfiedly, "Nevermind, we'll know everything after we go over and take a look!"

When a group of people walked to the stage of the university playground, they found Kogoro Mori still standing on the stage and talking: "The next is the 104th trick, I believe everyone has the so-called bag of patience!

If you get angry all the time, you won't be able to do a good job as a detective..."

"No way..."

Looking at Kogoro Mouri talking eloquently on the stage, and the two female hosts who were still leaning against each other and about to fall asleep, Sonoko said in disbelief: "Why is Uncle Mouri still giving a speech..."

"This is too long..." Tang Ze said helplessly, holding his forehead: "I really prepared 108 clever plans..."

"The tourists have all left..." Ayako said as she looked around.

"Let's go too." Xiaolan said helplessly, holding her forehead.

"Aren't you waiting for Detective Mori?" Ayako asked in surprise.

"Ignore him!" Xiaolan covered her face and said, "Just let dad continue to speak on the stage..."

Obviously, even Xiaolan, her biological daughter, found her father's performance quite embarrassing.

Fortunately, she was used to her father doing embarrassing things from time to time, so she quickly adjusted her mentality and didn't think about stopping him.

After all, based on her understanding of her father, even if she had the courage to go up and catch him, the other party would not appreciate it, and would even blame her for disturbing him in sharing his clever ideas.

After all, my father is such a guy who can't read the air at certain times and is stubborn. If he goes up on his own, he may not achieve the desired results, and he may even make jokes on the stage along with him.

So I simply chose to ignore it. Anyway, I was not with my father, and there was no need to wait for him.

"That's right!" Yuanzi waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about uncle, let's go eat delicious food. After being frightened, I suddenly felt very hungry."

"What do you want to eat?" Ayako asked after hearing her sister's words.

"Well... the weather is so hot, let's go eat roasted birds!" Sonoko thought for a while, snapped her fingers and said, "Barbecue with iced drinks is indeed the most enjoyable!"

While talking, Yuanzi also made a gesture of drinking from the cup, which looked extremely rough.

"You look a bit like a middle-aged uncle." Tang Ze complained mercilessly when he saw this.

"Hey, brother-in-law, you are too much!" Yuanzi woke up from his fantasy, hugged Xiaolan's arm dissatisfied and said, "How can you say that about a beautiful young girl, right Xiaolan?"

"Well..." Xiaolan said with an embarrassed look on her face: "What you did just now, Sonoko, is a bit like what my dad does when he wants to drink..."

"Wha, what!?" Sonoko was dumbfounded when she heard this. Her head turned towards the stage little by little as if it were rusty, and her trembling fingers pointed at Kogoro Mouri who was giving a passionate speech: "Same as Uncle Mouri?"

"Well..." Xiaolan nodded awkwardly: "Although I don't want to hit you, I do..."

Invisible arrows blasted through Yuanzi's whole body in an instant. At this moment, she was really hit.

"Okay, stop playing tricks." Looking at her dejected sister, Ayako pushed up and shook Sonoko awake, "I'll take you to eat something delicious!"

Under the leadership of Ayako, Sonoko followed them without hesitation. The group ignored Kogoro Mouri who was still on the stage and talked about his clever tips, and arrived at the Yakiniku shop.

It wasn't until the roasted bird skewers were served that Sonoko came back to her senses amidst Ayako's shouts.

"Eat, eat!!" After being rejuvenated by the delicious food, Sonoko immediately returned to his true nature and began to concentrate on dealing with the roasted bird in front of him.

After eating three chicken skewers in succession, Sonoko's movements changed from a coquettish lady to a bold uncle, especially the gesture of drinking a drink after the last skewer. Even after being reminded, Sonoko still 100% replicated the appearance of Mouri Kogoro drinking. .

Looking at her bold appearance, the group of people were either complaining in their hearts, or they were hesitant to speak and didn't know whether to remind her.

Just a reminder, the previous blow is still fresh in my mind. It would be bad if Yuanzi's mood got any lower and it affected her meal.

Don't remind her, Ayako feels that her sister's eating habits do need to be corrected.

In the end, faced with Karasawa's silent shaking of his head, Ayako finally gave up her plan.

After all, what happened today is bad enough. It's lucky that my sister didn't seem to be affected much. As for the issue of eating, I'd better put it aside for now.

Just let her indulge herself today.

Thinking of this, Ayako no longer struggled and enjoyed the delicious dinner with peace of mind.

The so-called roast bird is a whole chicken feast. Various parts of the chicken are used to make various grilled skewers, and paired with the store's secret sauce, you can taste various different textures.

Generally speaking, among the Japanese food that is very light in overall style, it can be regarded as a more "tasteful" food.

After dinner, Karasawa drove Xiaolan and Xiaolan back to the office, and then continued to drive back to the Suzuki family mansion with Sonoko.

After all, I haven’t gone back to rest for a long time. I went out to play for so long some time ago, so it’s not bad to stay at home for two days.

However, after Xiaolan and the two left, there were no outsiders, and Ayako finally couldn't help but remind Sonoko.

Well, because the wording is relatively euphemistic and not so direct, it is not a sermon but a reminder.

And Yuanzi also recalled his unscrupulous appearance at that time, and couldn't help but blush, covering his head and regretting his "dark history."

She didn't notice it when she wasn't aware of it, but after being tactfully reminded by her sister, Sonoko felt that she was really "socially dead".

