Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,359 Follow-up

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The next day.

The next day after a cold night, as the sun rose, the earth regained its warmth.

The cold air is like a mischievous child passing by. It suddenly runs over and makes you feel cold. By the time you react and prepare to deal with it, the cold air has already disappeared.

The blue sky is dotted with clouds of various shapes, indicating a good day.

Driving to Kesouyan, Tangze responded to everyone's greetings like a "nodding machine" and finally returned to the office.

Monday mornings are always a bit busy, but Koshimizu Nanatsuki has also returned from vacation, so Karasawa is at leisure.

"How do you feel about going home?" Karasawa asked with a smile as he watched the busy Nanatsuki Koshimi pour him a cup of black tea.

"It's not bad. My parents were very happy to see me back. They also went to pay homage to a friend, and even handled a case when I met with my friend..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki counted in detail what happened after he returned: "In general, come on Said, life is quite fulfilling."

"Have you encountered any other cases?" Tangze asked curiously after hearing this: "Tell me more about it."

"It's nothing, just an ordinary murder case."

Koshizui Nanatsuki waved his hand and said: "The criminal used an ice knife to commit the crime, but Bai Mi Yishu's own bloody fingerprints were imprinted on him by the victim who resisted before death.

Afterwards, he was too busy escaping to find out, so it became conclusive evidence.

The case was not difficult, but the corpse frightened my friend, who even had nightmares at night. He dragged me to live with him for several days before he was fine.

I think she was exaggerating a bit. "

"That's a normal reaction for others. It's actually abnormal for us to behave normally when we see the corpse." Tang Ze smiled when he heard this.

"Uh... That's true." Koshizui Nanatsuki was stunned for a moment when he heard this, then scratched his head and said, "Don't talk about me anymore, how are you doing here, senior?"

"Ah, my life has been fulfilling."

Tangze said helplessly: "Even last night we were solving the case. Fortunately, we found out that there were no casualties, but it's quite unpleasant."

"Oh? Does that mean, senior, you discovered the clues in advance and prevented a murder?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked curiously: "What is the specific situation?"

Karasawa gave a general explanation. After hearing this, Nanatsuki Koshizui frowned and said, "Indeed, although killing people shouldn't be done, it's quite unpleasant to let evil people continue to go unpunished."

"It depends on his attitude. If he continues to be like this, I wouldn't mind using some means to teach him a lesson."

Speaking of which, Tangze was a little pity. If the system didn't settle so quickly, he could have used his connections and "money ability" to teach the other party a lesson.

In this case, maybe his reward can be increased a little.

It's a pity that he was not given this opportunity.

"I hope he can seize the opportunity you gave him." Koshimizu Nanatsuki heard this and said with a smile: "Otherwise, it will be miserable."

Tang Ze didn't answer the question, and the chat between the two turned into busy work again.

Three days passed in a flash.

And today, Karasawa received a call from Ohashi Ayoyo.

After comforting the other party with a few words to reassure him, Tang Ze hung up the phone.

Koshizu Nanatsuki, who was drinking black tea at the side, silently expressed his condolences for the unknown guy.

Even though he had been warned, he still didn't take Tang Ze's words seriously.

Do you really think that what Senior Karasawa said was just a harsh word on the surface to give a warning?

He is reminding you very seriously.

And now since you don't listen to the advice, I'm afraid you will only be tortured to death by the scheming senior.

However, Koshimi Nanatsuki really didn't have the slightest sympathy for this, because the other party was originally a developer who did not follow the right path.

With so many gangsters under his command, it is not a formal organization like Neon Ji Dao, but it is definitely in a gray area.

Such a guy is obviously not worthy of sympathy.

As for stubborn resistance?

To be honest, he is not qualified to compete with senior Tang Ze.

Even if he wanted to make his younger brothers cause trouble, it would be impossible, because the first call Tang Ze made was to the team department.

This is specifically for violent gangs. The criminals inside are more and more fierce than the last ones. A cute and cute new guy like Naoki Uei has only been here for a long time, and he keeps saying "cool" when he is working. He is even more extreme than the previous one. .

Of course, when he was in the Metropolitan Police, he was still a well-behaved sheep, but when he was working, he was the second-generation successor leading a group of old gangsters.

