Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,342 Case Closed

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The short-term nightlife of oneself is over, and people have to be forced to work as the cogs of society during the next day.

Tang Ze was quite positive at work today.

There was no way to open the panel early in the morning, and there was no settlement of case rewards. This had to make Tangze worry about whether something went wrong during the investigation of the case.

So after eating early in the morning, Tang Ze couldn't wait to run to the First Search Section, ready to ask how the situation was.

"Brother Karasawa, you're here so early." Officer Megure saw Karasawa's figure and said with a smile, "It seems that you are also very concerned about yesterday's case."

"Well, after all, I am the one who solved the case. I can't just be a hands-off shopkeeper." Tang Ze said with a smile, "I feel at ease now that the case has been settled."

"I think you also like to worry about your hard work." Megure teased with a smile after hearing Karasawa's words.

But teasing is teasing, but the relief and appreciation in the other person's eyes are unabashed.

It was obvious that Tang Ze, an old criminal, still recognized Tang Ze's attitude in handling the case.

"I can't help it, it's just my personality." Tang Ze spread his hands and said, "Let's get down to business. Haven't you found the person?"

"I actually found out about the other party yesterday, but when I went to his house, I found that he was not there. I thought he was eating out or something, but I didn't find him back until the evening.

At first, we thought that the other party knew the news and ran away in advance, but after further investigation, we learned from the other party’s friends that he was hospitalized. "

Memu smiled helplessly and said: "But when we rushed to the hospital, we found out that the other party was discharged from the hospital yesterday. It means that we ran away and waited at his house for a while to wait for him.

The result was that the boy was detained until midnight. Because there was physical evidence and there was no rush to interrogate him all night, he was allowed to go home and rest first and wait for the interrogation this morning. "

"This is a mistake." Tang Ze also smiled helplessly after hearing this. He finally knew what the problem was with the reward not being settled.

Without interrogating the prisoner, there would naturally be no confession, and there would naturally be no possibility of settling his reward.

"Counting the time, Takagi and the others are coming soon. Let's go and see it together later?" Seeing that Tangze was so interested, Megure directly invited him to go to the interrogation room to see it.

"Okay." Karasawa nodded, and the two chatted in the office for more than ten minutes. After that, Takagi and Sato Miwako arrived.

It was the two of them who arrested him yesterday, so naturally they should be the ones to interrogate today.

After a group of four people went to the interrogation room, Takagi and the others entered, while Karasawa and the others stood outside the one-way glass and watched the interrogation of the two.

"Why did you arrest me! Why did you let me stay here overnight!!"

As soon as he saw Takagi and the two entering the room, the young man couldn't help but roar loudly.

"Huh? Didn't you say anything about evidence?" Seeing the other party's confident questioning, Karasawa looked at Officer Megure in surprise and asked.

"We only said that there is relevant evidence to prove that he is a suspect, but we did not specify what evidence it was."

There was a hint of slyness on Officer Megure's fool's face: "If I tell you the evidence, after a night of thinking, he might be able to come up with a reason.

So I simply didn't tell him, and waited until the interrogation to catch him off guard. "

"I see, that's a good plan." Tang Ze said with a thumbs up.

"A soldier never tires of deceit. I learned this from you."

Officer Memu laughed when he heard this and said, "Your previous traps and designs for prisoners have taught us something."

"When dealing with those cunning criminals, you should be more cunning than them." Tang Ze said with a smile: "I am looking forward to the prisoner's reaction now."

While the two were talking, Takagi and Takagi in the interrogation room also spoke to the roaring suspect: "Mr. Kawaguchi Kyouichiro, you know why I brought you here.

Mr. Yoda Masasaku was found dead yesterday, and we found out that you and he had a big conflict before. "

"Of course."

Kawaguchi Kyouichiro said with resentful eyes: Three years ago he stole my girlfriend who was an English teacher at the same school as me. "

"Then Mr. Yoda insisted on taking her for a ride, but there was an accident on the way, right?" Miwako Sato said.