Before anyone reminded her, she didn't realize anything was wrong, but once she was reminded, especially after she reluctantly asked her sister for details, she heard her sister's detailed description.

Yuanzi is a bit autistic.

The eldest lady she has moved forward with dignity is actually the same as the "lecherous uncle" whom she often calls

” becomes a virtue.

This is really heartbreaking.

"Sister, help me hire an etiquette teacher tomorrow!" Yuanzi solemnly clenched her fists and said, "I want to re-train and become a dignified and elegant lady!"

"It's nothing..." Ayako looked at her sister's energetic look, but there was some hesitation on her face: "But you can't be hot for three minutes."

"Don't worry, it won't happen!" Yuanzi patted her chest and assured, "I will definitely study hard!"

Karasawa on the side was skeptical when he saw this. According to his feeling, Yuanzi would probably refuse to learn the troublesome etiquette after only three minutes of heat in two classes at most.

However, he didn't say it out loud, so maybe asking Yuanzi to take two lessons would have some effect, right?

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and Tang Ze quickly concentrated on driving.

Soon the three of them returned to the Suzuki family's mansion and met their father-in-law and mother-in-law. Naturally, they had a few pleasantries, but Karasawa didn't expect to meet an unexpected and reasonable person.

Suzuki Jiroyoshi.

This old man who has always liked to travel around the world also returned to the Suzuki family's mansion today.

"Uncle Jiroji, what have you been busy with recently? Did you get any treasures when you came back this time?"

Because almost every time the other party appeared, it was a case where Kaito Kidd appeared, so Karasawa started to ask after seeing the other party.

"I didn't get the treasure, but I did collect a lot of Sakamoto Ryoma's belongings, and I'm going to hold a Ryoma exhibition at the Suzuki Grand Museum."

Suzuki Jikichiro heard this and said with a smile: "Come and take a look when you have time."

"Well, I will definitely do it." Tang Ze smiled and nodded, but he felt a little disappointed in his heart.

After all, we didn't get any precious gems. I guess Kaitou Kidd won't show up. After all, that guy Kuroba Kaito's goal is gems. Although this Ryoma exhibition is also valuable, it's not worth Kaito Kidd's action. .

In this way, he has no chance to get rewards, which is a pity.

He still welcomed the fight with Kaitou Kidd. After all, it was not a murder case but just a battle of wits and courage. He often relied on his memory to gain the upper hand and get rewards easily.

The more such cases the better for him, but unfortunately the reality is just an embellishment among many cases.

After chatting, Tang Ze and the two returned to the room, washed up, and planned to go to bed directly.

Of course, they were just sleeping. After all, this was Suzuki's house. It would be too embarrassing if there was any movement, so the two of them chose to rest tacitly.

However, before going to sleep, Tang Ze opened the panel, intending to check the rewards for this case before going to sleep.

【Haunted House Horror】

[Congratulations to the host for getting 200 destiny points]

Evaluation: In this case, you may have had a chance to prevent the case, but unfortunately you were still a step too slow in the end, causing everything to happen on the original track.

Because a case had occurred, it was as simple as expected, but unlike the usual two lines, three messages popped up this time.

After seeing that brief comment, Tangze's good mood completely disappeared.

Obviously, this time the system also thought that he did not do well enough and deliberately evaluated and beat himself up during the settlement.

However, Tangze is also a little helpless. Without a plot, it is really difficult to organize a case with an unpredictable future, especially since the prisoner has calculated his plans but has no intention of escaping by taking advantage of the geographical location.

Sighing slightly, Tangze finally chose to accept the result. This should be regarded as one of the only cases where he "failed" to prevent it.

But there is no way, he is not a god, and he cannot guarantee that things will unfold as he expects every time.

All he can do is to fulfill his rights and ensure that everything is done with a clear conscience.

After expelling the thoughts in his mind, Tang Ze quickly emptied his mind and fell into a dream after a while.

In the countryside.

Early the next morning, even though they had to go to work, Tang Ze and the others rarely slept in.

After all, there is no need to prepare breakfast by yourself, so the time saved is naturally left for sleeping.

Perhaps many young children don't know how happy it is to have a hot breakfast after getting up and brushing their teeth, nor do they know how hard it is for the person who gets up early to make breakfast.

If Karasawa and Ayako hadn't wanted to live a world of two, to be honest, they would have hired a maid to make breakfast.

After all, making breakfast every day is still a bit annoying, which is why they go back to the Suzuki family mansion to stay for a while every once in a while.

Firstly, it allows Ayako to go home and live with her parents for a few days, and secondly, it allows the two of them to enjoy a life of eating and talking.

Driving to Kesouyan, all the matters that needed to be dealt with before Nanatsuki Koshisui's absence were taken care of, so today Karasawa met Sihuain in the office who had come to fish and rest.

After having afternoon tea together, and being arranged by the other party for several official promotional activities and interviews that they couldn't refuse, Tang Ze drove him away.

It was not easy for me to have two days of leisure time, but I didn't expect that I would have to arrange work for myself.

It's a pity that even those who complain about the job still have to work, but I don't know if he has accumulated too many publicity tasks due to vacation. From then on until Friday, Tang Ze was almost recording videos such as legal education, otherwise he was giving interviews.

It gave him a headache these past two days when he saw the camera.

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