That's not a bad thing to say. After all, Naoki Kamei is also in the professional team, and in the eyes of outsiders, he is still on Karasawa's team, and he is very likely to take over the team lessons in the future.

And when it comes to pairing against these guys in the gray and black areas, it's really an attack weapon.

If they want to deliberately target them, those veteran Yakuza can only say harsh words and find someone to coordinate behind their backs, saying that they will be forced to the point of death, but no one is willing to go to that step.

Because of the reform in this world, the Yakuza has been severely suppressed, and the deterrent effect of the group is also very strong in the gray and black areas.

Koshizui Nanatsuki estimated that by about the afternoon, the hot-blooded young man named Nishizu Tokugatsu's subordinate would be "washed" by the team.

This "washing" means that the team will dig out all the information about those hot-blooded young men.

If you had any illegal or criminal behavior before, but it was not known to the police for various reasons, then you will be liquidated this time.

Even if all you commit are minor crimes such as fighting and petty theft, if you punish several crimes together, the total amount will be enough to drink a pot.

If there is nothing illegal but there is something minor, then please come over and have a cup of tea and stay here until the time for coordination and investigation is over.

Such a torment was enough to calm down those hot-blooded young men.

This was just an insane precautionary behavior aimed at his subordinates to prevent them from being hit.

In fact, Tang Ze was really ruthless towards the construction company in Desheng, Xijin.

After a few phone calls, it would be good if the other party's company, which had a shady foundation, would not close down, let alone develop.

And in this way, Xijin Desheng will be happy for himself, let alone causing trouble for Yanaka store manager's family.

For Tang Ze, this was just a minor episode. He had a plan before and all he had to do was make the phone call as planned.

"By the way, if nothing happens this Friday, I'll take you to eat ramen."

After dealing with the matter of Nishijin Desheng, Karasawa looked at Koshizui Nanatsuki and said, "How is it? Are you interested?"

"Is it that "delicious to death" ramen shop? "

Koshizui Nanatsuki became interested when he heard this: "But didn't you say that the store has closed and found a new one?

It's only been a few days, so it shouldn't open so soon, right? "

"At the end of the call, the clerk there told me that they have decorated it and asked us to have a try when we have time."

Speaking of this, Karasawa replied: "I don't know how it came out so quickly, but if you have time, go and eat it.

To be honest, their ramen is really good. After eating it last time, I still feel a little unsatisfied when I think about it. "

"Oh? Is it really that delicious?"

Koshizui Nanatsuki became interested when he heard this: "Since you, a food connoisseur, say so, then I want to try it?"

"Taste what?"

At this moment, the office door was pushed open. Sihuayuan looked at the two of them and said, "I heard you two discussing what to eat before you even entered the door. If you have anything delicious, bring it out!"

"It's the ramen you went to eat together last time."

Koshizu Nanatsuki said with a smile: "The clerk over there just called and said that Nishizu Tokusheng had taken revenge on Yanaka store manager's family, and the other party called Karasawa Criminal Investigation for help.

Then he also said that his store will open this Friday, so we must go there for dinner. "

"I see, then I can't be left out." Sihuayuan's eyes lit up when he heard this: "Zhou

On the fifth night, he called me to come with him. "

"No problem." Karasawa nodded and agreed, "I'll call Ayako together when the time comes."

"Okay, I haven't seen you Ayako-sama for a long time."

"Yeah, let's go shopping after dinner and let Karasawa carry our bags."

After hearing this, the two laughed and started planning their Friday trip, and the more they talked about it, the more activities they had. Originally they just went to a ramen shop together, but later they said they were going to go shopping, buy clothes, and eat on the way.

Hearing these words made Tang Ze feel ashamed and slightly regretful.

But the decision to go eat ramen together has been made, and naturally it is difficult to change it. However, Karasawa has also quietly decided to run away after eating the ramen. If not, he will run away as a driver and will never get off the car.

An appointment was made to relax after get off work on Friday. Time passed day by day, and soon it was Friday. Everyone made an appointment to arrive in front of the new ramen shop.



The hot and sweaty boss subconsciously welcomed him when he heard the door open. After seeing the people clearly, he smiled and said, "It's you two! Welcome, welcome! Come in quickly."