"That was not an accident at all, he killed my girlfriend on purpose!" Kawaguchi Kyouichiro said in a gloomy tone.

"Then why have you been staying at Aido's business hotel recently?" Takagi said with a serious face, "It's very close to Yonda Masasaku's residence."

"I did come to find him." Kawaguchi Kyouichiro said dissatisfied: "But I didn't kill him!"


Hearing this, Takagi took out a photo and pushed it over: "Then why in the room where you imprisoned Yuda Changsaku, your name was mentioned in the death message left by him before his death?"


Looking at the contents of the photo, Kawaguchi Kyouichiro's eyes showed unbelievable despair, and the arrogance and confidence he had before instantly turned into malaise and guilt.

"You may have deliberately called an ambulance to create an alibi when you were involved in Tian Chang's death, but it's a pity that it was all in vain."

Sato Miwako looked at Kawaguchi Kyouichiro and said: "The deceased's message exposed all your forged alibi!

In a park storage room, he used fluorescent paint to write death messages.

And you didn't close the door when you moved the body, so you didn't see the death message because of the light. "

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Kawaguchi Kyouichiro beat the table unwillingly and roared: "Damn it!! How did you guys find out!!"

"It seems that his mentality is not as calm as you expected."

Tangze smiled and said: "I just presented the evidence and didn't think of any way to quibble, so I just broke down and admitted it. If it were those cunning people, they would definitely refuse to admit this evidence and use it as a sophistry saying that we fabricated the evidence." Lie to him."

"Hmph, that kind of thing will only add two more years to your prison term."

Mu Mu also snorted coldly when he heard this: "I'm afraid they can't imagine how advanced your scientific research equipment is."

"Yes, let's take this death message as an example. The evidence can be nailed down easily in several ways. It's useless no matter how much he quibbles and denies it."

Tang Ze also said with emotion: "But it's a pity that they didn't know that there would be such a method, and they still tried to be clever and thought they could avoid trial.

But they had no idea how advanced technology could be today, and all they did was increase their sentences. "


Officer Megure nodded in agreement, then patted his shoulder and said with a smile: "Okay, this guy looks like an ordinary person at first glance, and now he has confessed, so you can rest assured."

"Well, let's go."

Seeing that the other party had begun to honestly explain the method of committing the crime, Karasawa no longer needed to listen, and left the interrogation room directly with Officer Megure.

When he arrived at the office of the First Investigation Section, Tangze said goodbye to him directly without entering.

After returning to Kesouyan, Tangze entered the office and brewed a cup of black tea, then used his mind to open the system panel.

Soon, several messages popped up in Tang Ze's retina.

[Murder in front of the flower clock]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining 400 destiny points]

Evaluation: In this case, you did not conduct the investigation according to the rules, but relied on caution and super sense of smell to overtake in corners and quickly solve the case. It was an excellent case solving.

Seeing this, Tangze raised his eyebrows and closed the panel.

The case this time seemed to be solved easily, but in fact it was all thanks to his super sense of smell. Otherwise, he would still have been able to outwit the criminal.

As for now, the trick of directly sparing the other party has obtained decisive evidence, and the case has been easily solved without using any brain.

And because of the harvest of this word,

His destiny points reached 3,000 points. Even after the lottery, he could reserve 1,000 points for emergencies.

Thinking of the long-awaited lottery draw, Tang Ze was so excited that he could hardly contain himself.

But the more excited he was, the less he could do it casually. Tangze finally resisted the idea of ​​drawing the lottery directly in the office, and planned to wait until he got home to draw the lottery in his own time.

But what he didn't expect was that at almost noon, when he was about to leave early, Conan called to inquire about the case.

"That case was settled this morning." Tang Ze said with a smile, "You don't have to worry about it."

"Done!?" Conan couldn't help but raise his voice a bit after hearing Karasawa's words: "Why so fast!?"

You must know that they only discovered the murder case yesterday afternoon, but they solved it directly this morning. This speed was a bit too fast.