"You guys have moved to Rice Flower Town." After Karasawa entered the store, he greeted the two bosses and said with a smile, "Business is good, congratulations."

"Yeah, I think Miwa Town is pretty good now."

Koya Ogura smiled and said: "And the Mori detective who you met by chance last time seems to live nearby.

He also helped me recommend many customers. "


After sitting down, Karasawa looked up at Koya Ogura and told him, half teasingly and half seriously: "I hope you don't encounter him in the future. If you see him elsewhere, it's best to call the police directly.

Because it is estimated that there will be a murder case around him soon. "

"Hey, hey, this is a bit too much." Sihuayuan heard the words and said with a smile: "You are talking as if Detective Mori is the god of death, will you die wherever you go?"

"That's right, those have no scientific basis."

Koshizui Nanatsuki also echoed: "And we seem to have encountered a lot of cases. So according to what you said, senior, wouldn't it mean that we have become a bunch of losers?

Those things were just accidental, some of them had signs of committing crimes due to work reasons, and some of them were even the criminals who deliberately called the police. "

"But in fact, we are really dead stars. Do you think the detective physique is a joke?"

Of course, even though Tang Ze was complaining in his heart, he still couldn't express it on the surface.

"I was just joking." Karasawa smiled, looked at the boss and said, "Four signature ramen, please."

"Okay~ Four portions of Enma Daioh ramen!" Ogura Koya responded and shouted angrily.

After ordering noodles, everyone sat at the table and waited.

Looking at the environment inside the store, Tang Ze and others finally understood why the other party was able to open a new store so quickly.

Because the furnishings in the other party's store are exactly the same as the simple decoration of the old store.

Even Karasawa suspected that he just built a shop with painted walls, then moved the noodle cooking stove from the old shop, then bought a long table and chairs for guests, and then directly Opened for business.

Of course, the difference from the old store is that the new store is much cleaner than the original one, both in front and inside.

But it's just clean. This simple decoration will give people the feeling of civilian cuisine no matter how you look at it.

But it doesn't matter. With the boss's ambition, he naturally disdains using luxurious decoration to increase the price of a bowl of ramen.

And it is precisely because of this that he was able to open the store so quickly, and then attract so many customers so quickly after opening the store.

It is precisely because he has always insisted on cheap prices and made delicious ramen with care that this store has been able to come back to life so quickly after the relocation.

From the conversation between the boss and some customers, we learned that many of them are even his regular customers.

"Speaking of Mori Detective

, I suddenly remembered something. "

During the brief silence, Ayako suddenly spoke: "This morning, Sonoko called me and said that Xiaolan was going to compete in a karate competition and asked if we wanted to go to Xiaolan's karate competition to cheer her on."

"Oh? Is the karate competition for high school girls starting soon?"

Tang Ze raised his eyebrows when he heard this: "Then let's go take a look. Anyway, there's nothing wrong. I'm quite optimistic about Xiaolan's strength."

"Do you think Xiaolan can win the championship?" Ayako asked curiously.

"I'm not sure about the level of other schools, but the top three should be the most basic."

Karasawa commented: "If there are no players with outstanding talent and hard work, there is a high chance that they will not be Xiaolan's opponent."

But in fact, Tang Ze has already acquiesced that Xiaolan will win the championship. After all, there are not many people who can fight Xiaolan. The explosive force is really not comparable to that of ordinary female high school students, not to mention Xiaolan's actual combat experience. Quite a few.

Tangze agreed to watch the game, firstly because he knew that the opponent would win the championship and felt that this was something worthy of celebration, and it was appropriate for him to cheer for him as a friend.

The second reason is because he is relieved. After all, in his impression, Xiaolan has never had any incidents in karate competitions, so there is no need to worry about murders.

And Conan will most likely go there, just in case.

The third thing is to simply enjoy the fun of watching the game. After all, the game scenes in the anime in the previous life just flashed by.

The most impressive one was that during a certain karate competition, Kudo Shinichi made Xiaolan angry, and then Xiaolan became so angry that he directly crushed his opponent and won the championship.

However, there were only a few scenes, and this time he had the opportunity to watch the entire game, so Tangze was naturally unwilling to let it go.

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