"After discovering the death message left by the deceased, naturally there is no need to compete with the murderer." Tangze heard Conan's heartache, smiled and made up for it, and by the way mentioned that he discovered the death message.

"Well, do you know how the murderer committed the crime?" Conan couldn't help but ask.

"During the interrogation, I listened to his criminal process."

Karasawa also knew that although Conan's move was useless, it was a detective's occupational disease, and he always wanted to review it again and again to learn from experience.

Therefore, he did not continue to prick his heart, but told the other party about Kawaguchi Kyouichiro's crime.

After Kawaguchi Kyouichiro locked the deceased in a hidden storage room behind the garden, he did not kill him directly, but locked him up first.

He himself swallowed the button battery and called an ambulance at 3:30 to go to the hospital to create an alibi.

After he came out of the hospital at 5 o'clock, he killed the deceased on the stone "6" of the flower clock, causing the victim to die when the minute hand pointed to "6", that is, at 3:30.

In this way, since the patrol started at 3 o'clock, there was blood on the flower clock "6", and there were scratches on the face of the corpse, it would naturally prove the time of death of the deceased.

That's a pretty good alibi if there's no proof.

After all, there are no signs of damage to the flowers under the flower clock, which proves that there is no way to fake wounds at other times. The deceased will only be scratched when the minute points to "6".

And since he was in the hospital at that time and had a perfect alibi, he was naturally able to clear away the suspicion.

"So, the criminal stood on the minute hand of the clock and went to "12" to scratch the face of the corpse, and then moved the body to the position of "6" to fake the scene, right? "

After listening to Karasawa's words, Conan immediately thought of Kawaguchi Kyouichiro's criminal methods.

"so smart."

Tang Ze heard that Conan figured out the joints so quickly, and praised him with a smile, and then said without waiting for the other party to say: "Okay, this is the situation of the case, the matter has been solved, you can rest assured Be your schoolboy.

I was going to drive home, so I hung up the phone first. "

Without waiting for Conan to react, Tang Ze, who was thinking about going home to draw the lottery, hung up the phone.

"Damn it, this time he used his police dog nose to solve the case again. It's like a left arm."

Listening to the busy signal on the phone, Conan couldn't help complaining when he was worried again.

It can be said that the two of them did not have the same channel in this case. When they were still thinking hard for clues and fighting wits with the criminals.

The other party directly cheated and found the key criminal evidence, and then arrested the prisoner.

"But even if you put your sense of smell aside, you can't seem to be better than Karasawa Criminal, right?" Haibara, who was going home with him, said mercilessly next to him: "You haven't won even once."

"But I've also had a tie!" Conan said unconvinced: "And sooner or later I will surpass him!"

"I think you should give up."

Haiyuan's eyes playfully teased: "

A person who is better than you and is still working hard to improve is not so easy for you to catch up with.

When you are making progress, people may have already sprinted down the road and left you behind. "

"Hey! Can't you say something nice?"

Conan on the side heard Haiyuan's words and said angrily: "I will work harder when I go back, and sooner or later I will be able to catch up with him!

And I'm younger than him, he just has an age advantage! "

"Well, it's up to you." After admiring Conan's furious look after being stabbed in the heart, Haibara said a few words casually, and then walked forward without looking back.

And Conan couldn't tell that the other party was being perfunctory, so he couldn't help but chase after him to argue. Unfortunately, he was angered to death by Haiyuan's childish attitude.

In the end, he made up his mind to study hard and improve himself, and then strive to surpass Tangze one day!

On the other hand, a certain Osaka high school student who is in love and has no intention of studying is about to be involved in this silent involution without knowing it...

Naturally, Karasawa didn't know that his heartache had caused Conan to become involved again. At this moment, he had returned home and enjoyed the lunch made by Ayako.

After eating, Tang Ze washed his hands, worshiped the gods and Buddhas all over the sky, and then directly opened the system panel.

2000 destiny points deducted!

The long-lost ten consecutive draws have begun!

The next moment, the consummation in front of me began to scroll slowly, and the information on the panel also began to beat...

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